• Published 21st Jun 2022
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Cardfight Vanguard EQG: The Cardfighting Club - MechaTomX

With a new idea established, Spike with the help of his friends will decide to found a school club where they can play Vanguard against other schools, but founding the club will not be so easy due to the pressure imposed by the evil student council.

  • ...

Why be a King when you can be a God?

The duel between Thorax and Soarin began, the 2 had the situation in a draw with 2 wins and 2 losses, neither could disappoint their team.

“Like, the previous victory was Soarin's, you get to choose whether you go first or second,” Lemon Zest told Thorax.

Thorax thought about it for a moment, but after analyzing the situation, he made his decision, "Soarin, start first, I'll take second turn."

"Good idea Thorax," Spike said "So he can have the first attack."

“And more option to be able to paralyze his units,” Ember added.

"Umm, paralyze?" asked Coconut Cream.

“The Megacolony clan specializes in paralyze units so they can't Stand next turn,” Spike replied.

"Which means they won't be able to attack," Ember added.

"Insects are so interesting and eye-catching," Moondancer said as she pulled out a notebook, then she looked at Thorax, "Just like the boy who chose them for his deck."

"What did you say?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Uhm…. Nothing,” Moondancer replied as she blushed.

“GO THORAX, BEAT HIM,” Nurse Chrysalis yelled as she waved her Megacolony clan flags.

“You have a very good mother,” Soarin told Thorax.

“I guess so,” Thorax replied with a smile, then glanced at the flags she held, “Though I regret teaching her how to use a color printer.”

"Well, I guess I'm going to Ride," Soarin said as he placed a unit on his Vanguard, "GUSTY HAWK." (PWR8000/G1)

“Chickadee skill,” Soarin said as he placed the grade 0 unit right behind his Vanguard, “Moves to the back row, and i can´t attack, so I end my turn.”

"Very well, then it's my turn, Ride," Thorax said as he drew a card from his deck and placed a grade 1 unit on his Vanguard, "DARK ANT SOLDIER." (PWR8000/G1)

“My Cocoon's skill allows me to move it into a rear-guard circle,” Thorax moved the Cocoon to the back of his field, now right behind Dark Ant Soldier.

Hmm, boost power, Soarin thought, and he didn't spend a single card from his hand.

“Boosted with my Cocoon, Dark Ant Soldier attacks your Vanguard,” Thorax said as he placed his units horizontally.

“No Guard,” Soarin said.

“Drive Trigger check,” Thorax said as he pulled a drive from his deck, he smiled at it, “FLAME MOTH, A CRITICAL TRIGGER.”

"Double damage on the first turn," Soarin said, "I can't believe it."

“THEN BELIEVE IT YOU FOOL,” Chrysalis yelled at him.

“SHUT UP OLD LADY,” Spitfire yelled at her.

"OLD LADY?" Chrysalis asked indignantly as she stood up and walked over to the side of Wonderbolt Academy, "For your information, I'm only 35 years old."

"No Miss Chrysalis," Twilight told her as she stopped her, "It's not worth it."



The light blue girl had hit her on the head, causing her to lose consciousness.

"I'm sorry," the light blue girl apologized, as she led Spitfire away while she was still unconscious, "It won't happen again."

Returning to battle.

“Damage Trigger, first check.”

Thorax: 0/6 Damage
Soarin: 1/6 Damage

"Second check," Soarin said as he put a unit into his Damage Zone, he was relieved to see it, "SOOTHING SONGBIRD, HEAL TRIGGER."

Thorax: 0/6 Damage
Soarin: 1/6 Damage

“Who would have thought that pulling out a Heal Trigger early would work this time,” Flash Sentry said.

"My turn, Ride," Soarin said as he drew a card and placed a card on his Vanguard, "SQUALLING AQUILA." (PWR10000/G2)

“And you know it, when a Gale Force unit rides it, i reveal the top card of my deck, and if it is a Gale Force whose grade is equal to or lower than my vanguard, i can superior call it.”

Soarin looked at the top card of his deck, "Guess it'll do some good."

“Superior Call,” Soarin placed in the left front row a copy of his grade 1 unit, "GUSTY HAWK." (PWR8000/G1)

"And don't forget Chickadee's Skill, I put it in the Soul, pay a Counter Blast and send your Cocoon to the top of your deck."

