• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 390 Views, 206 Comments

Dark Alliance: A Kirin's Tale - Blackdrag-rose

Rain Shine, seeking a lost Kirin, ends up in a new world, in a city hounded by a dark and foul alliance, and joins three adventurers on their quest to set things right.

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Baldur's Gate: Into the Sewers

Rain found that the recall potion worked as she had been told earlier, it allowed one or more people to teleport to safety, as they disappeared from the cellar and reappeared in the center of the Elfsong Tavern, not even surprising anyone as they did so, meaning it was a common occurrence in this world.

"Alyth, we have news: the cellar has been cleared out." Vahn said, as the moment they returned to the tavern he had faced the owner of the establishment, who Rain noticed seemed worried about something and she found that Ethon was no longer where he had been when she came down here with the others earlier, "Though, um, we did find some kobolds and a few rat sized spiders down there, who have been taken out as well."

"Kobolds and spiders? Oh that is worrisome." Alyth commented, confirming that she was worried about something, though now it was more turned into the dangers that she and Ethon had sent them to deal with earlier, causing her to glance over to the area that the other person was usually standing in, "Tell me, did you see Ethon at all down there?"

"No, it was just us down there." Adrianna replied, though it was hard to say if they would have seen him on the way back to the stairs, since they had used a recall potion instead of walking, making her wonder if they had wasted it by using it so soon after obtaining it.

"He was wondering what was taking you four so long and decided to follow you into the cellar." Alyth said, which struck Rain as odd since they hadn't been gone for more than ten to fifteen minutes, meaning Ethon either had no patience or he felt it should have taken them less time to clear out the cellar, "Now I fear that he's either gotten lost in the cellar or worse, that he's wandered into the sewers. I tried to stop him, but he just wouldn't listen..."

"Knowing our luck, he's likely found another way into the sewers." Rain stated, where she found that her companions took a moment to nod their heads, especially when she considered the fact that Ethon had more experience with the city than any of them did, so if there was another way into the sewers, a direct path, he had withheld it from them, why she had no idea, "We should go after him, given what we discovered in the cellar, so there's likely more of them in the sewer itself... and no telling what else."

"You'll be needing this." Alyth remarked, where she reached into her bosom and removed a key, likely the key to the sewers given what they had been told before accepting the rat slaying quest, which she handed to Vahn before setting a pouch of gold on the counter for them to take, "Also, it's only fair that I reward you for taking care of the cellars... just be careful, as Rain's right about what might be down in the sewers."

None of them bothered to comment on why she kept the key to the sewer gate in such an area, while Rain was confused as to why Alyth would do such a thing, before the group stepped away from the counter and pulled out the recall potion, as it was time to use the last of it to return to the end of the cellar. A few moments later they reappeared where they had used the potion originally, where they readied their weapons once more as Vahn unlocked the door, allowing them to discover a short tunnel carved into the earth that had to lead to the sewers. It didn't take them long to reach the end of the tunnel, as it quickly brought them to a smooth stone walkway that was above a lower water level, coming up to their ankles, meaning all of them could walk through it with ease, where they focused on exploring and moved away from the hole they had walked through. Sure enough they found a few more rats in their way, making Rain wonder if the thieves had trained them to keep an eye out for intruders or something, but they took all three of them down before finding a room with a few more and a small closet like chamber that had three more inside it.

In the smaller room Vahn found a chest that happened to have a bow inside it, along with some healing potions and a few gold coins, meaning he could finally loose arrows at their foes as he added it to his arsenal, though he had a chance to use it not a few moments later as they discovered more kobolds guarding the path forward. Once more the group took the force of kobolds one at a time, using the slim sewer tunnel to funnel their foes into an area that they controlled, and once that was done they found that there were some camps in the next chamber, meaning someone was getting ready to invade the rest of the city. Unfortunately there was a circular locked door in their way and that meant they had to head into the chamber on their right, which seemed to include a few prison cells, why Rain had no idea and she was sure her companions were as lost as she was about this matter, though there were no foes to worry about. As such they were able to pull a lever, one that did cause the door to open, along with some chests that they opened and looted, finding a few gold coins and a couple of red potions, which were added to their collection before Kromlech returned to the door.

After they made sure that nothing was waiting on the other side the group passed through it and continued to explore the rest of the sewers, before finding that the kobolds had set up a defensive line with large crates, or large for them since Rain found that the boxes were smaller than her and her companions. Based on what she was seeing it looked like they were working for someone, maybe even the Guild that they were trying to track down, and that this had been set up in the off chance that someone came into this place from the tavern's cellar. This really made it seem like they were dealing with a criminal organization or a group that was up to no good, something her companions agreed with when each of them took a moment to think about everything they had seen so far, before they focused on their foes. With the current set up they decided to attack the kobolds from multiple sides, causing them to divert their attention and fracture their wall, due to their being only six in total, allowing the group to crush them with ease.

