• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 389 Views, 206 Comments

Dark Alliance: A Kirin's Tale - Blackdrag-rose

Rain Shine, seeking a lost Kirin, ends up in a new world, in a city hounded by a dark and foul alliance, and joins three adventurers on their quest to set things right.

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Baldur's Gate: Master of the Guild

The group spent a few minutes making sure making sure Rain was alright, since she had used an unknown type of magic after being stabbed in her right arm and shoulder, before Adrianna informed her that she was just fine, her body was fully healed and there seemed to be no side effects of her strange magic. Her eyes had returned to normal after the power had been used, which had to be drawn from an incredibly powerful emotion given what it had done, but her friends were happy to see that she was just fine, even if she was still weirded out by her new skill. Of course she was still shocked by the fact that she had crushed the high ranking member of the Guild like he was nothing, showing just how fearsome the power truly was, but she was thankful that there were no serious consequences to be had from such a power. With that in mind they quickly looked around the arena, finding that there was no treasure to be found, an odd thing considering what all of them knew, before deciding that it didn't matter in the end, as they were here to destroy the Guild and didn't care about the treasure, to which they headed for the next set of stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs the group discovered that there was a new obstacle for them to overcome, magical barriers that could be turned off by pulling a lever, as when they pulled the one by the stairs it lowered the barrier and opened the way for them to enter a new chamber. This one, as Rain soon discovered, held a pedestal of some kind that had a floating orb above it, in the shape of an eye no less, that seemed to fire off balls of energy that disintegrated anyone it touched, as she spotted a rat scurrying across the floor who turned to ash after being hit. Such a thing came as a shock to them and made her friends realize that they should have seen if the thieves had some sort of protection talisman on them, to protect them from this sort of thing, but Adrianna dismissed such an idea, as she suspected that they were tied to those they were given to. With that in mind they had to hide behind the various short walls that were in front of them, extra protection to avoid being blasted to ash, before discovering that there were other traps in the area as well, to make sure intruders weren't able to get deeper into the hideout.

One of the chambers they passed by had Rain stop them for a moment, as one of the Eyes was pointed right at a lever, a trap that would kill whoever dared to try and move it, before she noticed that there was one to their left and Adrianna just nodded her head in understanding. What she did was observe the rotating Eye for a moment and moved when it was no longer looking at the opening the others were staying away from, where they watched her from the other side of the half wall as she circled around the Eye, activated a lever, and caused the second one to disappear. With that done they quickly moved towards the doorway before the first Eye turned on them, allowing the group to pause for a moment as the four of them focused on what was next on this level of the hideout, more Eyes set around a path. Rain had to wonder why they were so popular with the Master of the Guild, given what was on this level anyway, but for the time being it didn't matter to her or the others, only crossing each room while using levers to deal with the stone Eyes.

After that they found a lone corridor that lead to a large doorway, with grander looking doors than anything else, that had three bugbears standing guard over it, but they stood no chance as the group brought them down, giving Rain a chance to stare at the door.

"We're here at last... the Master of the Thieves Guild is on the other side of this door." Rain said, staring at the door as she wondered what might be on the other side, even though she knew that it had to be a powerful being to command all the creatures and people they had faced since their first venture into the cellar.

"Indeed, and hopefully we'll get some answers from him." Kromlech remarked, as the Second in Command had told them a few things before his timely demise, even if there were more things he could have explained, but that didn't matter at the moment, as they needed to stop whoever was on the other side of the door, "He'll regret setting his sights on you."

Rain nodded as the others stepped forward, to which she followed them to the door as they entered what appeared to be a massive chamber, where they discovered why not a few moments later as she found a large floating eye creature, with sharp teeth and tendrils that had eyes at the ends, staring at them as they entered, and behind it stood a black arch that seemed incredibly important.

"So, you are the one called 'Rain Shine' that Karne told me about... you are completely different from the humanoids that are standing beside you, who look alike to me." the creature stated, where Adrianna quietly informed everyone that this was a 'Beholder', which seemed to be a creature of incredible power based on everything they had seen so far, especially with it's levitation power, though Rain gathered that the Beholder didn't care about mortals too much, "Your power is far greater than I had assumed... it's a shame that you are fighting a losing battle, as you could have used it to get whatever your heart desires. You can still change sides, use your power to get what you want... you can even have these fools, if you so desire."

