• Published 17th Sep 2012
  • 8,874 Views, 378 Comments

The DisQord Continuum - ZoidbergIsBestPony

Q will eliminate the pony race unless the Mane 6 & the Crew of the Enterprise can stop him!

  • ...

The Battle of Ponyville! (Part I)

The Battle of Ponyville! (Part I)

Applejack and her brother, Big Macintosh, were collecting the last two barrels of Zap-Apple jam to bring to Pinkie Pie. As Applejack pushed the last barrel onto the cart Big Mac was pulling, a thousand grotesque creatures carrying heavy weapons started appearing all over their farm.

As soon as the creatures saw the pair of them, they drew their blades. Some even licked them, salivating at their first catch of the day. Applejack had never seen anything like these creatures before. Thinking quickly she bucked the clasp attaching Big Mac to the cart, freeing him, and yelled, “RUN!!!”

The creatures charged after them. The sound their stomping hooves made against the hard ground thundered across the field. Their vibrations shook every last apple on the farm from their trees.

“Twilight to Applejack,” Twilight’s voice came through the communicator.

“I’m a little busy at the moment here Twi,” she yelled back over the din.

“There’s an army of creatures that are about to invade your farm!”

“You’re a little late on that! We’re running away from ‘em right at this moment!”

Twilight was afraid of this. “Who’s left on the farm? Do you need help getting away?”

Applejack replied, “It’s just me and Big Mac left. Everypony else was evacuated early this mornin’.”

“Good, can you make it to the far end of the farm where the apple trees are thickest?”

“I think so, but there’s no way out ‘a there! It’s right up against the mountainside!” Applejack said beginning to pant.

“Trust me. Get there as quick as you can and signal me back,” Twilight ordered.

Applejack didn’t understand what Twilight had in mind but she trusted her friend with her life any day of the week. “Big Mac!” she called out to her brother who was only a few feet behind her. Several dozen warriors were still behind them nipping at their heels. Their only advantage was having four legs over the creatures’ two. “Follow me!” she said as she started to change direction heading toward the mountainside.

As the trees started to cluster closer together, it became more difficult to maneuver around them. It started to slow their pace, but it also slowed their pursuers. Finally reaching the end of the orchard, Applejack turned around to face them. Even though she could not yet see them, she could see the trees rustling as they closed in on their position.

Smacking the communicator pin she said, “Alrighty Twi! We’re good and trapped right up against the mountain. I hope you got a plan to get out us out ‘a here!”

“Standby Applejack,” said Twilight.

The trees parted revealing the warriors rapidly approaching. Their beady black eyes stared at their prey as they raised their weapons ready to swing. Applejack shut her eyes tight and waited...

She felt the wind wrap around her body. She felt like she was floating. “Ima goin’ to heaven,” she thought. “I must ‘a died and I’m being carried away. I’m glad I didn’t feel no pain. But my stomach feels sorta strange. It feels like I'ma being pulled around by my waist for some reason.”

She cracked open one of her eyes. She was surrounded by clouds. She opened her other eye and looked up. The Wonderbolts had wrapped a rope around her waist and were carrying her up into the clouds. Looking around, she saw her brother also being carried away. She breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed as her rescuers carried her away from the farm over toward the outpost where her friends were waiting.

* * *

Princess Celestia and Captain Picard found themselves inside the Ponyville library. They quickly realized Discord must have transported them there to start the game. Picard immediately tried to open the front door, but it was locked, and he was unable to contact anyone with his comm. badge. The princess, seeing little alternative, had calmly settled herself in, patiently awaiting the outcome. Captain Picard did not remain quite so calm.

“Q, dammit! Where are you? I refuse to sit here and do nothing! Do you hear me?” the captain yelled at the walls.

The princess had made herself at home and even found a small kitchen. Using her magic, she started preparing some tea for herself. Quickly heating the water and soaking the leaves, she returned to the angry captain still shouting in vain.

“Well captain, I guess this is an odd set of circumstances to meet for the first time, but here,” she said floating a steaming cup of tea over to him. “The situation may be quite serious, but we must remain calm if we are to succeed.

The captain stopped his ranting momentarily to look over toward the princess. She appeared so down-to-earth to him, considering she was royalty. Taking the tea from the air, he gently breathed in its subtle aroma. He could almost swear he was breathing in the pleasant vapors of his favorite Earl Grey tea with just a hint of some kind of sweet berry.

Taking a sip and breathing out some of his stress he looked into the princess’s eyes and said, “Thank you. This is quite delicious your uh Majesty.”