Thorax frowned as he placed his Grade 0 unit on top of his deck.

“Then, I Call,” Soarin placed a copy of his Vanguard on the right front row, "SQUALLING AQUILA." (PWR10000/G2)

"Dammit," Spike said.

“3 attacks,” Ember said, “He clearly wants to finish him off as soon as possible.”

“Now I attack with my Gusty Hawk,” Soarin brought his unit to a horizontal position.

“Damage Trigger check,” Thorax placed a normal unit in his Damage Zone.

Thorax: 1/6 Damage
Soarin: 1/6 Damage

“Now I will attack you with my Vanguard,” Soarin brought Gusty Hawk horizontally.

“No Guard,” Thorax said, he couldn't lose any cards from his hand, not if he wanted his plan to go well.

“Drive Trigger check,” Soarin pulled out a card and smiled again, “Looks like my deck is responding pretty well to me today, Heal Trigger.”

Thorax: 1/6 Damage
Soarin: 0/6 Damage

“Dammit, this is bad,” Thorax thought as he placed a unit in his Damage Zone and Soarin removed the only card from his Damage Zone.

Thorax: 2/6 Damage
Soarin: 0/6 Damage

“Again,” Soarin placed his last rear guard horizontally.

Thorax: 3/6 Damage
Soarin: 0/6 Damage

“This is bad, Soarin has recovered from his damage, while Thorax has 3 damage,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“At least he has the advantage when it comes to cards in his hand,” Spike added.

“I wouldn't normally think of using this, but desperate situations call for desperate measures,” Nurse Chrysalis said as she dropped her Megacolony clan flags.

At that moment, she took out a huge flag of the Megacolony clan from her bag.

"Miss Chrysalis, how did you get that thing to fit in your bag?" Spike asked.

"With hard work Spike," Chrysalis replied, as she now waved the huge flag, "DON'T GIVE UP THORAX."

“I won't give up mom,” Thorax replied with a smile, “But you should stop waving that thing around, someone could get hurt.”

"What are you talking about?" Chrysalis asked at the same time she was waving the flag when suddenly she heard some voices.


"We can't breathe."

Twilight and Spike shouted as they had become entangled in the fabric of the huge flag.

"Oh, that's what he meant," Chrysalis released the flag releasing the siblings from their choking, "Sorry guys."

"Stand and Draw," Thorax placed his unit vertically and drew a card from his deck, he analyzed the situation, Soarin had his front row full, but he had more cards in his hand, if he played his cards well, literally and metaphorically, it could turn this cardfight for good.

“I can't lose,” Thorax said and then remembered the time he started playing Vanguard.

Several months ago.

Thorax was at the mall, he had accompanied his mother, while they were resting, Chrysalis saw Spike in the distance.

"Thorax, isn't that your friend?" Chrysalis asked her son.

"Hey, you're right, there's Spike, I'll go say hello," Thorax replied, at that moment he got up and went to where Spike was who entered a store.

Upon arrival, Thorax saw the sign, “Dragon Booster? It must be some card game store, but of course, Spike told me that he plays a game like that."

Thorax entered the store, upon entering, he saw Spike who had a booster pack in his hand, he sat down at a table and opened it.

Spike smiled at the cards he got, most of all, a card which featured a picture of a dog with purple and green fur and a collar with a heart marked, "Great, its the Brave and Glorious Hound."

Thorax smiled at how excited Spike was, he leaned in, "So that's what you play?"

“Gahhh,” Spike yelled in surprise, turning around and realizing Thorax was there.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” Thorax apologized.

"Thorax, hi, I didn't think I'd run into you here," Spike greeted.

“Actually,” Thorax replied, “I was just over here and saw you pass by, but since I'm here, I'd be interested in hearing about Vanguard.”

Spike smiled, "Well, it's a lot of fun, and kind of magical if you think about it."

But at that moment, Spike pulled out a lot of cards from a box.

"I have a better idea, these are cards I don't use, pick one and we can make your deck based on that card or clan," Spike told him.

"Wow, thanks Spike, that's very generous of you," Thorax agreed as he looked at the cards Spike held out to him.