As they carefully looted the area, however, Adrianna found a smaller container of leather helms for them to wear, since some protection was better than none, after what happened to them earlier, but as Rain put hers on, since the others did the same thing, she found that a bit of magic washed over it and remolded it to fit her head, horn, and ears.

"How interesting. I wasn't expecting that to happen." Adrianna remarked, while at the same time Rain looked at it and how it fit over her head, meaning she was surprised like they were, making her wonder if armor pieces might be affected as well, to fit over her hooves or accommodate her tail, something they'd likely see in the very near future.

"Neither was I." Rain admitted, though she wasn't sure what to make of this development, even though it meant she didn't need to worry about losing out on wearing armor, so she should be able to stay at the same level of protection as the rest of her group.

With that done the group noticed that there was a ramp nearby that would allow them into the sewer water, though they stayed out of it and walked along the path in front of them, keeping their eyes open in case more enemies were hiding in the areas ahead of them. Such a thing meant that the four of them had to pause every now and then, because there were a few vents blowing out hot steam that they had to stop in front of, to avoid taking damage, while also taking care of some rats that happened to come up from behind them. Rain took care of the defense, swiftly taking care of the rats with ease, before they were able to push deeper into the sewers and discovered more kobolds ahead of them, causing the four of them to separate once more and divide the attention of their enemies, an effective strategy when she considered the few battles they had been in so far. She also spotted a door off on the left side of the area they were passing through, which she pointed out to her companions and Vahn informed her that they'd check it in due time, causing her to focus on the rest of the kobolds that were coming at them.

After taking care of the enemies that were in front of them the group continued forward for a few seconds, only to stop as soon as they saw a large number of taller boxes that formed some protective zones for them to hide behind, and on the other side stood a far larger force of kobolds, guarding levers that likely went to another door that was deeper in this part of the sewers.

"Okay, time to double back to that door." Vahn commented, as while they had done well against the foes they had taken out so far he knew that facing off against a force of kobolds like this, easily between fifteen to twenty, was a bad idea, and that wasn't taking into consideration what might be lurking on the left side of the area they were in.

On the other side of the door the group discovered a few more kobolds, not to mention a ringed walkway that allowed all of them to look down at the levels below them, before discovering that the path seemed to be heading back up to where the line of kobolds was standing guard. Kromlech continued to swing his battleaxe at his foes and cut them down, which opened the way for Adrianna to blast a few with her flames as Vahn used a few arrows to knock his targets backward, a fact that allowed Rain to step in and take down the wounded. She really wasn't seeing anything that might help them with the force that was guarding the way forward, which was bad since they needed some sort of advantage over the force of kobolds, before they found a giant figure watching over them. Vahn informed her that it was a bugbear, a goblinoid that was very hairy and had some decent sized muscles, not to mention the fact that they carried large maces into battle, ones that had spikes on them, but it gave Rain an idea as she bypassed it and opened the door behind it.

Vahn, Adrianna, and Kromlech watched as she drew the bugbear out into the open area that the kobolds were guarding, as she dodged it's attacks and used it's own weapon to crush the kobolds, causing them to wait for a few moments, to be sure the area was clear, before joining her in bringing it down.

"Smart thinking, using it's own power against it's allies." Adrianna said, because while she was sure that they could have brought it down in due time, as there were four of them and only one of it, this allowed them to save time and get deeper into the sewers without having to rest for a time, especially since the kobolds had attacked the bugbear while trying to hit Rain, so everyone was mad at each other.

Rain huffed for a moment as she nodded her head, as that was a lot of effort on her part, giving the others time to pull all of the levers that were nearby, which caused the circular door to roll out of the way and granted them access to the next area of the sewers. On the other side of the door there were more rats to deal with, which surprised no one, before they found some boxes that were set up for someone to jump on and that one set lead right to a pair of chests, something that Kromlech investigated, even if all he found were gold and a few potions. Rain reflected on the items they had recovered so far, mostly weapons and lackluster gear that her companions said that they would sell when they got back to the tavern, if they made it that far, so they would have a fair amount of gold for whatever items they might need for the future. Other than that there was another box path for them to jump on, as it seemed to go right over a box wall that had been built to block people that got this far, especially since there was another bugbear and a fair number of kobolds on the other side of the wall.

Even with the path splitting into two paths the group had to be careful, since there seemed to be an increasing amount of kobolds guarding the way deeper into the sewers, though what surprised Rain was the fact that some of the kobolds had weapons that seemed of a better quality than their weapons. When she pointed this out to her companions Adrianna took one of the blades that had been dropped by the group they had taken down and discovered that she was telling the truth, someone was supplying these kobolds with decent gear. As such they made sure to claim some upgrades while carefully clearing out the area, while most of the weapons ended up in their packs for later, to be sold to the merchants for some gold that they could use for other items, or at least that was what Vahn told Rain. The interesting thing was that none of the kobolds seemed to be carrying new armor for them to pick up, rather they were left with what they had started with and the helmets they had picked up along the way, causing them to wonder when some new gear would be found or if all of them would have to purchase some from the merchant.