“You’re quite welcome captain, but since this is hardly the formal environment, I feel no need for such titles. Please, call me Celestia.”

Picard was taken aback. “No. That would be quite inappropriate. I-“

“If I am the princess, and I have given my permission, than there is nothing that could be more appropriate,” the princess said smiling warmly at him.

Sighing and taking another sip he said, “Very well, Celestia. Then it would be terribly rude of me if I did not allow you the same courtesy. You may call me Jean-Luc.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you in person Jean-Luc.”

Smiling to each other, they gently sipped their tea in silence if only for a moment…

“My my my…Jean-Luc. I had no idea you had such exotic tastes!” said Discord interrupting their silence. “Would you like me to give you some privacy so you can give her Majesty a good bucking?” Sunglasses had appeared on his face as he danced with a hip-thrusting motion.

The princess’s face had turned at the sight of Discord as though her tea had suddenly become vinegar in her mouth.

“Q!” Picard screamed. “Enough of your vulgarity! I demand to know what is going on out there! You cannot expect us to just sit here in ignorance while our people may be giving their lives out there!”

“Take it easy, captain. I had every intention of letting you watch the big game from here, see?” he said as a projection screen appeared out of thin air. Video glowed from the screen depicting an apple farm.

“Looks like you’ve just missed kick-off, but let us see who’s got the ball, shall we?” said Discord.

Applejack and her brother could be seen on the screen running from what looked like several dozen warriors. Running right into the wall of a mountain, they appeared to be cornered.

“Ooh! Looks like the game is up for these two!” Discord said chuckling with an evil grin.

The princess did not want to let her worries show on her face, but was not able to do a very good job.

“Worried you might lose one of your ‘precious six’ on the first play, Celestia?” He laughed again.

Watching the screen as the warriors were mere feet away from the pair, they saw the Wonderbolts swoop in and carry them off up into the clouds that had formed just over the trees.

The princess looked back at Discord, smiling herself now, saying, “It looks like the ‘play’, as you put it, isn’t quite over just yet!”

“Did you really think these creatures, whom have been bred for war, would be defeated by a little flying?” he said still laughing. As the three continued to watch the screen, the warriors had pulled bows from their backs and were aiming up through the trees into the clouds. Releasing all together, a barrage of arrows soared up into the sky.

As the perspective on the screen changed to the fleeing ponies, the arrows could be seen piercing through the clouds all around them. The Wonderbolts twisted, ducked, and dived to maneuver around the incoming arrows. The flyers carrying Big Macintosh were able to steer clear of them. However, Applejack’s rescuers had greater difficulty. Twisting and turning, one of the arrows successfully struck one of the Wonderbolts directly in her wing. She buckled in pain releasing her rope and plummeted with Applejack out of the sky.

The princess had lost herself gasping at what she saw. Discord relished in her fear as he smirked and continued to watch with them.

The other member of the Wonderbolts had immediately dived after them, but there was no possible way for him to catch and carry both of them. As he nearly caught up to them, a flash of rainbow zoomed across his view taking Applejack with it. The shockwave of the Sonic Rainboom spread across the sky.

With only his partner still falling, the Wonderbolt was able to grab her just before she hit the ground. He quickly zoomed off before a second volley of arrows was able to be launched.

Both the princess and the captain breathed sighs of relief. Discord’s smile however had momentarily dipped into a frown. This did not last long before regaining his composure. “Oh well done! Well done indeed! I’m so glad to see you aren’t making this boring for me princess. You must be so proud of your little ponies.”

“I am very proud, thanks,” the princess replied with a smile of confidence.

“Indeed…Well I’ll be back in a bit. Enjoy the show! I’m just stepping out for a bit to make a few…adjustments.” Walking away Discord disappeared after a few steps.

The princess and the captain looked at each other worryingly. They did not like the sound of that at all.

* * *

Throughout Ponyville, small skirmishes started to break out. Some fights took place between the Bratak and Starfleet forces; others against pony volunteers. All non-volunteering civilian ponies had been successfully evacuated over the course of the last few days.

“Security Team 4 to Cmdr. Riker.”

“Riker here, go ahead.”

“Sir, this is Ensign Ryne. We’re currently under attack near the town’s bakery shop. So far the warriors appear to be primitive and no match for our phasers. We’re able to hold are own for now,” the ensign spoke over the communicator.

“Very good ensign,” Riker replied. “Notify me if the situation changes.”

“Yes sir, we should be able to-…”

“Ensign?...Ensign Ryne are you there?”