"No... after everything we've seen the Guild do, there's no way I'm joining you!" Rain replied, where she shifted her stance and readied her weapon as her friends did the same thing, because she wasn't about to let something like the Beholder do whatever it wanted, even if they had no idea what sort of plans it had in mind for Baldur's Gate.

Instead of saying anything else the Beholder did something interesting, he roared and started to move towards them as the group started to spread out, though the part Rain focused on was that he struck her with a tendril and sent her flying into one of the walls, near a map no less, before she was struck by a gray magical bolt in her chest. At first nothing came of the attack, making her wonder if the Beholder just wanted her out of the way since she seemed to be more valuable than her friends, though as she tried to move she found her body seemed too stiff and caused her to glance down for a couple of seconds. In that instant she found that her body was turning gray, like smooth stone that went into making statues, and it was spreading all over her, trapping Rain in cold stone as the seconds ticked by, and the only reason her friends didn't rush to her aid was because the Beholder was attacking them, using it's eye tendrils to throw magic at them, though not the one that had been used against her. Over the span of a few moments her body was encased in stone, unable to move despite the commands she was sending the rest of her limbs, before it reached her head and her vision faded, leaving her trapped as a stone statue, with only her thoughts to accompany her as the darkness surrounded her.

The oddest thing was that she could still hear everything that was going on around her, Rain could hear the sounds of her friends clashing with the Beholder as Adrianna noticed what had happened to her, but in that moment her power spilled out once more, causing her to break free from her prison. She wasn't about to wonder how she had done so, because by this point she knew that her powers just seemed to be all over the place, so Rain focused on the battle that was going on as she rushed at the Beholder, who seemed surprised by what she had done. With her friends commanding it's attention, and most of the tendrils shooting off either flames or lightning, Rain tracked down the one that had been used against her earlier, as she found the gray magic dancing around it as the creature readied another blast to bring her down. In the next few seconds the blast came at her as fast as the previous one did, though this time around she was ready for it as she did something that surprised her friends, she pulled out her old dagger and used the blade to block the attack, and when the weapon started to turn she hurled it through the air.

Adrianna watched as the dagger struck the Beholder in it's main eye, causing it to roar in pain, before the petrification on it sunk into the creature's body, turning it into a statue in a matter of seconds, though when it hit the ground, since the levitation was no longer powered, the entire thing shattered into a pile of rubble.

"Well... that's one way to take down a Beholder." Adrianna stated, though as she said that Vahn made sure that Rain was fine, since there was no telling how much damage her body had taken from being turned into a statue, but, just as she expected, their friend was just fine, another sign that her magic was incredible.

"Aye, though we should tell Jherek about this discovery." Kromlech said, as while he was interested in Rain's powers, and what it meant for them in the future, he knew that the discovery of the strange arch meant that they had to tell their boss about this place, especially with the map Rain had landed near.

Adrianna agreed before using one of their recall potions to return to the inn, allowing Vahn and Kromlech to make sure Rain was fine, that there were no parts of her that were still dealing with the petrification she had endured, but she kept telling them that she was just fine. A few seconds later Adrianna returned with Jherek standing beside her, who told the group that he was proud of their actions in keeping Baldur's Gate safe, even though he had been shocked by the fact that a Beholder had been running the Guild and was equally shocked by the fact that Rain destroyed it. With that done he and the group walked over to the map, where they discovered that there was a triangle on it, connecting Baldur's Gate to the Sunset Mountains and the mountains to the Marsh of Chelimber, confirming that there was a larger menace to the city than they originally thought. As such Jherek informed them that he had an agent in the Sunset Mountains that he hadn't heard from for some time and that they would be in the debt of Rain and her friends if they investigated the threat that the city faced, even though he did suggest that, if they were to take the job, they should get some sleep first, since there was no telling what the future might hold for them.

Vahn, Kromlech, and Adrianna agreed that some rest was in order, especially since there was a reward for their hard work in dealing with the Guild, to which Rain followed their lead once again, as she was sure they were going to need it for the dangers that were on the other side of the mysterious onyx gateway.

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