• Published 19th Sep 2012
  • 3,355 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Teelo - Ardwolf

1 girl kidnapped + 1 god trapped + 1 demon plotting = 1 gigantic headache for all of Equestria!

  • ...

The Girl Who Knew Too Much

Teagan turned over, luxuriating in the warmth of the bed, the softness of the blankets covering her, and the absolute feeling of contentment that filled every corner of her existence. Today was Saturday so she could sleep in with nothing to disturb her for as long as she—

A heavy weight landed on her upturned hip and bounced several times.

“What in the—” Her eyes flew open and she uncurled enough to peer blearily out of her blankets down the length of her body.

A white rabbit was sitting on her, face screwed up in a scowl. He was glaring at her hatefully, ears laid back.

“I don’t have a pet rabbit…” She said sleepily, trying to figure out what was going on. She glanced around, wanting to see what time it was.

That’s when her memories came rushing back and the shock brought her wide awake. She sat bolt upright in bed, the sudden movement dislodging the rabbit, which growled in irritation but hopped off the bed and onto the floor, scurrying out of the room.

It was a strange bedroom, one she’d never seen before. Feeling a draft she looked down at herself. That’s when she discovered she wasn’t wearing her pajamas anymore. Or anything else.

Her shriek brought the sound of pounding hooves on stairs. Fluttershy burst into the room, followed by a couple of other ponies.

They found Teagan buried in the blankets, her bright red face the only part of her visible, peering out of the covers like a turtle pulled back into its shell.

“Teelo, what’s the matter?” Fluttershy asked urgently, realizing that her houseguest was in extreme distress.

“Where are my clothes?” Teagan asked fearfully. “What did you do with them? Give them back!”

“Oh, is that all?” Fluttershy asked, relieved. “They got stained in the forest so I washed them for you and hung them up to dry. They should be dry in a couple of hours but since it’s nice and sunny today you should let them hang on the line most of the day. It’ll make them smell wonderful the next time you need to put them on.”

“I can’t do that!” Teagan exclaimed, horrified. “I need my clothes!”

“Oh no, Rainbow Dash tells me it’s going to be warm today so you won’t need them. Come on down to breakfast, my friends would like to meet you.”

“No! I can’t go around naked!” Teagan protested, clutching her blankets more tightly.

“Why not?” A blue pegasus with a rainbow stripes in her mane and tail asked, clearly bewildered. “Weather control’s scheduled nothing but beautiful warm days for the next week. You don’t have any fancy parties to go to do you? So what do you need clothes for?”

Teagan stared at the blue pegasus, mouth hanging open.

“Wait, is this a religious duty?” A purple unicorn with dark mane and tail with a purple and red stripe asked.

“Huh? Religious what?” The blue pegasus asked. “What’s religious mean?”

“Some creatures serve supernatural beings of great power, and those beings require their servants to perform or refrain from performing specific actions.” The purple unicorn explained. “It’s sort of like Princess Celestia’s guard ponies. You know how they don’t react to anything? It’s kind of like that.”

“So, you serve, um, what did you call him, God?” Fluttershy asked Teagan.

“Yeah…I guess you could say that. Wearing clothes all the time is really important.”

All the time?” The blue pegasus asked skeptically. “I’ve worn clothes maybe half a dozen times my whole life. What’s so special about wearing clothes?”

“Yeah, all the time.” Teagan said firmly. “It’s—” She paused when it dawned on her who she was talking to. Ponies had fur. They really didn’t need clothes, even the parts the fur didn’t cover their tails did, so it was like their clothes were built in, so to speak.

“Look, humans don’t have fur like ponies do.” She tried a different tack. “Clothes are like a replacement for fur. It’s not just about keeping warm. Clothes protect your skin from sun damage and cuts and all sorts of things. You don’t know about it because you have fur, but I don’t. So I need my clothes, ok?”

“Ok.” Fluttershy said, downcast. “I’m sorry, I should have asked you first, but you’ve been unconscious for almost 18 hours now, so I thought—”

“No, you were trying to be nice, and I appreciate that, thank you, Fluttershy. It’s just I’ve been having a really bad couple of days and waking up naked scared me. My kidnapper didn’t leave me a whole lot, so losing any of it is a big deal.”

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy looked down, nervously tracing circles on the floor with one hoof. “Um, I’m afraid I have some bad news, Teelo. I feel really awful about it, but, well…”

“What?” Teagan asked, alarmed.

