• Published 21st Jun 2022
  • 958 Views, 75 Comments

Lawmare - Jade Ring

In another Equestria, order is kept by a band of skilled spellslingers representing the Princess. The ponies call them Lawmares, and they are about to face something none of them are prepared for.

  • ...

Chapter 9

With the sun still not risen and the news of Celestia's death still sending shock waves through the city, the last thing on most pony's minds was visiting some quiet, out of the way café for what would have been a late lunch or early dinner on a normal day. Most restaurateurs didn't even bother opening.

But one did. Because the owner, a preppy pink earth pony, believed that routine was the best way to deal with any crisis.

At the moment, her establishment was mostly empty. Empty, save for a few mares sitting at one table against the wall farthest from the door. The establishment's emptiness had made it the perfect place for a batch of fugitives and their accomplices to gather off the street and fill each other in on what had happened over the last several hours. A magically sent message had been dispatched, and soon the four became six when Bon Bon and Applejack arrived.

Lyra and Sunset sat stone-faced while Twilight recounted her conversation with Trixie, the subsequent killing of Princess Celestia, and the revelation that Moon Dancer had been the traitor all along. Neither betrayed the slightest hint of emotion, save a wince from Lyra when the truth about Moon Dancer had been revealed. There would be plenty of time for emotions later, once the crisis was past. "So... what's our next move then?" Lyra traced a circle on the table with her hoof. "Do we try to find Trixie? Or do we move against Blueblood? He's clearly a part of this."

"No. Any move we make against him would only help his cause and confirm our guilt in the eyes of the city. By branding us as suspects, he's already primed the populace against us." Sunset glared into space. "He'll be dealt with in time. At the moment I'm more concerned with Trixie. What's her plan to destroy the entire city?"

"Maybe it's got somethin' to do with those crystals." Applejack offered. "The ones they were stockpiling in Ponyville."

"She'd need an awful lot of them to destroy Canterlot." Lyra held her wife's hoof tighter. "And even if she moved them into the city, where could she stash them all?"

"I think I might have an idea." A new voice offered. The Lawmares and their associates whirled towards the new arrival, ready to attack, to kill, at a moment's notice. The pegasus clad in armor held up her hoof in a defensive gesture. "Peace! Hold on just a second!"

Sunset's ears flicked towards the voice. She'd heard it somewhere before. "You... you're from the palace, aren't you?"

"Say true." The pegasus reached up to remove her helm, revealing a short cut mane of many colors. "I'm Rainbow Dash. I'm a friend of Flash Sentry's."

The name of her oldest friend made Sunset tense up. "Where is Flash? Is he alright?"

"He's fine." Dash eased back on her haunches, seemingly unaware or uncaring how close to death she was even at this very moment. "He sent me to tell you that he's with you. A bunch of us are." She looked with disgust out the nearby window in the direction of the palace. "Her Majesty's barely cold and that foppish idiot wants to start ordering us around." She looked to Twilight, her gaze softening. "Word has spread about your brother, sai Twilight. I'm sorry."

Twilight forced away any thoughts of Shining Armor and let her horn light the slightest bit. "I don't believe for a second that my brother didn't convert at least a few of you to the Good Mare's side. Why did Flash send you instead of coming himself?"

"Because he and the other loyal soldiers are investigating the caverns. Checking them to see how many of our forces we can fit down there if worse comes to worse. You're right, Twilight; there are a few traitors in our midst. But luckily most of them took the death of the Princess as a sign to flee to their Good Mare's side. The others can be handled. I came here to deliver Flash's message, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. I think they might be finding something else in those caves."

Lyra turned to the others. "It makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? Almost nopony knows about those tunnels except Lawmares. Trixie could have been smuggling in those crystals for months without anypony knowing about it."

"But they're activated by magic, aren't they?" Bon Bon offered. "Canterlot's full of unicorns. Wouldn't the ambient magic have made them go off by now?"

Twilight's magic faded and she stared hard at the table. "My brother's shield spell. He could have cast a modified version of it to block magic from reaching the crystals until Trixie was ready to make her move."

