• Published 21st Jun 2022
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Cardfight Vanguard EQG: The Cardfighting Club - MechaTomX

With a new idea established, Spike with the help of his friends will decide to found a school club where they can play Vanguard against other schools, but founding the club will not be so easy due to the pressure imposed by the evil student council.

  • ...

Enter The Dragon Lord

The situation was not going well for the Crystal Prep Cardfighting Club, they had lost a cardfighter in their first battle, but that would not lower their spirits and they would make sure to fight until the end.

“Don't let that defeat discourage you,” Twilight Sparkle told them.

“Very good, they got a loss” said Sugarcoat as she wrote the members' names on a board.

Crystal Prep.

Toola Roola
Coconut Cream

Wonderbolt Academy.

Flash Sentry

“That was amazing, Spearhead,” Flash Sentry congratulated him.

“You really showed off,” Soarin told him.

“The force of the dark knights is on your side,” the orange-haired, yellow-skinned girl told him.

"Keep it up and we'll beat them," the white-haired, light-blue-skinned girl said.

“Just be careful, don't underestimate them, they really are very strong,” Spearhead told his team, to which they all nodded.

"That's the way is spoken, Spearhead I hope you have good luck in your second battle," Flash told him as he saw Ember approaching.

"Aye aye, captain," Spearhead replied as he returned to the table.

"Come on Ember," Spike encouraged, "I know you can win."

"I will, Spike," Ember replied as she advanced to the table.

"We've never seen her fight, do you think she'll be okay?" Thorax asked.

"Thorax, you forget she works at a card shop, Ember surely has a plan to counter every deck she faces," Spike told him.

“I guess that makes sense,” Thorax said.

“It's time to start the second battle between Crystal Prep and Wonderbolt Academy,” Lemon Zest announced.

“From Crystal Prep, Ember,” Lemon Zest announced as Ember sat down at the table and placed her deck there.

“And from Wonderbolt Academy, Spearhead,” Lemon Zest announced as Spearhead sat down at the table and placed his deck there.

“So you're next,” Spearhead told Ember, “I'm chivalrous, but I won't hold back, no matter who my opponent is, though I think you already figured it out, because of my last battle.”

Ember remembered the way Spearhead defeated Toola Roola, but then she smiled, "Very well, in fact, you better fight with all your might."

"Huh?" Spearhead asked.

“Because I will become the strongest Cardfighter, no matter what opponents I have to face,” Ember continued, “And right now you are just a wall that prevents me from advancing, but no matter, I will destroy that wall with the power of my units.”

"Wow, that was awesome," Spike said as he listened to Ember.

"I know Ember is on our side," Toola Roola said, "But that was scary."

"Yes, I think there is no need to make her angry," added Coconut Cream.

"Haha," Spearhead laughed, "I'm sorry but that threat won't intimidate me."

But Ember replied with a small prayer, "It wasn't a threat."

“Hmmph,” Spearhead sighed.

“Okay I see you're in high spirits, it's time to shuffle your decks and draw your cards,” Lemon Zest told them.

The 2 nodded, placed their Vanguard face down, shuffled their decks and drew 5 cards.

“I'll return 3,” Ember said returning 3 cards to her deck, she shuffled it and she drew 3 cards.

"I'm fine," Spearhead said.

“Let the battle begin,” Lemon Zest announced.

At that moment, they turned over the card they left on the table while the two of them shouted:


Ember: 0/6 Damage
Spearhead: 0/6 Damage

Ember's card was a light blue egg, it looked like a dragon would hatch because the egg sprouted arms and legs and had red eyes, "CHAOS EGG." (PWR4000/G0)

While Speahead flipped the same card from last time, "DARK PEGASUS KNIGHT." (PWR6000/G0)

"Kagero," Spike and Thorax said at the same time, although they weren't surprised, they knew that this clan was perfect for Ember.

"Interesting clan, like Spike's," Twilight Sparkle said.

"Kagero?" Toola Roola and Coconut Cream wondered, not knowing all the clans.

"It is a clan of Dragons and Dragonriders," Thorax answered.

"Is it like Spike's Narukami Deck?" Toola Roola asked.

"Not necessarily, the Narukami are Thunder Dragons, and while they share similar abilities, such as destroying the opponent's rear-guards, they do have their differences," Spike told them.

“The Kagero focus a bit more on power than the Narukami,” Thorax added.

"But will it be enough to defeat a Shadow Paladdin Deck?" asked Coconut Cream.

Spike smiled, "Don't worry, I trust Ember."

