• Published 21st Jul 2022
  • 1,532 Views, 35 Comments

Spike's Mark - mikemuir0178

The love between Spike and Rarity leads to the secrets of Spike's parents.

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Chapter 11: Little One

Chapter 11: Little One.

The ponies and Spike charged with renewed purpose through the Everfree Forest. Using the old worn path and Rarity as a guide, it did not take them long to make their way back to the ravine where everything had started.

For Spike, the gem cave represented the last chance to finding the answers he sought. He had to know what happened fifteen years ago that caused his parents to mysteriously disappear. The thought of never finding out the truth scared him more than anything else. He did not want to feel like he had been abandoned. He needed answers.

He needed to see his parents.

As the ponies and Spike reached the edge of the ravine, they all peered down at the condition of the cave. To their relief, the ravine was now dry and there was no water in the area. However, if a storm came in, the situation could change rather quickly.

Twilight took a moment to assess the situation in the air. Though there were some clouds in the sky, she did not think there was a chance of rain. However, Twilight didn’t want to take any chances. “Rainbow! You’re up!”

“You got it!” Rainbow shouted. She then launched herself into the air at full speed. One after the other, the clouds began to disappear quickly as Rainbow Dash kicked each one. Once most of the clouds had been dealt with, Rainbow flew to a higher altitude and then dove as fast as she could. She then executed the move that created a Rainboom that covered the entire area. Whatever clouds that were left quickly dissipated. Only a pure open sky and a rainbow that trailed behind Rainbow Dash was left.

No matter how many times the other ponies had seen it, the Rainboom still was an inspiring sight to see. The other ponies could only watch in astonishment as Rainbow Dash performed a feat that only she had managed to perfect.

Rainbow Dash hovered down to the others, gasping for air, but looking mighty proud of herself. “There! No clouds within a hundred miles!”

Twilight knew Rainbow was exaggerating, but had earned her right to brag. “Great job, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight replied. She then turned to Spike and Rarity. “All right. Time for you to lead us down.”

Spike and Rarity nodded and began to follow the path that led down into the ravine. As they led the way, both felt a type of nostalgia as they approached the cave entrance. It was kind of unsettling for them since they nearly became trapped in the cave during their last visit. Rarity was particularly hesitant about entering the cave again. If not for Spike, she had severe doubts she would have escaped at all.

However, as Rarity took a small glance at Spike who was walking next to her, she felt safe. She still remembered all the courage and strength Spike had shown that day. Spike had proven to be the bodyguard…no…the prince, who Rarity had searched for all her life. As long as he was with her, she felt safe.

As they all reached the entrance, all the ponies peered down the stone steps that led inside the cave. A few jewels decorated the walls of the entrance and even larger ones lay down below.

“So what will we be looking for?” Fluttershy asked as she turned to look at the others.

Applejack pondered the question before answering. “Well…Grey Shire was missing quills in her cabin. Maybe she brought a notebook with her and left it down there.”

Twilight turned to Spike and Rarity. “Did you see anything like that when you were down there?”

Spike only shook his head in response.

“No. But we were only looking for gems at the time. There might be something further in the cavern,” Rarity replied.

Twilight then looked to the others. “All right. Let’s get started,” she said before leading the ponies into the cave. Her horn began to glow and illuminate the way.

Spike examined the tunnel as he moved forward. “This sure brings back memories.”

“Spike. You will stay by my side, won’t you?” Rarity asked as she walked next to him.

Spike gave a reassuring smile. “Of course, Rarity. Stick by me and you’ll have nothing to worry about,” Spike said with strong confidence.

Applejack silently snickered at Spike’s response. She then walked up to his other side. “You will also be protecting me, right Spike?” Applejack teased.

“Huh?” Spike responded as he heard Applejack’s request.

“And me as well,” Flutteshy asked.

Spike was caught off guard by the sudden requests. “Well…That is…” Spike stuttered as he realized the burden he was being asked to perform. To help three ponies…His wings hurt just thinking about it.

“Don’t forget me,” Pinkie Pie chipped in.

Twilight gave a silent laugh at Spike’s dilemma. She knew the others were teasing him to ease the atmosphere. “Don’t worry, Spike. I’ll help rescue them if something happens.”

