• Published 10th Jul 2022
  • 1,531 Views, 27 Comments

Happy Birthday! - Eventide100

  • ...

Make a Wish

Chrysalis moved her slim fingers smoothly through Cozy Glow's hair, styling it. She pulled two locks of hair from both sides and brought them to the center at the back of Cozy's head.

With a clever movement of her fingers, she fastened the locks together with a red ribbon. She finished off by adding a small gem to the middle of the bow tie.

"Mommy, how long more will it take?" Cozy asked her impatiently. "Are dad and uncle done yet?"

Chrysalis chuckled. "I'm sure their about done, dearest," she assured. "Not to worry, though. We have plenty of time for the party."

Cozy made a 'hmph' sound, her lips forming a small pout.

Chrysalis gently spun her adopted daughter around. Slipping her hand carefully under Cozy's chin, she tilted Cozy's head up to look at her in the eye.

"Come on now, don't be a grump. Today's day is all yours. Think about what wish you'll make before blowing out your candles," Chrysalis said.

Cozy cocked her head to the side with a thoughtful expression. "It can be anything right?"

Her mother chuckled warmly. "Of course!"

A evil smile creeped across the child's face. "Then I'm going to wish something that will bring our enemies to their knees," she said with a low snicker.

Chrysalis smiled at her. "That's wonderful!" she exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you! You've learned so much from your father's teachings."

Chrysalis recalled the memories when she'd occasionally see her husband, Tirek, telling Cozy about how to wish against your enemies for good luck. Cozy has surely learned much. And hopefully her wish comes true.

Chrysalis lifted a few of Cozy's curls and brought the in front of her shoulders, taking great care to not accidently scratch Cozy with her long nails.

"Now come here," Chrysalis said, beckoning her and leading her over to the dresser.

Gesturing to her daughter, she made Cozy take a seat in a chair.

Chrysalis wandered to the dresser and picked up a blush (that she stole from a shop). She made her way back to Cozy. She bent in front of her and began brushing the blush lightly on Cozy's cheeks.

Once done, she moved back to observe the birthday girl.

Cozy was wearing a red and white dress with frills. Chrysalis and Cozy's uncle, Sombra, had disguised themselves and went to the humans towns many times to get things they needed. Chrysalis made makeup supplies a must-need on her list. Even if Sombra rolled his eyes when she did.

Some other things they managed to get were food supplies, lots of outfits, and other life-assisting devices.

Well, Chrysalis was the one that wanted lots of outfits. She didn't feel ashamed at all for spending too much money. They were all important things. But once again, Sombra only grumbled and complained that she was wasting money.

But she just ignored him, which made him mad.

Going back to Cozy, Chrysalis didn't remember the last time Cozy looked this adorable. She looked great and therefore, would also be ready to celebrate her birthday.

Chrysalis herself was wearing a body-fitting, black dress with sparkly gems and a cut at the hem near her knees. Her face and neck were well adorned with light makeup and stolen jewelery. (It was too expensive)

Glancing to the clock, Chrysalis too began to wonder whether the guys were done.

"Tirek, Sombra, are you both done?" she called to the hall. "How much longer do you need?"

She waited a few seconds. She could here them talking.

"Five more minutes," Tirek called back.

Chrysalis turned back to Cozy Glow. "Have you thought of your wish?" she asked.

Cozy nodded. "I know what to wish, I'm just figuring out how to word it."

Chrysalis gestured for Cozy to stand up, to which her daughter conceded. She then bent down to fix the frills at the hem of the knee-length dress.

Somehow, to a part of Chrysalis, being a mother like this still felt foreign. She remembered when she fell in love with Tirek, she was nervous to her bones. It was just so new. Something Chrysalis had never felt before. But she liked it all the same. Al least, she was still evil. And so was her new family.

That was the good part.

A few minutes later, Sombra popped in the room.

"You can come now," he said, his voice deep and raspy as ever.

As he exited the room, Chrysalis went over to stand behind Cozy. Placing her hands on Cozy's shoulder, she said, "let's go."

Slowly she followed the birthday girl out.

The place was decorated with streamers and lights. Balloons were hanging there and about.

The table was in the center of the room. Resting on it was the cake and other goods. The cupcakes especially made Chrysalis hungry.

"Here we are," she said as she and Cozy reached the cake. "Do you like it?"

