• Published 19th Sep 2012
  • 3,354 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Teelo - Ardwolf

1 girl kidnapped + 1 god trapped + 1 demon plotting = 1 gigantic headache for all of Equestria!

  • ...

The Long Flight

Teagan and Sun Hammer found the group listening to Twilight as she outlined something. The ponies looked up when they entered.

“Oh my. Really, Sun Hammer?” Celestia asked as she saw the club slung over Teagan’s shoulder.

“Did ye nae say any weapon, Yer Highness?” Sun Hammer grinned at her.

“Crush wouldn’t have been my first choice.” Princess Celestia said drily. “Lady Teelo I’m amazed you could even pick it up, much less carry it so effortlessly. It seems I underestimated you. My apologies.”

“Well, let’s just say Crush decided to wait and see.” Teagan said, blushing. In truth the club was so light she had forgotten she was carrying it.

“So what did I miss?” She asked Twilight.

“We’ve been working out a plan of attack and I think we might have something.” Twilight said in a serious voice. “We just need another distance attack.”

“Oh that’s easy.” Pinkie chirped. She went over to the corner and came back carrying her saddlebags in her teeth.

“Where did you—never mind.” Twilight sighed, shaking her head.

“What?” Pinkie asked after putting down the saddle bags and giving her friend a curious look.

“It’s Pinkie Pie, Twilight. You know we don’t ask anymore.” Rainbow Dash said, laughing.

“Yes, but—arghhh.” Twilight growled and sighed again, giving up. Pinkie was busy rooting around in her saddle bags, buried up nearly to her hindquarters.

“Well they are magical saddlebags, Sugarcube. Mayhap that covers it?” Applejack tried to comfort Twilight.

“Here it is!” Pinkie said triumphantly, backing out of her saddlebag and bringing a large pink tube as long as she was out with her.

“Is that a—” Teagan began in disbelief.

“Meet my little friend!” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. “I call her Little Pinkie!”

“Um guys—” Teagan tried again.

“Of course that’s not her full name, Silly.” Pinkie said to Teagan. “Her full name is Pinkmania Yourdyingfora Pie!” Pinkie reared up on her hind legs, laying the tube over her shoulder. She peered into a small telescope on the side of the big tube, aiming downrange where an archery target was standing.

“Oh God! Back away! Don’t get in front of that thing or behind it if you want to live!” Teagan shouted as she frantically covered her ears and backpedaled.

The panic in her voice made the others skitter back nervously, giving Pinkie plenty of room.

“Hey Twilight, think this will get old Meanie’s attention?” Pinkie asked, laughing. There was a roar and a blast of flame came out the back of the tube. The archery target simply vanished in a rain of hay and splinters.

The silence that followed was profound.

“A pie did that?” Rarity asked, aghast.

“Of course it doesn’t shoot pies, Silly.” Pinkie said cheerfully. “That would be ridiculous.”

“So what does it shoot?” Twilight asked from where she was lying on the floor, her hooves covering her head.

“Rock cakes! Filled with rocks from the Pie family rock farm!” Pinkie beamed at everyone.

“That’s a rocket launcher.” Teagan said dreamily. “Where did you get a rocket launcher, Pinkie?”

“Rockettes? Small rocks?” Pinkie said, tilting her head. “Well, I talked to Dr. Hooves and told him I needed a way to speed up getting ready for my parties and this was his first attempt. Of course it’s a little too fast…” She considered the remains of the archery target. “Mr. and Mrs. Cake would get really mad if that happened to Sugarcube Corners.”

“You think?” Rainbow Dash asked sarcastically. Pinkie Pie nodded.

“But I don’t think I’ll get mad if it happens to that big ol’ Meanie that hurt the Princess!”

She said it with a cheerful smile. Everyone else shifted uncomfortably, looking at her.

“What?” Pinkie asked, confused.

