• Published 2nd Jun 2022
  • 1,263 Views, 58 Comments

In Reflection, The Same - Faedelaide

Twilight converses with a voice in the ice who claims to be... Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...


"So you mean to tell me that that entire glacier's made out of some kind of magic ice?" Applejack questioned.

"Not quite. We think that the ice itself is made of magic, and acts as a sort of protective magical structure." Twilight explained to the her friends.

Applejack, Spike and Gelgen all listened to Twilight and Gillian's with varying interest. Meanwhile, Pinkie was busy baking in the kitchen, her melodic humming just barely sneaking through the thick wooden walls of the cabin.

"Protective? What is it protecting?" Spike asked, taking a quick moment to look up from his comic.

"There ain't nothing to protect out there, it's all just water and fish. Unless, of course, you two think there's something else out there besides the ice." Gelgen eyed the two suspiciously.

Twilight could see Gillian shrink a little in response to Gelgen's harsh tone, but she stood tall, in equal parts to support her friend and to spite the old bird.

"We don't know what this ice might be protecting, nor do we know what might be out there, that's what we're hoping Gilda and the rest are going to figure out. But what we do know is that the Wall holds an immense amount of magic within it," Twilight asserted.

Gelgen snorted, but said nothing more. Instead, he slouched further into his chair with a pout.

Twilight could hear a disorienting low rumbling from within her head. "I think that old fowl had best keep his beak shut before he says something that he'll regret," Twilice hissed.

"Y'know, for an alternate version of the princess of friendship, you're awfully short tempered," Twilight thought.

"...That may be, but I myself would have already tossed this... bird... into the bottom of the ocean already," the voice responded.

Twilight had to hold back a gasp. "Sweet Celestia, that seems a little excessive, don't you think?"

There was a short pause before Twilice spoke again. "...Ah, I guess so. It seems this... timeline's laws are more conservative than mine, so I'll try my best to keep my personal thoughts to myself."

"It's alright, Twilice. I understand this is hard for you, but we're all trying our best to help you," Twilight comforted the voice.

"Well it would be outlandish of me to expect your friends to help me escape my prison. None of them even know I exist," Twilice sighed.

All of a sudden, an idea popped into Twilight's head. "You're right, Twilice..." She turned to Gillian in an excited fever. "Gillian, you keep trying to find out what the deal is with this ice. I'm going to get us some more samples."

Gillian tilted her head at her friend. "What? Where are you going to get samples from? Gilda and the rest have probably set sail already."

"I'm going to down to the estuary north of here to see if any part of the Wall swam its way inland," Twilight stated confidently.

At her statement, everyone else in the room gave her a look as if she were completely insane.

"What?" she asked. "The ice moves on it's own, I've seen it move upstream.

her friends continued to stare at her with expressions of worried confusion, which annoyed her. "I'm being serious! Just ask Pinkie if you don't believe me."

Applejack took a step forward as she addressed her friend with concern. "No offense, Twilight, but you've been acting loopier than a turkey in a chicken coop these past few days. And Pinkie ain't exactly the most, uh, reliable source."

"It's true, I say crazy things all the time!" Pinkie suddenly bounded out into the main room, holding a large metal tray in one of her hooves. She plopped the tray onto a table situated in the nearest corner of the room, revealing an array of icy blue cupcakes. "Like, did you know that the Crystal Kingdom is the second largest kingdom behind Equestria in terms of square milage?"

Twilight felt her head vibrating as the low thrumming returned.

"This place mocks me..." Twilice growled.

"Well thank you for the encouragement, but I'm going to be out for a little while. I trust you all to not burn the cabin down while I'm gone," and without another word, Twilight slammed the door behind her. She sighed heavily, disappointed at her friends' lack of understanding. It was fine, though. She'd get her sample, figure out how to get rid of the ice, and earn back her friends' respect.

"Is the princess of friendship's patience finally wearing thin?"

"No! Maybe... It would be easier if I could just tell my friends that another version of me is stuck in a block of magical ice and now talks to me in my head. But no, that makes me look like some kinda crazy pony, even though everyone already thinks I'm crazy apparently!"

"Don't worry, Princess. When individuals like us stand so far above the common rabble, the lesser folk begin to fear their own inadequacy. It is up to those who hold the power of knowledge to help those less fortunate and create a world that will better everyone, whether they like it or not."

"Yeah... I guess you're right," Twilight replied dejectedly. She let out a long, sad breath, hanging her head low in despair.

"Of course I'm right. I ruled Equestria for hundreds of years before Ma Vie froze me."

Twilight raised ever so slightly her head in interest. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Before Ma Vie, my kingdom was one of the oldest in all of Leudnan Righrean. It was even older than Queen Boiuna's kingdom!" Twilice declared proudly.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so experienced, Twilice!" Twilight cheered, causing her friend to hum with pride.

"Maybe in time you'll be just as powerful as I once was," the voice patronized Twilight.

"Well I have an idea as to how I might get there quicker," she hinted.

"Oh yeah, and what might that idea be, Princess... Twilight Sparkle?" Twilice said in the same way that an old pony might talk to a young colt.

"You could teach me your magic!" Twilight chimed.

Twilice didn't respond for a moment, which gave Twilight a pang of anxiety. Though after a moment, Twilice returned with a raspy chuckle.

"And here I thought you couldn't read my mind, Princess."