Chrysalis had made the cake herself. She covered it with pink frosting with a white pattern on the edges and along the sides. She was quite proud of it.

Cozy's eyes were practically sparkling as she looked at it. "I love it!" she responded.

Tirek came over to stand next to Chrysalis. "You look ravishing, luv," he said with a smile.

Chrysalis smiled back, "you don't look so bad yourself."

Sombra went to take a seat across from them, a coffee mug clasped in his hands.

He smirked, "you all ready for some villain family time?"

Chrysalis glowered at him. Sombra always made remarks like that. Addressing them by the word 'villain.'

Out of there little family, Sombra was definitely the most cryptic. He had a quiet way about him. And often that quiet would tug at Chrysalis's nerves. She would get especially annoyed when he'd scare her by appearing out of nowhere.

Not even could she move that silently.

However, he was intelligent. Likely the smartest one in the family. Also the most powerful.

Chrysalis would only become powerful by draining love. Her husband would gain more power by absorbing another's magic. So for both of them, they needed to gain something to be powerful.

Whereas Sombra, he had his own power from first. And with that power alone, he was able to do all kinds of crazy things like mind control and curses. Chrysalis was beyond relieved that he was in a chilled mood most of the time. Making Sombra mad would end pretty badly.

Clearing her head of that thought, she placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Go on dear, make your wish and blow out the candles."

Cozy blinked at the candles. "Can I say it out loud?"

Tirek nodded. "Of course you can! I am quite curious to hear it myself."

Sombra set down his coffee. "Just make it a useful wish," he advised. "This could be our one chance at good luck."

Cozy stared at the cake. Slowly, a evil smirk creeped over her face, making Chrysalis wonder all the more about what the child had in mind.

"I wish," Cozy began. "That soon, we will crush our enemies to the ground like bugs, and will become the most powerful beings in the UNIVERSE!!!"

Tirek applauded her, "I like your wish."

Sombra only raised his eyebrow. "I still feel like it isn't enough," he stated, tracing his finger over the letters on his mug.

The letters read "best king ever."

Cozy inhaled a deep breath and exhaled out a blow as powerful as she could make it. In a few heartbeats, the candles flickered out.

Chrysalis pulled Cozy in for a hug. "Ignore your ungrateful uncle, Cozy Glow," Chrysalis assured. "Your wish was wonderful."

The shape-shifting queen then cut four slices from the cake, setting a plate down in front of each member at the table.

"Dig in everybody!" she chirped happily.

As Chrysalis took a bite of her piece, she felt Cozy tap her arm.

"Mom, will my wish come true? What if it doesn't? What if it really isn't enough?" Cozy asked, her voice tainted with worry.

Chrysalis shot Sombra a glare. "Look what you did!" she snapped at him. "Now she's uncertain about her own wish."

Turning back to Cozy, she reassured her. "Don't worry, I'm sure it will come true."

Sombra swallowed a cake piece while shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose from a child it could be enough," he admitted. "What more can someone her age really say?"

Chrysalis responded with a deadpan look. She didn't feel like saying anything else, so she took another bite of her cake.

"I do have a question, Cozy Glow," Tirek said, glancing at his daughter.

Cozy gulped down the bite in her mouth. "What?"

"Out of all our enemies, which one do you want to crush to the ground most?" he asked, his voice having an edge of curiosity to it.

"Twilight," Cozy answered without hesitation.

Chrysalis flicked her gaze to the other end of the table and could swear she saw a strange look flash over Sombra's face as soon as Cozy said "Twilight."

Honestly, she thought. What is he hiding?

She chose to ignore it for now. Instead, she turned to Cozy, asking, "why Twilight? Even if it is a bit obvious, but really. Why her?"

Chrysalis looked over to Sombra again, only to find that his expression hadn't changed. It was still unreadable.

Did he notice her looking? Even so, he was very good at hiding whatever he was feeling.

Cozy slammed her fist on the table. "Of course, it's obvious," she said angrily. "Twilight is always getting in the way. And what's even more annoying is that she always wins too. I especially hate when she starts giving her stupid friendship speeches."

Chrysalis examined her long, polished nails. "You're right. That is annoying. And same, she is my main target as well."

Tirek cut another piece from his slice. "But Cozy has a point," he pointed out. "She does keep winning, even when it looks like she's going to lose. Like when I took all of her princess magic, she still gained some other power and beat me," Tirek finished grumpily.

