• Published 14th Feb 2023
  • 235 Views, 1 Comments

The Horror of Our Night - Dark Krystal

"I am your servant, my immortal."

  • ...

Where you end and I begin.

“I’m thy killer, cold and wrathful...”

I chanted to myself underneath the midnight sun. I keep my eyes shut as I chant it once more before silencing my mouth to give a moment of silence for her night. I let some time slip by before I end my nightly prayer. I open my mouth to suck in the cold air only to release back out. I open my eyes slowly and I find the mare on the moon looking down on me. Her embedded figure gazing down upon me, hopefully delighted for what I have done, and for what I must do next.

I rise from my stance and give a humble bow for her moon, lifting my head up once more and taking a look-over of what I have accomplished over the past few moons. I recalled how small and lovely this town’s cemetery once looked. Bright, colorful, and… unruffled. As expected from a town plagued by foul Solarist’s. Now, their cemetery was darker, more dreadful, more fitting for their kind.

What was once a small cemetery had now doubled in size, nearly spilling out into the treeline of the pine forest. As one could look over this dreadful line, they could see the town's resources had dwindled over time as rings of more and more poorly-made graves stood, lifeless objects with no items of remembrance or love left behind for the victims.

Every time I look at it... I’m reminded that I did this, that I murdered half of this town before its residents decided to abandon it. Mares, stallions, colts, and fillies. Nearly all and any I could get my hooves on I put down. It was oddly dreamlike, to think that a couple of moons ago I had almost no combat experience, and now here I am! Standing in the cemetery of my victims! My existence elevated the lives of loathly Solarists!

It was a... ecstatic feeling, one that I shall truly bask in once my last task is finished. The last victim. The true target, and the reason why all these lives perished.

I walked down the small dirt path within the cemetery, heading to the headstones of my first victims. I took my time to go there, enjoying the cold night air and the beautiful silence of the land around me. My soft steps and breath are the only showcases of life in this land. Still, despite the enjoyment I held… a part of me demanded that I pick up the pace and see if the traitor had accepted me, but I silenced that part down.I mustn't act like a starving, needy child. I cannot show weakness here, not against that wench...

I released a sigh and continued my moonlight walking. Eventually, the two headstones enter my vision. I halt and look at their tops, finding the love notes I left behind... gone. The wench had taken it. My heart started to pound against my chest. It was time! Time to finish my duty! To fulfill my... purpose for going on this long. Sucking in another breath I ignite my horn and draw my weapon from the confines of my cloak.

A ebony bodkin with a dark blue handle and a Moonstone mixed blade that could show beautiful runic designs on the blade when shown underneath moonlight. It was given to me by Captain Dark Light. A scarred and terrifying batpony... yet, a believer far firmer than me. Perhaps after this I should begin freeing the Lunar Guard from the prison. Could I? Maybe. If I can wipe out half a town, I could perhaps free the rest of her little ponies.

I looked away from the blade and gazed down the main road of the town, looking over the many abandoned and boarded up buildings to glare at the town’s lone solar cathedral, standing tall and alight with candle flame around its entrance. A sign that the wench was still there... I twirl my bodkin once and embark to the wicked building.

As I drew closer, I witnessed a strange phenomenon. With every blink the town returned back to how it was when I first arrived. When the daylight shined above, when children played out on the street and fellow townsponies met up and talked to each other or just traveled to their destination. Back when this town was filled with such life... only for my next blink to cut off that vision and return to the present.

Was this a test of guilt? Or somewhere within me regretting everything I’ve done? Perhaps, perhaps so... with a deep breath I straightened my posture and continued to the church doors, doing my best to disregard the laughter of the children, the conversations of passing adults, and the beckoning of street salesponies. I block it all out until I reach the first step of the cursed building.

I halt for a moment to glance back, gazing over the abandoned town lit with her moonlight. I turn away and face the large wooden doors with a rusted emblem of the False one’s mark in the center of the doors. Large and revolting as usual... But, that is something I can destroy after I deal with the wench. I nod to myself as I make the final step, with my final deep breath I place my hoof against the doors and push it in.

Straightaway, I was assaulted by... her scent; a strong persimmon smell leaked out the door. I wanted to cough and throw a fit at the fact that I ingested bits of her existence into me, but It had calmed me. It told me that she was in fact... here. No more dancing around to draw her out or spending moons just to figure out how to isolate her. This was it. The moment I’ve waited for since I broke free from that damned dungeon!

