• Published 2nd Jun 2022
  • 1,263 Views, 58 Comments

In Reflection, The Same - Faedelaide

Twilight converses with a voice in the ice who claims to be... Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...


Twilight and Gillian huddled in the lavender sphere that guarded them from the sights and sounds outside.

"Wait, so is Twilice actually another version of you or what?" Gillian scratched her beak in confusion.

Twilight rubbed her temple. Something about all of this suddenly felt off. Why hadn't she thought this hard about Twilice's story before? "I don't know. The more I try and get information from her, the more her story twists and branches. I don't know if anything she's told me is true."

"Well, what's in it for you if ya do free her?"

"She says she's adept in Aether magic, and that if I free her, she'd be able to fix everything, set the ice back where it was."

Gillian squinted as she delved further into contemplation. "That'd be pretty useful if that was actually true, but we don't know if she actually can use Aether magic, whatever that is."

"Well, Gelgen actually saw me as she was teaching me to use Aether magic on my own. Twilice said that teaching me might've been the only way to free her aside from digging her out, which we don't have enough ponies to do so, or waiting for the ice to fade away, and we both know now why that can't happen."

"Right. Well I don't trust this Twilice one bit. I say try and see if you can get'er to contradict her own story. If you can do that, then you'll know she's been lying."

"But if she reads my mind when I'm thinking about it, she'll just use my memories and answer from there."

Gillian sat quiet for a moment. Twilice fiddled with the book's cover as she herself thought of a solution, but Gillian snapped her claw not a moment later.

"What if you just forgot! You could put a shield spell or somethin' around specific thoughts or memories, and then make a trigger word t'reactivate 'em that only I know. Since Twilice can't read my mind, I can be your failsafe. That way you'd know once I say the word and bring back your memories."

"That seems awfully complicated, and are you sure you want me to place such a burden on your shoulders?" Twilight fretted.

"Bah, I wouldn't mind. If it helps you, and gets us closer t'fixing this whole Wall issue, I'd be glad t'do it."

Twilight thought for a moment, her head feeling oddly clearer than it had been these past few days. "Maybe let's see if Ma Vie's book has anything helpful, and if we find anything really important, than I'll do it."

"Works for me, let's read this bad boy," Gillian agreed.

Twilight slowly opened the scaley book, tilting it to allow Gillian to see its contents as well.

Hello there, future or current princess of the Crystal Kingdom. Your reading of this tome is sure to be imperative to the continued survival of both you and your kingdom. Listed in this book is the other eleven lords of Leudnan Righrean, as well as their most dangerous weapons, their most vile assistants and any other dangerous entities that roam this putrid land.

However, as you are most likely aware, These creatures are likely to be trapped in ice, as I have planned to do so for the past years, and hope to execute this action soon after I finish writing, and long before you ever read this tome.

First are the eleven lords, Boiuna, Morvelek, Myjnik, Sammakott, Pairio, Einhyrningur, Angont, Quetzalcoatl, Nian, Melo Milo, and finally, Queen Markinockyonazae.

Each are to be regarded with great caution, but your greatest threats are likely to be Angont, Quetza, Myjnik, Markin, and most of all Sammakott.

All are unreasonable, insociable, and self centered, but the five lords I have mentioned are especially vicious, and seem to revel in the slaughter they cause.

"Wait, right there, Twi," Gillian pointed to the page. " Sammakott, isn't that th'name that snake thing told you 'bout? Go to Sammakott's page."

Twilight nodded, and began speeding through the pages. Many of them held hastily drawn images of the creatures that were described within. Twilight noted the unmistakable metal beak of the odd bird-like beast from before, and definitely took notice of the odd, elephantine serpent. It took her only a couple seconds to find Sammakott's page, and once she reached Sammakott's section, it only made her want to throw up.

But it wasn't the creature's horrifying body, or the words it held within, but one horrid feature. Where a horse's face should have been, instead there was a large, yellow splotch that was compromised of quick, frantic strokes, making it appear as if it were a light.

And it was a light she recognized immediately.

Gillian tilted the book towards herself to continue reading the passage.

Of all the monsters I've ever met, none has been nearly as malignant, insidious, or patient as the king of the dead, Sammakott. His rule over the land of Narok has lasted since before the kingdoms even formed, and his reign expands over a wide area. His armies are as numerous as the amount of innocents he's ruthlessley slaughtered. Worst of all, his eye possesses natural Aether magic, and can melt and mold the minds of all who gaze upon him as if their brains were molten magma. This, paired with his cold, calculating demeanor and his lack of restraint makes him a top priority threat. It will take all of my effort to defeat him, and if he is ever to be freed from his prison, may the cold, uncaring universe have mercy on your soul.

The two sat in stunned silence for a moment, and only after a sufficient pause and a deep, calming breath did Gillian speak.

"You... you don't think...?"

"I don't think. I know it's him," Twilight said with utmost certainty.

"But you said you saw th' light, and you're not mind controlled."

"Not fully, but she... he has full reign over my memories, and I should've known it was him that was giving me those headaches."

"Wait, like the one ya got earlier?"

As Gillian said it, Twilight growled in frustrated grief. "Ugh, I should've known he was also lying about that too. Of course he's still in my head!"

"Is he there... right now?"

"No, I don't know what happened, but he's gone... for now. Which means this is our only opportunity to wipe my memory."

"Are... are you sure you want to do this?" Gillian asked nervously.

Twilight nodded, then she spoke. "I'm gonna need a paper and quill."