• Published 11th Jun 2022
  • 3,524 Views, 150 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Tirek vs Scorpan - AleximusPrime

Tirek returns to his homeland, the Midnight Kingdom to get revenge on his brother King Scorpan. Meanwhile, Flurry Heart is called by the Cutie Map to deal with a friendship problem in the Midnight Kingdom.

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6. The First Step to Redemption

An hour had passed since Scorpan’s departure. The storm clouds were gone, and the sun was already near the western horizon. Everyone was still waiting for the king of the Midnight Kingdom to return with his brother, but some were getting very worried. The townsfolk had come out of the gates of the castle town and waited around the entrance to see what would happen. Many had already grown impatient and were starting to take bets on whether Tirek would be convinced or not.

Flurry waited next to Twilight. She kept looking to the sky where Scorpan had disappeared. She sighed and bowed her head. Twilight put her wing around her.

“He’ll be back, Flurry,” she said.

“I wish I could help up there,” Flurry replied.

“You think Tirek will listen, Discord?” Sandbar asked.

“I don’t know,” Discord answered. “I sensed Scorpan using a very powerful spell earlier. Could be a memory spell. I hope they’re okay. They haven’t had a chance to talk like this since Tirek was first sent to Tartarus.”

“Wait… guys, look!” Spike called as he pointed to a flying object in the sky.

“He’s coming back!” Ocellus cheered.

Everyone’s ears perked up at the sound of this news. Nearby villagers got up and looked to see a large winged object entering the atmosphere with a fireball in front of it. Scorpan was using his magic to keep the shield up to protect himself and Tirek from the reentry. With his huge wings still flapping, he descended until his feet touched the ground. Everyone waited for him to speak. His face appeared to be more relaxed than when he was last seen. He smiled and nodded his head. The multitude before him instantly knew what this meant.

“I…I think it worked,” Flurry whispered to her aunt.

The villagers murmured to one another as Scorpan knelt down and opened his left hand in front of a nearby rock that had been overturned during the battle. Tirek could be seen wearing the Pendant of Restoration. The crowd let out a collective gasp. He stood for a moment and looked at everyone and then walked off of Scorpan’s fingers onto the rock. He took several steps forward, just a few yards away from Twilight and Flurry. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. Without saying a word, he cupped his hands around the pendant. It glowed brightly and filled his body with a greenish aura. Several streams of magic emitted from his hands and touched many spots across the land. The pendant’s magic was being put to use for the very first time.

Large craters and carvings in the ground began to fill in with the unearthed rocks and dirt around them. Fallen trees stood up and returned to the holes where they were once rooted. Broken trees instantly came back together. Rocks and other debris floated around until they were placed back where they belonged. The spire to the palace and some nearby mountains were mended. Much of the crowed had already started cheering for what was happening. Scorpan smiled warmly and then opened his mouth to return the magic. Tons of colorful orbs flew to their rightful places. The guards and other palace subjects that had their magic stolen were reenergized once the orbs flew back into them. Their eyes opened and had regained their color. On the balcony where Tirek was speaking earlier, the Absorption Stone had its magic returned. The only magic that was not returned to anyone was the magic Tirek had stolen from Sendak. A nearby guard picked it up to return it to the vault.

As Tirek had just finished using the pendant, he looked back to see Scorpan shrinking down to his regular size as all of the magic was being expelled. One last orb flew out and went into Tirek. Tirek felt a slight shock of electricity and stumbled a bit as he grew taller. His muscles instantly bulked up, his white hair grew back, and his horns took on their fully-grown length. He appeared as he did in his fourth form, but he stood as tall as his second form. Tirek’s body had been set back to normal and had his base magic restored: the same magic he had before he first attacked Equestria and was defeated by Celestia and Luna. It was as if he had never stolen any magic or went to Tartarus.

For a moment, the crowd went silent as Tirek examined his body. Scorpan sighed contently and open his eyes. Tirek and Scorpan glanced at one another deeply. Tears formed in both of their eyes. They rushed forward to hug as the crowd erupted in applause.

“YES! HE DID IT!” Flurry said as she pumped her hoof in the air.

Sandbar and Ocellus danced together, while Spike fainted into Discord’s arms. Flurry walked over to Twilight and hugged her tightly. Twilight already had tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I knew he could do it, Twilight!” Flurry exclaimed.

“All thanks to you, little one,” Twilight told her niece.

The crowed continued to cheer as Tirek and Scorpan kept hugging. After they parted, Tirek wiped away his tears and then turned around to face Twilight. Twilight smiled and walked towards him, as he knelt down to speak to her.