Now, the time to put one of my burning, cackling flames of hatred out... for good. I pray that Princess Luna watches over me and gives me strength. I hardened my gaze and opened the doors, listening to the hinges of the door groan loudly to announce my arrival.

I attempted to iron my heart as hard as I could, profusely wiping my face with my handkerchief as I walked down the hall. I couldn’t fathom why my princess summoned me so abruptly amidst her duty, but my mind could not think of any goodness to it. Did I make a mistake somewhere? A fault in judgment? I always made sure my advice was just and reasonable! So, even if the worse outcome came to be, it could be dealt with easily.

Did an outcome that I did not foresee come into play? Perhaps, perhaps so, does she seek my advice for it? Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe! Luna please! Let that maybe be true!

I halt and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I need to clear my fears if I am to meet her, I cannot reveal my panic or else it will move away from the topic, or even lower her confidence in my thoughts. I refocus and find myself already at her door, my stomach started to make knots within me rapidly upon the realization. I needed more time! Needed more time to get myself together! I do not, cannot, and will not allow myself to say something utterly foolish to the one whom I ad—

My thoughts froze as if hit by blasts of hoar upon hearing the familiar heavy hoofsteps approaching from behind the doorway. More liquid of fear began to drip down my face and fall onto her floor. How fie of me to dirty her floor because of my distress. I needed to calm down, damn it all! In a panic I raise my right hoof up and smack myself across the face, letting the sting of the pain overflow my senses and gain some semblance of sound judgment.

Seconds later the great doors pulled inward. Revealing the innate, otherworldly, cosmic beauty that was Princess Luna of the night. I halted as if I was struck by the cockatrice’s gaze upon seeing her. When she looked down at me, I felt my breath taken away and my heart grow warm as my absolute adoration for her rose. As much as I would love to stare into those beautiful orbs of star-blessed beauty, traditions must come first.

I give a humble bow to her. “Thou have beckoned for me, my immortal?” I asked as properly as possible.

“Yes... please enter.” A shiver ran down my spine upon hearing her voice, so… melancholic. Why does she sound melancholic!? If somepony did something to upset her... I will... I swear to my family I will-… Calm down, she comes first. I rise from the bow and with her given permission I enter my lady's chambers. My anger and nervousness fading as her scent of lavender makes its way into my nose, to be able to smell her softness... It was a blessing, truly.

I pull myself out of my thoughts when I feel Princess Luna move, my eyes snap onto her and I watch the Princess move across her room towards her balcony. Of course, I follow after, though at a slower pace to grant her some space. She stopped upon reaching the railing of her balcony and I couldn’t help but admire the absolute beauty that was the ruler of the night, Princess of the grand moon and night, the dream queen...

I had to remind myself to breathe and keep calm, she needed me at this moment! Not some pony to just idle around and appreciate her beauty! I approach her and place myself by her side. I attempted to look up at the sky along with her, but I couldn’t. My eyes couldn’t help themselves! They stuck onto the princess, taking every inch of her cosmic beauty but eventually froze upon seeing the face she wore.

My breath nearly hitches as I witness the melancholic look she bore. I wanted to ask her what troubles plagued her... What could I do to bring her smile back? What can I, thy humble servant, Dawn Star, do to please thou ? I wanted to ask all that, but I know her too well, and I know that if I were to show my worry and concern for her, all I would accomplish is her dodging the issue. As much as it pained me, I had to keep up my calm and collected facade, and wait for her to bring the issue up herself.

We stood side by side on the balcony, enduring the silence for what felt like eons... Until she finally spoke up.

“We apologize for summoning thou so unexpectedly to our domain.” She spoke to me with the same melancholic tone.

“Thou hath no need to apologize for summoning thy aid, my immortal.” I give out a smaller, humbler bow for her. I glanced up at her and panicked, despite my perfect response she seemed to have grown more melancholic! Curses! I must’ve made a mistake in my speech. I stood up straight and opened my mouth to apologize for my wrongness only for her to speak before I could.

“We... we know, it was...” She closes her eyes and shakes her head. “Excuse us. Thou may leave, we summoned thou over foolish thoughts.” She turned her head away from me, and for once I… was no longer able to hold my thoughts back.