“Ensign Ryne is dead sir. We’ve got a problem,” yelled another member of the security team.

“What’s the situation?” Riker asked now getting nervous.

“Their shields, sir. We thought they were just a simple metal alloy, similar to steel, so far as we could tell. Our phasers were able to cut right through them up until a few moments ago. Now they appear to be able to block every setting!” Riker could sense the fear from the cracking voice of this young ensign as the sound of phaser fire could be heard in the background.

“Standby. I’ll send reinforcements over to your area,” said Riker

“Hurry sir, we’re down to two and there are dozens of soldiers appro-…”

The signal had once again been cut off.

“Riker to Security Team 5. Get to the town bakery ASAP. Be alert. The enemy’s shields are capable of withstanding phaser fire. Report on the status of Security Team 4.”

“Security Team 5 here. Acknowledged.”

Riker was starting to get more reports of attacks. With their phasers no longer having the upper hand, he feared even more so for the pony fighters who carried little but farming tools with which to fight.

“Riker to the Red Guard,” he called.

“Captain Torus here.” This pony’s voice echoed a deep male voice with a greater tone of seriousness than the average pony Riker had met over the past few days.

“Discord is altering the balance of the fight. Be prepared for unexplained advantages in battle for the enemy!”

“I’ll inform the men. We’ll handle it ourselves! Out,” Capt. Torus barked back into the communicator.

Riker did not like the Red Guard Captain’s overconfidence bordering on arrogance. He sounded to Riker like someone with no experience who thinks he knows everything and considered working with humans an insult. Riker could do nothing but hope the captain’s overconfidence would not end up hurting him on the battlefield.

Capt. Torus looked back to his men and said, “It’s time. You all know the plan. Let’s get ready.” Each guard member stomped a hoof in acknowledgement and readied their weapons preparing to join the battle.

* * *

Cmdr. Riker, Twilight Sparkle, Cmdr. LaForge, and Pinkie Pie directed the battle from the landing party’s original outpost. Pinkie was busy setting up her plan, which most of them still knew little to nothing about. After seeing Applejack and Big Macintosh safely arrive back at the outpost, she then sent them to begin setting up the Zap-Apple Jam Plan and was directing Rainbow Dash and the Pegasus team to start putting her clandestine plans into motion.

“Pinkie to Rainbow,” she called out playing with her communicator pin. “How’s Operation Muffins coming?”

“Rainbow here, the clouds are all set up covering most of Ponyville accept by the edge of town. Pinkie, I still don’t get why this plan is called Operation Muffins…”

“You’ll see. General Pinkie Out!” Pinkie said ending the conversation.

“General Pinkie?” Rainbow thought sighing as she started to get ready for…whatever Pinkie had in mind. Twilight had asked Rainbow to make the clouds shoot lightning and that plan made a lot more sense. Rainbow continued feeding the clouds growing them into nice dark thunderstorm-brewing clouds.

“Pinkie to Derpy!”

“Hey Pinkie!” Derpy replied.

“Have the muffins all been delivered to Cloudsdale yet?”

“YES MA’AM PINKIE SIR!” Derpy said, smiling. She always enjoyed any plan involving muffins!

“Good,” said Pinkie making an evil smirk. All was going as planned. “You, and only you, know what needs to be done. Make sure you see to it.”

Twilight, who had been listening, was very confused. Pinkie Pie didn’t even SOUND like Pinkie Pie anymore.

“Um…Fluttershy to Twilight? Is that right?” asked Fluttershy holding her communicator in her hooves, looking at it in confusion.

“Twilight here, Fluttershy, what’s going on?” she asked confused as to why she would be calling.

“Um…The animals are...there’s a large group of…THERE ARE BIG SCARY CREATURES COMING THIS WAY!!!” Fluttershy screamed.

“Oh no! Fluttershy hold on! I’m going to get help over to you!” She looked to both Riker and Geordi who said their security forces were nowhere close enough to be able to help in time. Lieutenant Worf was the closest to the forest, however was currently engaged in a battle of his own. Twilight quickly double-clicked her communicator and shouted “Twilight to Capt. Torus!”

“Yes?” the captain responded curtly.

“Captain. Fluttershy and the animals of Ponyville are hiding in the Ever-Free forest, but they’ve been spotted. They’re defenseless! Can you get there in time?” Twilight asked desperately.

There was a small pause. “…We’ll get there!” the Red Guard Captain responded with a comforting confidence.

Twilight quickly responded, “THANK YOU! Twilight out!” Returning to Fluttershy, she called out, “Twilight to Fluttershy! Hang on! Help is on the way!”

