• Published 11th Jun 2022
  • 3,536 Views, 150 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Tirek vs Scorpan - AleximusPrime

Tirek returns to his homeland, the Midnight Kingdom to get revenge on his brother King Scorpan. Meanwhile, Flurry Heart is called by the Cutie Map to deal with a friendship problem in the Midnight Kingdom.

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1. Tirek Attacks

The castle town of the Midnight Kingdom was full of citizens in the streets that day. Gargoyles flew around, sometimes stopping to buy produce in the marketplace or converse with their centaur brethren on the ground below. Powerful centaur guards would keep watch for any suspicious activity, while the citizens lived their normal lives. The palace stood proudly in the center where King Scorpan resided with his subjects. He was in the middle of an important meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike. They were in the throne room discussing matters involving Tirek. They all sat at a table with Scorpan sitting at one end and the Staff of Sacanas leaning against his chair.

“So he really has forgotten the spell then,” Scorpan said, pressing his fingers together.

“I saw Discord erase his memories of the spell before letting him run off,” Spike told the king. “I guess he didn’t want Tirek turned to stone again or go to Tartarus.”

“My brother has served his time long enough. I was preparing for Discord to release all three of them next year and attempt to reform him, but someone out there decided to do it early and cause us trouble. At least Tirek had the sense to turn himself in, but now I can see even Villains Anonymous wasn’t enough. He needs to be sent before me.”

“I haven’t heard anything about him since he was let go,” Twilight said. “And what of his old master Sendak? Could he teach Tirek the same spell again?”

“The last thing I heard about Sendak is that he was turned to stone while working in the mines. It couldn’t have been from a gargoyle jailer because none of them were able to undo it. That was over a thousand years ago. We placed the statue in an undisclosed location in the forest where it remains, covered in thick foliage. Tirek will never see his master again. No one will.”

“What about the Stone? Will it be safe from him?” Spike asked.

“The Absorption Stone? Of course it will. His old magic still resides in there since the day Celestia and Luna stood up to him, but if he has forgotten his magic-absorbing spell, he will not be able to use that or even the Staff of Sacanas. By the way, tell Tempest Shadow I’m still grateful to her for returning the staff.”

“I won’t forget to tell her,” Twilight said, politely.

“It feels like it was just yesterday when the Storm King invaded my land and took this staff. I thought we were done for until he was petrified in obsidian and his empire immediately fell. It was tough repairing the damage and allowing dissident storm beasts to integrate with our society, but we couldn’t have done it without Equestria’s help.”

Scorpan smiled to his friends, gratefully. He then grabbed the staff and got up out of his chair as Spike and Twilight did the same. Some nearby gargoyle subjects came in to take the table and chairs away.

“So how have things come around with that child?”

“We’re still looking for Cozy Glow,” Twilight answered.

“And the Queen?”

“No word yet. I’ve been hiring more guards lately and they’ve been patrolling all over the land for changelings. Starswirl is also working on an artifact that should allow me to detect changelings anywhere.”

“If Chrysalis dares come near Pinkie and Cheese’s wedding, we’ll spot em’ lickity-split,” Spike added.

“It sounds like we’re all up to date then. Well I guess that concludes this meeting, my friends,” Scorpan said, giving them both a hug.

“Always happy to help, Scorpan,” Spike replied.

“We’ll keep an eye out for Tirek, and let us know if you see him around here,” Twilight added.

“We’ll all be on the lookout for my brother. Thanks, both of you.”

“Till next time, your highness.”

They bowed politely before exiting through the doors that Scorpan’s guards had just opened for them on the other side. After both doors had closed, Scorpan turned around and walked back to his throne. He used his magic to levitate the staff over to a nearby stand for storage as an attendant came by with some paperwork and a quill for him.

Suddenly, Scorpan heard shouting just outside of the stained glass windows behind his throne. His ears perked up and the two centaur guards nearby drew their spears. For a split second, Scorpan could see the silhouette of another guard against the middle window. The window shattered and the guard crashed through the throne and slid on the floor. The attendant ran off and the guards inside both ran quickly to the window while Scorpan rushed over to check on the injured guard.