“Since the Crystal Prep Cardfighting Club lost, Ember will be able to decide whether to start first or second,” said Lemon Zest.

"Very well," Ember said, then turned to Spearhead, "I'll give you the first turn."

"Roger, my turn, draw, Ride," Spearhead placed a card on top of his Dark Pegasus Knight, "SHADOW PEGASUS KNIGHT." (PWR8000/G1)

“Shadow Pegasus Knight skill, as long as i have Dark Pegasus Knight is in my soul, I can search my deck for Phantom Pegasus Knight,” Spearhead said as he searched his deck and added the unit to his hand.

“This is bad, he already secured his next Ride,” Ember thought.

"I'm done with my turn," Spearhead said.

“Okay, here I come,” Ember said, pulling a card from her deck.

“Ride,” then placing a card on top of Chaos Egg, it was a salamander engulfed in blue flames, but its most notable feature was its fangs, needless to say the unit had a majestic design, “BLUE FLAME SALAMANDER.” (PWR8000/G1)

“Blue Flame Salamander skill allows me to draw an extra card from my deck,” Ember said as she drew a card from her deck, to which Spearhead frowned.

“Now I call another copy of Blue Flame Salamander,” Ember said as she placed the other unit on the left front row.

“And now I will attack your Vanguard with my Blue Flame Salamander,” Ember said as she placed the other unit that was not her Vanguard horizontally.

“I'm gonna Guard,” Spearhead said as he set up a Draw Trigger in the Guard Zone.


Ember frowned, she placed her Vanguard horizontally, "Then I'll attack you with my Vanguard."

Spearhead thought about it for a moment, but in the end, he decided that defending would be a risky move, "No Guard."

“Drive Trigger check,” said Ember as she took a card out of her deck and added it to her hand, she smiled when she saw what came out, “BERSERK HATCHLING, A CRITICAL TRIGGER.”

“Grr, lucky draw,” Spearhead said, “Damage Trigger, check.”

Spearhead placed 2 cards in his Damage Zone, he smiled with the last one, it was another copy of Ghost Wing, at that moment, he drew a card from his deck, "Alright, a Draw Trigger, I draw an extra card."

Ember: 0/6 Damage
Spearhead: 2/6 Damage

"Yay, Ember has the skill to pull a Critical," Spike said.

"Is it skill or luck?" Toola Roola asked.

"Ummm," Spike said not knowing what to say but Coconut Cream interfered.

"I think it's a mixture of both, Roola."

Thorax nodded, "That's right, although Vanguard is a game where luck depends a bit, but the one who knows his deck best and knows how to handle his units will win."

"Mmm, you're right about that, Thorax," Moondancer told him, "Also the one who best knows how to integrate his units in perfect balance."

"So it was a good idea to modify those decks we bought," Twilight Sparkle said to which Spike nodded.

"That's how it is."

"My turn, Ride," Spearhead said as he drew a card from his deck and placed a card on top of his Vanguard, "PHANTOM PEGASUS KNIGHT." (PWR10000/G2)

“If Shadow Pegasus Knight is in my soul, I can draw an extra card,” Spearhead said as he drew a card from his deck.

“Here it goes,” Ember said.

"Call," Spearhead said as he put a unit in the left front row, "ARCHER OF THE GALE." (PWR10000/G2)

“Oh not again,” Toola Roola and Coconut Cream said at the same time, since they knew the Archer's skill.

"Your Blue Flame Salamander will go to the Drop Zone," Spearhead said smiling as he pointed at the unit.

"Sorry Blue Flame Salamander," Ember said as she placed the unit in the Drop Zone, "But thanks for your help."

"Why is she talking to her card, is she crazy?" the orange-haired girl asked.

"No, she's one with her deck," Flash replied with a smile, "She really puts her dedication into her Cardfights, Spike really had a great idea recruiting her."

"Changing the subject," Soarin spoke up, "I dont think it was a good idea Spearhead used her Archer so early, I mean, he only took out a grade 1."

“Soarin, the Kagero clan lies in power, my advice is if you can take out a unit, don't miss the opportunity,” Flash answered and then he turned to have a serious look, “Otherwise things can't be nothing pretty.”

"Now I'll attack with my Archer," Spearhead said as he brought his unit to a horizontal position.

“Damage Trigger check,” Ember said as she placed a card in her Damage Zone.

Ember: 1/6 Damage
Spearhead: 2/6 Damage

"And now I'll attack with my Vanguard," Spearhead said as he placed his unit horizontally.

Ember decided to defend herself with the Critical she had drawn, "Don't think I'll just sit there and watch you launch your attacks, I'll defend myself, Guard."