"Or perhaps these crystals are set off by some other trigger." Rarity sipped her tea delicately, her eyes scanning the room for any other new arrivals that might be listening. She spotted the approaching waitress and held up a hoof as a signal for the others to fall silent.

Twilight watched her lover go through these motions with enormous pride. Rarity was a noblemare, to be sure, but she knew now that the heart of a Lawmare beat within that lovely breast.

The waitress, a pretty butter yellow pegasus with a long pink mane, carefully set a tray of food on the table. "Courtesy of the house."

Applejack leaned over the plate and sniffed the items carefully. "Daisy sandwiches? What's the occasion?"

The pegasus shrugged. "She just told me to tell you that she doesn't care what the criers are saying. That she still believes in the Lawmares." She looked away bashfully, using her mane like a curtain to hide her eyes. "Um... we all do. Say true."

"And they're not sandwiches!" A high pitched voice full of joy came from the kitchen. "They're poffkins!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "And what in the hay is a poffkin?"

"You'll have to ask Pinkie." The waitress sighed. "It's just what she calls them."

"Fluttershy! I need a hoof back here!"


Rainbow Dash took a poffkin and gave a little salute to the departing waitress. "Thanks for these!"

Rarity smiled as she took one for herself. "Quite generous of them, I must say."

Twilight Sparkle watched all of this, and felt something tug at her mind as she watched the mares interact with one another. There was something here, she realized. Something strange. Something powerful. Something familiar. Something she couldn't quite put her hoof on. "Ka..." She whispered.

Sunset's ears swirled in her direction. "Say again?"

But Twilight could only shake her head. How could she put into words this sudden strange feeling that this was all... wrong, somehow. No, not wrong. But different. For a moment, her mind seemed to be on the cusp of understanding. Had this, had all of this, happened before? Or something like it? And were these mares... were they her ka-tet? Or something else. Something alike, yes, but different.

Other worlds than these...

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...


And it was gone. The feeling, the questions, all of it. Gone. Just like that. She turned to Sunset and put her hoof over her mentor's. "It's... it's nothing."

Sunset offered a small smile. "Ka is not nothing. Ka is everything. One day you'll understand that."

Twilight nodded and cleared her throat. "So... what are we doing then? Which path do we take?"

The others looked at one another, then returned their gaze to the purple unicorn. "Darling, I think I speak for all of us when I say that whatever you decide, we'll follow." Rarity smiled. The others nodded in agreement.

Twilight stared at them all, dumbfounded. "Why... why should I decide? Why should any of you follow what I say? I'm... I'm a failure. I let Shining Armor escape. I didn't see the truth about Moon Dancer. I let Trixie manipulate me. I... I murdered Princess Celestia! Why should you, any of you, even give me the time of day?" She looked to Sunset. "You were my mentor. It's you that we should..."

"Hold your tongue, maggot." Sunset's tone was soft, but the effect was the same; Twilight's mouth slammed shut. "Hear me very well. You have endured the unendurable. In the last twenty four hours alone, you have experienced betrayal and dark magic beyond what any mare has in a very long time. There's a strength in you, Twilight. I saw it when we dueled. You're intelligent, yes, and a gifted spellslinger. These alone would seat you among the greatest of the Lawmares. But there's more to you. There's will inside you, Twilight Sparkle. A will stronger than stone or iron. You challenged me early because you knew you could beat me. You didn't take your own life when you saw what you'd done to Celestia because you knew the fight wasn't over yet. It's your will, your determination, that makes you the best of us. It's why every mare at this table will do as you bid."

Lyra bowed her head. "Our ka-tat may have been tainted, but you're still my dinh. Now and always."

"I'm no Lawmare." Rarity offered. "I don't know your creeds, your rituals. I admit that I did everything in my power to keep Sweetie Belle from following in your hoof-prints. But I know that I would walk through the fire to answer your call. You are more than my love. You are the other half of my soul. I will follow you unto the very ends of Equestria. Say true."

Twilight looked to the three unicorns. Her mentor, her sister, and her lover. She drew strength from their trust in her. Their certainty. Here was her family.

Here, then, was her true ka-tet.