“Um…Please Hurry!” Fluttershy nervously squeaked as the soldiers closed in on the forest.

* * *

Before the battle began, Fluttershy did not want to wander too deep into the forest. So she and the animals hid a few hundred feet into the trees. From this position, she could still make out her house and her yard now both completely empty.

The animals were all gathered together in a large group. Some animals had even come out of hibernation to help Fluttershy keep all the animals safe. The bear was quite grumpy to be awoken, however Fluttershy offered to crack his neck and back for him again if he could help. All the animals were helping each other stay calm and hidden.

Fluttershy’s pet rabbit, Angel, was doing his part helping her keep the animals calm. A few of Fluttershy’s hens were trying to make a break for it, but Angel jumped in font of their path pointing back to the group. The hens didn’t seem to care. They tried to walk around him. Angel stomped his foot and pointed again back to the group. The hens started to get angry and tried to push their way past him. He jumped back into their paths and gave them ‘the Eye!’ Staring deeply at the chickens, they slowly started backing away from him, before turning and running back toward the group.

Angel had apparently mastered his owner’s most powerful skill. Smiling with pride in his accomplishment he turned toward the treeline. He spotted it immediately. Running to Fluttershy, he quickly got her attention and tried to warn her.

“What is it Angel?” Fluttershy asked looking at the overly excited rabbit jumping up and down in front of her.

Angel rigorously pointed to the treeline.

“I’m sorry Angel. I know you want to go back home, but we can’t right now. Be a good rabbit for me now, and I’ll make you your favorite super-duper special salad later, okay?”

Angel tried to shape with his paws the outline of the big creatures. He swung his arms as though he were swinging an axe. He made an ugly face to match the mugs of the approaching horde.

“You want to hit a piñata? That’s only for birthday parties, not now.”

Angel smacked his paw to his face. He jumped onto Fluttershy’s back, grabbed her head, and pointed toward the creatures.

“Oh NO!” Fluttershy cried. Looking beyond the treeline, Fluttershy could now clearly see the creatures approaching. They all carried big heavy weapons that her and her animal friends wouldn't stand a chance against. They were now roughly 10 minutes away from the tree line. Fluttershy scrambled to find the communicator to call for help.

* * *

Six minutes had passed since Fluttershy had called for help. The creatures were getting nearer all the time. “Um Twilight?...Is help coming?” she nervously asked, her fear now bringing tears to her eyes.

“I don’t understand,” Twilight said. She clicked her communicator fast. “Twilight to Capt. Torus…Capt. Torus, are you there?” No response was coming back.

“Twilight to Rainbow,” she called smacking her communicator harder and faster to a point one might wonder how it had not already broken.

“Rainbow here Twi, what’s wrong?” she asked noticing the tone in Twilight’s voice.

“Fluttershy is under attack and the Red Guard said they would get there, but there’s been no word!”

“I saw them a few minutes ago, but I lost track of them,” Rainbow said. “Last I saw, they were over by the schoolhouse.”

“That’s nowhere near the Ever-Free forest!” Twilight yelled now very scared. “Rainbow, our cloud plan…I need you to implement it right now by Fluttershy. Can you do that?”

“I’m on it!” Rainbow shouted and snapped into action. Commanding a team of twelve Pegasi she shouted, “Everyone, we need to pump out as much lightning as we can right now just outside the Ever-Free forest. Is everyone ready?”

All twelve immediately agreed and flew into position. They quickly started jumping on the clouds pushing the energy through to create the bolts large enough to strike the soldiers.

Back on the ground Twilight was still trying to contact the Red Guard to no avail. “I don’t understand! Where is Capt. Torus and the Red Guard?” She started to panic.

“Looking for us?” Capt. Torus said appearing with his men from behind the outpost. His horn glowed blood-red as he fired a beam straight at one of the Enterprise crew. The beam shot straight through the crewmember leaving a hole behind in his chest. He lived long enough to realize what had happened before collapsing over a table, dead. His blood blended in with the red of his uniform.

Pandemonium broke out as everyone/everypony scattered from the surprise attack. Geordi and Riker, quick to their phasers, managed to take down three of the attackers before running for cover. The attackers too died with burns through the red fabric they wore under their armor.

“Capt. Torus! I don’t understand!” Twilight screamed. “Why would you do this? You swore an oath to protect us!”

