• Published 3rd Jun 2022
  • 3,358 Views, 56 Comments

Are We Gay? - Skijarama

Applejack has a question for Rainbow Dash.

  • ...

Are We, Though?

“Hey, Rainbow?”


“Are we gay?”

A soft autumn breeze blew over the hilltop as Applejack waited for Rainbow to respond. The sun had dipped low toward the horizon by now, sending shafts of orange and golden light filtering through the trees of Sweet Apple Acres. The fresh smell of fallen leaves permeated the air, joined by the rustling of those few that yet clung to their branches.

The two were lying down at the top of a little hill just at the orchard's edge after a long day of cloudbusting, teaching, and tending to the orchard.

Applejack swallowed heavily as she waited for a response. She was used to Rainbow being quick to retort to any odd questions with some sort of snarky dismissal or snappy counter-question.

Finally, Rainbow rolled onto her side to look at the worn-out farmer. A few strands of her colorful mane strayed in front of her eyes. A moment passed. Then another.


Her tone carried the sort of casual confusion one might exhibit after listening to Pinkie blabber about anything or listening to Twilight try and explain something sciency. There was no offense, nor alarm. Just lazy confusion.

Applejack rolled onto her side to meet Rainbow’s gaze. “Are we gay? You and me?” she repeated.

Rainbow blinked.

“...AJ, if this has to do with my mane-”

“Consarnit, RD, Ah’m bein’ serious!” Applejack exclaimed, flopping onto her back and covering her eyes in exasperation.

Rainbow just stared at her for a second, humming quietly, and rolled onto her back again as well to stare up at the sky. “Are we gay, huh?” she muttered. “That’s a pretty weird question.”

“Right?” Applejack said, letting her forelegs drift lazily off to her sides. “Gah. Ah dunno. Forget Ah said anythin’.”

“No no no no no,” Rainbow sat up and turned to Applejack with a look that could only be described as ‘intent.’ “You started this train, you don’t get to jump off now.”

Applejack’s face began to redden slightly, and she promptly pulled down her hat to hide it from view.

Rainbow only seemed to be fueled by this. She poked Applejack in the ribs. “C’mon, cowgirl. Speak up. Why’d you ask me that?”

Applejack resisted the urge to offer any sort of reply with a remarkable amount of patience, but the incessant poking still managed to get a reaction out of her. She lifted the rim of her hat to glare at Rainbow, letting out a sound that was equal parts amused giggle and agitated bear snarl. “Ah said forget it!”

Rainbow stared at her for a moment longer, and then the mother of all predatory grins appeared on her face.

Applejack did not like where this was headed.

With her trademark swiftness, Rainbow snatched the hat from Applejack’s head before the farmer had much of a chance to react, and set it on her own head.

Lopsided, of course. Because Rainbow Dash.

With a goose-like honk, Applejack scrambled up to a standing position and glared down at Rainbow Dash. She narrowed her eyes dangerously. “Rainbow… gimme back my hat.”

“Tell me why you asked if we were gay,” Rainbow shot back without missing a beat.

“RD, Ah’m warnin’ ya!”

Rainbow quirked a brow. “Applejack.”

Applejack deflated on the spot. “Yeah yeah, talkin’ to a brick wall…”

Rainbow’s deadpan look morphed into a grin that made Applejack want to snog her to death. “Now you’re gettin’ it.”

With that, Rainbow was off, kicking up a cloud of dust as she zoomed off into the orchard. Applejack might have used her hat to clear the dust from her face, but that darned rainbow peacock was getting away with it!

“RAINBOW!” Applejack bellowed, breaking into a spring after Rainbow Dash. “GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!”

She heard the cocksure response from somewhere far ahead. “Make me, slowpoke!”

“Oh, Ah am gonna make y’all eat them words…” Applejack snarled under her breath. Oh, why couldn’t she have just kept her stupid mouth shut?!

Her hooves carried her after Rainbow for almost a full minute. Luckily for her, Rainbow was being considerate (or stupid) enough to stay on the ground instead of just flying off into the sky.

Maybe she wanted to be caught? That was an enticing thought.

Applejack shook her head and focused. She caught sight of Rainbow just ahead, ducking and weaving between the trees, her colorful tail bouncing frenetically behind her in a way that caught Applejack’s eye. Again.

“Y’all are in for such a poundin’ when Ah catch ya!” Applejack bellowed like a regrettably orange banshee, pumping even more strength into her legs to try and close the remaining distance.

Rainbow looked back over her shoulder, mouth already splitting open to offer up some retort. But then she saw how close Applejack was, and all that came out of her was a startled yelp. On instinct, she unfurled her wings and went to leap into the sky.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Applejack thought. With all of the might she could muster, she compressed her legs and kicked off into the air right as Rainbow gave her first flap. The two collided a foot or two off the ground with a sound reminiscent of sexually confused potatoes.

Applejack did not want to know why that was what her mind had jumped to as a comparison.