“What happened?!” Scorpan asked him.

The guard on the ground was still conscious, but he couldn’t speak. He was so weak, he could barely move and his eyes were milky and white as if they had been drained of their color. Scorpan knew right away what this meant. He then realized his other two guards were in danger, but he was already too late.

“No! WAIT!”

Two beams of fiery energy blasted the guards and knocked them back. They then began to shine with an orange glow around their bodies. Slow moving beams emitted from their horns and traveled in the direction of the broken window. Finally they dropped to the ground, barely able to move. Another centaur walked through the window with his mouth open and then closed it after the beams died out. It was Tirek! He was in his second form with his muscles starting to take shape and his horns jutting out and curving upwards. While this wasn’t his most powerful form, it would certainly rival Scorpan in his current state. Tirek stopped and locked eyes with his brother. He then gritted his teeth and walked forward, grabbing pieces of the throne and tossing them aside.

“Scorpan,” he growled, ominously.

“Tirek?!” Scorpan said, horrified.

“You have no idea how many centuries I’ve been waiting for this day, brother.”

Scorpan’s eyes glanced quickly at the Staff of Sacanas. Tirek also noticed it. They stared at each other for a moment until Scorpan acted quickly and used his magic to bring the staff towards him. Unfortunately, Tirek did the same. They both pushed hard with their magic, with the staff right between them. With their power levels equal, there was no telling who would win this game of tug-of-war. Tirek finally shot a beam of energy at Scorpan, knocking him back with his crown rolling on the floor. Tirek grabbed the staff as it magnetized to his hand. He quickly ran over to his brother and stepped on him with one of his front hooves to keep him down.

“BROTHER, NO!!!” Scorpan grunted.

Tirek opened his mouth and began to absorb all of the magic contained from the gemstone at the tip of the staff. His muscles grew thicker and his height increased dramatically. His horns began to curve up until they were shaped like an S. He was now in his third state and far too powerful for Scorpan to take on alone. Just as he had finished absorbing all the magic, the doors burst open and several centaur and gargoyle guards arrived on the scene. Tirek closed his mouth and tossed the staff aside. He then focused on all the guards who were racing towards him with their spears drawn. While still standing on Scorpan, he used his magic to lift the first two guards and throw them against pillars. The next two had their spears shattered into a million pieces with psychic energy. Tirek lifted them in the air and began to absorb their magic until a beam of pink energy shot him in the face.

“TIREK!” shouted Twilight with Spike standing next to her.

“Princess Twilight!” Tirek replied, now sporting a deeper voice.

He rubbed his face and threw the guards aside. Suddenly, he felt something creep up his leg that he hadn’t felt since the day he turned into stone. He looked down and saw a grey sculpture of his brother underneath his foot. Scorpan had used his gargoyle magic to petrify himself. Gargoyles had the ability to control their own petrification to act as a defense mechanism, but they could also do it to any being they were touching at the moment. Tirek charged up his magic to cancel the petrification and Scorpan’s spell was reversed. Tirek reached down and grabbed Scorpan by his neck. He then spoke to Twilight.

“As you can see, Princess, this kingdom now rightfully belongs to me once again.”

“Brother…please!” Scorpan begged.

“SILENCE, TRAITOR!!” Tirek hollered in Scorpan’s face, before throwing him aside.

“Tirek, I’m ordering you to stand down, now!” Twilight shouted.

“ORDER?! Foolish girl, did you not hear what I just said?! I am the king of this land!”

Twilight charged up her magic and then lunged forward, blasting Tirek as he put up a shield. A brief battle ensued between them, while Spike rushed over to Scorpan to check on him.

“Scorpan! Are you alright?” Spike asked.

“Spike, run! It’s me he wants!” Scorpan said, weakly.

“Don’t worry, Twilight’s got thi-”

Twilight then flew backwards onto the ground, already defeated by Tirek. Spike looked to the side to see Tirek stomping towards him. Spike ran in front of Scorpan to protect him, but Tirek used his magic to lift Spike and then toss him aside. Twilight was just getting up when Spike landed on top of her.