He had been surprised at the variety of the game, many clans, he saw the designs, ranging from humans to beings that he only saw in the fantasy books he read.

But a card caught his attention, which seemed to be a kind of king with insect wings, it looked imposing, and without thinking twice, Thorax took that card.

"That's the Changeling King, of the Megacolony clan," Spike told him, "The Megacolony is a clan of insects."

Thorax smiled, "Well, I like insects, and I don't know why, but seeing the Changeling King, I felt him calling me."

"That's the spirit, Thorax," Spike told him and then went straight to the counter and grabbed a deck, "Luckily for both of us, the Megacolony deck is half price this week."

"Mr. Torch, I'd like to buy this," Spike told him as he handed him $4.

Mr. Torch agreed and sold Spike a Megacolony deck.

"Here you go," Spike told Thorax as he handed him the deck.

"Thanks a lot, Spike," Thorax said as he pulled out his wallet to at least pay for half the deck.

"Thorax, you don't have to pay me anything, it's a gift," Spike told him.


"Thorax, you're my best friend, and now you're playing Vanguard, what more could I ask for, besides it's only a measly 4 bucks that I would have spent on something stupid," Spike told him.

Thorax smiled.

“It was thanks to Spike, he introduced me to Vanguard, he gave me this deck and I won't let him down, Ride,” said Thorax as he placed a unit on his Vanguard, "CHANGELING KNIGHT." (PWR10000/G2)

“Now, you will be trapped in my web,” Thorax told Soarin with a determined look, “The Changeling Knight skill allows me to trap a unit other than the Vanguard, now your Aquilla won't be able to stand in the next turn.”

"And I'm not done yet, Call," Thorax placed on the left front row a copy of his Vanguard, "CHANGELING KNIGHT."(PWR10000/G2)

“I can paralyze another unit again, but since I put it in rear guard, I have to pay a Counter Blast,” Thorax said as he flipped a card in his Damage Zone, "Hawk will be trapped as well.”

Soarin frowned, now almost his entire front row was paralyzed.

“Now I attack your Vanguard with mine,” Thorax said, laying his Changeling Knight horizontally.

“No Guard,” Soarin said.

"Drive Trigger check," Thorax pulled a card from his deck, but it was a normal drive, "No Trigger."

“Damage Trigger check,” Soarin placed a normal unit in his Damage Zone.

Thorax: 3/6 Damage
Soarin: 1/6 Damage

“I will now attack with my other Knight,” Thorax brought his last unit horizontal.

“I protect myself with High Speed ​​Messenger Pigeon,” Soarin placed his Draw Trigger in the Guard Zone. (SHLD 5000)

Thorax frowned, "Gghh, my turn is over."

“My turn, Stand and…” Soarin said but realized he couldn't Stand his rear guards, so he just did it to the Vanguard, “Draw.”


“Now your Changeling Knight goes to the top of your deck,” Soarin said as Thorax placed his unit on his deck.

"No, Garuda again," Twilight said worriedly.

“I should wave the flag again, just in case….” Chrysalis said but was cut off by the shout from the student council.


“I can't afford to lose, after everything that happened with Flash by my side,” Soarin said as he reminisced about the national tournament.

Several months ago.

Soarin was in the national tournament, and he had an opponent whom he hoped they would meet until the final, but fate had other plans for him.

“Flash,” Soarin said seeing his opponent face to face, he couldn't believe he would be facing his best friend in the semifinals.

“Sorain,” Flash said in equal surprise, only flashing a smile, “It's a surprise, but I've been looking forward to playing with you in this tournament.”

Soarin smiled, he was aware that he wasn't the strongest in the tournament, but that Flash longed to have a battle against him, he couldn't let him down, "Thank you Flash, I'll do my best."

"I sure do," Flash Sentry replied.

At that moment the narrator was heard.


The 2 placed their decks on the table, it was a huge table.


All the spectators shouted the same thing at the same time as Flash and Soarin.

“Stand Up, Vanguard.”

By placing his units on the table, they had materialized, the table used the Motion Figure System, a device that produced 3D models of the units called to the battlefield.

The battle began, it was a close battle where there were attacks, blocks, interceptions and a lot of luck in the Trigger check, but after several minutes, Flash Sentry had summoned his Vanguard.