“It’s about your bunny slippers. Um, you see, Angel didn’t understand they just looked like bunnies, he thought—” Fluttershy shivered and swallowed, “—he thought they had been made from bunnies you see. He got very, very angry.”

“What did he do?” Teagan asked, mentally bracing herself for the worst.

“He chewed them to pieces.” Fluttershy said, hanging her head. “I’m really, really sorry, I’ll have Rarity make you a new pair, and pay for them of course. Angel isn’t a bad bunny, but he has—views—and he’s very stubborn about certain things.”

“You know that thing about clothes?” Teagan said somberly. “Well, the thing is, humans don’t have hooves like ponies either. Our shoes help protect our feet from rocks and cuts and all that kind of stuff. I can go around barefoot indoors, that’s not a problem, but if I go outside I have to be really careful not to hurt my feet. Because I only have two. If I hurt one I’m pretty much lame till it heals.”

“That’s terrible.” Fluttershy was on the edge of tears. “I’m so sorry, Teelo. I’ve been a horrible hostess!”

“Not your fault.” Teagan said with a sigh. “You didn’t know your rabbit was going to do that. You’ve been so nice to me it would be rude to get mad about it.”

The blue pegasus was looking at something near the foot of Teagan’s bed.

“Um, Fluttershy?” She asked with a strange look on her face.

“Yes?” The yellow pegasus asked her friend.

“I thought you said Angel trashed her slippers?” The other pony said in a puzzled voice.

“He did.” Fluttershy said. “He was—extremely thorough too. All that was left was a pile of scraps.” Fluttershy sighed, looking at the floor. “He just didn’t understand.”

“Then what are these?” The blue pegasus bent down and picked up something in her mouth.

“My slippers!” Teagan said happily, a wave of relief washing through her.

“But, but, but…I threw away what was left!” Fluttershy stuttered in utter confusion.

The other pegasus sat the slippers on the bed.

“They look brand new.” She commented. “Not even dirty or anything.”

“Huh? I was in the woods for hours. They should be dirty on the bottom at least.” Teagan carefully sat up and let one arm snake out of her covers, picking up a slipper and turning it over.

It looked like she’d just brought it home from the store. Not a trace of wear or dirt to be seen.

“That makes no sense!” She exclaimed.

“Can I see it for a minute?” The purple unicorn asked. Teagan nodded and blinked as the other slipper started to glow then floated over to hover in front of the unicorn.

“This slipper is magical.” The unicorn said after a few seconds. “Strongly magical.”

“But my mom bought them for me for Christmas.” Teagan protested. “They can’t be magical. There’s no such thing as magic!”

Every pony just stared at her, shocked.

“Well, I mean there’s no magic where I’m from.” Teagan said hastily. “This is too weird for me. I don’t understand any of it.”

“Fluttershy said you outran a manticore?” The purple unicorn said, obviously willing to ignore Teagan’s faux pas.

“Yeah, I ran until it hurt so bad I just fell down.” Teagan agreed. “I was sprinting too.”

“These slippers are kind of flimsy.” The unicorn demonstrated by flexing the slipper back and forth. “There’s no way they’d stay on your feet running that hard unless they were enchanted to do so.”

“But how?” Teagan said and then paused as a dreadful thought occurred to her.

“I bet he did it!” She said. Her face twisted up in revulsion.

“He who?” The unicorn asked.

“My kidnapper.” Teagan spat. “He paralyzed me then acted all freaky and scared the devil out of me, then knocked me out. He put those slippers on my hands. I had them when I woke up. The really weird part is he just dumped me in the forest and didn’t stick around. It makes no sense!”

The three ponies exchanged troubled glances.

“I’m telling the truth, I swear!” Teagan said, afraid they didn’t believe her.

“What did he look like?” The unicorn asked in a serious voice. “Your kidnapper, what did he look like?”

“I never saw him.” Teagan admitted. “He stayed behind me the whole time. All I heard was his voice. And he touched me a couple of times. He couldn’t have been human though. I felt him get out of bed and then he whispered right in my ear. A normal human couldn’t do that. Oh, and his hand was strange.”

“What do you mean, strange?” The purple unicorn took a step forward, the slipper dangling in mid air, forgotten. Teagan shivered at the intensity of the look the unicorn was giving her.