“And here I thought we would have our own dragon knight to protect us,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Rarity smiled at how the other ponies teased her poor Spike. “Sorry girls. But you might need to find your own ‘dragon knight’,” Rarity replied.

“I guess we’ll need more dragons in Ponyville,” Pinkie suggested.

“I suppose so,” Applejack laughed.

Eventually, ponies reached the cavern where Spike and Rarity had been mining. As they looked around, they saw hundreds of gems decorating the walls. With the light from Twilight’s horn being reflected off the gems, the room looked like it was being bathed in a rainbow. The ponies could only stand amazed for a moment as they looked into the cavern.

“This is so beautiful,” Fluttershy commented as she gazed into the cavern.

“I’ve never seen gems this big before,” Twilight replied in awe.

Rarity looked at the gems and began to remember all the costumes she had hoped to create for the talent show. It had been a shame she had not been able to use the gems for the event. Still the gems could be used for some other project. Perhaps on a later date, they could recover what was lost. For now, she was going to focus her efforts to help Spike.

“Hey! Look over there!” Pinkie Pie cried happily. She then launched herself forward to a pile of gems located in the center of the room.

“What did you find, Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie began to dig into the ground. “There’s something here!” Pinkie said as she pushed some gems out of the way. She then grabbed a strap with her mouth and began tugging. Whatever it was connected to was too heavy for Pinkie to lift out.

Applejack walked over to Pinkie’s side and began to dig in the area. After some work, the top part of a bag was revealed encompassing the pile of gems. “Hey, Spike. Isn’t this yours?”

Spike walked over and examined the strap and the top part of the bag. “Yeah. That’s the bag I was carrying before Rarity and I escaped.”

“Looks like it got buried when this place got flooded,” Twilight observed. “Let’s split up and look around. There might be other things buried around here.”

Applejack nodded in agreement. “We should probably pair up to be safe.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “Good idea. I want you to pair up with Rainbow Dash. See if we passed anything or if there are any side tunnels we missed.”

“Right,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Pinkie and Fluttershy. I want you to search around the entrance and keep a look out in case something happens outside,” Twilight instructed.

“We’re on it!” Pinky shouted happily.

Twilight then turned to Rarity and Spike. “The rest of us will explore around this cavern.”

Spike and Rarity nodded in approval.

“If anything happens, give a shout. And be careful,” Twilight instructed.

All the ponies and Spike nodded to show they understood. They then split up to begin their assigned tasks.

As Spike and Rarity examined the far end of the cavern, Twilight began to search around the cavern entrance. Carefully, she looked for anything that looked unusual or out of place. Perhaps she could find Grey Shire’s satchel. Maybe the remains of some old books or some draconic runes carved on the wall.

Yet as she searched her area of the cavern, she could not help but feel as if she was looking in the wrong place. If Rarity and Spike were here last time, they would have surely found something out of the ordinary when they were mining. Should she move further down into the cave and search there?

Twilight quickly pushed the notion aside. She had to stick together with Spike and Rarity. Journeying deeper into the cave meant she could probably get lost and the search for Spike’s parents would turn into a rescue mission.

But as Twilight looked down the tunnel that led further into the cave, she felt something inside compelling her to move forward.

Twilight took a moment to look back at Spike and Rarity. The two were working together in digging up an area in the corner of the cavern. For a brief moment she considered calling them over, but for some reason didn’t.

Twilight knew it was unwise to go alone, but the voice inside continued to push her forward. She could only assume it was her instincts talking to her. Should she listen to her feelings?

After a quick debate inside, Twilight concluded that a quick peek further down would do no harm. She could examine the area further down to get an idea of what to expect and then return to the cavern. Spike and Rarity would never notice she was missing.

At least that was her reasoning.

Slowly, Twilight walked further down into the cave. As her journey took her further in, she began to realize the scope of searching the whole cave. Caves like the one she was in could stretch out for miles. It would probably take a few days to find something.

That was assuming there was anything to find.

Twilight could only wonder if whatever evidence they sought had been washed out or destroyed. If the cave led to another exit, whatever evidence they sought could have been washed out as well. Still, Twilight clung to the thin ray of hope that there was something down here.

