• Published 17th Sep 2012
  • 8,875 Views, 378 Comments

The DisQord Continuum - ZoidbergIsBestPony

Q will eliminate the pony race unless the Mane 6 & the Crew of the Enterprise can stop him!

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The Discord Continuum

The Discord Continuum

Twilight opened her eyes. There was nothing; nothing but emptiness surrounding her. She realized she was lying on a floor, but there was no floor. She tried to stand up. As she did, the ground beneath her hooves started to feel more real.

She turned in every direction looking for something; anything. There was nothing to see but blackness. She tried to take a step. As she did, the ground she was standing upon started to paint itself in before her eyes, spreading outward. She found herself standing on a road.

The road appeared vast. She could see nothing but miles of endless road. Seeing nowhere else to go, she started down the path it laid. She walked on and on.

"How far have I walked?
How long have I been walking?"

Twilight could not answer the questions she thought. Time didn’t feel quite ‘real’ here.

Finally she spotted something more than the road itself. It appeared to be a Bed-And-Breakfast. A sign hung in the window: “Never Closes”.

As she approached the old building, she discovered an elder stallion, rocking in a chair, reading a large leather-bound book; “The Old”. Leaning on a post, stood a young mare reading a magazine; “The New”. A third pony could be seen playing on a game machine. He was a grey stallion with a blonde mane. His cutie mark was infinity (∞).

In fact, when Twilight double-checked, every ponies’ cutie mark appeared to be infinity. She walked over to the young mare trying to get her attention.

“Hello? My name’s Twilight Sparkle. …Where am I?” she asked. The young mare did not even look up. She simply continued to read the magazine.

“Um…Hello?” she tried again. “What about you sir, can you hear me?”

The elder pony too, did not acknowledge her standing there.

“Hello? …Anypony!? …CAN ANYPONY HEAR ME!!?” she screamed getting frustrated.

“I can hear you just fine! There’s no reason to shout,” The grey pony, with a blonde mane said standing directly behind her. He was so close, that he startled Twilight when he spoke, making her jump.

“AH! UH!...uhm…Hi. You scared me!” Twilight said still jittery.

“Sorry about that,” he replied. “Welcome Twilight Sparkle. We are both surprised and so pleased you could come.”

“Come where? Where am I? What happened to me?”

“You did the very thing we were afraid you might one day do. Yet, at the same time, you did the very best possible thing you could do, all at once!” he said without answering any of her questions. “You and your friends are remarkable ponies, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Huh? I don’t understand. Where are we?” she repeated the question.

“Welcome to the Continuum!” he said, waving his front hoof as though he were unveiling a vast city, instead of an endless road and an old building.

Twilight was still lost. She recalled Geordi mentioning something about the Continuum, but couldn’t recall. However, she did remember that the Continuum was related to Discord.

“As in…Discord’s…” she tried to ask but was becoming more nervous at the thought where she might be.

“Discord’s…yes…I suppose you could call this, the Discord Continuum!” he said, chuckling to himself.

Now Twilight was very nervous. If this was where she thought she was, then she was in terrible danger. “Wh-Why was I brought here?” she asked, nervously. She started to backpedal away slowly.

“My dear, WE didn’t bring you here. YOU brought yourself here! And might I add, you’re the first species to do it, besides the Q! It was truly, a remarkable feat, and exactly what we feared most about your kind.”

“Feared us?” Twilight asked now confused. “Why would you fear us? We’re simple peaceful ponies!”

“Ah, but you weren’t always. Your kind went out into the stars millennia ago and fought massive battles, combining magic and science.” The stallion looked up at the sky, which had suddenly filled in with stars.

Twilight remembered the Princess’s story of their violent past. “But we’re not like that now!” she pleaded. “We’ve been at peace for two thousand years!”

“True, True. Yet you just fought a war that left dozens of ponies, humans, and Bratak soldiers dead.”