“SHINE YOUR LIGHT OF VICTORY, SUPERIOR RIDE,” shouted Flash as he placed a card on top of the Drake, the card showed a bipedal yellow dragon with golden armor, it had blue spines on its back, shoulders, and knees, on its chest it had a shield that had a lightning bolt in the center, and, furthermore, the dragon wore a golden sword, “FLASH HEART DRAGON.” (PWR12000/G3)

“Flash Heart Dragon, this is going to hurt,” Soarin said.

“Now I'll attack with Flash Heart Dragon, let's go all out,” Flash said as he placed his Flash Heart Dragon horizontally.

Soarin checked his hand, but realized that he didn't have enough defense, he had no choice, “No…. Guard.”

"Drive Trigger check," Flash drew a card from his deck, a normal drive, "No Trigger."

“Second check, mmm, No Trigger.”

But no luck for Soarin as he realized he could only win if he landed 2 Heal Triggers in a row.

“Damage Trigger….check,” Soarin said a bit dejectedly, and then he saw that he didn't get any Heal.

Flash Sentry: 4/6 Damage (Winner)
Soarin: 6/6 Damage


The entire audience cheered for his victory.

At that moment the units on the table vanished, indicating that it had been turned off.

Soarin lowered his head and looked at the ground, he didn't know if he even made Flash break a sweat, but his doubts were dispelled when he felt Flash's hand on his shoulder, "You did very well Soarin, it was a great fight."

Soarin's look changed from one of sadness to one of joy but showing a tear in his eye, "I think I could have done better."

"Nonsense, it's true that we can all improve, but you fought with your heart, you shouldn't regret that," Flash told him with a smile.

Soarin smiled and looked at Flash, "Don't worry, I won't."

"Even though I lost that time, I'm sure I could have given Flash a better fight," Soarin thought, "But despite everything, Flash considers me a very powerful player, he's my best friend, so I can't let him down, I am going to show him what I am capable of, and one day, we will return to the tournament, where we will have our rematch and for that, I cannot lose, I WILL NOT LOSE.”

“Now, i Call,” Soarin set up a unit that looked like a condor with a blue aura surrounding it, “CHARGING CONDOR.” (PWR7000/G1)

But seeing the unit he had placed, Thorax was confused, "Wait a minute, that's a Perfect Guard."

"That's right," Soarin answered.

"But why do you put up a Perect Guard, wouldn't it serve you better to defend yourself?" Thorax asked.

“Normally yes, but my Condor has a very powerful effect,” Soarin said as he placed 2 cards from his deck into the Soul and placed his unit horizontally, “By placing it on rest, I can Soul Charge 2 to my Vanguard.”

“Uh oh,” Thorax said knowing that what would come next would not be pretty.

“I Soul Blast 5, for every card I use in Soul Blast, you must return a card to your deck,” Soarin said and then smiled.

“Damn, and I already had a lot of defensive Triggers in my hand,” Thorax said as he returned 5 cards to his deck.

"Ahhh, that damn skill," Spike said.

"And you know it, Garuda earns 1000 for each card sent from your hand to your deck." (PWR 17000)

Thorax frowned.

“Now, attack,” Soarin placed his Vanguard horizontally.

Thorax couldn't defend himself, he had to accept the damage, "No Guard."

“Twin Drive, first check,” Soarin said and drew a normal drive from his deck, “No Trigger.”

Thorax was relieved to hear that.

“Second check,” Soarin drew the next card, he smiled, “CRITICAL TRIGGER, SPEARING WOODPECKER.”

Thorax gritted his teeth in concern, "It can't be."

At that moment, he imagined himself on the planet Cray, where he was the Changeling Knight who was caught in a tornado generated by Garuda.


Thorax came back to reality and placed 2 cards in his Damage Zone.

Thorax: 5/6 Damage
Soarin: 1/6 Damage

Thorax saw his Damage Zone and worried, "If I don't do anything to remedy this situation, I'll end up like a moth headed for the flames."

"Don't worry, Thorax," Spike told him.

“Yeah, now that he used all the cards in the Soul,” Moondancer said.

"Which means he won't be able to return any more cards to your hand," Twilight Sparkle added.

"No," Ember said.

Everyone turned to Ember, who looked very worried.