“My immortal! Please feel free to confide thy foolish thoughts to thy servant!” I bite my tongue quickly and curse myself internally. I looked down in shame and prepared myself to be scolded for my foolish outburst. I could only hope for her forgiveness for my trespassing over boundaries.

“We see... then... then.” Princess Luna turned her head to look at me once again. “We... we feel...” She shuts her eyes and tightens her jaw. I stare at her, awestricken at seeing her being so... Vulnerable for once, struggling just to say something to me. It was both intoxicatingly adoring as it was fear inducing. I sighed and when she glanced down at me, I gave her a reassuring smile. A moment of silence passes between us before she looks back out to the skyline.

“We... have begun to... feel... as if we’re unacknowledged by the public.” Princess Luna’s eyes drop down. “My sister is... beloved by the public. Ponies go to her for issues... show appreciation for her presence, and even invite her to small gatherings.”

“And yet...” Her features harden and a scowl takes form. “We... the sibling of she, is only called to do diplomatic meetings with other nations… None of the public dares come to our court, nor show appreciation for what we do!” She raises one of forelegs up and stomps the ground, creating a decent size crack in her flooring. I hold my ground and keep calm, watching the princess glare down at the city.

Her anger quickly fades and her sadness returns. “It is as if we’re shunned… nonexistent.”

Surprise was apparent on my face from her outburst about her feelings. For a cosmic beauty like her to summon me to speak of her feelings... It was truly the highest honor I could ever receive. It took everything I had to keep myself from grinning ear to ear. Looking at her once again I see her giving silent little glances at me, a signal that meant she desired my response

Seeing how open she was of her feelings, it's only right that I in turn do so too. I turn my body to her. “I acknowledge thy feelings, my immortal.”

I stilled my breath for a moment before continuing. “I do personally believe the common pony does fail to acknowledge thou. The night that thou bless the land fills them with fears of the unknown, despite thy moon’s light giving them guidance within the darkness. The common pony fears what they cannot see, and sadly thy sibling is all they see.” I look off to the side, frowning a bit at what I must say next. “And she is all they desire to see. I fear that thy beliefs and feelings are valid, my immortal.”

Silence took the air for a time after my response. I returned my gaze to her, admiring the saddened yet thoughtful gaze she had taken.

“We... see.” She says sadly. Yet, she bounces back and turns to look at me with a questioning gaze. “Why does thou not shun me? Long before thy duty, thou along with Aurora Seer were once too part of our sister's time.”

I instinctively shivered at her question. It was true, in my younger days I praised the sun and feared the night due to the darkness. I even initially joined the castle staff to work under Princess Celestia but was transferred to Princess Luna due to the overwhelming number of serfs under her that were occurring but, that was before I met the cosmic beauty that was Princess Luna and before I was enlightened. I took a sigh, and looked her in the eyes as I prepared my answer.

That was a mistake on my part. I threw away my breath as I gazed into her cyan, starlight-blessed eyes that gazed into the depths of my very being. Blessing me with a peace I haven’t felt since my years as a young colt with his parents. I grew lost in her, my logic unable to start working once again as her enchanting beauty dug into me and lived within, thus what came out of my mouth was the most honest I’ve ever been in my life.

“Because... I adore thy everything, my immortal.”

I flinch as the wooden doors clanged against the stone walls of the cathedral. Above me the screaming of blackbirds came, strange to see such creatures during the night but fitting for what they represented to come. I gazed ahead, past the countless empty wooden seating to focus on the center lane and its ending. I gritted my teeth as I saw... the wench. Praying at the end of the cathedral underneath a sun-symbol stained window that was lit with moonlight.

She stopped her prayer and slowly rose up, taking her time to face me. My face grimaced upon seeing her features. She was one of magic like me, donning loose religious robes of the cursed sun. Her short-tanned fur and long flowing orange mane with a lane of white in it. I freeze in place as our eyes meet, my nervousness rising as I look into her strange dual cursed eyes of gold and white.

I always hated her eyes…

We stood there in silence for a moment, gazing at each other. Her face held some surprise at my existence before slowly turning into a loving smile. I felt my heart freeze. Despite her knowing what I've done to this town... to her followers... and what she's done to me! She still smiles at me!? I wasn’t sure if I was to be terrified that she had something up her sleeve or… that I made a mistake and the wind blew my love notes away... leaving her ignorant of what I have done.