“Twilight, you’re scaring her.” Fluttershy said softly. “It’s ok, Teelo. Nobody’s going to hurt you.”

“What? Oh, sorry.” The unicorn apologized. “But this is important. What was strange about his hand?”

“Well, for one thing his fingers were really skinny.” Teagan said, thinking back. “It felt like they were covered in scales. And he had claws, really sharp ones.” Teagan shuddered as she remembered those claws pricking her skin.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” The blue pegasus asked grimly.

“I think so. It all fits.” Twilight admitted. Fluttershy whimpered.

“You know who it was?” Teagan asked hopefully.

“Maybe. Can you describe his voice?” Twilight asked. She returned the slipper to the bed.

“Oh my God! He was psychotic. He was talking about doing horrible things to me, and his voice was so cheerful.” Teagan trembled. “He was happy about it!”

“What did he threaten to do?” Twilight asked, her voice turning gentle.

“Well, I thought he was going to rape me.” Teagan said, shuddering. “He said a lot of stuff, but what really stuck in my head was something about when I woke up I was going to meet his little friends, and then the fun would begin.”

“What’s rape?” The blue pegasus asked.

Teagan looked at her, stunned. The pegasus looked back blankly, obviously never having heard the word.

“It’s one of the worst crimes one person can do to another.” Teagan said. “It’s horrible, so horrible I don’t want to talk about it, ok? If he’d done that it would have destroyed me. Thank God that wasn’t what he had in mind.”

The three ponies looked at each other uneasily.

“You poor thing. Your suffering was so much worse than I realized!” Fluttershy said, coming forward. “I’m so sorry, is there anything I can do?”

That’s when Teagan’s body suddenly brought a pressing matter to her attention. She’d been unconscious for 18 hours Fluttershy had said…

“Oh God. Fluttershy, do you have anything I can use for clothes? Even a towel would work!” Teagan asked urgently.

“A towel? Yes, but…”

Please, Fluttershy!” Teagan said desperately. “I have to go to the bathroom. I haven’t gone for almost a day!”

“Bathroom? What—oh! You mean the toilet.” Fluttershy said, her face clearing.

“On it! One towel coming up!” The blue pegasus was suddenly moving in a blur, literally vanishing out the door before Teagan could blink. In less than 15 seconds a burst of wind announced the pegasus’s return, a huge folded towel draped over her front legs. She tossed the towel to the gaping Teagan and landed with a smirk.

“Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!” The pony announced proudly. “At your service!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. She was standing behind Rainbow Dash fortunately, so the pegasus didn’t see.

“Thank you!” Teagan said gratefully, shaking out the towel. “Oh, this will work fine! Thank you so much!” She started to get out of bed but hesitated.

“Um, all of you are girls, right?” She asked quickly.

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Why?”

“Religious duty.” Teagan said, using the excuse Twilight had so conveniently provided. Getting out of bed she rapidly draped the huge towel around her. It went around her slender body three times, and fell below her knees.

She debated with herself, but decided to put on her bunny slippers. She hated to do it, knowing who had given them to her, but she needed shoes.

She wouldn’t want to go out in public wearing just a towel, or meet any boys in it, but at least she felt dressed enough to meet the rest of Fluttershy’s friends.

After certain matters were attended to.

“Where?” Teagan asked Fluttershy, shifting uneasily from foot to foot.

“This way.” The yellow pegasus led the girl out of the room and down the stairs to a doorway. Inside was a narrow trough like device about a foot high and three feet long.

“Just pull the handle when you’re finished.” Fluttershy said, nodding to a large ring on a chain dangling from a tank mounted to the wall. She pulled the door closed behind her as she left. Teagan noted she did it with her tail.

She hadn’t known pony tails were prehensile…

It took Teagan an anxious thirty seconds to make sure she understood how the trough worked, but she figured it out.

When she rejoined the ponies in the hall she was a lot happier.

And hungry.

“You said something about breakfast?” Teagan asked Fluttershy hopefully.

“Oh yes! Everyone’s waiting for us.” Fluttershy smiled and trotted into a kitchen. There was an open back door through which Teagan could hear laughter and conversation.

“Twilight, if you can get the eggs I’ll get the juice. Rainbow Dash can you carry the hay? Teagan, if you don’t mind, grab that stack of plates please?