"His Perfect Guard has another effect," Ember said.

“Before I end my turn, I'll use the other effect of Charging Condor,” Soarin said as he moved his condor to the Soul and placed 5 cards from his deck into the Soul, “If I Soul Blasted this turn, I can Soul Charge as well. to the number of cards you use in Soul Blast.”

“HE GOT HIS SOUL BACK,” Spike yelled in fright, “Now he can use Garuda's skill again on his next turn.”

“Soarin knows how to use his resources, retrieving the Soul like that wouldn't even have occurred to me,” Flash Sentry said with a smile.

"Now he just need to wait for the next turn and the victory is for him," added the light blue girl.

“My turn is over,” Soarin said.

Thorax glared at him and drew 5 cards from his deck.

“My turn, Stand and Draw,” Thorax said as he stood his Vanguard upright and drew a card from his deck.

"You're a good Cardfighter," Soarin told him, "But I went to the national, you know you'll have a hard time with me."

But Thorax ignored him, and went to place his Grade 3 unit.

"This isn't over yet," Thorax thought.

“WITH THE NOBILITY OF A BENEVOLENT KING, YOU WILL BRING PEACE TO YOUR KINGDOM BY ELIMINATING INJUSTICE, SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND FIGHT, RIDE,” Thorax shouted and placed a unit on his Vanguard, it was a man dressed in green clothes, he seemed to be some kind of fairy, and he had wings in his back, “CHANGELING KING.” (PWR13000/G3)

Soarin's pupils shrank, he was before the king of the Megacolony clan, but he recovered his posture when he remembered that he still had Garuda, the Wind God.

"But I'm not impressed, why be a king when you can be a god?" Soarin told Thorax as he pointed at Garuda.

"A king can defeat a god," said Thorax, "He needs to believe."

“This battle is about to end, but if Thorax can't make a difference, Soarin will most likely win the battle next turn, Thorax can handle all that pressure?” Lemon Zest announced.

"Of course I can," Thorax thought, "Before this, I was someone different, a cowardly person, but I'll show how much I've changed, I just need a chance."

Flash Sentry raised an eyebrow at Thorax's determined look.

"DON'T GIVE UP THORAX," Spike and Ember yelled at the same time.

“CALL,” Thorax yelled as he placed almost all of the units in his hand, putting 2 Grade 2 units in the front row and 3 Grade 1 units in the back row.





"WHOA," Spike exclaimed, "Thorax really goes with full power."

"It sacrifice almost his entire hand," Ember said, "You must make it count."

“Grrr, no matter how strong your attacks are,” Soarin told him, “None of them can hit me this turn.”

"We'll see about that, supported by Dark Ant Soldier, my Changeling Knight attacks Garuda," Thorax said as he placed their respective units horizontally. (PWR 18000)

“I protect myself with Rising Raven,” Soarin placed his Stand Trigger in the Guard Zone. (SHLD 15000)

“Tschh, well, supported by Dark Ant Soldier, Swordspider attacks Garuda,” Thorax said as he placed their respective units horizontally. (PWR 18000)

“I protect myself with Soothing Songbird,” Soarin placed his Heal Trigger in the Guard Zone. (SHLD 15000)

“Ahhhh, you must be kidding me,” Spike said.

“It's pretty annoying,” Twilight Sparkle added, “He hasn't let himself get hit.”

“I think that's the idea,” Moondancer told them.

“This isn't over, because I'm going to activate my Changeling King skill, if you have any units in your front row that were paralyzed in the previous turn, I can pay 3 Counter Blast,” Thorax placed 3 cards face down in his Damage Zone.

"And what does that do?" Soarin asked.

“Increase my power,” Thorax replied with a smile, “For every unit paralyzed, my Vanguard gains 10,000 power and an extra critical hit.”

“Oh no,” Soarin said.

“Oh yeah,” Thorax said, “And since there are 2 paralyzed units, my Vanguard gains a power of 20000 and a critical of 3.”

"For Faust's sake," Spearhead said, "That can't be legal."

“Indeed it is,” Flash Sentry responded, “But Soarin did not know the full power of the Megacolony clan.”

"That's incredible, who would have thought he would use the power of the Changeling King that way," Spike said, smiling.