Sun Hammer looked at Little Pinkie and then at the target, a thoughtful look on his face.

“Yer Highness, dae ye mind if A hae a quiet wird wi the guid Doctor?” He asked. “A be thinkin’ it might be useful…”

“As you wish, Sun Hammer. But—discreetly.” Princess Celestia said carefully, looking at the remains of the target.

“Oh, aye. A’ll be the soul o’ tact, so A will.” There was a gleam in his eye and a tiny smile playing around his muzzle.

Twilight stood up carefully.

“Well, does that do the trick, Twilight? Huh? Does it?” Pinkie asked, patting the tube.

“Yes it does, Pinkie. That gives me an idea. Listen up ponies…”

Ten minutes later they were on the move. Luna had teleported out to ready their chariots, while Sun Hammer escorted Princess Celestia to her chambers, refusing to leave her unguarded while she slept. Well, unguarded by him. His opinion of the Royal Guard was as obvious as it was unprintable.

The other ponies headed back to the Ghrian Suite to gather their belongings for the trip. Teagan changed out of her dress, thankful it hadn’t been damaged in the excitement.

She really loved that dress.

She changed into her mission clothes, choosing the long legged pants and taking her jacket because Twilight told her the trip was likely to be a chilly one. Their destination was much further north than Canterlot, and higher in altitude.

She left her pack, knowing Pinkie’s magic saddlebags were large enough to carry her share of the food and water. She didn’t eat nearly as much as a pony since she weighed a quarter what they did. Crush was bulky enough; she didn’t want to be burdened with her pack as well.

A young green colt with fluorescent pink main and tail was sent to guide them to the chariots. This time Teagan found herself paired with Applejack for what Twilight said would be a five hour flight.

“Might as well get comfy.” Applejack said. “Never much cottoned to these here flyin’ contraptions. Us earth ponies like ta have our hooves firmly planted.”

“This is my first flight in an open chariot.” Teagan admitted. She gripped the loop as their chariot took off. She also wasn’t happy that the back of the chariot was completely open, having only a chain across the opening to prevent passengers from falling out. The chain was at her knee height since the chariot was designed for ponies. The chain hit them exactly half way up their legs. The chariot was comfortably wide, and had blankets attached to the sides so they couldn’t blow away.

At least they’d be warm. In mortal danger, but warm. She was so glad she wasn’t afraid of heights though…

“I haven’t gotten a chance to know you very well.” She said, striking up a conversation.

“Looks like we got five hours ta talk.” Applejack said smiling. “Reckon we can get to know each other right well afore we get there.”

The first hour was spent on the usual. Applejack talked about her farm, her family, the kinds of things she liked to do for fun. Teagan reciprocated, telling her about her family, school, and her hobbies.

“Ah still can’t get over the fact you’re not growed up yet.” Applejack commented. Ah’m jes a little older than you, and Ah been helping run the farm goin’ on two years now. Yet you still got three years of schoolin’ left.”

“Yeah. And probably four more of college after that.” Teagan said, groaning. “Sometimes I think I’m never gonna get done with school. I think you got the better deal, actually.”

“Well now, hold on there.” Applejack said. “Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with schoolin’. Apple Bloom’s still gotta ways ta go yet too but Ah reckon she’ll be the better off fer it.”

“Oh! I met your sister by the way, she’s a nice girl.” Teagan said. Applejack beamed with pride.

“She’s a good little filly all right.” The orange pony chuckled. “Her friends are good ‘uns too. Sweetie Bell’s Rarity’s little sister, ya know.”

“Yeah, I know. I met them at Rarity’s shop.” Teagan said, laughing. “You should have seen their faces when I stood up behind the screen. It was priceless!”

Applejack chuckled. “Woulda loved ta see that, right enough.”

“Hey Applejack, can you tell me about the Elements of Harmony? I heard Pinstripe call you the Bearers. What’s that mean?”