After taking down the bugbear, as there wasn't much besides it in the area it was guarding, the group opened a door and found an area that had more kobolds, guarding what appeared to be another door that would head even deeper into the massive sewers.

The four of them continued to use the same strategy that allowed them to be successful in the first place, splitting up to make the kobolds do the same thing, meaning fewer eyes on each member of their group, especially since some of them were over on the other side of the chamber. With that in mind they were able to slowly take care of the kobolds and claim more of the area that they were in, even though there was another area for them to explore, one blocked off by a couple of boxes, before worrying about the main door. Rain discovered more kobolds on the other side of the small blockade, and a few dead ones oddly enough, before they encountered a massive rat that seemed to be the culprit, but, like the rest of the rats they had killed, it went down in no time at all. With that done they returned to the center of the chamber that they had just cleared out and took a short break, allowing them to regain some of their lost stamina before heading into what Rain hoped was the final chamber of the sewers, or at least this portion anyway.

What they discovered was a massive chamber with a fair number of tents, complete with campfires and chests, before discovering a large number of kobolds in the center of it all, with a more brutish bugbear, who had a key resting on a chain around his neck, standing over them.

"Comrades, kill the intruders!" the bugbear stated, noticing them without delay, while revealing that his voice was rough, as if he wasn't used to talking to people, causing the kobolds to turn and face the group before rushing at them, meaning a new fight was on their hands.

Rain found it odd that the Chieftain, for that was what the bugbear had to be, stood off to the side as his forces attacked her and her companions, but for now she focused on what was going on and separated herself from the others, pulling a few kobolds to her as the others did the same thing. This time around Rain did something she wasn't expecting to do, she used her empty hand to control the flames of the nearby campfire and used it to burn some of the kobolds, surprising her companions as they noticed what she was doing. Even the Chieftain seemed surprised, or maybe not, but her actions caused him to step forward and join the battle, though she moved him around and made sure the others were done with their groups before everyone ganged up on the figure. Sure enough it was tougher than the other bugbears, but that was all he had going for him, as the four of them were able to deal some good damage to him before he collapsed on the floor, allowing Kromlech to take his key as he noticed that there was a door on the right side of the chamber.

"Rain... are you alright?" Adrianna asked, as that was the first time she had seen something from the figure, in terms of magical power, and while it seemed to make her huff a little it was clear to her that Rain must have great mana reserves, as she wasn't as tired as one would expect her to be.

"Yeah... I think so." Rain admitted, because she wasn't sure what was going on with her body right now, save for the fact that she must have awakened some sort of power, but since there was nothing wrong with her, not that anyone could see, the group decided to worry about it later and investigated the area.

What they discovered was a prison area on the other side of the right door they had seen, with an odd passage ending just beyond it, but it did allow them to discover what happened to Ethon, he had been locked up in one of the cells, which they were able to open thanks to the Chieftain's key.

"Ethon, it's good to see that you are alright." Vahn said, especially given the amount of enemies they had seen since they entered this portion of the sewers, with that many kobolds he had wondered if there was a chance that they would have found his remains, or that he would have been taken deeper into the sewers, "Alyth asked us to track you down after you followed us into the cellar."

"I thought about it and felt guilty about not offering you more aid than what I gave you, but as soon as I entered this part of the sewers the kobolds captured me and locked me up." Ethon replied, though at the same time he looked like he was going to properly thank Alyth for asking them to come look for him, meaning he likely knew something they didn't, and not a few seconds later he emerged from his cell, "As you know I didn't follow you into the cellar, rather I used one of the few other entrances into the sewer in the hopes of catching up to you before all of you went too far... I knew about it from my days in the guild... as in the old one, not the new one that attacked you. I had hoped that the cellars would have convinced you not to pursue the members of the Guild that attacked you, but now it seems I was wrong to worry, so I'll hope you will forgive me for wanting to keep you guys alive. Now be assured that I'm retired, as the life of a thief holds no meaning for me, but the knowledge from those days has served me well: I swiped this key from the bugbear Chieftain, which must go to a door somewhere deeper in the sewers... plus I witnessed a meeting between one of the higher ups and a lower class delivery member."

"Really? What could they be planning?" Adrianna asked, where she found that Kromlech quickly walked over to a pair of chests as Ethon walked by them, allowing him to collect the loot before they left the area, though he was interested in the mysterious plan that the Guild was currently planning.

"I have no idea, but to stop them you'll have to follow the path that the delivery man is following." Ethon stated, though as he said that he lead the way over to the spiral stairs that happened to collect to the ceiling, a path straight to the surface streets of Baldur's Gate, confirming that he knew more about this place than they did, "I suggest that we quickly retire to the Elfsong Tavern, so you can rest and regroup before heading deeper into the sewers... while you do that I'll get contact with my friends and see what I can learn from them."

The group looked at each other for a moment and agreed with his plan, as there were some things they could sell and an item or two they could get from the merchant, though they knew that it wouldn't be long before the four of them delved into the depths once more and figured out whatever the Guild was planning.

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