Teagan grabbed the stack of heavy plates and followed Twilight through the open back door. They came out onto a spacious back porch with a couple of steps down to the yard. In the yard were several picnic tables around one of which were gathered three ponies and what looked like a small purple and green humanoid dragon.

That must be Spike, Teagan thought to herself, shivering as she remembered last night—how one careless remark had nearly landed her in a huge mess. If she hadn’t fainted…

The conversation died as she and Twilight joined them. Teagan sat the pile of plates on the corner of the table, conscious of being the center of attention.

“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Teelo. Teelo, these are my friends, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, my assistant.”

“Howdy.” An orange pony with a yellow mane and tail nodded to her. She was wearing a cowboy hat of all things. “Pleased ta meet cha, Teelo. Always nice ta meet new folks.”

“My dear, why are you wearing that towel?” A white unicorn with purple mane and tail asked her, tsking. “It simply won’t do without the appropriate accessories! Now where did I put that? I’ll just be a moment, dear…”

A set of saddle bags lifted themselves into the air and floated over to Rarity. This time Teagan was paying attention and noticed the glow around Rarity’s horn matched the glow around the saddlebags.

Several small objects flew out of the bag and rapidly collected to one side as Rarity went looking for whatever it was she wanted.

“Voilà!” Rarity exclaimed as a green and silver object rose in the air and the other objects disappeared back into the saddlebags, which floated back to their original location and settled to the ground.

“Here we are! A wonderful broach to secure the towel and make sure it doesn’t get lost at a socially awkward moment!” Rarity said, smiling, the glittering thing placing itself a comfortable distance from Teagan’s face so she could study it.

“It’s beautiful!” The girl gasped, admiring the silver broach of a pegasus with spread wings, rearing upright, front legs poised to strike. Several emeralds were cleverly cut and embedded to highlight the pegasus’s body and wings. It looked as though each primary feather had been individually carved from emerald.

Rarity smiled, pleased at her reaction. The broach rotated and opened. The front of her towel gently pulled away from her chest and the broach nestled carefully against the cloth, pinning the towel closed. When Rarity’s magic released it she could feel how much more secure it was. Now the towel felt like a dress, not something that could fall off if she moved the wrong way.

“Thank you, Rarity. That’s so much better.” Teagan said gratefully, smiling at the unicorn. “Once my other clothes are dry I’ll make sure you get this back. Fluttershy says it should only be a couple of hours.”

“Oh, no. Keep it as a welcome gift.” The unicorn demurred, smiling.

“I couldn’t possibly!” Teagan protested. “This broach must be worth a fortune! The craftsmanship is exquisite, not to mention the emeralds themselves!”

“You really think the work is exquisite?” Rarity sat up straighter, beaming. “Then, my dear, I’ll not hear another word. An artiste lives for having her work truly appreciated. I’m glad it found a home with someone who can enjoy it.”

You made this? Wow!” Teagan peered down at the broach, and back up at the beaming unicorn.

“Rarity makes lots o’ purty thangs.” Applejack drawled. “She’s right famous fer it. Even in Canterlot, lots of hoity-toity folks wear her dresses an’ brag about it.”

“Well, one doesn’t like to put oneself forward.” Rarity said modestly.

“I can see why they would brag.” Teagan said sincerely. “If this broach is anything to go by I’ll bet those dresses are really something special.”

“Oh, Rarity is very gifted.” Fluttershy confirmed as she slid the tray of drinks expertly off her forelegs and onto the table.

Teagan couldn’t figure out how she’d managed to carry the tray until she noticed Fluttershy’s wings were flapping slowly and she was hovering a couple feet off the ground, just high enough to be level with the top of the table. Thing was, her wings were tiny, barely a foot wide each. She shouldn’t be able to do what she was doing…

“Hay’s here.” Rainbow Dash announced, having carried the large platter piled high with—yes, Teagan saw, real hay.

Of course. Ponies eat hay. And apparently eggs. And drink what, apple juice? No bacon, I guess. No meat—oh. No meat! Do NOT mention meat!

That was one discussion from the forum she did remember. Ponies were vegetarian, and if she recalled correctly, most animals here were intelligent, and talked.

That meant—Teagan paled as the implications sank home.