Either way, I cannot back down now...

“Dawn Star? Oh my! It’s been so long! I never thought I'd see thou again!” She greeted me cheerfully. Curses, she must be in ignorance. I had hoped that when I walked in, that fear would take hold of her. Disappointing, but still she was now within my grasp and nopony could stop me. Like the others in a swift motion, I revealed my bodkin silently and began to approach her. Her eyes locked onto my bodkin, a look of concern over her features.

“D-Dawn Star...?”

“Farewell, Aurora Seer.”

Without hesitation, I rushed and tackled her to the ground.

“Damn these commoners! Fools, they are! To be unable to comprehend the enchanting beauty of the night and the princess!” I angrily yelled out while gazing down from one of the bridges between the towers of the castle.

“Nut, can thou blame thee?” I clicked my teeth and rolled my eyes. Looking over to my side, and frowning at Aurora Seer only for the mare to give me her usual smile.

“To play the Umbra’s advocate. Why would and should the common pony begin to appreciate what they fear? The darkness is something that withholds the unknown, and their princess is one whom navigates and owns such domain.” She points down to the common pony with her hoof. “...They do not wish to take chances at what they do not know unless they wish to be a fool. Thus, the common one's justification for their lack of love for her domain.”

I winced at her argument. I hated how truthful it was. I always disliked how truthful she was, saying all of that with a smile on her face with no hesitation. I gritted my teeth and glared down for a moment before looking up to the falling sun in the distance, collecting myself.

“I cannot retort that. However, even if the common pony fears the darkness, they could at least appreciate the night for its sky. Her sister’s sky is plain with only the sun, the clouds, and the blue sky. Its beauty is only appreciated when it begins to transition, Princess Luna has the beauty of the stars to decorate her sky, along with her beautiful moon.” I responded back

Aurora Seer looked down in thought for a moment then up to the sky with me. “And I cannot retort that argument. Her sky is something that philosophers, and knowledge seekers admire and long to understand its beauty.”

I nodded with a chuckle, pleased that we’re once again at a draw. She in turn gives me a closed eye smile. The two of us stand together in silence, watching the sun fall and looking behind us to witness the moon rise. I glance over at her, observing her. I always found her strange, she always had a smile whenever I saw her... she never frowned or revealed any other indication of a poor emotion.

In fact, it was strange to see a bright mare like her be part of the Lunar side of the diarchy. From her personality to her looks, she was awfully yet cheerfully strange... but I don’t dislike it. Eventually I find myself staring at her for far too long and gain her attention, her eyes meeting mine and the two of us staring at each other in silence.

“Something the matter, Dawn Star?” She asks with a tilt of her head.

I look away. “Nothing! Just...“ Hastily I decided to bring up another topic. “Just... pondering on how I can cheer the princess up. As her humble servant it is my duty to make sure she is always in a pleased state. She is my everything, after all.”

For a moment she was oddly silent. “Thou mean... “We”.” She breaks the silence with a quick retort as she puts her hoof on my shoulder. Hesitantly I look back at her and find her smiling as usual. “I too am also her humble servant. I am sure that we’ll be able to do something to appease her if we put our heads together!”

I couldn’t help but smile at her positivity. “Mhmm,I thank thou, Aurora Seer.”

“No need for gratitude, Dawn Star. I’ll always support thou and the princess.” We nodded to each other and prepared to part our ways as the moon began to take up the sky. However, in the corner of my eye I witnessed a blur rise up from underneath the bridge. I turned my attention towards it and ignited my horn, watching it make a sharp dive onto the bridge. Briefly, me and Aurora Seer glance at each other before straightening up for attention.

A member of the Lunar Guard lands before us, quickly folding his wings and straightening his posture before focusing on us. Internally I was pleased that it was just a guard.

“Princess Luna has summoned thee.” He announced it to us.

“Both of us?” I ask, getting a nod in response.

“Well then, let us not keep her waiting.” I smile and start making my way towards her tower, I briefly glance at Aurora and for a moment I thought I witnessed her frown, but it was most likely my mind pulling trickery.