“SPIKE!” Twilight squeaked, trying to crawl out from underneath his scaly blubber.

“Sorry, Twilight!” Spike said, getting up and checking on her.

“Princess Twilight, I am only going to tell you this one more time: leave now!” Tirek scolded. “I have no more interest in Equestria. I am only here to take back the Midnight Kingdom and exact my revenge on my brother, now I suggest you and your rotund dragon friend go before I change my mind.”

“Scorpan, I promise I won’t give up on the Midnight Kingdom!” Twilight said as Spike helped her up.

“Do as he says, Twilight. For the good of Equestria,” Scorpan told her.

Twilight and Spike both flew out of the throne room to head back to Equestria. Tirek opened his mouth again and absorbed Scorpan’s magic along with all the guards. He grew taller and larger but was not at his fullest power just yet. He then used his magic to lift his brother in front of him and tear off his kingly robe.

“It’s been over a thousand years since you stabbed me in the back, brother,” he told Scorpan, sternly. “Ever since you let King Solmidas cast me into that prison guarded by that three-headed beast, not a day goes by forgetting what you did. I only regret that I wasted so much time trying to take Equestria for myself when it was you I should have pursued!”

“How...how did you learn to steal magic again?”

“I found my old master Sendak. He taught me everything, and then when the time was right, I turned on him and took his magic.”

“What? How is that possible?! He was turned to stone over a thousand years ago! I had his statue placed in the forest!”

“No matter. He is of no concern to me any longer. Now that I have you, I can finally reclaim the throne I deserve!”

“Tirek, please listen! I only wanted to-”


Tirek used his magic to create chains of psychic energy to wrap Scorpan in.

“You will experience the same pain I did all those years in your own prison cell! The Midnight Kingdom will return to greatness under my rule as Father originally intended!”

Outside of the castle, Twilight and Spike continued to fly. Twilight was still weary from the short battle with Tirek and could not fly all the way back so she conjured up what little magic she had left to teleport them both to Canterlot.

“Hang on Spike,” she said. “We need to get back right away! I’m going…to…”

Her horn glowed brightly. In a flash, they were back in the throne room of the Canterlot palace. She could see Tempest Shadow and Grubber the hedgehog in her throne room, talking to each other until they both noticed Twilight and Spike.

“TWILIGHT! What happened?!” Tempest said, helping her up.

“It’s…it’s Tirek. He’s returned and taken the Midnight Kingdom...” Twilight said, wearily.

“TIREK?! That guy’s back already?!” Grubber cried as he helped Spike.

“We have to put all of Equestria on high alert.” Twilight continued. “Tirek still says he’s not interested in our land, but I don’t believe a word of it. I saw him enter and take the magic from the Staff of Sacanas. I wasn’t even a match for him!”

“The Staff of Sacanas? Yikes! That’s bringing back bad memories,” Grubber said.

“Wait, I thought he couldn’t absorb magic anymore!” Tempest said, confused.

“He’s relearned the spell somehow,” Twilight responded. “It doesn’t matter how, we’ve got to act quickly! Spike, take a letter. I need to contact Discord.”

“Twilight, what if it’s already too late?” Spike asked.

“Then we turn to the only other thing that can possibly stop Tirek: the Elements.”

Down in Ponyville, Flurry Heart and her friends were inside the Crystal Castle, playing a card game in the library. Starlight and Sunburst were watching them while Spike was busy with Twilight. None of them knew yet what had just happened in the Midnight Kingdom.

“BOOM! I win again!” Stormy gloated.

“Alright now, Stormy. Let’s not get too smug,” Starlight said as she began to clean up the table. “How about we play a different game, kids?”

“Can we play ONO?” asked Chip.

“No, I wanna do more Go Wish!” Stormy demanded.

“Storm, you just keep winning at that game,” Pound told him.

“I know! I’m just so good at it!”