As she rounded a corner in the tunnel, she began to wonder if maybe she should turn back. To her surprise, she had journeyed further down than she had intended to. Proceeding further was dangerous.

And yet the voice inside her continued to push her on.

She had come this far and had not encountered any danger. She also had not seen any caves that branched off yet. Against all words of caution, Twilight proceeded forward again. However, this time she found she did not have to journey far.

After walking several feet, Twilight found that the tunnel ended. Based on the rocks, it looked as if the tunnel had collapsed years ago. There was still some small cracks and openings for water to escape, but nothing large enough for a pony to climb through.

Twilight sighed as she stared at the rock face.

There was no way she could proceed further. It was best for her to head back to the others before something happened.

And yet she felt compelled to stay.

She felt as if she was missing something and the answers were right in front of her.

Twilight then thought back to Spike’s bag. After one rain storm, it had been partially buried in the mud. If there were other items around, they would be buried as well. But could they survive after fifteen years?

Twilight knew one way to find out.

Taking a moment’s pause, Twilight began to remember the spell Rarity had taught her a long time ago that she used to find gems. In truth, the spell was fairly simple and could be tailored to find other things as well…with some minor tweaking.

After giving it some thought, Twilight configured the spell to detect anything that was not stone or gem. It would allow her to see past walls and maybe even hidden caverns she could not see normally.

However, as the spell took hold, Twilight let out a scream of fright.


Spike wiped the sweat from his brow in exhaustion. He and Rarity had been digging in various places hoping to find at least some clue to Grey Shire and Runt’s whereabouts. So far, they had no success. “Nothing,” Spike sighed in defeat.

“Keep trying, Spike. I’m sure we’ll find something,” Rarity cheered him on as she dug off to his side.

Spike knew Rarity was trying to keep his spirits up. However, all he could find were gems. Normally he would be ecstatic about the gems he had unearthed. But the desire to find out what happened to his parents was overpowering. He could feel doubt washing over him as he gazed at the empty holes he had dug. He could only wonder if the others had better luck.

Spike then heard a cry echo throughout the cave. He recognized the voice almost immediately. “Twilight?” Spike said as he turned to look at the other end of the cavern. To his surprise, she was not there.

Rarity followed Spike’s gaze at the other end of the cavern. “Where did she…?”

Spike felt his heart sink when he saw Twilight was no longer among them. Immediately, he sprung to life and raced forward. “Come on!” Spike shouted as he led the charge.

Rarity did not hesitate and joined Spike as they entered the tunnel that led further down into the cave. As she and Spike made their way down, they saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash further in. Quickly she and Spike raced to join them.

“That was Twilight wasn’t it?” Applejack asked as Spike and Rarity joined up with her

“Yeah! She’s in trouble!” Spike replied. He then led the charge further into the cave.

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash quickly fell into step as they tried to search for their friend.

“What about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew over Applejack.

“Right behind you!” Pinkie’s voice echoed in the cave.

Spike did not pause to stop running as he looked behind to see Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy catching up with him and the others. He let out a sigh of relief knowing that they were safe. His mind then focused on Twilight as he turned his head to face forward.

Where was she?

Was she in danger?

Did something happen to her?

If something happened to Twilight, Spike was not sure what he would do. She had been like a sister and mother to him. He could not stand the thought of losing her. He only hoped he was not too late.

Fortunately, most of his fears were put to rest as he rounded a corner in the tunnel. Further down, he could make out the lavender coat of Twilight as she stood facing a dead end. As he approached her, he could see that her head hung low to the ground and her eyes were closed.

As Spike slowed down to approach her from the side, he could see tears running down her cheeks. Slowly he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Twilight?”

Twilight opened her eyes slightly as she looked at Spike in silence. More tears formed in her eyes as she gazed upon the young dragon.

“What happened? Are you okay?” Spike asked in concern as he gazed upon her.

Slowly, the other ponies gathered around to make sure no harm had come to their friend.

Twilight found herself torn as she looked at Spike. A part of her did not want Spike to know what she had discovered. What she now knew could hurt him. But her desire to uphold her promise to Spike was strong. She had to tell him the truth. “Spike…”

Spike remained silent as he looked at Twilight. Anxiously he waited to hear what happened.