“Princess, can you forgive me for everything I’ve done?” he asked.

“Of course I will,” Twilight said as she bowed politely.

“Oh, and Princess Flurry Heart,” Tirek said, turning to Flurry.

“Scorpan told me you found the pendant. I guess all he and I needed was to talk. Thank you.”

Flurry smiled and bowed. Scorpan walked up behind Tirek and put his hand on his shoulder.

“It’s time, Brother,” he told him.

“You mean for Father and Mother?” Tirek asked.

“Yes. There’s a cave not too far from here where they were petrified.”

“Good. Take me to them.”

Later that night as the sun began to set, Scorpan took Tirek with him to the cave in the mountains where Vorak and Haydon’s statues resided. Twilight, Flurry, Discord, Spike, Sandbar and Ocellus followed them close behind. Inside the cave were pillars along the corridor and an altar near the back with two statues in the center. Vorak was standing there with his eyes closed and his hands folded together. Haydon had her right hand on her husband’s shoulder while her left hand was over her heart. She too had her eyes closed. Scorpan walked towards them and undid a spider web between his father’s antlers and brushed off some small leaves and dust that had gathered on top of the statues over the years. He then stood still and took a deep breath. He placed his hand on his mother’s shoulder and used his gargoyle magic to communicate with her.

“Mother, it’s time,” he told her through telepathy.

Tirek swallowed hard and watched as the stone around Haydon vanished. She began to move as the stone disappeared from Vorak’s body. They both appeared as he remembered, though Haydon’s hair was now greying and her face had more wrinkles. Vorak’s beard had grown and he was no longer wearing his crown or robe since they had been passed on to Scorpan. He now wore a smaller crest and a different robe that resembled the outfits some of the court members had. They took a moment to allow their eyes to adjust to seeing again and then froze as soon as Tirek was in view. Scorpan smiled and stepped aside to allow his brother to meet them. Haydon put both her hands to her mouth and Vorak stared. He almost did not recognize his son at first. They hadn’t seen him in several hundred years, but Vorak knew immediately who this was. Tirek was wearing the Pendant of Restoration and no longer appeared angry, but somber: a clear sign of his redemption. Vorak walked forward slowly and put his hand against Tirek’s face. They locked eyes for a moment until Tirek spoke.

“I’m sorry.”

Vorak was so overcome with joy; he could not find the words to say. Tears began to stream down his face and his mouth shuddered. Haydon watched with a smile on her face as father and son embraced one another. After nearly one minute, Vorak let go and Tirek hugged his mother as she joined him in crying. Scorpan joined in and the royal family was reunited at last.

Near the entrance, Twilight watched while holding Flurry.

“So what did you learn today, Flurry Heart?” she asked her niece.

Flurry thought for a moment and then looked to the royals as they talked amongst each other. She found her answer and began to recite a friendship report.

“I learned that turning your back on your family can bring you to a very dark place. Refusing to talk to and understand them can cause you to do foolish things, but if you admit to your wrongdoings and know that deep down they care about you, you will find happiness. Even a villain like Tirek can change, and it’s all because he remembered that.”

As she finished, Scorpan turned around and smiled to Flurry. He bowed his head to her and thanked her while Flurry did the same. She looked up to see her bow blink one more time and then finally fade out. Her mission was complete.

Behind them, Spike started to cry. Discord made a box of tissues appear and lent them to him. The blubbering dragon thanked him and blew his nose into one of the tissues as Ocellus and Sandbar giggled.

“I knew not everyone was beyond redemption,” Discord said.


The next day, everyone returned to Ponyville. News had already gotten out of Tirek’s reformation. Newspapers on the doorsteps had headlines that read “Lord Tirek Redeemed?! Promises to ‘Fix’ Everything!”

“Look at this!” said a male unicorn as he held up the newspaper to one of his friends.

“Oh there’s no way that can be true! A villain like Tirek? You’ve got to be joking if you think he’s reformed!” said a female earth pony in disbelief.

“Wait…THERE HE IS!” shouted another pony as others started to run back into their homes. Twilight was walking through the town with Tirek next to her, still wearing the pendant. He appeared rather timid and unsure of being in a place like Ponyville after everything he had done.

“This is going to take some time,” Tirek sighed.

“After what you plan to do today, I think they’ll start warming up to you,” Twilight assured him. “Here we are.”