“Well, it’s like this.” Applejack explained. “There’s six Elements of Harmony: Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. They’s golden collars with a fancy shaped gem. Well, ‘cepting fer Magic, that’s a tiara. Anyhow, Ah’m the Element of Honesty.”

“Let me guess, Twilight is Magic, right? And Fluttershy’s gotta be Kindness. Oh, and Pinkie is Laughter?”

“Yup. Rarity’s Generosity and Dashie’s Loyalty.”

“I can believe that. I haven’t had much time with Rainbow Dash but Rarity’s the soul of generosity. You saw her give me the broach at breakfast—and she’d just met me!”

“She’s like that.” Applejack said, nodding. “Course she can get a mite greedy on occasion, but Ah ain’t never seen a more generous pony in all my born days.”

“I have a question for you.” Teagan said, turning serious.

“Ah’ll try ta answer then.” Applejack turned serious as well.

“You ponies are all really kind and helpful and you don’t seem like the type that can fight. But Rarity told me some stories about Fluttershy I wouldn’t have believed if I hadn’t glimpsed her scary side. Are all of you like that? Friendly on the one hand but not afraid to fight on the other?”

Applejack considered for a few seconds.

“Ah reckon that’s so.” Applejack nodded. “Ain’t your folk like that?”

It was Teagan’s turn to think about it.

“No, not really. I mean maybe a few are. But most people either fight all the time or don’t fight at all.” Teagan said, trying to nail down exactly what she did mean. “I never really thought about it before. Your sister said it must be nice, not having monsters around. She was talking about dragons and manticores and stuff like that.”

“We have a few big dangerous animals. I guess they might qualify as monsters. But most people won’t ever see one. My country is really peaceful and settled. Places like the Everfree Forest exist but you really have to go out of your way to find them.”

“But we do have monsters, Applejack. Human monsters. They steal and they kill and they rape and they don’t care who they hurt. Like Discord, the way he is now.”

“Ah kinda figured your folk weren’t like us, Teelo. Even you, you’re not like a pony. You can think like a monster, and you seem real eager to fight Discord—maybe hurt him, maybe worse. Ah ain’t saying yer evil or nothin’, but it does make a pony wonder sometimes. Not to mention that barbed wire stuff.”

“Yeah. Humans are kinda contradictory, I guess. There are some people like Fluttershy. Couldn’t hurt a fly. There are a lot more like Discord. Mean, nasty, don’t care about anyone but themselves, and don’t care who they hurt as long as they get what they want.”

“Most humans though, they’re not that good and they’re not that bad. Kind of in the middle. Sort of like the ponies that ran away the first time they saw me.”

“Ah reckon Ah knows what ya mean, Teelo.” Applejack said, nodding. “Some ponies ain’t brave, and they run at the first sign o’ trouble. Ain’t never understood that. Ponies gotta stand up fer themselves or might not be anypony else ta do it fer ‘em. Ya run away all the time and sooner or later somethin’ chasin’ ya is gonna be faster. Then ya gotta fight.”

She looked at Teagan in the darkness of the chariot.

“Ah gotta ask you somethin’ mighty personal, Teelo. If’n Ah’m wrong Ah’ll apologize right now fer thinkin’ somethin’ that ain’t so. You and me, all of us, we’re in so deep Ah reckon even if we ain’t exactly friends we’re as close to it as makes no difference. So Ah gotta ask.”

“You’re right about that. But I can’t imagine what you’re going to ask me that needed a build up like that!” Teagan chuckled.

Applejack took a deep breath. “The others dunno what they’re lookin’ at when they see you smile, Teelo. Ah mean Ah know you’re friendly and your smile ain’t fake, that ain’t what Ah’m sayin’ at all.”

“My smile? I don’t understand.” Teagan said, completely lost.

“Not yer smile, as such.” Applejack seemed unable to make herself ask what she wanted to. “It’s like this. I have a dog named Winona. Do y’all keep dogs?”