I stood over on top of her with my bodkin's tip against her throat, hesitating. Despite what was happening, what was going to happen to her... She still held on that damned, loving smile. Only holding some surprise in her eyes but she was terrifyingly passive. Did she know that one day I would come get my vengeance? Or, does she have something up her sleeve? I need to put her down now before she cou—

“To think it was thou, Dawn Star... Whom did all of this? I must say I am surprised and saddened...” She says to me in a soft melancholic tone, while looking me in the eyes. I shook as our eyes met and looked away.

“It is because thou entered and infested them with traitorous and heretic teachings of the cursed sun!” I snarled and pressed the tip more against her throat, calming down as I watched some blood spill out and travel down to that damned solar necklace she wore. Her smile twists briefly and she squirms lightly underneath me.

“Thou betrayed the Lunar diarchy, and my trust! I shall not grant thou the right to speak final words, thy tongue has poisoned enough! I hope that the mistress of the moon forgives thy foolishness.” I closed my eyes and focused my magic, giving an internal prayer to my immortal as my magic plunges the bodkin into her flesh. I open my eyes and take pleasure upon seeing her fate.

However, that pleasure never came. Instead of the horror, fear, or despair I longed to see from her. All she held on her face was... that smile. That damned smile! Even in the process of death she had the audacity to smile at me! Even when my cold blade had penetrated her flesh, drowning her in her own blood! She still had the willpower to smile at me! I snarled and pulled the bodkin out with no grace, letting her blood spill out onto the floor and my cheek.

Even if it was an unsatisfying death to me... She is gone now. Gone from life, and eventually my mind. Now, I can begin to work on freeing my immortal’s guardians. I thrusted my blade in the air to shake off the remaining blood onto the floor and I paused... On the floor I noticed a strange lit amber crack, slowly spreading through the floor. I began to look around in panic and notice more cracks were appearing and spreading.

A trap! Of course she’d be the type to create a magic trap after or before her death! Damned wench! I quickly ignited my horn and formed a barrier around myself. Even if she had enough magic to bypass my barrier it should be powerful enough to keep me alive, minus some injuries. I waited still, watching the cracks grow, and joining each other, until the cathedral was embedded with them. I closed my eyes and strengthened my magic as the glow grew brighter.

All at once, the sound of glass shattering had surrounded me. Cursing my ears like a banshee encounter. But, just as abruptly as the sound came it ended. I opened my eyes when I noticed the strangeness of no glass or objects colliding with the ground, and I found myself looking directly down the center lane. My eyes grew and my jaw became loose as I saw… Aurora Seer... alive, and smiling at me from the cathedrals entrance.

Slowly, I turned around and looked where the mare I had killed was.My heart squeezed tightly upon seeing no corpse behind me. It only tightened more as I returned my gaze back to the entrance and saw her lit horn. I… I was a fool. I had overlooked the one advantage she had over me...

I never bothered to ask her what she specializes in magically. I had no notion of an idea to what magic she specialized in. It was an illusion. I felt sweat begin to travel down against my skin as the two of us stared at each other.

The silence that plagued the building was deafening. I couldn’t fathom what was going through that skull of hers, why was she just standing there? Why didn’t she attack me during the illusion? When did she cast it? What is going on!? I... was... scared. Scared of her for once. I didn’t know how fast she could cast, how strong her magic was, nor how skilled she was at using it. To somepony like me who focused on stealth magic... She was my nemesis...

“Dawn Star...” She spoke up in a cheerful tone, a shiver running down my spine as I listened. I threw down my barrier and picked up my bodkin in preparation. Yet, she didn’t make a move towards me, only giving a closed eyed smile and turning around.

“Chase me!” She happily shouted at me before taking off. I stood there, frozen, concocting what she had said to me, and then I snapped back to reality upon realizing she was getting away. My target, the one who threw our rebellion into the mud, the one who betrayed the entire lunar diarchy, the person who I hated with all my soul! I gritted my teeth and screamed, I gave chase after her like a wild buffalo.

“Unhoof me, ye fools!” I snarled out as I struggled against the damned solar guards that held me. Why did they come for me? I have no evidence linking me to the destruction of the blacksmiths nor the guards' supply lines! Did I overlook something! I yanked myself back only for the guards to yank me forward with their absurd strength. I curse earth pony tribe for their physical prowess.

They dragged me down the hallway of the castle and until they reached a door. I once again tried to pull myself away from them, in return the duo threw me through the doorway. A grunt of pain left me as I rolled across the wooden floor. I snap my eyes open to see where they tossed me in, quickly recognizing that I’ve been taken to the Solar Captain’s quarters.