“Stormy, come on. We gotta try something different. ONO is pretty fun too and you’re not so bad at that game,” Flurry suggested.

“Ugh. Fine.”

“Alright kids, ONO it is!” Sunburst said as he went over to a nearby bookcase to look for the game.

Right before he could get close enough to the bookcase, a flash of light shone momentarily and a rather panicky Discord appeared in front of him.

“Discord? What are you doing here?” Sunburst asked.

“Everyone! I’m so sorry for the interruption, but all of Equestria is on high-alert!” Discord said, frantically.

“Oh great. What’s going on now? Is it Chrysalis?” Starlight asked.

“Worse! Tirek just invaded the Midnight Kingdom and overthrew Scorpan!”

Everyone in the room gasped collectively.

“WHAT?!” Starlight and Sunburst shouted.

“Oh no! Can you do anything, Discord?” Flurry asked.

“Sadly I’m too late,” Discord said as he showed a holographic image of Tirek going through his phases. “Last time we saw Tirek, he was in his weakest state. Earlier he absorbed all the magic contained in the Staff of Scanas and grew to this third form here. Now he’s as powerful as he was back when he took my magic.”

“So now he’s the one with the white mane-do and the freakishly big arms?” Pumpkin asked, pointing to the largest figure.

“That’s the one.”

“He looks so awesome!” Stormy said before all his friends looked at him angrily. “Er, I mean he’s not doing awesome things, he just looks cool is all.”

“Wait, Discord, I thought you erased his memory so he couldn’t remember the spell?” Starlight asked.

“I did. I have no idea who taught him again.”

“So you can’t even stop him now?” Sunburst asked.

“I’m afraid not. And I dare not go near him or he’ll just absorb my powers and only get stronger. He’s taken the magic from the staff, Scorpan, and all the guards. He’ll probably find the Absorption Stone and take that next.”

Discord walked away, appearing to be rather stressed from the situation.

“What’s the Absorption Stone?” Chip asked.

“That’s an artifact in the Midnight Kingdom,” Sunburst explained. “Back when Celestia and Luna first took on Tirek, they used the Elements to take away all of his magic. The magic he had stolen from ponies was returned where it rightfully belonged, but his own base magic had to be contained somewhere, so it was put inside the Stone. His father King Vorak had used it in the past to take magic from criminals like Sendak and then imprison them. Tirek was sent to Tartarus and the Stone was placed under lock and key in the palace.”

“Wha…what are we going to do if Tirek comes here?” Annie said, shivering as Chip put his arm around her.

“He said he’s not interested in Equestria anymore which is also the reason I’m not going to antagonize him, but Twilight and Spike are going to try getting some of the teachers together to use the Elements,” Discord answered as he had himself propped against a wall.

“Oh, well that’s good news! The Elements can stop him!” Pumpkin cheered.

“Yeah! Just like they stopped that changeling guy, Skuttle!” Stormy added.

“His name is Scutellum, Stormy,” Flurry corrected.

“Yeah, sure. Skuttlebutt. What she says.”

Flurry rolled her eyes as Pound and Pumpkin snickered.

“Well I hope the Elements actually work on Tirek,” Flurry said. “We saw how they were reacting to Cozy recently.”

“Um…Flurry? Does your bow normally do that?” Chip pointed out.

Flurry noticed light reflecting in the room off of some of the crystal walls and then realized the source was behind her head.

“My bow? Is it glowing again?”

“It was doing that the night Scutellum attacked!” Sunburst said.

A small glowing image of her bow then floated off of her head and hovered out the door. Flurry ran first to chase after it and the others followed her. They ran through the corridor and took a few turns, going wherever the bow went. It finally led them to the map room. They entered and saw the bow moving around in a circle over the map.

“What’s happening, Flurry?” Pound asked.

“I guess it’s calling me to solve another friendship problem,” she answered. “But where?”

The hologram on the map lit up and the map moved to show a peninsula on the Southwestern tip of the Equestrian continent. It zoomed in and the bow rested on top of the peninsula. Flurry was shocked.

“Oh no…that’s…the Midnight Kingdom!”