“Oh yes. Dogs, cats, lots of other kinds of pets.” Teagan said. “Why?”

“Well, it’s like this. Dogs got fangs, right?”

“Yes they do. What’s that got to do with me?” Teagan asked.

“So do you. They’s tiny, but they’s there.” The orange pony said, not able to meet her eyes.

“Oh. You want to know if I eat meat.” Teagan said with a sinking feeling.

“Yeah.” Applejack looked down at the floor of the chariot.

Teagan took a deep breath.

“Yes, Applejack I do. I know that probably shocks you.”

“Well, kinda. But I live on a farm, Teelo. I gotta feed Winona. I know all about it.” Applejack said, still not looking at her. “Lot of the others don’t, though.”

“Like Fluttershy?” Teagan asked gently. Applejack looked up, surprised.

“Why do ya think Fluttershy don’t know?” Applejack asked curiously. “She lives out by the forest. Some o’ her critters are ferrets. She knows. She just asks the meat eaters not to hunt around her land. They go into the forest.”

“Oh. I would have thought she would have been horrified.” Teagan said. “Guess there’s a lot about Fluttershy I don’t know.”

“That pony’s a puzzle right enough. Deeper than a river.” Applejack said with a hint of a smile.

“Um, if it’s not impolite to ask, what do you feed Winona? She can’t eat a lot of the things ponies do.”

“Well, Fluttershy had a talk with her. You know Fluttershy can talk to critters, right?”

Teagan nodded.

“Well, Winona knows not to hunt around Fluttershy’s place, and she knows rabbits are off limits period. Fluttershy was very firm about that. When she can’t find anything on her own I feed her fish, corn meal, and a few other things Fluttershy told me about.”

“Um, how do you get the fish?” Teagan asked in spite of herself, unable to think how a pony could handle a fishing rod.

“Nets.” Applejack said. “How does humans catch fish?”

“Well, they use fishing nets too, but most people use a fishing rod.”

“What’s that?” Applejack asked curiously.

Teagan started to explain, and stopped when it was obvious to both of them the subject was a lot more complex than it seemed.

About an hour before they were due to land the sun came up. Seeing it made Teagan smile. Since Celestia was the one who raised the sun she must be feeling better. She grinned at Applejack who grinned back.

“The Princess must be ok.” Teagan said happily.

“Looks like.” Applejack agreed. “Must say that makes me feel a heap sight better.”

“One down and one to go. You think we can take Discord?” Teagan asked.

“Sure hope so, Sugarcube. We got Twilight’s plan and it’s a clever bit o’ tricky.” Applejack said. “Never count out the power of friendship, even if we can’t use the Elements o’ Harmony. And then there’s you and your club there.” She nodded at Crush.

“Fightin’ ain’t never a sure thing, Teelo.” Applejack said seriously. “But we got our friends and we just gotta trust ‘em. Twilight knows what she’s doin’. She’s proved that more times than I can rightly remember. Ain’t none o’ us gonna let Discord get away with what he done.”

“Yeah. But you guys have fought before. This will be my first time.”

“Keep to the plan, Sugarcube.” Applejack said reassuringly. “You and me, we might not even get a shot in if Twilight’s plan works.”

“Hope you’re right. But if I do have to fight, you know I’m going to do my best to kill him, right?”

“Kinda figured.” Applejack said in a neutral voice. “Gotta say I ain’t thrilled about that. But I know you ain’t a pony, and Discord done wronged you worse’n any of us, Princess Celestia excepted. Just remember Sun Hammer, Sugarcube. You follow him and you’ll walk a mighty lonely road. Something ta think about.”

“Discord tried to kill her, Applejack. I was standing there watching and there was nothing I could do.” She reached up and took hold of Crush’s handle.

“This time I can do something. He isn’t going to hurt any of us ever again. I won’t let him.”

Applejack just shook her head as the chariots flew on.