Twilight pointed to a random empty lot in the middle of Ponyville. Off to the side was a plaque that had an image of the Golden Oaks Library tree that Tirek had destroyed during his battle with Twilight years ago. Tirek walked out into the middle of the lot.

“Is this a good spot?” he asked.

“That’s perfect,” she answered.

“I had no idea I destroyed a tree that grew from one of our seeds. Our palace grew from the same plant.”

“Scorpan told me that he gave Starswirl one of those seeds as a parting gift before leaving Equestria. I guess that seed grew to be the tree that would later be known as Golden Oaks Library.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to use the pendant to bring back the original tree?”

“That won’t be necessary. My friends took the roots of that tree and made a chandelier out of it for me. I think we’ll be fine with a new tree to replace it.”

“That makes sense. I guess I won’t be able to fix every single thing with the pendant, but this is a start.”

Tirek knelt down on his horse legs and used his fingers to dig a spot in the ground. He took out a small green seed from a satchel he was carrying and carefully placed it upright in the hole. He then covered the hole and firmly pressed down. After the seed was buried, he stepped back and concentrated his magic into an orb of green energy between his horns.

“I hope this works. Grandfather Oltok taught me this spell long ago,” he said.

He put his hands together and concentrated his magic as the orb grew bigger. The orb finally zapped the pile of dirt and beams of light shone from it. The light faded out and a green plant started to grow out of the dirt while rumbling could be heard underneath the ground. Twilight and Tirek stepped back a few yards. The plant grew faster and faster as it branched out in several spots and grew leaves. The base grew much thicker than a normal tree. In just under a minute, a new tree had grown about the height of Golden Oak’s Library. It was not the same exact shape of the old library, but it was just as big and had a hollow center just like the trees of the Midnight Kingdom that creatures could live inside of. There was plenty of space inside and even some of the branches had hollow bases for extra room. These trees were so strong; they could have some of their wood chiseled to make more room inside and it would not hurt them. With the right preparation, this tree could have some carving done to give it an interior like the library.

Nearby ponies opened their windows and started to come outside to see what had just happened. Tirek smiled and sighed contently.

“I hope it suffices,” he told Twilight.

“It looks beautiful, Tirek,” Twilight replied.

Flurry flew in and happily examined the tree. She then flew down to where Spike had been watching on the other side of it. Next to Spike were Pound, Pumpkin, Chip, Annie, and Stormy, all with their mouths hanging open and their eyes wide. Flurry proudly landed next to Pound and closed his jaw.

“Yup. That’s Tirek. Good as new,” she said.

“Did…did he just…” Chip replied while pointing his hoof.

“He just brought back the old library tree Mom told me about!” Pumpkin exclaimed.

“But that's not the same tree, is it?” Annie asked Flurry.

“It’s not the same tree, but it’ll be a great replacement for it,” Flurry answered.

“Flurry, what are we gonna do with it?” Pound asked. “We already have a new library.”

“Well, I dunno about you guys, but I think it would make a nice clubhouse. What do you say, Stormy?”

“Oh man…that would be awesome!” Stormy said.


Comments ( 31 )

Hooray, clubhouse!!! This was a fantastic ending!

That was a fantastic ending to an epic story. It was very sweet to see Tirek fully redeem himself, and to even gain a form like his strongest one, but properly sized, seeing how proud he always was of his physique. The reunion with his and Scorpan's parents was very heartwarming, but the epilogue really took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting him to plant a new tree to replace the Golden Oak Library, but it's a perfect token of his atonement, and now Flurry and her friends have a new clubhouse. We're all very proud of you, Flurry. Well done. =)

Hooray, Tree Clubhouse!!! Thank you for the wonderful story!!

Such an awesome ending to this tale, the last bit with the new *Golden Oak* per say was a cool surprise! :pinkiehappy: At least it explains that pic with Flurry closing Pound's jaw!:rainbowlaugh:

Guess our young cast now have a treehouse of their own, can't wait to see them using it in future stories!:raritywink:

Another awesome story wraps up Alex, till the next one!:twilightsmile::moustache:

Hey there. Great job on the story overall. Excellent work on the exchanges, characterizations, general wrap-up and future story set-up in all the right places. Very little I can say that the other reviewers haven't already said better, but yeah, I loved how you handled Tirek's reform and how Scorpan handled it too. That's one reform down, two to go. And the kids got a new clubhouse out of the deal too.

That was a pretty heartfelt ending. Tirek reunited with his parents and Flurry completed her mission. But the most surprising thing was Tirek replacing the tree he destroyed from his battle with Twilight that was once the Gooden Oak Library. I guess there is no better way to truly solidify his redemption.

