• Published 29th Jun 2022
  • 313 Views, 2 Comments

The Specialists - BiasedAmerican

Two Australians have been accidentally summoned to Equestria by another human.

  • ...


As they soldier on through the forest, they hear.. water.

"You hear that?" Ewok said as both him and Tim stopped. It was the sound of water flowing, a lot of water. They immediately ran to the sound of it, they ran down the path as before.

They finally see the river and they begin to wash their hands and face. They wait a minute and use their hands as cups to drink the water. They both let out a sigh of relief as they both haven't drank anything in 5 hours.

"Weird how water is still flowing when it's winter, but shit. It's starting to get cold." Tim said. They were now both shaking and their breathing became visible. But what they saw caught their attention, there was a speaker flowing down the river, it was playing.. Sympathy for the Devil. Tim and Ewok looked at each other and said at the same time, "The fuck?"

Ewok grabbed it and inspected it, "Nothing, it's just a speaker. But I'm guessing it's from any humans in this world. Let's follow up this river, we'll hit something eventually."

As they did and countless hours passed, the snow started to pick up and so did the wind. They find a clearing from the forest and they decide to run for it before the snow builds up. It was practically a blizzard and they had casual clothing for a summer in Australia. They couldn't feel their face at this point, but Ewok tripped and rolled down a large hole, he landed on his feet but continued running.

As he got out, he noticed that there were more holes just like it, it seemed like a the surface of the moon, if it were in Canada. He looked behind the cloudy sky and saw the sun shining through cracks in the clouds. Tim noticed something horrific from the shadows of the bumps in the snow shown by the sun. They were in the remains of an artillery barrage. They continued sprinting until they found a city.

They approached the city, it seemed abandoned. Most of the windows on the buildings are still intact, but some have been sealed off and barricaded near the edges of the city. It was silent until.

"Stop right there!" A soldier yelled.

"At least it isn't one of those bugs." Tim sighed.

"But it's a horse, hopefully he's on our side." Ewok hoped.

"Who are you two!" He yelled as he pointed his spear at them. It was a grey pony, in gold armor. He got into a defensive stance and ordered the two.

"I'm Tim. This is Ewok." Tim explained as the two had their hands raised.

"A human was here recently, either you're more humans or Changelings. Where did you come from?!" He questioned.

Tim pointed at the treeline. "So you're Changelings!" The guard charged.

Tim charged too, but hit the spear on the side and pushed it sideways as Ewok tackled the soldier. "Stay down! We don't know where we are! You said there were humans, where are they!" Ewok said as he held his knee at the guard's throat.

"Ponyville! They left on the train!" The guard cried.

"I'm taking this." Tim grabbed the guard's heavy coat.

"Let's hurry up!" Ewok yelled as he continued sprinting. They continued running until they found what seemed like a train station. They arrived at the station and so did the train. Which at their surprise, the top was covered in frosting. But thankfully it was heated inside the train cars.

Luckily no one else was going to the train, and it left early. The two sat down and calmed down. They kept their eyes on the windows to see any distinguishable landmarks. But still, they were surprised that talking horses and bugs were the world they landed in. "Too much fucking snow." The two agreed on.

As hours pass, they take turns keeping watch as the other falls asleep. Once every hour, a pony passes by and Tim and Ewok hide under the chairs.

Once the train stopped, Tim woke up Ewok so they can run to the back of the train so they can easily sneak into the town, which they did. They jumped over the railing and fell into the snow. "I swear this is a fucking blizzard." A freezing Ewok stated.

"Yeah. I don't think the wind will quiet down for a while." Tim added. "You think Alex is still alive?"

"Hopefully, he was in a pretty dark place a while back. Haven't heard from him since. But I think he'll enjoy this place if he was here. God I miss him." Ewok hoped. They both had a moment in silence for their old friend they haven't spoken to in months. "But jeez, he was pretty suicidal." Ewok added.

"Yeah, he held our group together until he broke. Hope he's still alive." Tim stated.

Hours pass until they stop. Ewok checks the window and is surprised to see that there is barely any snow and that they heard more passengers. They hid behind the seats, the footsteps kept continuing until they saw Security Guards from the SCP Foundation jump out of shock and he aimed the P90 at Ewok and the other guard aimed his at Tim. Tim jumped up and held his hands up, "Woah woah woah! Calm down!" Ewok also put his hands up.

One of the soldiers seemed to be lost for a bit until he aimed his weapon down and put his finger off the trigger. "Tim?"

Tim stood upwards from crouching in cover, and said, "Tank?!"

The other soldier looked at the two and aimed his weapon down and looked at Ewok. Ewok stood up and hesitantly said, "W- would that make you... Soviet?"

The soldier nodded. Ewok started to cry and so did Tim. Soviet said the same and the three began to hug. "Jesus fucking Christ man! We thought you were fucking dead!" Tim cried.

"Shit, we missed you man!" Ewok also cried. They backed up from the hug and they wiped their tears. "So, why are you guys dressed like guards?"

"We're providing security for a wedding, but now that you're here, you guys wanna come with?" Soviet asked as he handed them M9 pistols. "And also me and tank can spawn weapons and armor, because of magical reasons."

The two were surprised at this and they both accepted the offer, taking the pistols. "Wait, are we going to be wearing anything or just what we're wearing?" Ewok asked. Soviet and Tankery looked at each other and they both spawned US Army Blue Dress uniforms, four 9mm pistol magazines, and two radios.

Soviet told Tankery, "Go take Tim to the Bradley. We're bringing it. The wedding starts at noon, and we better hurry." Soviet ordered. Tankery tapped Tim's shoulder and they both ran. While a very excited Tim carried his uniform on his shoulder and wearing the hat.

"Where even are we?" Ewok asked.

"We're in My Little Pony, but me and Tankery have been trying to stop a war via precision strikes and such to ward off the enemy. Our enemy is the Changelings, shape shifting bug like horses." Soviet explained.

"Wait, hold on. Black colored and blue eyes bugs?" Ewok asked.

"How'd you know?" Soviet asked as he checked his weapons.

"Me and Tim just escaped their hive!" Ewok said.

Soviet was surprised, without any weapons or prior knowledge. They escaped. That bug nest would've been dangerous to go in because you could get lost easily. "At least you know what our enemy looks like. And apparently, the timeline in this universe is mixed up, probably because of the war. I'll go change in the other car, get changed. We're not gonna have a lot of time preparing for the wedding." Soviet explained.

"Aight." Ewok started to change into the uniform. "What the hell did I land into anyways." He sighed as he put his cap on.

Author's Note:

Continued in Wayfaring Strangers

Comments ( 2 )

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Thanks dude! I really needed this rn.

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