“You ok?” Pinkie Pie asked, peering at her. The pink bodied pony had a frizzy mane and tail, of darker pink. Teagan vaguely remembered she was supposed to be a bit crazy, something about cupcakes…

“Fluttershy, a lot of different animals in Equestria talk, don’t they? Not just ponies?” Teagan asked with mouth dry as ashes.

“That’s right. Cows and sheep and pigs. Oh, and griffons. Some others. Dogs don’t, or bunnies, or ferrets, although Angel can almost talk, he just doesn’t use words. Why?”

“What about deer?” Teagan asked, face pale.

“Oh! No, not deer.” Fluttershy said sympathetically. Teagan shivered and slumped. She slowly helped herself to some eggs.

“What was that about?” Rainbow Dash asked in confusion.

“The manticore Teelo ran away from had caught a deer.” Fluttershy said softly.

There was silence for a moment.

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash said, subdued, looking down at her plate.

“No more sad talk!” A relentlessly upbeat Pinkie Pie announced loudly. “This is a party! Well, it’s actually a breakfast, but you might as well say it’s a party because we’re here to welcome Teelo to Ponyville and nobody should be sad at their own Welcome To Ponyville Party, especially with Pinkie Pie on the job! Now turn those frowns upside down and let’s enjoy ourselves, ponies!”

Pinkie Pie stepped around the table and hopped up to Teagan, eyeing her sternly. “Hmm, what do we have here? Let me see, let me see, oh yes!” Pinkie started sniffing Teagan, starting at her head and moving down her body to her waist.

“Aha! Pinkie stuck her nose into Teagan’s hair, much to the girl’s shock. Pinkie inhaled deeply, snuffling Teagan’s neck where it joined the shoulder, making the girl giggle involuntarily as Pinkie’s nose tickled her.

Pinkie stepped back, a look of deep thought on her face. Then she sneezed violently—twice.

“You’re a lemon, right? Am I right?” Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

“A lemon?” Teagan asked, confused. “I don’t understand, Pinkie Pie.”

“Your favorite flavor, silly! Its lemon, isn’t it?”

“How’d you know that?”

“I have my ways.” Pinkie Pie smiled so broadly Teagan thought her face would split.

“Pinkie Pie you are so random.” Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle.

“Hi, I’m Spike.” The small dragon spoke up.

“Hi Spike, glad to meet you.” Teagan said, smiling.

“Fluttershy tells me you know Spike?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Uh, no. I know of him.” Teagan said carefully.

“Huh?” Spike asked, tilting his head.

“You’re kind of famous where I’m from.” Teagan mentally crossed her fingers, hoping she could navigate this minefield safely.

“I am?” Spike said. His jaw dropped.

“Yeah. All of you are, actually.” Teagan admitted.

“We are?” Twilight asked, blinking. “Why?”

“Well, you’re kind of heroes. Saved the world and all that stuff.” Teagan said. “I mean I didn’t follow your story because I’m not into stuff like that, but for a lot of people it’s almost an obsession. They’re really big fans. We call them ‘bronies’.”

“Bronies?” Applejack asked. “Like ponies but with a B-R?”

“Yeah. I think it means “brother ponies” or something. They can get pretty obnoxious about it.” Teagan said. “Fans of anything can really, but bronies have a special talent. They keep trying to convert me.”

“Convert you?” Rarity asked, confused.

“Yeah. Welcome to the Herd and all that.” Teagan laughed.

“Welcome to the herd?” Rainbow Dash asked, tilting her head.

“I think the full expression is ‘Welcome to the Herd. You have been assimilated.’” The girl replied.

“That’s—kinda creepy.” Rainbow Dash said, frowning.

“Kind of, yeah.” Teagan agreed. “I mean, now that I’m here and have actually met you, I can say I like you as people, but they haven’t actually met you, and they almost worship the ground you stand on. It’s not normal.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash asked. “So I’m famous?” She brightened.

“Uh huh. Especially the Sonic Rainboom. Even I’ve heard of that.” Teagan said, chuckling. “Have to say its impressive looking.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight asked. “How could you have seen it?”

Teagan cursed herself silently. She’d relaxed and walked right into it.

Twilight’s too smart to fall for half-truth, darn it! She thought as she took a deep breath.

“I’ve seen it because we have video of it.” She said quietly.

“What?” Twilight’s jaw dropped. “Video? What do you mean? How’d you get that?”