Speaking of him, looking up I see the proud captain himself looking down at me with a stoic gaze. I attempt to stand up but his damned guards come from behind and push me back down to the floor. I grit my teeth and glare up at the old stallion, he sighed and looked at me with disappointment and annoyance.

“Dawn Star, humble servant and planner of Princess Luna. Thou have been charged with conspiracy to overthrow, assault and destroy the government of the Equestria. Tampering with military supplies. Arson, for government facilities, and high treason against the crown of Equestria.” He stated so matter-of-factly that I stopped my struggle and stared at him in bewilderment before my anger returned.

“W-what!? What nonsense does thou speak! What evidence does thou hath!?” I angrily yelled. The captain simply huffs and walks over to the back of the room, taking hold of some documents and tossing them over in front of me. I grunted and ignited my horn to take hold of one of the documents, my eyes quickly reading over the message written on it.

My heart sank as I finished it. It was a confession log, a confession log from Aurora Seer of our strategy for our rebellion to honor my immortal. It made no sense! She was the one whom suggested this! She helped me convince the Lunar Guard and others under her banner to go through with it! She was the one who gave me the supply line schedules and buildings! Was it all a lie!? A scheme to throw me down? No! A scheme to destroy the entire Lunar branch!?

I gawked at the letter in utter disbelief, my shock fading into... despair at the realization of betrayal. My eyes stared at her name and slowly I looked up at the captain. “What... what is this?”

The captain huffed. “Thy partner, Aurora Seer had approached me and confessed to thy upcoming rebellion. In exchange for her confession, she asked for a lighter sentence and to rejoin the Solar Diarchy once again. “

My eyes widened, the last line stabbing into my gut. She must’ve planned all of this, and roped me into it. She had turned me into a fool wrapped around her hoof. For what purpose!? I don’t understand! I don’t! I cannot! I will not! I yelled and tried to rise up, the guards above me quickly doing their best to put me back down but I refused. Straining my body, I ignited my horn and prepared to create a magically burst.

“I’ll kill her! I swear to Luna’s name I’ll kill that wench!” I yelled out, feeling my magic grow rapidly. I was too angry, my magic was losing control but I didn't care... If my magic kills me or all of us it’ll be a blessing. Unfortunately, the captain reacted quickly. His hoof strikes me across the face, the sharp pain cutting my concentration swiftly and I feel my magic wane.

“Damned fool! Must I add attempted murder to thy charges!?” He shouted, looking at me enraged before shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath.

“Thou were once normal, one of sane mind. But it seems thy traitorous princess has corrupted thy mind and others. Dawn Star, I fear there is no redemption for thee. Thou and others under the banner of the night must all be taken down for the greater good of Equestria. I truly wish thou stayed thy hoof after this tragedy and not bought others into this.” He says to me with a heavy melancholy in his voice, all I can do is hang my head down and taste the blood that seeped over my tongue.

“Take him to the dungeon, keep him chained against the wall and stand watch. Inform other guards on thy way there of the Lunar Guards plot and to assemble.” He orders and turns away from me. His guards give a salute and drag me off like a foal’s doll. All I could do was stare at the floor, and think of all the ways I could kill Aurora Seer. I swear to Princess Luna, I would end her if it was the last thing I do.

“AURORA SEER!” I shouted as I ran through the pines. My blood burns as she responds to my enraged call with joyful laughter ahead of me. She was running me ragged, making quick turns around trees, jumping roots, and running through a bushel without tripping or colliding with something. I chased her while ignoring it all, breaking through trees with blasts of magic, crushing shrubbery, causing catastrophe to anything in my way.
Favorably, her fortune runs out, a smile grows on my face as we break through the tree line and into an open field. My eyes grow wide as I look ahead and see a wall of rock block her path. Laughter escapes me as I slow down my pace, watching her skid to a stop in front of the base of the mountain. She slowly turns around to face me as I approach with my bodkin, my smile twisting.

“Ahaha! That was so much fun! I never knew thou could run that fast, Dawn Star!” She cheerfully exclaimed, causing my eye to twitch.

“Enough! It’s over! It is time for thou to pay for thy betrayal!” I snarled. For the first time since we met, I watched her smile... fade, I froze up at the sight as she looked down with some sadness.