It took a few moments for Twilight to steel herself and tell Spike the truth. “Spike. I…I know what happened,” she cried.

“Huh?” Spike replied in confusion.

Twilight gazed upon the innocence in Spikes eyes, fearing the worst. “Your parents…” Twilight continued, “They’re here.”

“My parents? But…where…” Spike said as he stepped back in shock.

Twilight then turned her head in silence as she looked to the center of the rock wall in front of her.

“Wait! You don’t mean…” Rainbow Dash said in surprise.

Twilight looked up at Rainbow Dash and nodded.

The ponies stood in silence as they comprehended what Twilight was trying to say. For a brief moment, they gazed upon the wall in front of them in disbelief.

“But…how?” Fluttershy asked, still in shock after hearing Twilight.

“They must have…become trapped when the cave flooded during a rainstorm,” Applejack responded, still slightly shocked by the revelation.

Rarity felt a dark shiver run up her back as old memories resurfaced. “Like Spike and I nearly were.”

Spike gazed upon the wall in shock. After all this time, had he finally found his parents? Were they really buried in the rock face before him? He could feel tears form in his eyes as he stared forward for a brief moment. He then turned to Twilight. “Can I see them?”

Twilight looked at Spike in surprise. “Spike?”

“I need to see them!” Spike said with resolve between his tears.

Twilight was torn again in fulfilling Spike’s request. “But…”

“Please. I’ve been searching for so long. I need to see them,” Spike begged.

Twilight looked at Spike with concern, unsure what to do. She then noticed Rarity directly behind Spike. Silently, she asked Rarity what she should do.

Rarity looked back at Twilight and only nodded in agreement. Spike needed to see his parents.

Twilight turned her head downward for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. “All right, Spike.” She then turned to Rarity again. “Can you help me with the spell?”

Silently, Rarity stepped up so that she and Twilight were on either side of Spike when they faced the wall. Rarity’s horn then glowed as she lent her power to help Twilight.

Slowly a distortion began to form in front of the wall. At first, the image rippled and twisted in unknown shapes. But as the magic took hold, the image began to clear. All the ponies except Twilight gasped at what they saw.

Hidden inside the wall were the bones of a dragon and a pony encircling each other. The dragon was somewhat larger than the pony and appeared to be trying to clutch it with its arms. The noses of the two appeared to be almost touching.

“Is that…” Pinkie Pie asked.

“It’s…It’s Grey Shire and Runt,” Applejack stuttered.

Fluttershy took a moment to study the image before her. “It almost looks like they are hugging each other.”

Twilight tried to steel herself to maintain the magic. “I’m sorry, Spike.”

Spike did not respond as he walked up to the distortion and placed a hand on it. In his mind, he knew this was the closest he would ever be to his true parents. As he looked upon them, he searched for the resolve to speak. “Mom. Dad. Is that really you?” Spike felt himself choke. “It’s me, Spike. I guess you can see I finally hatched. I’ve always wondered where I came from. Guess I now know.” Spike then felt the tears run down his face. “I just wish…I just wish…” Spike found himself unable to continue as he closed his eyes in sorrow.

“Oh Spike,” Twilight said as she placed a hoof around him and pulled him close. Spike buried his head in her side and began to cry.

The other ponies could only watch in sorrow as they gazed upon Spike and his true family.

However, the silence was short lived.

Without warning, a small rock broke off from the ceiling and landed down at the corner of the wall. The ponies broke their gaze with Spike and looked in the general direction.

“What was that?” Applejack said as she slowly walked to the corner to investigate. As she neared the area, she saw a piece of cloth sticking out of the ground. “Huh? Hey! There’s something here!”

“What did you find?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack began digging in the area for a few moments before grabbing a strap with her mouth. With a strong tug, she yanked out a satchel that was covered in mud and worn down.

“Wait,” Rarity said in surprise, “Is that Grey Shire’s satchel?”

“But what’s covering the edge of the flap?” Fluttershy asked.

Applejack set the satchel down and examined the tan substance on the satchel. The substance covered the entire edge of the flap, preserving the contents inside. “It’s wax,” Applejack responded. She then looked to Twilight. “Should I open it?”

Twilight looked down at Spike who only watched in silence. She then turned back to Applejack and nodded.

