• Published 17th Jul 2022
  • 968 Views, 39 Comments

Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Zombie Ponies (28 Pranks Later and Night of the Living Pharmacists) - Mylittleponyfan21

This is a crossover between 28 Pranks Later and Phineas and Ferb: Night of the Living Pharmacists

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Act 17

After almost for 20 or more minutes when they were building, the zombie ponies in the lair were beginning to regain consciousness. "COOKIE!!! COOKIE!!!" they groan.

"Uh, fellas, I think you might wanna hurry up." warned Doofenshmirtz.

"Yeah, I think they noticed that Derpy and I are not one of them." warned Rainbow Dash.

The vortex sprayer wasn't finish yet, they had to tight a few more screws and think of a plan of how to get to the water tower and reverse the sickness.

"You guys hold 'em off! And don't forgot to rubber up!" cried Phineas.

Candace, Vanessa and the mares (except Dash and Derpy) put on some rubber gloves from some boxes and grabbed toilet plungers, intending to use them as weapons. Applejack gestered to the CMC'S that they went behind them. They stood in front of the balcony in fighting stances, preparing to protect the kids, filles and the machines.

Doofenshmirtz on the other hand, stood in a karate stance, yelling while wearing gloves on his hands and head. "YAAAAII!!! WUAAAAA!!!"

"Dad, why are you wearing that? Aren't you immune?" asked Vanessa.

"Well, everyone else was dressing up!" defended Doofenshmirtz.

The zombie ponies began to approach the group slowly, but they weren't too far. Phineas tightened one last screw. "That's it! Everything is build!" he cried. "Now let's go with the plan."

He pulled out a scale model between the water tower and Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc they built and he began to explain the plan. "One: Ferb shoots a grapping hook, which attaches to the service platform of the water tower. Two: We send the vortex sprayer up the line. Three: We all ride up in the basket lift. Four: Once we reach the tower, I'll climb up the top of the tank-"

"Talk faster!" cried Candace as she and the others we're smacking the zombie ponies with the plungers they have to fade them away.

"-and open the hatch." continued Phineas as he noded his head. "Five: Later I'll put the cure inside the water tower and mix it with this giant 20 feet spoon I've build, I'll mix it and mix it well-"

"Phineas! We can't hold them much longer!" cried Vanessa.

"-until it dissolves." continued Phineas. "Six: Later once with the cure mixed with the water, Isabella will attach the connecting claw to open the hatch, which will move the vortex sprayer into place."

"Darling, I hate to say this, but can you please hurry up?" asked Rarity despertated.

"Yeah, there's too many of them!" warned Applejack.

"And we can't stop them for too long!" warned Starlight.

"Whoever reaches to the vortex sprayer first presses that button to activite it!" Finished Phineas as Ferb opens the button door. "Alright, any questions?"

"Yeah, it was worth the time it took to build the scale model and the giant spoon?" asked Candace confused.

"Totally!" answered Phineas. "Anyone else?" Later he saw something else "Uh, yeah, you in the back?"

But that something revealed itself as zombie pony Granny Smith in the back.

"Hurry up guys!" cried Vanessa as she smack the zombie pony with the plunger.

Ferb stood at the ledge and fired a grapping hook all the way across to the water tower, latching into the letter 'V'.

"Great shot, Ferb!" said Vanessa delightly.

But Candace noticed that Vanessa was distracted as a zombie pony had snuck up to her. "Vanessa, behind you!"

Candace rushed and pushed Vanessa out of the way, but when she did, the zombie pony had bitten Candace instead, causing static to surround her. "Oh, crud, cookie....."

"Candace!" yelled Phineas in shock.

And finally, the static soon transformed her into a zombie pony. "COOKIE!!!" it groan.

"NO!" yelled Phineas.

"Come on guys! We gotta go!" cried Isabella.

Isabella, Ferb and reluctantly Phineas climbed to the bucket. Rainbow Dash was flying with Derpy, and saw that Rarity and Applejack were fighting the zombie ponies, she wanted to help, but later she saw that Starlight and Trixie rushed into the bucket with the rest. The CMC'S on the other hand just stood there, they didn't know if they want to save their sisters or continue on.

"Rainbow! You and Derpy gotta take the filies with ya'!" cried Applejack.

"What? There's no way I'm gonna leave you guys there!" objected Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, if you don't do that, we are all gonna turn into one of them!" cried Rarity. "So you gotta keep going on with the CMC'S!"

"But, what about you guys?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"We'll stay here and correct our mistake, this is your perfect opportunity to correct yours too!" cried Applejack. "Just keep going with the rest, that's the only way to bring everypony back. We save Equestria a lot of times, and this won't be an exception, only Ponyville this time! So do this, for Ponyville! For Equestria!"

Rainbow Dash was a bit worried about it, but she knew that Applejack and Rarity were right, the only way to get everypony back is to keep going on. "You're right! I'll bring you guys back, I promise!" she said. "Come on Derpy, lets hold the CMC'S to the bucket."

"Okay, Dash." said Derpy as she and Dash grabbed the filies and put them into the bucket.

"What's goin' on? Applejack is gonna turn into one of them!" cried Apple Bloom.

"So does Rarity!" cried Sweetie Belle.

"I know it said to see that, but I'll put you girls to safety, and the only way to bring them back is continuing on." said Rainbow Dash.

The group later pulled the bucket on the line, already sent the vortex sprayer a moment ago.

"Hurry!" cried Phineas as he made the bucket fade away from the zombie ponies.