“I play with my heart, so I'll give it my all, and supported by my Chainsaw Scarab, CHANGELING KING, ATTACK GARUDA,” he shouted that last part as he placed his units horizontally. (PWR 41000 CRITICAL 3)

“You are a fool,” Soarin told him as he placed 3 cards in the Guard Zone, “Guard.”


"Intercept," Soarin said as he set up his Grade 2 unit, "SQUALLING AQUILA." (SHLD 10000)

“With this my total defense power is 52000,” Soarin told him, “Even if you get a Trigger, it won't be enough.”

"That defense power is almost impenetrable, how will Thorax overcome this," Lemon Zest announced.

Thorax had remained motionless for a few seconds, he didn't expect it.

"Why do you freeze?" Soarin asked, "Are you giving up?"

Thorax regained consciousness and replied, "NO, because I still have a Trigger chance, first check."

Thorax took out a card and when he saw it, he smiled, "YEAH, THATS WHAT IM TALKING, FLAME MOTH, A CRITICAL TRIGGER."

“A Critical Trigger, extra damage and 10,000 extra power,” Lemon Zest said.

"Amazing," Spike said, "He managed to pull off a Trigger at the best time."

“Wait a minute,” Soarin interrupted, “Even with the Trigger, your total power is 51,000, and my defense is 52,000, you won't be able to hit my Vanguard.”

“Then I will let my deck guide my feelings and my soul by granting me a miracle, second check,” Thorax said as he drew the next card.

He closed his eyes for a few moments, not daring to look at the card.

The entire public was nervous and expectant because the next play would decide the game.

But at that moment, Thorax opened his eyes.

He saw the card.

And he scream in fear, “AHHHHHHHHHHHH.”


"Oh no," Spike said worriedly.

"Yes, big problems," Thorax said scared but then smiled, "But not for me, problems for Soarin."

"Huh?" Spike wondered.

At that moment Thorax revealed the card.

Soarin almost choked on his own saliva when he saw the card.


“Amazing, a double Critical Trigger, that's 61000 power and with that he managed to break through Soarin's defense,” Lemon Zest announced.

"And it's not just that," Thorax showed Soarin his cards, "Its a 5 Critical Damage."

Soarin was speechless.

“5 damage with a single attack,” Moondancer said, “Impressive.”

At that moment Soarin regained his posture, "This is impossible."

Soarin decided to do a Damage Check without saying anything hoping to get a Heal Trigger.

Soarin drew the first card.

Thorax: 5/6 Damage
Soarin: 2/6 Damage

Soarin drew the second card

Thorax: 5/6 Damage
Soarin: 3/6 Damage

Soarin drew the third card

Thorax: 5/6 Damage
Soarin: 4/6 Damage

Soarin drew the fourth card

Thorax: 5/6 Damage
Soarin: 5/6 Damage

Soarin took out the last card this time with all his might, “Ahhhhh,” Soarin shouted because he couldn't believe what had happened, “Ahhhhhh.”

There was no Heal Trigger there.

Thorax: 5/6 Damage (Winner)
Soarin: 6/6 Damage

“Miracles happen when one is in harmony with their Vanguard, I owe this battle to the Changeling King, and he showed, that a king can defeat a god,” Thorax said as he showed Soarin his Changeling King card.

Soarin who was still in shock, didn't know what to say, “Gyahh…. My rocket…. Flew away…..”

At that moment Soarin ran out of the gym and went to a window.

“Soarin wait,” shouted Flash Sentry.

But Soarin didn't hear him and jumped out the window, breaking it.

“I think we shouldn't have made them too transparent,” said Sugarcoat.

“Don't worry, I'm fine,” Soarin yelled.

“Umm, well, the winner, Crystal Prep, Thorax,” Lemon Zest announced.

“I DID IT.” Thorax screamed with excitement.

"You did it Thorax," Spike said.

“You defeated a god,” Ember said.

"That's my son," Chrysalis said with tears of joy in her eyes.

And by this time, a king had surpassed a god.

Author's Note:

I must admit that this chapter was a lot of fun to write.

But it was painful too, because one had to lose, especially since Thorax and Soarin are the best friends of the protagonist and the rival of this story, obviously the 2 had to prove something, and I hope I have written it well.