Rainbow gave off a less-than dignified squawk, and both of them grunted as they hit the ground. They rolled along for several feet, wrestling and struggling against one another.

Applejack had strength and reach, but sweet Celestia did Rainbow have flexibility. It was only by pure chance, and the lingering confusion of getting bum-rushed into the dirt, that Rainbow finally found herself being pinned under Applejack’s considerable earth pony strength.

The two were panting for breath at this point. Applejack glared down at Rainbow, mouth agape, her coat bristling with frustration. She didn’t say anything, though. She just kept looking. And looking.

Looking at those big, red, shiny eyes. That little nose that was just a bit crooked from one too many bad landings. The beads of sweat running down the side of her head. The colorful mane splayed out on the grass beneath her. The way her absolutely under-maintained lips only sort of shined in the-

“Gosh darnit,” Applejack swore, swiping her hat back from the pegasus when she realized what she was doing. “Don’t y’all ever take a hint, ya stubborn mule?”

Rainbow just smirked. Always that unfair smirk. “Nope.”

Applejack groaned in frustration before driving her hoof into Rainbow’s belly. Not hard enough to do any damage, or even really hurt. Just enough to convey a message. “Well, y’all had better start!”

“Gonna hafta sit me down in class for that,” Rainbow rebuked, only wincing slightly from the punch. “And we both know how much of a pointless effort that is.”

“Ah, shaddap,” Applejack snorted before realizing she was still on top of Rainbow. With a slight flush, she backed off of her and helped her back to her hooves.

The two stood in silence for a few seconds.

“So, why’d you ask if we’re gay?” Rainbow asked as if none of that just happened.

“For the love of-” Applejack started, about ready to blow up on the pegasus with all of the mighty, righteous anger her countryisms could convey. But then she remembered that she was dealing with Rainbow Dash, and all of her frustration left her like air from one of Pinkie’s balloons. “Yer not gonna drop this, are ya?”

“It’s just such a weird question,” Rainbow replied. “I mean, c’mon. Don’t you know if you’re gay? I’d think it’s kinda hard to not know.”

Applejack ran a hoof over her face. Rainbow wasn’t gonna let this go. Might as well tear off the bandage now and get it all over with.

Applejack sat down on her haunches with a sigh. “Gah. Ah dunno, Rainbow. Ah never really did much thinkin’ about who or what Ah was attracted to. Dunno if y’all noticed, but Ah’m married to my work on the farm. Ain’t never had time for boyfriends or girlfriends or anythin’ like that.”

Rainbow got a knowing grin. “Probably because you’re so bad at actually optimizing your work…”

“Don’t you go Twilightin’ on me, little missy.”

“You’re gonna hafta make me do that, too.”

Applejack growled, her patience for Rainbow’s nonsense just about at an end. “RD, Can ya please take this seriously?! Ah know it might not look like it to you, but this is a big deal to me!”

That finally got Rainbow’s expression to soften. The teasing mirth faded away and was soon replaced with quiet attentiveness.

Satisfied that Rainbow would at least hear her out, Applejack launched back into her explanations. “Now, like Ah was sayin’, Ah never really thought about it. Ah don’t really have a love life, ya know? But…”

She glanced off to one side, her ears drooping. “We’ve been through a lot the last few years. Was a whole lotta times Ah thought we might’ve been about to lose. And when we’d come out of things on top, there’d be this little voice in the back of my head, tellin’ me Ah’m missin’ somethin’ important.

“And then in comes you, Dash. With all that swagger and confidence. Y’all’ve been pushin’ me to be my best since we met, and out of everypony, y’all seem to be the one who's bothered the least when the day is done. Ya just bounce back. Usually, right at me.

Rainbow tilted her head. “Whaddya mean?”

Applejack shrugged. “Ah dunno. Sounded more poetic in mah head. But the point is…” she turned back to Rainbow. “Y’all’ve been comin’ to hang out with me a lot more lately. And… Well, Ah’ve been doin’ the same to you.”

Rainbow just kept looking at her with that deer-in-the-trainlights look that always made Applejack want to smirk.

Applejack continued. “Ah dunno… Ah ain’t good at this. Ah guess ah just wanna know… what are we, RD? Properly, seriously, and honestly. What are we?”

And now it was in the air, and the anxiety it created was almost unbearable. Rainbow swallowed hard, still looking at Applejack with a look that the farmer just couldn’t read. Which was frustrating, because she could usually read this smooth-brained pegasus like an open book.

Finally, Rainbow spoke. “Uh… I mean… What do you want us to be?”

“Well, Ah was starin’ at yer butt the whole time Ah was chasin’ ya.”

Rainbow blushed. “Wait, you were what?”

“It’s a nice butt!”


“What? Ah ain’t gonna lie!”

“Well, yeah, but c’mon!” Rainbow moaned as her face turned a furious shade of red. “Just 'cause it’s honest doesn’t mean ya gotta say it!”

Applejack snickered at that. “Hah. Fair enough…”

“...Yours is nice, too.”