The Lawmare took a deep steadying breath. "Thank you. Thank all of you." She tapped the table with her hoof. "Sunset; you go with Rainbow Dash to meet up with Flash and the other loyal guards. If you find the crystals, try and neutralize them. Otherwise start planning on possible moves against Blueblood. Quiet moves."

"Nothing more quiet than a three legged blind mare." Sunset chuckled.

"Are you sure you just want her to come?" Rainbow Dash looked conflicted. "Wouldn't it better for all of us to..." A sharp looked from the Lawmare cut her off.

Twilight continued as though the guard hadn't said a word. "Rarity; you and Applejack need to return to the manor. Get the fillies and get them to safety. Once you're out of the city, you'll wait for word of our next move."

"Right." Rarity and Applejack nodded at each other.

"Lyra; you and Bon Bon are coming with me."

"Where are we going?" Lyra asked even as she stood and started gathering her things.

"To the barracks. We need to make sure nopony has gone after the apprentices. Bon Bon will escort any we find to safety. And then..." She bared her teeth. "Then, Lyra, you and I are going hunting."


See them now. See them very well.

The meeting is adjourned. The soldier and the wounded Lawmare have already departed. The others are milling about near the exit, waiting patiently. Waiting for what?

For them.

The two unicorns are sitting together in quiet recompense. They say nothing, but hold each other tightly. Here, in this moment, they feel safe and whole and true. Their hearts almost beat as one as the tips of their horns meet. A surge of magic flows through them, and in that moment each knows all that the other has always wanted to say but has never had the time or the nerve to. They understand that what they have is beyond words and labels.

They don't kiss. They don't move. They don't speak. They let the moment stand, let it burn itself into eternity.

I would have you see them this way, do ya ken it? Remember this quiet moment of peace and love beyond measure. Remember the Lawmare and the Lady as they are here. Remember how happy and whole they made each other.

Remember their love.

For you shan't see it's like again in this tale.

Say sorry.


Applejack was upstairs with the girls, helping them to pack and assuring them that everything was going to be alright. Rarity could hear her folksy drawl all the way down where she was in the foyer. They were just going for a little hike, she was telling them. No, there was nothing wrong with the sky. The sun would be up any minute now. The unicorn wanted to laugh. Say what you wanted to about the farmer, she certainly knew how to keep a cool head.

The same could not be said for the mare standing in front of her. The maid was practically vibrating with anxiety, her eyes bolting every which way like a frightened deer. "Do... do I really have to go?" She asked, her voice trembling.

Rarity sighed and lay a comforting hoof on her withers. "I'm afraid so. Blueblood's anti-Lawmare sentiment will undoubtedly spread to their known associates. I don't think the old place will be safe for much longer." She looked around at the foyer. At the tasteful art on the walls, the delicately crafted candle-bearing sconces. She felt a pang, realizing that she would likely never see the home she'd grown up in ever again. "And you can't come with us. It's too dangerous."

"Bu...bu... but where will I go, my Lady?"

Rarity considered for a moment. "There's a cafe down the road. Pinkie's Poffkins. Have you ever been?"

"No, my Lady."

"Go there. The ponies inside can be trusted. They'll help you." Rarity leaned in and kissed the other mare's cheek lightly. "You've served my family faithfully, and for that I thank you. I hereby release you from your duties. May our paths cross once again someday."

Following the traditional good-bye, the maid reciprocated the kiss. "Serving this house has been a great honor, my Lady. Long days and pleasant nights."

"And may you have twice the number." Rarity smiled at her and tilted her head towards the door. "Now go."

The maid bowed low, then turned and made for the door.

Rarity looked at the clock on the wall, then mentally kicked herself for doing so. What a silly gesture. What did it matter what time it was with the skies outside black as pitch? She looked towards the upstairs landing and wondered if she should go up, assist Applejack with the little...

"Lady Rarity?!"

Rarity's gaze snapped towards the front door. The maid was still inside, but she'd only cracked the door before she'd frozen in place at what she'd seen outside. The noblemare bounded over and peered over the other mare's shoulder to see what had frightened her so.

The sight made her mouth run dry. She'd been right about Blueblood's message... but had very much underestimated the swiftness of said messaging.