“Now that, Twilight, I really can’t answer because I don’t know. All I know is your adventures get followed every week by millions of fans who watch them and cheer everything you do.”

The silence around the table was scary. Teagan swallowed nervously.

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, ok? I never thought you guys actually existed, or that magic was real, or Equestria was more than a made up story. Until he kidnapped me.”

“He who?” Pinkie Pie asked interestedly.

“I never saw him, but he was really scary, Pinkie.” Teagan shuddered. “Anything is possible, nothing is forbidden. Chaos, like ice running through your veins.” She quoted.

She wasn’t ready for Fluttershy to drop her glass and have it shatter, nor the look of horror on Rarity’s face.

“That’s what he said to me.” She explained hastily, but it didn’t help.

“Discord.” Applejack whispered.

“But we turned him to stone! How could he have escaped? Spike, take a letter to Princess Celestia immediately!” Twilight exclaimed.

Spike ran over to a pair of saddlebags and frantically dug through them until he found a parchment, quill, and an inkwell. Bringing the supplies back to the table he dipped the quill in the ink.

“Ready!” He announced tensely.

“Dear Princess Celestia,” Twilight began. “It has come to my attention that Discord may have escaped his confinement or found some magical method to cause mischief. We found a female of a hitherto unknown species named Teelo who claims she was kidnapped and dumped into the Everfree Forest by an unknown assailant. However, comments he made to her prior to her arrival in the Forest make me believe it was Discord.”

“For example, quote: “Everything is allowed, nothing is forbidden” and quote “Chaos like ice running through your veins”.

“I recommend you check Discord’s statue to make sure it’s still there and check it for any spell activity you can think of. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Send it.” She snapped. Spike saluted and tossed the rolled up parchment in the air, breathing fire and making it burst into green flame, which vanished.

“Um, what just happened?” Teagan asked, staring at Spike.

“Spike just sent Princess Celestia my letter.” Twilight explained.

“By burning it?”

“Spike has a magical connection to the Princess.” Twilight said. “If he burns a letter it’s sent straight to her.

“Oh. How long ‘til we—” Teagan started to say when Spike seemed to convulse like a cat with a hairball. He spat out a green flame that coalesced into a rolled up parchment. Twilight grabbed the letter with her magic and unrolled it.”

“That looked painful.” Teagan commented to Spike.

“Nah, I’m used to it. It’s not much worse than a belch.” Spike said dismissively.

“Listen to this, everypony.” Twilight said loudly.

“My dearest Twilight Sparkle, I have received your message and will take immediate action. You, your friends, and Teelo should stand ready to travel to Canterlot on minimal notice. I wish to speak with our new guest to find out if it was indeed Discord that abducted her. I will send another letter via Spike when I am ready to speak with you.”

“Wow, she doesn’t mess around.” Rainbow Dash said, impressed.

“This is Discord we’re talking about, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said. “He nearly destroyed Equestria the last time, she isn’t taking any chances. Would you?”

“You got that right.” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“I suggest we all go home and pack.” Twilight said. “You know what you need to bring. Rarity, I think you need to make Teelo some clothes suitable for a rough trek, just in case. We have no idea where this may end up.”

“Wait a minute! I’m not the hero type!” Teelo protested. “I don’t know how to fight or anything like that!”

“Well, if we had to fight Discord physically we’d lose.” Twilight said to placate the alarmed girl. “Discord likes to mess with your head, he likes giving his opponents a chance because it’s more of a challenge. So any fighting will be in your mind, not with your body.”

“And besides, you got us.” Rainbow Dash said easily. “We’ll protect you if it comes to a knockdown drag-out fight. We’re heroes, right? That’s what heroes do!”

Teagan looked at Fluttershy who looked really worried.

“What do you think, Fluttershy?” Teagan asked softly.

“I try never to hate anyone.” Fluttershy said in a troubled voice. “But Discord did terribly things to us, he tried to tear apart our friendship, he tried to hurt my friends.”

She stared straight at Teagan.

“Nobody hurts my friends, Teelo. If Discord is loose again, we’ll stop him. I promise.”

She stared at Teagan, and there was something dark in her eyes that made Teagan very glad Fluttershy was on her side. The one thing Teagan thought she’d known about the kindly pegasus was there wasn’t a scary bone in that bright yellow body. Looked like she’d been wrong.

Funny how bronies never mentioned how bloodcurdling this place was…