“Grr, Drive Trigger check,” Spearhead said, at which point he frowned as he pulled out a Critical Trigger, “My dark vibes betray me, a wasted Critical.”

“Ugh, that was pretty close,” Twilight Sparkle said in relief.

"I almost had a heart attack," Spike said.

“My turn, Stand and Draw,” Ember said as she stood her units upright and drew a card from her deck.

“Ride,” Ember said as she placed a card on top of her Vanguard, the unit was some sort of anthropomorphic version of Blue Flame Salamander, it looked very similar to Crystal Scale as it also wore a Crystal armor to cover its legs, her armor were similar, but unlike the aforementioned unit, this one was not bare-chested, she had a kind of top made of Crystal that covered her breasts, and it had white horns, with blue spikes,"BLUE FLAME DRAGON PRINCESS." (PWR10000/G2)

Spike walked over, and was surprised by the unit's design, "It looks like Crystal Scale."

"What?" Twilight's group and the Cardfighting Club plus Lemon Zest asked at the same time, to which Spike pulled Crystal Scale out of his deck for a closer look.

“There's no question, they're almost the same unit,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“Well, Blue Flame appears to be a female dragon and Crystal Scale appears to be a male dragon,” Lemon Zest said.

“The other difference is her scale color, she is blue and he is lilac,” said Moondancer.

Spike returned to focus on Ember's fight, but he noticed something when he looked at her, that she was looking into their eyes, this made Spike blush.

"Just watch this, Spike," Ember thought without looking away but was then interrupted by Spearhead.

"Not that I want to distract you miss, but we are in the middle of a battle."

"Huh?" Ember snapped out of her trance and realized that she was looking Spike in the eye for more than 30 seconds, this made her blush, "Ah, ah, sorry, I activated the Blue Flame Dragon Princess Skill."

"Well, what does she do?" Spearhead asked.

“I pay a Counter Blast,” Ember said as she flipped the only card in her Damage Zone, “And you get rid of a rear guard.”

Spearhead frowned, although this time he had a choice, he only had a rear guard, so he had no choice and put his Archer in the Drop Zone.

“Damn, that was a good move, considering Blue Flame Salamander's skill,” Soarin said.

"What kind of skill does she have?" asked the light blue girl with white hair.

“Since the unit you sent to the Drop Zone was the same grade as my Vanguard, I can draw a card,” Ember said as she drew a card from her deck.

"She is raising her hand more, planning something," Spearhead thought.

"Now, Call," Ember placed a unit on her left front row, she looked like some kind of priestess who had a ruby ​​necklace, she was riding a red dragon, "DRACONIC PRIESTESS." (PWR8000/G2)

"Good thinking Ember," Spike encouraged.

“I don't get it, it's a grade 2 with only 8000, I don't think she can hit the Vanguard with that power,” Twilight Sparkle said.

"You'll see, Twi," Spike replied, smiling.

“I am going to attack your Vanguard with Blue Flame Dragon Princess,” Ember said as she brought her Vanguard upright.

“No Guard,” Spearhead said.

"Drive Trigger check," Ember pulled a card from her deck, she didn't know how to feel seeing what she had drawn, "POTION DRAGON, HEAL TRIGGER."

“Hehehe, what a waste,” the yellow girl said.

“Yes, it won't be able to heal because Spearhead has more damage,” continued the light blue girl.

"But she can still power her rear guard," Flash Sentry told them, "Spearhead may have problems."

“I can't heal myself, but I boost my Priestess,” Ember said gesturing to their respective unit. (PWR 170000)

“Then I guess I'll check the Damage Trigger,” Spearhead said as he placed a normal unit in her Damage Zone.

Ember: 1/6 Damage
Spearhead: 3/6 Damage

“And now I attack with my Priestess,” Ember said placing her unit horizontally.

"Alright, that attack won't go through....." Spearhead was about to defend himself but Ember continued speaking.

“Draconic Priestess Skill,” Ember said, “When she attacks, she gains an extra 4000 power for every empty front row circle on my opponent's field and from what I see, you have 2 empty front circles so it'll be an 8000 boost. of power." (PWR 25000)

"It can't be," Spearhead shouted.

"Oh, that was it," Twilight Sparkle said.

"That's right, that's why she removed the rear guard, to gain more power," Spike told her.

"That girl," Soarin said, "is lucky."

“And skilled,” Flash Sentry added.

“Hell, no Guard,” Spearhead said as he placed a normal unit into his Damage Zone.