Standing in the manor's courtyard was a mob of ponies. A literal mob. Some of the unicorns were even holding torches aloft in their magic. There had to be dozens, possibly even a hundred. She could see stallions, mares... and even a few foals. They were staring at her family's home, and the look in their eyes chilled her to the bone. There was anger and fear, but there was also something else. Something she couldn't quite place.

"L... lady Rarity?"

The sight of so many of her neighbors assembled outside had made her almost forget the presence of her maid. "Go out the back way." She whispered. "Go quickly and quietly. Don't let them see you. We..." She swallowed hard. "We may have to use it ourselves shortly."

The mare was gone before Rarity finished speaking.

Rarity took three great breaths. In and out. She could feel her nerves tingling with fear. She had to go out and face them. Convince them to disperse. If not for her own safety, then for the safety of...


The noblemare looked up at the landing. Sweetie Belle was staring down at her, concern etched into her pretty young face. The look made Rarity want to weep. She hated that her little sister should be here in times such as these. She deserved a happy and carefree foalhood. Not this... this nightmare that seemed to go on and on. She took one last deep breath and forced herself to smile. "It's alright, Sweetie Belle. I'll only be a moment." And before she could give it a second thought, she swung the door open and stepped outside.


"You know, I've never gotten to see you work up close." Bon Bon watched as Twilight and Lyra finished binding the unconscious pair of guards who, until thirty seconds ago, had been guarding the gate to the Lawmare's courtyard. "It's very sexy."

"Save the sweet-talk, honey." Lyra couldn't help but smile. "We're working."

Twilight gave the rope one last tug and nodded with satisfaction. "This will hold them until we can ascertain whom they serve. Now..." She turned towards the barracks.

The three mares crossed the courtyard quickly. Already they could hear the distant sounds of panic and unease. Every minute without the sun or some word of a solution from Blueblood was only shortening the powder keg of a situation's fuse. Canterlot was civilization, but civilization is tenuous is best when panic sets in.

Twilight spared a look back at Lyra. "You go on inside. I'll stand watch and..."

"YOU TRAITOROUS BITCH!" Lyra screamed.

Twilight followed the blast from Lyra's horn as it crossed the courtyard towards a familiar shape in the darkness. The targeted mare cast the counter-spell easily, then raised her hoof in supplication.

"Lyra, Twilight, you have to let me..." Moon Dancer started. This time Twilight's magic missile joined Lyra's, and the bespectacled mare had to dodge one while dissipating the other. With an elegant spin, she cast a shield charm around herself and raised both hooves in the air. "STOP CASTING, YOU IDIOTS! YOU'LL SET THEM OFF!" She cried. "I have to get them out before..."

"Sai Moon Dancer! You're back!"

The assembled mares turned as one to see little Dinky Hooves standing in the doorway of the barracks. She was smiling at Moon Dancer and holding a set of saddlebags aloft in her magic. "I knew you'd be back for this."

Moon Dancer saw the glow coming from the bag's interior. Her eyes widened in horror, and she reached out with her magic to grab it before...

The magical explosion was strong enough that all four mares were blown back several feet. It was so bright that, for an instant, it seemed like the sun had returned. Bits of broken wood and stone blew around them like they were in the midst of a tornado. The glare and violent air faded quickly. Darkness soon returned. Twilight, Lyra, and Bon Bon stood on shaky legs and stared in shock at what was left of the barracks. The grand hall and home of the Lawmares had been utterly destroyed, reduced to little more than a smoking hole in the ground. The courtyard was littered with splintered wood and shattered statuary.

Moon Dancer took several shaky steps towards the ruins before falling back on her haunches. Something came drifting out of the smoke, and she caught it in her magic, bringing it to her face. It was a scrap of what had been an apprentice's vest. It's scorched fringes were spattered with blood.

Twilight, Lyra, and Bon Bon watched as Moon Dancer tilted her head back and stared into the midnight sky.

She started screaming.