Capt. Torus turned, smiling, and shot a beam straight at Twilight that hit her right hoof as she tried to evade it. “Aaahh!” she screamed in pain as she tried to limp to safety. However the pain was too much and she fell to the ground. The Red Guard captain aimed his horn straight at her, ready to finish the job.

Shining Armor jumped in between the captain and Twilight. He kicked Twilight's attacker straight in the horn so hard it caused a chip to break away flying off.

“Big Brother!” Twilight screamed happy and frightened to see her brother save her. He was joined by three members of the Royal Guard.

“GET HER OUT OF HERE!” he screamed aloud as he continued to kick at Capt. Torus. Their horns interlocked causing sparks to fly in every direction.

Geordi and Pinkie quickly grabbed Twilight around the front shoulders. They quickly pulled her to safety as Riker yelled, “We need to evacuate! Regroup at the Town Hall!”

Every man and pony started to retreat, fighting with other members of the Red Guard as they did so. The Royal Guard ponies stayed behind to hold them back while they evacuated.

“Big Brother! Come on!” Twilight screamed as tears flowed from her eyes. She watched, as she was carried away, her brother fighting head to head with the Red Guard captain. As they turned a corner around a grocer’s shop, she saw her brother, impaled by Capt. Torus’s horn.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” Twilight screamed trying to free herself to save her brother. But the pain in her hoof was too much for her and Pinkie and Geordi held her back as they made their way over to the town hall.

* * *

Fluttershy watched as the angry horde of warriors closed in. Above them, dark clouds had been moving in their direction. Lightning could be seen starting to flash within the clouds. Rainbow dash and the other Pegasi were fast at work building up as much energy as they could, to produce the lightning bolts needed.

The warriors on the ground had never seen weather act so peculiar before. They saw the clouds follow their path and had grown darker more quickly than anything on their planet. As lightning began to flash, some of the warriors had slowed their march toward the forest looking up at the clouds.

One soldier, staring straight up at the sky, saw a jet-black cloud forming just over his head. Lightning flashed, striking down directly onto the warrior. He fell over unconscious; his body limp. Other warriors started to take notice as lightning continued to strike dozens of targets on the ground. They broke their formations in an effort to evade the strikes.

Rainbow prepared to strike what looked like one of their leaders. She backed up several yards above her cloud and thrust hoof-first into the cloud to trigger the bolt. However, the bolt did not appear. Instead, a long skinny balloon appeared, which floated back up into the cloud and right past Rainbow’s snout.

“What the?...” Rainbow said as the balloon drifted further up the sky. All of the bolts that were being triggered by the Pegasi where now turning into balloons mid-strike and floating back up.

“Oh I do love a good balloon storm!” a voice echoed over the storm.

“Discord!” Rainbow screamed. “You can’t do this!”

“I can, and I think I just did!” said Discord, who had appeared relaxing on a white cloud floating just above the storm below their hooves. “I want the playing field to be even after all, heh heh…”

Rainbow was furious. “How could this possibly be even!?” she screamed. Enraged, she charged straight at Discord who simply snapped his fingers. At once, Rainbow’s wings disappeared. She started falling toward the ground.

Still laughing, Discord snapped his fingers again disappearing. Two of the Pegasi saw Rainbow falling and grabbed her before she struck the ground.

The warriors on the ground, upon seeing the ponies dip below the cloud line, now realized the winged ones were responsible for the lightning. Taking their bows out, they began firing arrows up into the clouds. The Pegasi had to abandon their posts to avoid getting struck.

The leader that Rainbow had tried to strike now turned his attention back toward the forest. Taking an arrow from his quiver, he aimed carefully releasing the arrow into the trees. Fluttershy could see the approaching arrow and knew it was meant for her. Shutting her eyes, a tear fell to the ground as she waited for the arrow to strike.

But the arrow had not struck.

She opened her eyes. There was no arrow in her chest. Smiling at the thought the creature must have missed, she looked around to see where it did land. On the ground just behind her to the left was Angel, lying on the ground. The arrow had pierced through his stomach. He had jumped directly in the path of the arrow to prevent it from hitting Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was in shock. She closed her eyes as thoughts frantically raced through her mind:

“It didn’t happen. Angel is fine! He is greedy and persnickety and alive and demanding the perfect salad to eat. He’s not dead!”

She opened her eyes again. Angel was still on the ground, but he was moving.

Not knowing what else to do, she picked up her best friend and favorite pet rabbit in her hooves and cradled him like a baby. He opened his eyes and looked up at Fluttershy. He tried to reach out his paws looking for one last hug, but his strength failed. His arms fell to their sides. The light from his eyes faded away into nothingness. He was gone.