Ember: 1/6 Damage
Spearhead: 4/6 Damage

“And don't think I'm done,” Ember said as she flipped the card in her Damage Zone that she Counter Blasted, “Draconic Priestess's skill allows me to flip a card that she Counter Blasted if her attack was a success.”

“It's like she didn't pay for a Counter Blast in the first place,” Spearhead said.

“This ends my turn,” Ember said with a smile.

At that moment Toola Roola began to tremble.

"What's wrong Toola Roola?" Thorax asked.

“I have a feeling Ember is in trouble,” Toola Roola replied.

"Why?" asked Coconut Cream, "Ember has an overwhelming advantage."

“I had the advantage too, and look how it ends,” Toola Roola responded with concern.

"Oh no, Toola Roola is right," Spike said.

“Right, Spearhead's Deck is more effective in the later turns, where he becomes a killing machine,” Thorax said.

“IT'S MY TURN, STAND AND DRAW,” Spearhead yelled as he stood his units upright and drew a card from his deck.

"TRUE POWER OF DARKNESS, RIDE," Spearhead placed a card on top of his Vanguard. "PHANTOM ALICORN KING." (PWR13000/G3)

Ember frowned as she witnessed Spearhead's powerful unit.

“NOT AGAIN,” Twilight and Spike yelled in terror as they hugged each other, fearful of the Alicorn King's power.

Spike kept repeating the same thing, "Ember only has one damage, she'll be fine."

"Ember only has one damage, she'll be fine."

"Ember only has one damage, she'll be fine."

But at that moment...


Thorax had slapped Spike.

"Ouchhh," Spike groaned in pain but then regained his sanity, "Thanks, I think I needed that."

“I guess, but I understand the situation Ember is in,” Thorax said.

“Well, if the Alicorn King can deal damage, then it looks like….” Twilight said but was interrupted at that moment.


Lyra had slapped Twilight.

“Ouchh,” Twilight groaned in pain, “why did you do that?”

“Sorry, it was a reflex, I thought you were going to freak out too,” Lyra apologized.

“Now I pay a Counter Blast, and deal auto damage thanks to my Alicorn King skill,” Spearhead said as he flipped a card in his Damage Zone.

“You don't scare me,” Ember said as she added a normal unit to her Damage Zone.

Ember: 2/6 Damage
Spearhead: 4/6 Damage

“Now Call,” Spearhead placed in the left front row another copy of Phantom Pegasus Knight, “PHANTOM PEGASUS KNIGHT.” (PWR10000/G2)

“And with his Skill, I pay 3 Counter Blast to return 2 Shadow Paladdin from my Drop Zone to my hand,” Spearhead said as he flipped the remaining cards in his Damage Zone and then placed Archer of The Gale and Ghost Wing into his hand. .
Ember frowned at that move.

“Now Call,” Spearhead placed 4 units, the first in the right frontrow and the others in the back row.



“GHOST WING.” (PWR5000/G0)

“Spearhead is clearly not wasting his time,” Flash said.

“Now I attack with Archer of The Gale supported by Ghost Wing, but not before getting rid of your Priestess,” Spearhead said as he placed the respective units horizontally.

Ember placed her Priestess in the Drop Zone and prepared to cover the damage with a copy of Blue Flame Salamander, "Guard." (SHLD 10000)

Spearhead frowned but he continued his attack placing his 2 copies of Shadow Pegasus Knight horizontally, "I attack your Vanguard with my Pegasus Knights."

“Guard,” Ember said as she placed another copy of Blue Flame Salamander in the Guard Zone. (SHLD 10000)

"Grrrrr, that's how you want to play," Spearhead snapped and then he swung his Vanguard horizontally, "I ATTACK WITH PHANTOM ALICORN KING."

“No Guard,” Ember said with a serious look.

"THEN IT'S TIME FOR MY TWIN DRIVE," Spearhead yelled as he pulled a card from his deck, he smiled at it, "CURSED SWORD, CRITICAL TRIGGER."

Ember frowned.

"SECOND CHECK," Spearhead pulled out another card and smiled again, "ANOTHER CRITICAL TRIGGER."

"WHAT?" the entire club and Twi's group yelled, and they were also surprised to see how well Ember was taking it.

“Damage Trigger, Triple Check,” Ember placed 3 units in her Damage Zone, but strangely enough, one of them turned out to be a Trigger, which looked like an oriental dragon “MYSTIC SNAKE, DRAW TRIGGER.”

Ember took a card from her deck.

Ember: 5/6 Damage
Spearhead: 4/6 Damage

“This is crazy, Ember already has that much damage in a single turn,” Spike said.