There was a moment of silence. Somewhere in the distance, a chicken crowed to punctuate the awkwardness of the last several seconds.

Applejack shook herself. “Screw it. Goin’ all in!”

“So... are we gay?”

Rainbow was quiet for a few seconds, mulling the question over. And then, finally, her thoughtful expression turned into that grin. “Ya know what I think?”

Applejack felt a small twist of anxiety. “W-what?”

“We’re gay as shit.”

Applejack stammered at the profanity. “Wha- RD! Language!”

“Hey, I ain’t lying,” Rainbow chirped with a snicker of devilish delight. “Now get over here and snog me or something!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. A weight was lifted off her shoulders as she hurled herself against Rainbow, mashing her lips against those of the pegasus as they fell into the leaf-smothered dirt.

Somewhere off in the distance, that same chicken from before crowed a little victory noise before shuffling off to do the things that chickens do, and the sun finally set, drowning the world in the cool shades of night.

Author's Note:

As said in the description, I wrote this on a whim after having a bizarre dream and a bout of mild insomnia. I pretty much improvised the whole thing based on the opening exchange, and here we are.

Now with a reading.

Comments ( 56 )

They are friends and they are happy. A nice neat fiction.

Applejack groaned in frustration before driving her hoof into Rainbow’s belly.

Didn't this happen in Smile HD

God I loved this so much. So cute. This ship has so much fun chemistry, and you did really well with it.

Simple, cute and gay. Kudos.

Mpony1 #6 · Jun 3rd, 2022 · · 2 ·

Are we gay?

With that said. Yes, yes you are!

This is kinda gay ngl


Drinking game: take a shot every time someone in the comments says "gay" :rainbowlaugh:

I'm not even close to being old enough to drink :rainbowlaugh:

I'll take "unusual suicide methods" for a thousand, Alex!

They are so gay, good for them.

Are we sure they're not just European?

Hmm, I’d say results are inconclusive

Applejack is way too Southerner for that to be plausible. Just look at her hat!

with a sound reminiscent of sexually confused potatoes.

Best. Metaphor. Ever.

That was a cute story, thanks for sharing it.

This is gay as shit.

Good job!

This comment section makes me smile.

This story was as gay as it was awkward, and I loved every word of it. Also, we must add "darned rainbow peacock" and "sexually confused potatoes" to our lexicons at once!

I like it. also, just to get it over with: why are you gae?

I don´t like appledash, but this is funny, nice job.

appledash is as canon as hasbro will allow them to make it. In case you're wondering, yes two single women with seemingly no romantic relationships that entire time living together is mad sus

mission accomplished

You have to be 18 to post on this site

“Hey, Rainbow?”
“Are we gay?”

My first thought:

I said I didn't like it, I didn't say they weren't canon. Since at this point we already know that they are 100% lesbians

If they didn't make an romantic development, nor explicitly say so, they aren't.

This seems pretty gay, I think

So then it's not cannon. Nothing confirmed

Still not cannon lol

am I not allowed to laugh at someone anymore?

If you're laughing at how that ship is not cannon sure



Okay, guys. Stop blowing up my inbox with this chain.

I'm just pointing and laughing at the guy that thinks the worst ship is cannon lol

Meanwhile, the chicken:


Just gonna say, really glad they left this ambiguous in the show.

On the one hand I don't have a problem with gay characters, provided it's handle well and they don't treat it like the biggest thing in the world. Though frankly AJ and Rarity always made more sense to me.

That being said I do have a few major problems with the idea of these two. The first is that they are the two tomboys of the group, effectively playing into the stereotype that if a girl acts masculine then odds are they are likely gay in some capacity, even though that's obviously not the case. Women can like or act more masculine and still be straight. The second problem is that...well the story already pointed it out. Oh so it's the Rainbow Haired, Sports fanatic that turns out to be gay out of the six of them. I mean seriously, that's just I mean I don't think I need to explain why that's a problem or atleast cliche.

Most importantly the biggest issue I have beyond that is simply it seems to suggest two individuals can't have a close relationship and yet it be completely platonic. I frankly like the idea these two have a fun rivalry with each other and are otherwise really close friends who are comfortable around each other but that's how far it goes. People can be really close without romance being involved.

Regardless I don't have an issue with this story, it's simple and harmless, just figured I'd throw my two cents on this. You wanna argue with me, atleast keep it simple and don't downvote me just out of spite. Let's be mature about this.

I don't know, go talk with your girlfriend Rarity, AJ.

It is the most mature comment I have read on this subject and I agree 100% with what you say, I also like that it remains ambiguous (Although I would like to know your opinion regarding what was said in the Gameloft game).

It may be that the G5 finally confirm what happened to all the characters including RD and AJ, they may tell us if they are a couple or not, although my opinion is better left to the opinion of the audience.

Ever heard of the country known as the United States?

Since I made it the fuck up

Well... if you go to the main page, at the bottom there is a big RTA with the words "Restricted to adults" under it.

It's not always there, but there you go

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