It is going to make an awesome clubhouse for Flurry and her friends. The Student Six had one once so it makes sense they would get one themselves.

You forgot to click complete on the story.

A while ago when I thought up the plot of this story, I thought about how Tirek has to do the actions that will speak louder than words to let everyone know he's sorry, so I figured one of the first things to do is replant a seed to make a new tree grow in place of Golden Oaks Library. Definitely a surprise that I don't think anyone was expecting and I am excited to write stories that will take place in that tree! Unfortunately that might be a while cuz some of the interior has to be carved and they have to install windows and such, but I have an interesting story in mind for how to introduce the clubhouse!

It might be a while till I use the clubhouse in an upcoming story, but I am anxious to do it!

I knew this story for Tirek's redemption would work well with my readers, and wait till you see what I do with the other two! :D

Everyone knew I would reform Tirek, but the part with the tree was the big surprise and yes, Flurry and her friends are gonna have a lot of fun in it!

Twilight pointed to a random empty lot in the middle of Ponyville. Off to the side was a plaque that had an image of the Golden Oaks Library tree that Tirek had destroyed during his battle with Twilight years ago. Tirek walked out into the middle of the lot.

Oh man I really miss that place 😢

Wow that was a pretty cool story so everybody was waiting for the two brothers to return hopefully Scorpan trying to reason his brother but once they came down to the ground it looks like Tirek and Scorpan made the news that they made up and not only that his older brother Tirek sorry for everything and the kingdom were pretty rejoice of the news and returning the magic to the ponies and creatures who were affected and also he even got to see his parents to be honest I thought they were gone but they were just in a slumber but once they woken up they saw Tirek and he apologized for everything he done but despite that the father and the mother were just so happy to see him again and that's all it matters to them even Twilight and flurry were pretty happy to see this and flurry heart gave her friendship report about forgiveness and how important our family is which I still think that's a pretty nice lesson so after returning to Ponyville some of the Ponies are still not too sure about Tirek it's going to take a long time to get there good grace and to start off he even plant the seed where the Golden Oak Library was even used the magic to grow a new one and it turned into a new treehouse which that is a pretty amazing and I think this is a good start for Redemption this was a pretty good story and I kind of wish we get to see that in the show or even in the book but by the way this was pretty good keep out the good work

I can’t wait. I have a feeling when Flurry is older she might make the tree club house a place for her to live in like it was with Twilight and Spike?

It’s going to be really neat how the kids will use this place. I wonder if other foals will join in the club house since it’s in the middle of town

Am I the only one who was singing the Spotlight Moment theme after Twilight asks Flurry what she learned today? XD All in all, a wonderful conclusion to this part of the story!

I though Tirek would be the hardest and the last of the Trio to be reform.

He could have been last had things lined up a bit differently, but as for the hardest one to reform...well, I won't spoil who.

And we finally see the pendant's purpose in action.

Granted, that purpose was indeed known already, it's nice to actually see it put to use in-universe, and the way Tirek is the one using it to fix what he broken, so to speak, is a nice bit of symbolism. Also, that was a good way of making things come full circle, and your explanation as for why Tirek looked so bulky in the past compared to how he was after leaving Tartarus is a well thought out one.

Also, it's nice to see that more than fixing what he broke, Tirek is actually willing to apologize to Twilight. And I have to say, she showed what a great pony she is by forgiving him even after all he tried to do.

The sweetest part of the chapter would have to be Tirek's reunion with his parents, though. Vorak and Haydon being so happy to see Tirek again was really heartwarming, and Tirek also apologizing to them showed the steps he's taking to be a better centaur. Also, the picture your words painted of their family hug was a really sweet one. May their new bond still last for many more years, better and stronger than before.

And on that front.. it seems learning to be better does run in the family, given the spell Tirek uses that he says Oltok taught him. A nice display of evidence of how that centaur also learned to be better. And good on him for actually trying to give something to make amends for destroying the library. I know it's not the same thing, and that some of what was there is irrecuperable anyway, but it's good to see another case of him trying to make reparations. I'm sure Flurry and her friends will enjoy their new clubhouse! And at least Ponyville can get relieved that unlike the CMC 10+ years ago, they won't make constant messes by trying to get cutie marks... though given Flurry doesn't have one yet, maybe they'll do something on that front relating to her.