“And worst of all, comes the skill of the Alicorn King,” said Toola Roola.

“This looks bad,” said Coconut Cream.

Spike felt nervous, but seeing Ember's determination, he felt a little better, "But i don't lose faith in Ember, she can handle him."

All the club members smiled and nodded upon hearing that, they were willing to morally support their friend.

"And don't think I'll end my turn, you've been very brave in this cardfight, I must say it's admirable, miss," Spearhead said, "BUT THAT COURAGE WILL GONE VERY SOON BY WITNESSING THE SKILL OF THE KING."

Ember watched him carefully.

“Phantom Alicorn King skill, discarding 2 cards,” Spearhead discarded 2 cards from his hand and sent them to the Drop Zone, then put all of his rear-guards into the Drop Zone, “and put 5 rear-guards into the Drop Zone .”


"Spearhead got pretty intense," Flash smiled.

“You already have it,” Soarin said.

“SPEARHEAD, FINISH HER,” yelled the yellow girl.

“Aye,” Spearhead brought his Vanguard back to horizontal position, “PHANTOM ALICORN KING, DESTROY THE DRAGONESS.”

Ember smiled, "I guess you didn't consider this."

At that moment, Ember placed a card in the Guard Zone.


“NOOO,” Spearhead yelled, “A Perfect Guard.”

"I knew she would survive," Spike said.

"That certainly explains why she was so calm," Twilight said.

"Of course, I didn't use it earlier, so your field and hand were weak," Ember said, "I guess it's my turn now."

Spearhead didn't say anything, just nodded a little nervously.

“NOW IT'S MY TURN,” Ember said as she placed her units vertically and drew a card.

"Wow, is it me or does Ember look very lively?" Twinkleshine asked.

"NOW, KNEEL BEFORE YOUR QUEEN, SHOOT THIS PLANET WITH THE FLAME OF POWER, RIDE," Ember placed a unit on her Vanguard, it was like an upgraded version of Blue Flame Dragon Princess, she had a red cape and wore a gold helmet that covered part of her face, she was taller and what attracted more attention were 2 blue wings that came out of his back, "BLUE FLAME DRAGON LORD." (PWR13000/G3)

“Wow, she looks majestic,” Spike said.

Twi smiled at Spike's reaction, she knew that even though it was just a card, Spike's imagination made it look like the Dragon Lord was real, and at that moment.

"Whoa," Twi also began to feel Ember's passion and also imagined the Dragon Lord facing the Alicorn King, "I didn't expect that."

“NOW CALL,” Ember practically spent her entire hand placing 2 copies of her Vanguard in the front row and 3 copies of the same unit in the back row, those units were purple-skinned, red-eyed snakes.



Spearhead looked more nervous, "Okay, I just have to survive this turn and the game will be mine."

Hearing that, Ember with a smile loudly declared, "FINAL TURN."

That surprised everyone.

"Lemon Zest, what is the Final Turn?" Sugarcoat asked.

“It's a statement, you say it when you're sure it's the turn you'll win,” Lemon Zest replied.

“So she declared her victory,” Indigo Zap said, “Show off.”

“Skill of my Dragon Lord,” Ember flipped 3 cards in her Damage Zone, “I pay 3 Counter Blast and my Vanguard will gain 10000 power.” (PWR 23000)

"You got it Ember," Spike yelled.

“Now I attack your Vanguard,” Ember said.

Spearhead gritted his teeth, he looked at his hand and he didn't have enough defense, the worst thing is that if he used all of it, he would still be stalked by the other 2 attacks, "All I can do is accept the attack and hope she doesn't get a Trigger.”

“No Guard.”

Ember smiled, "You know, I've always heard stories about mighty knights defeating evil dragons."

"Twin Drive, first check," Ember pulled out a card, "No Trigger."

Spearhead was relieved but Ember continued.

"Second check," Ember smiled, "But this time, it is a powerful dragon who will take down the evil knight, Berserk Hatchling, Critical Trigger."

“NOOOOOOO,” Spearhead yelled.

The Crystal Prep club celebrated.

“It can't be,” the yellow girl said.

“Spearhead, he fought bravely,” Flash Sentry said.

“Damage Trigger, check,” Spearhead said hoping to get a Trigger out, but to no avail.

Ember: 5/6 Damage (Winner)
Spearhead: 6/6 Damage

By this time, the draconian might was able to overthrow the tyrant king.

Author's Note:

And that was Ember's deck, and she didn't even use the full power of her Dragon Lord.