Applejack and Rarity noticed that they were surrounded by zombie ponies , but the refuse to give up, they still had to fight there alive, no matter what they do.

"Watch out Rarity, they could attack us a t any moment now." said Applejack focused.

"Yeah." said Rarity. I got a bad feeling that we will be-"

But before she could continue, a zombie pony snuck up behind Rarity and bite her, causing Rarity to scream and groan as static was surrounding her.

"Rarity!" screamed Applejack as she gasped.

Static was surrounding the fashionista and made her collapsed to the ground and fainted as static keep surrounding her. By the time she got up, she was now wearing a rainbow muzzle on her mouth!

"THEY ALREADY TURN ME INTO ONE!!!" groan the zombie pony fashionista.

"NO!" cried Applejack terrified.

But by her bad luck, another zombie pony snuck up behind Applejack and bit her, causing static to surround her cowmare body and collapsed to the ground and fainted as static keeped surrounding her. Applejack got up, but she was now one of the zombie ponies, now both mares we're paying their mistake.

"LOOKS LIKE THIS PRANK GOT BACKFIRED WRONG!!!" groan the zombie pony cowmare.

Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa were aware of the zombie ponies that started to walk over to the balcony.

"Oh, man, what I wouldn't give for that kind of single-minded focus." said Doofenshmirtz as he looked at the wrecked chopper. "Hey, what's that over there?"

While the zombie ponies were getting closer to the balcony, Agent P had regained consciousness again. He slowly was climbing up put of the chopper, but he was anaware of the danger outside. Zombie pony Twilight quickly bit Agent P's fingers as he latch onto the door. Agent P feel backwards outo the other door, static surrounding his body. Doofenshmirtz gasped as he watched his nemesis wearing a rainbow muzzle on his beak.

"GRR! GRR! COOKIE!!!" chattered the cookie zombie platypus.

"NO! NOT PERRY THE PLATYPUS!!!" cried Doofenshmirtz.

"There's too many of them!" cried Vanessa as she noticed that she and her dad were surrounded by zombie ponies. "Dad!?"

But unaware to her, zombie pony Applejack was behind Vanessa and bit her as static started to surround her, causing Doofenshmirtz to turn around and see his daughter being surrounded by static. "NO! NOT VANESSA!!!"

Vanessa transformed a little slowly than others had. "Ugh, UGGGGG!!!" The zombie pony she transformed seemed a bit confused than anything. "Co-Cookie...?" it groan.

Doofenshmirtz bit his lip, holding back his tears that threatened to fall. Agent P and Vanessa were gone now. His little girl and his little nemesis. Agent P and Vanessa both meant the whole world to him, and now it makes him fell sad that they were now mindless repulsive cookie-craving zombie ponies. And the sad truth was it was all his fault for ruining Ponyville's zombie prank to scare Rainbow Dash.

"NO!!!" he yelled angrily.

Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Starlight, Trixie, the CMC'S, Rainbow Dash, Derpy (who both Dash and Derpy were flying) looked back and saw what Doofenshmirtz was doing. He started to remove his gloves from his hands and head angrily.

"That's it! THAT'S IT!! THAT'S IT!!!" cried Doofenshmirtz angrily as he was taking off his lab coat, t-shirt, pants and shoes, until he was exposed, only having his underwear on, he didn't care if he was immune or not, he just letted his anger out for losing his daughter and nemesis. "I had enough of you minions! Alright you freaks! FRESH MEAT!!! YIPPE-KI-YAY YA COOKIE-CRAVING ZOMBIE PONY FREAKS!!!" YIPPE-KI-YAY!!!!"

The group just looked at Doofenshmirtz running rampanting around, doing the same thing as Buford did a moment ago.

"Again, with the clothes?" asked Phineas.

"I know. What's that all about?" said Isabella.

"THIS IS YET ANOTHER CALL BACK TO SOMETHING I DIDN'T HEAR!!!" yelled Doofenshmirtz as he exited the lab.

Isabella looked down, only to see the numerous of zombie ponies getting closer to the water tower. "Wow! Look at that!" she said. "We may be the only ones left."

Then seven fliched after seeing the bucket begin to sway away back and forth. They turned around to the balcony, seeing the zombie ponies climbing onto the rope, weighing it down.

"Oh no! The line's breaking!" said Isabella, seeing that the rope wasn't holding the new weight so well. "We're not gonna make it!"

"We have to! If we don't make it, Danville falls!" cried Phineas.

The vortex sprayer had reached the end of the line, landing on top of the water tower just in time, but the bucket wasn't lucky, since the rope snapped immediately in half. Phineas, Isabella, Starlight, Trixie and the CMC'S screamed as the started to fall. But Ferb, Rainbow Dash and Derpy acted quickly and Ferb steered the bucket, while Rainbow Dash and Derpy got the bucket from the bottom, only not to resist the weight and ended fall into the direction of the water tower's stairway.

The zombie ponies noticed the group in the stairway, they went after them to pass their sickness to them before they could reach to the top of the water tower.

The group were standing up as fast as they could, they knew time was running out and they couldn't just stand there and play around.

"Is everyone alright?" asked Phineas.

"I'm good!" answered Isabella.

"Ah'm okay!" answered Apple Bloom.

"I'm fine!" answered Sweetie Belle.

"I'm alright!" answered Scootaloo.

"I am!" answered Starlight.

"Trixie's fine!" answered Trixie.

And there's the vortex sprayer!" annouced Phineas as he pointed to the vortex sprayer on top of the tower. "C'mon, let's go!"

To be continued.