Rarity stood on the porch and looked down at the mob of ponies assembled before her house. These were her neighbors, her fellow nobles. Some were even her friends. And yet they were all staring at her now in absolute silence. She felt unnerved, but refused to show it. She drew from deep within herself and stood as tall as she was able. She raised her muzzle haughtily and looked down at them all like they were beneath her. "I must say; it seems below you all to gather like... like rabble." She sniffed indignantly. "What is the meaning of this? Don't you have anything better to do than tramp all over my petunias?"

"The murderess Twilight Sparkle has escaped the dungeons, Lady Rarity." One stallion spoke at last. He looked vaguely familiar. Somepony she'd shared a word or two with at some gala or soiree. "Is she here?"

"Really? Has my family's social standing in Canterlot fallen so low that you all think our ancestral home has become a safe house for criminals?" She barked a short, dismissive laugh. "Why in Equestria's name would a murderess come here? Surely she would have fled Canterlot by now."

The stallion pursed his lips. "It's well known that you and the Lawmare were... close. It stands to reason that you might be friendly to her in her time of need."

Rarity narrowed her eyes at him. "I see. So because I took a Lawmare into my bed, suddenly I'm a part of this hideous conspiracy?" Her horn lit, and a slap rang out. The stallion actually fumbled from the light magical slap on his cheek, and Rarity relished the new look of shame in his eyes. "You dishonor yourself, sai. You question my loyalty, my family's loyalty, and give not a second thought to how my own heart has been doubly broken." She looked out at the crowd. "Hear me very well, Canterlot!" She cried out. "My family has been part of Canterlot's nobility for centuries. We trace our bloodline back to Platinum herself, say true. I join you in weeping this endless night for our beloved princess, but I know a pain none of you know. Yes, I love..." The word caught in her throat for a moment, but she made herself push on. "I loved the Lawmare Twilight Sparkle. To know what she's done... You cannot imagine..." She sobbed, heavy and wet. "No, Twilight Sparkle is not here. And if she were?" Her lip trembled. "I'd give you to her myself!"

"She's lying."

Rarity's breath caught in her throat at the sound of the voice. All eyes turned to find the mare in black strolling through the assembled mob. They parted like waves as she passed, but her eyes remained locked on the lady of the house. The look in Trixie's eyes made Rarity take an small step back. There was something new there that hadn't been there before. They glinted with something cold. Something dangerous. She tried to shake off her unease and rebut. "Sai, I don't know what..."

"Be silent, whore!" Trixie snapped, and some in the crowd gasped at the flagrant show of disrespect. "You would dare use your station, your family's name, to hide a murderess? Your house has fallen from grace, Lady Rarity, but I have little doubt your ancestors are looking upon your actions now with less shame than your grandfather's squandering of your place in court. You stand before these good ponies practically drenched in the blood of Celestia. You've forgotten the face of your mother." She looked back at the crowd. "She thinks you all dullards. Why, I'd wager that Twilight Sparkle is in that house even now."

The stallion from before looked to Rarity, his gaze hardening. "We'll need to search your house, sai. With the greatest possible respect. If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear."

Rarity squared herself in the door frame. "And I say that none of you will set one hoof in my family home if you wish it to remain attached to your body. With the greatest possible respect."

Trixie's grin widened at the impending violence building in the air. Movement drew her eyes to the parlor window. "There!" She cried, pointing dramatically. "I see her! I see Twilight Sparkle!"

There was no defense. Rarity might have had the heart of a Lawmare beating in her chest, but her body had none of the training. The years of honing defensive spells and reflexes. The spells flew fast and deadly from the crowd, peppering the house. Wood splintered, glass shattered... and Rarity was thrown back when one struck her dead center. She struck the stairs with a gasp and lay there, wracked with pain. She tried to catch her breath, but it felt like a small weight was pushing down on her chest. She reached up to remove it... and found her breast sticky with blood. She coughed and moaned with horror when more, darker blood spattered on the carpet. She looked towards the parlor.

The maid stared back at her, the one side of her face frozen forever in a look of stunned surprise. The other side was a ruined mass of blood and bone. She lay under the window she'd been looking out of.

"W...why didn't you run?" Rarity asked the corpse. She coughed again and slumped against the steps.