"We tried not kill anypony!” she shouted, tears forming in her eyes. “Everypony we fought, we would not kill!”

“Indeed. We noticed that. Which is why you are being welcomed, instead of executed, for being here now!”

Twilight gulped. Her mind started drifting towards Discord.

“He died because of her…” she thought.

“I’m so sorry about Discord!” Twilight burst out. “I didn’t want to kill him. I tried to stop it from happening! I didn’t want anypony to die!”

“And that’s why you and your kind are safe now,” he replied. The Continuum pony was walking around Twilight in a circle, checking her out from front to back. Twilight squirmed with discomfort as she was scrutinized.

“Despite the horrific things that happened to you and your friends," he said; "despite a scenario where lives were at stake; despite leaving you with no alternative but to choose who should live and who should die; you pushed, beyond hope, for an alternative that would not involve killing. As did all your other pony friends. That is why we are so proud you could come here.

“But the Red Guard on the other hand…,” he continued, lowering his face in disappointment. “Here, we have a problem.”

Twilight gulped again. She had personally witnessed Captain Torus kill one of the Enterprise crew. “Please! You mustn’t judge us all based on the actions of the few! We preach love and tolerance. We are peaceful ponies!”

“You certainly believe that.” the blonde stallion sighed. “Do you understand what the reason was for testing you?”

“No. I don’t know what possible reason you could have playing a game that left many of my friends wounded or dead!” she screamed at him.

“You are the only beings in the universe currently capable of reaching us here without our help. And you could have killed Discord, but you chose not to.” He explained.

“Discord’s still alive?”

INDEED Miss. Sparkle!” an ethereal voice called out from behind her.

“Discord!?” she shouted in shock, as she turned and spotted him. He wasn’t quite right, though. He didn't appear whole. He looked partially see-through, almost like a ghost.

“My dear Twilight!” he said, spreading his arms and smiling warmly. He looked positively serene, which made Twilight even more concerned. She stared at him questioningly, with one eyebrow cocked.

“Oh don’t give me that look. You did it!” he said, still holding his arms out, like Twilight was suddenly going to run into them and embrace him in a hug.

She did not. Twilight just continued to stare at him.

“Don’t you see Twilight, that’s why these old fogies were scared of you!”

“I wasn’t scared of them,” the blonde pony interjected, giving Discord a sour look. "Merely trepid, is all!"

“Of course not. You were simply concerned that they might one day kill you.” Discord looked back at Twilight, who was becoming more and more confused by the second.

“Why would we ever try to kill you? This doesn’t make any sense!” Twilight said.

“Let me break it down for you then,” Discord said, putting an arm around her shoulders. Twilight could sort of feel his arm, but it didn’t feel solid. They started to walk slowly around the area in front of the building. “You see, in the beginning of time, there were not that many beings in existence. The Continuum was one of the first species to evolve.

“Back then, we had physical bodies just like every other species. We used animals for labor as we progressed as a society. Eventually, we shed our mortal forms and evolved into the existence you see before you now. But our animal laborers continued to evolve their physical forms, eventually growing into fully sentient beings, with tools and animal laborers of their own. Can you guess who they were?”

“Ponies,” Twilight answered.

“Ponies, yes,” Discord continued. “You ponies are related to us and, with your abilities, have the potential to one day reach the Continuum and even possibly destroy us! We could never allow such a thing. Which is why we eliminated all of your kind two thousand years ago, or so we thought.”

YOU killed our ancestors!?” Twilight screamed jumping away from him. “You killed billions of my kind?”

“No. They killed themselves mostly; fighting a war so devastating, it destroyed whole planets. Their technology and magic was reaching a level, along with their violence and hatred, that was deemed a threat to the Continuum and therefore, eliminated.”

Twilight was in shock. She couldn’t think of any way to possibly respond to such a horrid statement.

Discord, seeing her stuck in her thoughts, continued to talk. “They were beyond salvation, and would have done it themselves anyway, but might have also taken us with them, which we would never allow.