With a little effort, Applejack managed to break the seal and open the satchel. Inside she found three notebooks, a candle, some quills, a bottle of ink, and a letter near the bottom. Applejack reached for the letter first and pulled it out.

“What’s it say?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack looked at the letter and then to the little dragon. “It’s for Spike.”

Spike rubbed the tears from his face as he looked to Applejack. “For me?”

Applejack carried the letter over to Spike and handed it to him. Spike held the letter up so he could read it:

Please give this letter to the egg in Princess Celestia’s care.

It took only a moment for Spike to realize that the letter meant his egg. Knowing the message was from his mom, Spike quickly, but carefully, opened the letter. The paper was tanned yellow, but the words were legible. Slowly, Spike began to read the last message his mother had sent him.

My Dearest Little One:

It is my one wish that this letter finds its way back to you. I had hoped to see you, but I fear that I will not make it. But I wanted you to know this. You were born from the love of a pony and a dragon. But when I brought you into the world, you did not hatch. I thought I had done something wrong. I did not want to lose you, so I asked Princess Celestia for help. I wonder now if I should have told them the truth, but I feared I would lose you and Runt if I did. Please forgive me. I hope you will find happiness with your new family and I ask that you make lots of friends. Your father and I both love you. You will always be our special Little One.

Grey Shire

Spike felt tears roll down his face as he read the letter. After reading it, he took the letter and hugged it against his body. His mind echoed with the last messages in the letter.

His parents loved him.

They had wanted to be with him.

He was their special Little One.

Spike then looked back at his parents in the wall. “I forgive you, Mom. You too, Dad. And I’ve made a lot of friends,” he cried. He then turned and faced the ponies who stood behind him. “And this…This is my family.” He then pointed to Applejack. “This is Applejack.”

Applejack nodded “Howdy.”


Fluttershy gave a small bow.

“Pinkie Pie.”

“Hi Aunt Grey Shire,” Pinkie Pie said as she gave a small wave.

“Rainbow Dash.”

“Hi,” Rainbow Dash waved as she hovered in the air.

Spike then stood by Rarity’s side. “This is Rarity,” he said. ”I guess you could say the two of us are together.”

Rarity smiled down at Spike and then turned to face Spike’s parents. “It’s my pleasure to finally meet you.”

Spike then went to Twilight’s side. “This is Twilight. She’s the one who’s been taking care of me.”

Twilight smiled down at Spike with tears in her eyes. She then looked toward Spike’s parents. “Spike has been a great help to me as well. I’m sure you would be very proud of him.”

Spike then turned back to his parents. “They’ve treated me well and I’m lucky to have them,” his voice cracked, “I just wish…I just wish…”

Twilight placed a hoof around Spike and pulled him close to her. Spike slowly steadied himself as he gazed once more upon his parents. After a few moments, he found the resolve to continue.

“I’m going to miss you Mom. You too, Dad,” Spike cried, “Goodbye.”

Spike then turned to Rarity and Twilight and nodded to show he was done.

Twilight nodded in response and cut the magic to the distortion on the wall. Slowly, the image of Spike’s parents faded away.

As the image disappeared, Spike looked to the ground. His emotions were in a whirlwind. After so long, he was happy he had finally found his family, but saddened for their loss. All he could do was remain still.

Twilight pulled Spike close to her body. “We are here for you, Spike.”

“All of us,” Rarity continued as she joined the embrace next.

Slowly, the other ponies joined in the embrace. Though the loss of his parents could never be replaced, the warmth from Spike’s family would help him heal. He was not alone. He had not been abandoned.

He had been loved.


As night descended upon the Castle of Friendship, Spike found himself sitting in his bed looking at the only picture he had of his mother. Despite her rugged looks, there was a beauty to her. He just wished he could hear her voice at least once.

Spike was awoken from his thoughts the next moment by a knock on his door. He turned around to see Twilight at the doorway. Hovering next to her was a scroll.

“Hi Spike. Are you doing okay?” Twilight asked.

Spike nodded. “I was just looking at my mom.”

Twilight approached Spike and looked over his shoulder at the picture he was holding. “You know…” Twilight began, “I think you have her eyes.”

“Huh? Really?” Spike asked. His hand went up and rubbed the area just above his right eye.