"Exactly," Cozy agreed. "Even for me, I sent Twilight and her irritating friends to Tarturas. But even then, her those creatures she taught brought back the magic and she came back."

Chrysalis turned to look at Sombra again. "Do you have something to say about our greatest enemy?" she demanded.

Sombra set down his mug again. "Hmmm, well, she was the one that found the Crystal Heart. I remember how painful it was when it's accursed light tore me apart," he grumbled softly, flicking his blood-red eyes to the side.

Chrysalis blinked at him. He didn't really sound like he was hiding anything. His expression was still steady.

Maybe he isn't hiding anything, she mused.

Cozy moved to pick something off the table.

"What's this?" she asked, holding out her hand to Chrysalis.

Resting on her palm, was a dart. Chrysalis chuckled as she lifted it out of Cozy's hand.

"This, dear, is a dart," she explained. "You throw it on a target and try to catch the center."

She pointed her finger to the target behind her.

Cozy stared at the target, her eyebrows going up in realization. "Oh, wait! I know this game," she exclaimed.

Stepping off her chair, Cozy aimed the dart and then tossed it.

The dart zipped through the air and landed on one of the outer circles.

Cozy's hopeful look immediately fell. "Its a bit hard," she mumbled, scratching her head.

Chrysalis turned when she heard Sombra chuckle from the other end.

"You need practise, child," he chided as he moved to pick up a red dart. "Watch this."

His grip on the dart was light as he aimed it. With a sharp movement, the dart left his hand.

It tore through the air with an impressive speed. Making the mark, the dart landed clean on the center, the bullseye.

Cozy's eyes went as wide as the moon. "Wow," she breathed in awe. "You weren't even holding it that hard. How in Equestria did you do that!?"

Sombra merely shrugged, but was smirking smugly. "Lots of practise," he simply responded, like that was the easiest thing to do.

Chrysalis glanced at the darts. Could she make a mark like that? She could try.

She picked up a green dart, aimed, and tossed.

But of course, fate didn't love her at the minute, so the dart landed on the outer circle.

"Ugh," she scoffed in annoyance.

Tirek also picked up a dart and tossed it. Just like Chrysalis's, it landed on the outer circle. As it did, Tirek gave a frown.

Feeling curious, Chrysalis faced Sombra again. "But seriously. I don't think any normal practise could help you make a aim like that one," she said matter-of-factly.

Sombra rolled his eyes. "Anything is possible, you know. It just takes a long period of trying again and again. You can never start as a professional, you just get there over time," he finished.

The shape-shifter raised her eyebrow accusingly.

Sombra glared back. "Fine then," he hissed. "If you want farther explanation, then I suppose I could say I was trained to be a soldier," he admitted, his expression going from mild anger to smugness.

Not only was Chrysalis staring at him with wide eyes, Tirek and Cozy shared the same reaction.

Sombra chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "It's true. I was sent for training at Equestria's most difficult-to-pass military base. There I was taught some fighting tactics, defense moves and, of course, aiming. Truth be told, many who were sent there to be trained did not make it out successful. But I, was one of the few that did."

Chrysalis exchanged a look with her husband. Tirek only made a I-don't-know-what-to-say face. Even Cozy looked speechless.

Chrysalis looked down to there empty plates.

"Um... I think I'll put the plates back," she said quickly, trying to hide her anxiousness to the best of her abilities. She swiftly picked up the plates and left the table.

After a while, they were just playing games.

Chrysalis tied a blindfold over Cozy's eyes and spun her around. "Alright, your good to go," she said.

Cozy swung her bat, making an attempt to hit the pinata. As she missed the swing, she moved closer for another try.

"You're getting close," Tirek said helpfully.

Cozy stopped, swung her bat, and wham!

As the bat made contact with the pinata, candy spilled everywhere.

"Did I get it," Cozy asked.

Chrysalis move up to untie the blindfold. "You sure did!" she said happily.

Cozy looked all over the candy with delight. "Yes!" she cried, turning to hug Chrysalis.

Chrysalis stiffened slightly but hugged her back.

Cozy removed herself and bent down to pick up the candy.

Chrysalis turned to the table.

Sombra was still sitting down. In his hands, was a book.

Following Chrysalis's gaze, Cozy perked up curiously.

"What are you reading about, uncle Sombra?" she questioned.