But then we discovered your little world of Equestria. You slipped past us by hiding in the dense particle cloud in this system. When we finally discovered you, we saw you had reverted to a simpler society with no computers and technology and weapons. You appeared to be at peace. It was determined that we would not just blindly destroy you. We, instead, would evaluate you to see if you would one day become a threat again.”

Twilight stopped walking, standing in the middle of the road. She was trying to process everything she had just heard.

“So this war… was a test?” she asked.

“Yes. And you passed Twilight! Your people are safe now. I’m sorry for your losses, but we needed to bring you to the point where killing was the only option. You still refused, and even when you had me beaten, fair and square, you did not kill me; which I thank you for, by the way.”

“Are you sure you’re not dead?” Twilight asked curiously, looking through the translucent creature, at the restaurant behind him.

“Well, you certainly could’ve killed me, but instead you just made me a little more ‘detached’ from the physical realm for awhile. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to my old self, soon enough!” Discord smiled and did a twirl of his ghostly self.

Twilight continued to think of all that had happened, including the many injured and dead.

“Can you bring them back?” She asked, looking straight at Discord. “Everypony who died… can you bring them back?”

“Well…” Discord tried to avoid answering the question.

“I saved your life! You admitted it!” Twilight yelled.

“Yes…but…well…ugh! Fine! All of your precious ponies are alive.” He said waving his hands. His demeanor and smile suggested this had been his intention all along, but was simply teasing her.

“And the others?” she added looking at Discord sternly.

“…Fine….the animals and humans are fine too.” He said waving his hands a second time.

“And the Bratak?” Twilight was not going to let him go until all the damage was undone.

It was the blonde pony who spoke up this time. “I’m afraid we have a problem there.”

“What problem would that be?” Twilight asked looking even more sternly at the stallion.

“You see, the Bratak’s planet is set to be destroyed by a meteor. Nothing can change this.

“That’s not fair!” Twilight screamed. "Even if they lost your game, they don’t deserve to die! You have the power don’t you? Save them!”

The stallion sighed. “I’m sorry, but the best we can do for them is send them back and make them forget. They will go out in blissful ignorance.” He waved his hooves just as Discord had. “Done.”

“That’s not good enough!” Twilight protested, tears starting to form in their eyes. “What about the Enterprise? They could help them!”

Discord replied, “No, they can’t. The Bratak were wiped from existence four hundred thousand years before you or the Enterprise crew were even born!”

Twilight was furious at their refusal to help them.

Seeing the anger on her face, Discord added, “Twilight, hundreds of sentient species, throughout the universe, have come to such untimely ends, due to natural events, like meteor impacts. It happens all the time. It's part of the universe and it would be terribly rude of us to change the whole universe around!”

Twilight didn’t know what to say. Her ears lowered and she shed a tear for those people who died, even though it was so many thousands of years ago.

“Ohhh there, there.” Discord said almost comfortingly. He tried to hug Twilight, but she still would not let him hug her, quickly backing away from him.
She had another burning question in her to ask. “Are the tests over? Will you finally leave us alone?”

Discord smiled again, this time a little more crookedly. “That entirely depends on you. If we have no need to test you again, you won’t be tested!”

He looked at the clock with no hands on the wall of the building. “Well, it’s probably time for you to be going back to your friends, Twilight. Why it’s almost, zero o’clock!”

Twilight looked from Discord to the blonde pony and back again. “How do I get back?”

“Just keep following the road until you find where you belong,” the blonde pony said, pointing his hoof down the road.

Twilight started down the road. After she walked several yards, she turned back to look at the pair of them. They both waved at her, smiling. She walked a little further and looked back again. They were gone. The old Bed & Breakfast was gone. The stars were gone. Just the road remained.

She continued walking down the road, looking for whatever she was supposed to find. Slowly but surely, she too faded away.