“Yeah. Maybe the rest of you came from your dad,” Twilight teased.

“I suppose,” Spike said mournfully, “Unfortunately there is no picture of him.”

“I suppose not, but…” Twilight used her magic to bring the scroll over to Spike. “I think you might want to see this.”

Spike reached up for the scroll and unrolled it. The image on the scroll was of a dragon rune. “Huh? What’s this?

“Ember sent me a picture of Runt’s rune,” Twilight explained. “It turns out Runt was not an Exile.”

“He wasn’t?” Spike asked surprised.

“Nope. He was in a dragon migration that got hit by a storm. They never found him afterward,” Twilight explained.

Spike placed a hand on the dragon rune. “Mom must have found him and nursed him back to health.”

Twilight smiled. “What your mother did was very brave. She was probably the first pony to make friends with a dragon.”

Spike felt a deep sense of pride as he heard this. He wished he could tell them he was proud to have them as his parents now that he knew the truth.

“Also, Ember told me she placed Runt’s dragon rune with yours and created one for Grey Shire in the records hall,” Twilight added.

“Really?” Spike said happily.

“Yep. Everyone will now know you were the son of a pony and a dragon,” Twilight replied.

Spike smiled happily as he thought about the idea. He then held the picture of Grey Shire next to the rune of his father, Runt. He still remembered how they embraced each other in their final moments.

“You should probably get some rest now. We got a long day ahead of us,” Twilight said. A mischievous smile then spread across her face. “I think Rarity also said she wanted to spend some time with you.”

Spike blushed as he heard this. “Yeah. You’re probably right.”

Twilight assisted Spike into getting under the covers of his bed. She then placed a kiss on the top of his head. “Sweet dreams, Spike.” She then turned and began to exit the room.


Twilight turned to face Spike.

“Thank you…For everything,” Spike smiled.

Twilight smiled happily back at Spike. “Goodnight, Spike.” Twilight then used her magic to shut off the lights and close the drapes.

As Twilight left, Spike curled up in his bed and placed the picture of Grey Shire and the scroll of Runt’s dragon marking next to him. “Goodnight, Mom and Dad.” Slowly he felt his eyes grow heavy as he fell into a deep sleep.

Yet moments before he fell asleep, he thought he heard a gentle voice being carried on the wind outside.

“Goodnight, Little One.”

The End.

Author's Note:

Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed the story I wrote. It had been so long since I had written a story and I am sad that it has now ended. I might consider a follow up that focuses on the relation between Spike and Rarity, maybe their marriage, but I’m not sure yet. This one will be hard to match. It took a lot out of me, but I am happy with the results. I am open to ideas, so please share any suggestions.

Special thanks to all who contributed a review of my work.

From the very beginning, I wanted a story like the movie "Dragonfly". Though the movie could use improvements, the ending always seemed special and I wanted something similar in my story. I believe I achieved the desired effect. I hope it has touched your hearts.

As promised. Here is the final entry to Grey Shire’s journal.

Entry ------

I don’t know what to do anymore. Runt is suffering even more now. His scales have turned red and I don’t have anything to help him heal. Even worse, He is belching fire whenever his stomach acts up. He is worried he might accidentally burn down the cabin. He has decided to leave and live in the gem cave until this molt thing ends. I’ve decided to go to him, even if he drives me off. I don’t care about my own personal safety. I love him and I want to be by his side. I’ll pack up what I can and go to the gem cave.

Entry ------

I don’t know what to do anymore. Runt is --------- ---- ---- ---. His ------ ---- ------ --- and I don’t ---- -------- -- help --- ----. ---- worse, -- -- -------- fire -------- --- ------- ---- up. -- -- worried he ----- ------------ burn down the cabin. -- --- ------- -- leave and live in --- --- ---- until ---- ---- ---- ----. I’ve ------- -- -- -- ---, even if -- ------ me ---. I ----- ---- ----- my own personal safety. --- -- ----- -- ---- -- --. I’ll pack up what I can --- -- -- --- --- ----.

Comments ( 15 )

Wonderful chapter. :twilightsmile: I am happy that spike found his parents, but also sad at the same time. I definitely would love to see a sequel of the life’s of spike and rarity’s relationship, if that’s what your referring.