"It's too risky doing a room by room search!" Trixie yelled from outside. "Burn this hive of sin, Canterlot! Cast it and all within to the flames where they belong!"

Rarity forced her eyes open and watched as her neighbor's torches began flying through the shattered windows. She forced herself to concentrate and barely managed to slam the front door shut before one of the flaming projectiles could hit her as well. She tried to move, but her limbs were refusing to cooperate. The pain was leaving her now, but what it left behind was worse. It was the absence of feeling. Emptiness. She closed her eyes...


Her sister's wail forced her eyes open once again. Sweetie Belle was standing over her, tears streaming down her face. Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were nearby. The earth pony's eyes flew around the room, seeking escape from the flames that even now were beginning to devour the curtains and scorch the wallpaper. The fillies cowered at her side, staying close. Rarity swallowed the blood in her mouth. "Applejack!"

The farmer looked down at her. "Rarity, we've got to get out of here..."

"There's... a backdoor. Mostly hidden." Each word felt like it took a little bit of her strength with it. "Sweetie... Belle knows... where it is." She saw Applejack's eyes cut to her wound. "I know. You'll have... to take them. Please..." She stared hard at the mare she'd only recently met. "Take... care... of her."

"Rarity, we can't leave you here!" Sweetie Belle grabbed her foreleg and pulled, but her tiny body couldn't move the dead weight of her sister an inch. "We have to get you to the doctor. We have to..."

"Sweetie Belle." She tried to say it with some authority, but it was mostly a whisper. "It's... too late. You have... to take care of... your friends."

"Rarity, I can't..." She sniffled. She nuzzled her older sister, not paying any mind to the spreading blood. "I can't..."

"You... can." Rarity willed her hoof to rise and wrapped it protectively around her baby sister one last time. "You have strength... in you. Twilight... saw it. So... did I. I just... I didn't want... to lose you... too."

"I love you, Rarity." The little unicorn sobbed.

"And I love you... Sweetie Belle..." Rarity managed the tiniest of smiles. "Now go. Live." She let go of the embrace and let her hoof fall away. She closed her eyes.

She wouldn't let herself watch them leave.


Sweetie Belle stared straight ahead as she led the three ponies away from the spreading fire behind them and towards the secret back exit. She didn't speak. Didn't trust herself to speak. Her sister's blood stood out on her white coat like neon. The tears were still flowing.

She didn't think they would ever stop.

They passed through the study... and something caught Sweetie Belle's eye. She paused, confirmed that she was actually seeing what she was seeing, then lifted it to her face with her magic.

It was a metallic badge in the shape of the sun. The badge of a Lawmare. Twilight's badge.

Sweetie Belle stared at it. How had it gotten here on the floor? Why had Twilight left it behind?

"Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo asked. "Where do we go?"

Sweetie Belle decided that the questions could wait. She had to get the others to safety. She lifted the badge into her mane for safe-keeping and continued leading the way out of the house. She didn't doubt she would see Twilight sooner or later.

She would hold onto the badge until then.


The flames were very close now. She no longer had the strength to open her eyes, but she could feel them dancing in the air. There was some heat, but mostly she was cold. So, so cold. She could hear the fire's roar, the timbers of her manor groaning as they burned, but it all seemed very far away.

She thought back to that night when Twilight had asked her to marry her. How flippant she'd seemed. How she would've done things differently had she known how little time they had left together.

She summoned the face of the Lawmare she loved to her mind's eye. Twilight smiled at her. Rarity smiled back.

"Twilight..." She took a shuddery breath. "...I love thee." She breathed out.

The flames took her, and the manor came crashing down not long after, but Rarity knew none of this. She had already passed into the clearing, the image of her mare guiding her so she wouldn't be alone.

Author's Note:
Comments ( 6 )

Woo hoo, it's back!

Say sorry.

....oh no, it's back.

Well that was brutal. Poor Dinky!! Gotta wonder about the badge though.

Gone so much way beyond “adapting” The Dark Tower.

If Twilight doesn't torture Trixie then this will not be worth reading.

Ka is a wheel...

Lol, I could totally plug your feed with comments; I’ve been a DT fan for decades.

I’ll just say I love what you’ve done.

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