“Indeed, it is over.” She spoke softly and raised her hoof up to point behind me. Out of fear and confusion I looked behind me, my heart stopped upon seeing…another Aurora Seer. She was only a few inches away from me and held a smile. Instinctively I jumped back but my hoofing grew loose, nearly making me fall back. I look behind me to see how I nearly lost my footing only to find the world once again cracking and breaking apart.

The sound of glass rings out once more and I find myself looking at the sea. I was... on the edge of a cliff. At some point she had casted another illusion spell and made me her toy. Damn! Dammit all! I need to just kill her! Before she can cast anything else from that damned horn! I grit my teeth and spin around to face her and prepare to lunge my bodkin into her; however, she was one step faster than me. Before I could begin my action, she had already started hers.

“Dawn Star, I love thou.” She confessed to me as wrapped her forelegs around the back of my neck. My eyes widened and my magic fell. My mouth grew open as the shock of her words made me pause.

“W-what!? What play is th—” She silences me with a kiss. A kiss that made my legs weaken and my mind freeze. With no mercy for me she pushed her weight against me, my weak footing held no flame to her. I fell backwards with her still holding onto me, watching my vision spin and blur until I realized we were falling. A suicide? A dual suicide!? No… this type of suicide I knew.

A lover’s suicide.

My fear had reached its peak as the prospect of death came to me. I knew no levitation spells and because of her illusion I had barely a hint of the true landscape to grasp a thread for teleportation. The fact that she did all this in one fell motion… told me that this was all planned. She had planned all of this, maybe since Luna had been sealed… maybe even before that. I had underestimated her.

I wasn’t the predator. I was the prey.

I wasn’t the righteous zealot I thought it was. I was a puppet, controlled by a mare for moons.

My fear faded into despair. I was nothing. My plans, my ideas, my schemes, they were all hers. Which meant that… she knew there was no escape from this death. I began to find comfort in that. Perhaps it was because of her warmth against my body, that challenged the wind rushing past us. The smell of persimmon scent, and the overwhelming affection my villain had continued infected me with through her lips.

My eyes grew heavy as I looked up at the sky, gazing at the mare on the moon in the center of the sky. It was nice to die while gazing at her beautiful sky. However, even that right was taken from me. Aurora broke the kiss and pulled away from me, the moon that I had cherished so much was no longer in sight. Only Aurora Seer, who looked at me with one of passionate love, like proud married mares.

“We’re finally together.” She happily said, a shiver running through my bones as her line entered me.

“ I finally got thou to look at me, and only me...” She said to me with the voice ever so sweet that I started to question if this was really, truly the same mare that had used me all this time to achieve this moment.

“Thou… I… When… and… why…” I said weakly, desperate for closure.

She smiles more and pulls herself against me, resting against my neck. “I loved thou since our first meeting all those moons ago. I ached to be thy mare, yet thou only looked at... her. I wanted thy love... so, so much…” She nuzzles against my neck. “And fortunately the princess gave me the opportunity to gain it even if the only path I saw was through death.” She confessed to me. My soul shook… ever since that day..

“Seeing... and hearing thou murder all those peasants for me... for my attention, for when only thou and I are together alone… oh, Dawn Star… My love for thee cannot fill the ocean itself.” She said softly and gently. Words were unable to form in my throat, all I felt in that moment was chagrin. I was nothing… nothing but a fool plummeting his death, directed by his puppeteer and with his puppeteer.

And yet… In these final moments I strangely found myself finding no fault in her. She had done all of this with an overwhelming one-sided love of me, a love for me that was so terrifying and… beautiful, burning strong that I found some comfort in these moments. My hate for her flickered, I’m not even sure what I feel about her now. All I could do was wrap my hooves around her small frame tightly, and close my eyes as death greeted me.

Oh, the horror of this night, Princess Luna, In the love hold of another, in her warm, her overwhelming selfish love for me while covered in the blood and lives of others. I found some serenity with what I've done with my life as I felt the sharp pain of the ocean take me.

I hope in the afterlife, an epilogue suitable for me and… her could be weaved.

Author's Note:

Happy Valentines day~

I return with a oneshot story about love, on this fine day!

A twisted love, of course. I hoped you enjoyed it

For those wanting to know more about this story or my mindset during it then feel free to check out my BTM of it.