I've enjoyed this all the way through. Thanks a lot for breaking my heart :fluttercry:

It's a nice ending to a nice story. However, it still feels abit open-ended? Like, why was Grey Shire a recluse? Was it her own nature, or something else? What of Grey Shire's parents and family? How will Rarity and Spike's relationship progress?

Maybe a sequel, if you felt like it?

To answer your question about Grey Shire, she is kind of like Fluttershy, so being shy is part of her nature. However, she will do what's right when the situation calls for it. As for her parents, I never gave them much thought. I just pictured them as farmers on the outskirts of a town, nothing more. I suppose she could have had sibblings, but I never thought that far.

I have started one idea, but it's along the idea of Spike and Rarity planning their marriage (kind of like "Father of the Bride"). However, I know this has been done several times, and I am open to other ideas. I like the idea of looking into Grey Shire's family more, but I need some suggestions.

Maybe Spike and the others get curious and try to find Shire (and thus Spike's) extended family? How will the family take to the news of Shire's death (even though they know she's been missing/presumed dead for awhile)? How will they take to having a dragon in the family? How will Twilight comfort Spike and assure him of always having their family if things don't work out?

Those could be good starting points, if you wanted to expand on them.

:moustache: Mom Dad? I'd like you to meet your grand foals Ruby, Lavender, Sparity, Cristal Clarity, T , Sapphire, Bobbin, Needles, Spike Jr. and Runt II
:duck: We've been busy

This brought tears to my eyes. A great ending.

Heartwarming end to a great story. Uve done well my friend. Brought justice to the character Spike by writing a great conclusion about his parents.

Finally got around to reading this. Great story, with a bittersweet ending very well done. I'd love to see a sequel!

To any who are interested, I need some help. I am currently writing the follow up story for "Spike's Mark". However, I need some questions answered like if there was any explanation about how the Carousel Boutique was built. I also need someone who is AGAINST a Spike and Rarity romance. If interested, send me a message. You will not be required to write anything (that's all me). I just need fresh perspectives. This request will end when I post "Rarity's Choice".

An exceptional and heartfelt story, bravo

By any chance, where did you find the cover art for this story?

I really hope you see this, even though you haven’t longed in since march.

I really regret not reading this fic sooner, instead of just leaving in the “read it later” list for a year. This was really nice, a multi chapter yet short and to the point fic. I haven’t had the time to read a fic like this in a while, a big shame since this type of story are always a joy.

While the ending was bitter sweet, if not mostly sad, there’s enough here for a sequel. Plus the romance was definitely something that help make the story less depressing, so I definitely want to see more.

If you come back to write it, feel free to message me if you need ideas. I definitely want to know what caused the weird things in Rarity’s boutique, also I know it was mentioned before, but it would be nice to see Spike meet his biological pony and dragon grandparents. Also I feel like Spike, or if not his grandparents, would like the recover the bodies to give them a proper burial and a headstone. Rarity of course should be at his side when all that happens, as all this situations would be great to develop their relationship, plus that relationship again would balance our the more sad factors of the story (if you decide to include them in the sequel).

As I said, I really hope you get to see this. I really hope you get around to writing a follow up. And again sorry for taking so long to read such a good story

Wow… I just read the whole thing, I must say, this story is definitely something else, it managed to do what no other story managed to do, to feel all sort of emotions, I felt in love with this story, I also read what you have so far for the sequel story just as amazing and I can’t wait to see it finished, is no secret that I adore Spike and Rarity’s relationship and so I proven by my animations, and this story not only did this a a perfect follow up after season 9, but managed to give a new perspective of Spike’s origins, just like how every character is portrayed, even after you complete “Rarity’s choice”, I do hope to see more from you, for just having two stories, I can see you’re a amazing writer!

P.S. I’m actually the one who made that pic in the cover and that you use as a avatar:3

Wow, this was actually beautiful.
It could have been some cringe date of a story, but you made it something precious.

I just finished reading the sequel, and thought I had better read this one to catch up.

Well written. Your pacing and discovery throughout each chapter is better than many (or most?) fics on this site. I can tell you planned this out.

Any plans for a Story 3 ?
That might be hard, as the story seemed to end well with the sequel.

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