But for the time being, all's well that ends well. And even if there is quite a lot that isn't over yet (Chrysalis and Cozy, Sendak still possibly ready for a further move, and who knows what else) at least Equestria and allies will get some peace for the time being, which is still good.

All in all, another great episode of Flurry Heart's Story! I very much enjoyed it, and am looking forward to the next one!

I got to hand it to ya, I did not see this coming. Granted I had a hunch a long time ago you planed to reform all three of them, and I'm still holding out to that. But of all of them I did not expect you to reform Tirek that soon. Especially since he always seemed the most powerful and evil of the Legion or of all the villains in FiM like this worlds answer to Morgoth. Hope for some more great surprises ( but more villainous stories for Cozy Glow and Chrysalis for the time being) in the future.

As always, thanks for the compliments! :)

The pendant's abilities being that limited helped to keep it from being too much of a McGuffin and also to have a clever way of Tirek being able to make up for his mistakes by "fixing" the damage he's caused. And yes, it did always make me wonder how Tirek looked all thin after escaping Tartarus yet he is depicted to look something like his 3rd or 4th form in the story-book styled flashback told by Celestia. Since Scorpan returned his original magic that had been taken from him and since other characters don't seem to look thinner and weaker when their magic was taken from Tirek, I figured Tirek's original shape would return as well.

They don't call her the Princess of Friendship for nothing!

What made that so effective for me was the fact that we didn't get any dialogue from either of Tirek's parents and Tirek only had to say "I'm sorry" to them. I was tempted to have them speak, but I felt like that part needed little to no dialogue until we get to the part where Flurry recites her friendship report. It made it far better to read and feel the impact.

Good observation! I was going to have him say that Vorak taught him that spell, but having it be Oltok instead would prove that he did make efforts to reconcile in his last days even if he died before getting to use the pendant. As for the "clubhouse", it's going to be a while before it will be ready to be used as such, but it will have a minor use in the next story actually. I'm going to have a lot of fun with that!

We're getting closer to more stories with Cozy and Chrysalis' part is coming up soon too! As for Sendak...he'll be away for a while, but what I have planned with him will be good!

Thanks again! :)


Yeah, it was a bit unusual having Tirek be the first to do it. I wanted to have at least one story for each of the Trio villains where they play the role of villain one more time and then they reform in the next story. Tirek didn't get much action in "Villains Anonymous", but it set up for this one and he had one last hurrah as a villain in this one until Scorpan finally changed his heart. What I have planned for Cozy will definitely be interesting and I'm still figuring out some things for Chrysalis, but we will get no shortage of her being a villain too!

I do see what you mean on the reasons for the difference in Tirek's shape, although I will admit I took my time to notice the discrepancies, so to speak, as well as to think it should have an explanation. Kudos to you for not only noticing but also showing an explanation.

That scene was wonderful. I do hope Vorak and Haydon return someday, but for now, they were very well handled, and as I said, their reunion with Tirek was really sweet.

The choice to show Oltok changing in his final days was a good one, and I look forward to seeing what you'll do with the clubhouse in any future episodes.

As always, you're welcome. :) Looking forward to future episodes, but no rush from me either. Take all the time you need. :)

You’re welcome. It’s ok we’re all human

Hello, AleximusPrime. My name is Turtlebaby. I have been enjoying your Flurry Heart's Story episodes and I am loving every one of them. I have been reading one of your stories that has Cozy Glow returning with her fake parents. And while I agree with the person who thinks Cozy's real parents could be the arguing ponies from Twilight's childhood that Princess Cadance cast the love spell on, I was thinking about this new Dr. Suess cartoon Green Eggs and Ham where I learned that Sam-I-Am's mother was a spy and she left Sam at an orphanage to protect him from the bad guys. That had me thinking that like Sam's mother, Cozy's real parents could be secret spys and they left her at the orphanage to protect her from the bad guys. I'm sorry if I disagree with the person. It was just an opinon. It is nice to talk to you, Alex. I hope we can talk again soon and I also hope you will continue writting more episodes of Flurry Heart's Story. Thank you.

I’ve already made up my mind about Cozy’s parents.

That's okay. I think your stories are wonderful.

Comment posted by Turtlebaby deleted Oct 27th, 2023

Honestly I like the arts you make looks exactly like the show itself

Better than I was expecting this to be. I feel that Tirek's redemption in this story was believable. There was a lot of great action scenes and Discord definitely got a laugh out of me multiple times. Not to mention it's great to see the kids now have a clubhouse of their own as a kind of reward of all this. Can't wait to see it integrated into the stories.

Okay, on to the next one.

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