Sombra cast her the barest glance. "It's just a book about Fire Magic," he explained. "I already know how to doa few spells, but there are some I still struggle with. And what better way to know more than to read?"

Cozy nodded. "Makes sense."

Chrysalis frowned at Sombra. Yes, he seemed more interested in that dusty old book than loosening up with her and the others. That's Sombra for you... always in the dark and being boring.

So dreadfully boring.

Chrysalis gave out a loud, exaggerated yawn. "Sounds very interesting," she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Sombra raised his eyebrow. "So be it, enjoy your little games. I shall not interfere. But what I do shouldn't bother you either."

The shape-shifter nodded, "of course."

Beside her, Tirek folded his arms. "How is reading that even going to help with our conquest?" he demanded, accusingly.

Sombra shot him a dangerous look, and much to Chrysalis's surprise, Tirek actually flinched.

Sombra flipped a page. "It matters not whether it would help with our conquest. Knowledge is never useless. Who knows, perhaps it will come of use someday."

Tirek and Chrysalis exchanged a look, shrugged, and then turned around.

"We best not make him angry," Chrysalis whispered.

Tirek just huffed out a breath, "he has a way I guess."

Chrysalis laid a hand on Tirek's shoulder. "It's fine, just leave him. It's unfortunate, we need him. Otherwise, he'd be long dead by this point."

Tirek wrinkled his nose, "why do we need him, again?"

"We need him," Chrysalis responded. "Because , as much as I hate to admit it, he is smart. We could use that intelligence. And his power in also quite helpful."

Tirek only grumbled.

Chrysalis glanced back to Sombra, only to see him gone.

She looked around. "Hold on," she began slowly. "Wasn't Sombra just there?"

Cozy got up from collecting the candy. "Huh, where did uncle go? He was just there."

Tirek scratched his chin. "Do you think he wandered off again?"

Chrysalis growled angrily. "Ugh! Where does this guy go everyday!? And why don't I notice him leaving!?"

Cozy shrugged. "Uncle Sombra does have a quiet way," she admitted.

Chrysalis rubbed her temples. Wherever Sombra went, she didn't care. All she did know was that she was going to get to the bottom of it, real soon.

Author's Note:

And here's another story! I had lots of fun with this one!

Also, Sombra being a former soldier go brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Seriously, I simply adore the idea. It would also explain why he wears armor. I'll definitely look more into the idea.

But meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 27 )

"Mommy, how long more will it take?" Cozy asked her impatiently. "Are dad and uncle done yet?"

The first part of the sentence is a bit awkward and clunky.

Chrysalis chuckled. "I'm sure their about done, dearest," she assured. "Not to worry, though. We have plenty of time for the party."


Aside from grammar issues, you have a good premise.

But in the opening sentences, you should set the tone of the story. Show them as a genuinely loving but evil family.

The picture alone is 90% I put a thumbs up on the story and the story itself please continue the story it's absolutely adorable

Good story!! Very interesting setup with the four villains living together

I'd ask why Discord doesn't appear in this story, but having seen the last three episodes, it really isn't surprising. Please respond to this comment.

This is a great story, I bet you’ll make more great stories here!
Enjoy your day, be chill, and stay cool!
Your new friend, Rexy :)

Cozy making a birthday wish is kinda cute

bro got reformed by a butter pegasus

Nice story! They family look wonderful!

This story is quite adorable and that Chrissy art activates some neurones.

Nah, Discord ain't exactly a villain anymore.
(And plus, I dislike the fact that he was Grogar all along. That was one horrible plot twist...)

Wawa, thanks! And I will be writing a sequel to this story soon, so stay tuned!

I guess. I don't exactly like Cozy so much, but you have a point.

Nice! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

I know! This whole story was inspired by that artwork! Chrysie looks so pretty!
And thank you!

I love the outfit and visual descriptions. Very nice.

The dialogue between them is a bit clunky, but that's about the worst I can say.

Cozy Glow just looks so darn cute!:raritycry:

Looks at authors pfp.
yeah... I have no idea where Sombra went

Oh you're so clever.
(But yes... The profile pic can kinda give it away... DON'T MIND ME!!! I CAN'T STOP MYSELF!!!)
Plz don't judge me...

Aahhhh!!! Villain family content!! FINALLY!!

you deleted the continuation of the story again?

I've deleted a couple of my stories I just wasn't satisfied with. Sorry about that. For now this will remain a single one-shot.

Aww what a happy psychotic family

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