• Published 12th Aug 2022
  • 8,541 Views, 713 Comments

Still No Signal - Axel Azabash

Human gets lost in the forest, he tries to use his phone to find his way back and for some reason it isn't working. Weird things start to happen, because you can imagine where he is now...

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10- At least I got a room

The day had been really weird. The little horses had a picnic on a grassy hill. They all brought their pets, or what I assumed were their pets. There was a total of six Technicolor equines. Purplesmart, Yellowings, Squiggletail, Rainbow, Pink and another orange one that I still needed a name for, she was wearing a cowboy hat and had apples painted on her hindquarters… I was sure I could come up with something eventually.

Squiggletail brought a cat. It was one of those long-haired cats with funny faces. The cowboy mare brought a nice dog that played around merrily. Rainbow had a tortoise-copter that I put back in the box of things that I would eventually think about but right then I was feeling like not thinking too hard. Purplesmart brought an owl. And the pink one brought a tiny toothless alligator. I was thinking about how weird it was to have an alligator as a pet when I realized that Yellowings, the animal caretaker, the pet hoarder, the one with a ton of animals hadn’t brought anything… except for me…

That weird nagging sensation again… Was I being treated as a pet!?

The ponies spent the time talking and taking care of their pets, also they tried to get Yellowings’ attention in order to check their animals, apparently, she was the expert, but she spent almost the whole day petting ME.

Also, she repeated that pony word over and over to me, and I reluctantly repeated it a couple of times for her delight. I need to figure out what I had said that was driving the yellow equine crazy about me.

When it started to get dark, we went back home to Yellowings’ cottage. After a brief farewell, all the tiny horses parted their ways and once again I was left alone with my caretaker. She was trotting happily by my side, giggling to herself and ruffling her wings like a happy bird.

Of course, she didn’t let me get the couch, not that I would after the previous night incident. We spent the night like the other ones, but she was extra cuddly. She was really adorable and all and I would be happy, but after her reaction and sudden change of behavior… or sudden intensification, I was starting to feel uneasy. I woke up in the morning with her hugging me with both wings and legs… all of them.

She cooked breakfast, and every time I tried to help, I was just pushed back and rewarded with a wave of nuzzles, cuddles and endearing horse sounds. In the end, I got grilled fish with an assortment of the things she knew I liked, and then she almost fed me like if I couldn’t even hold a spoon. I managed to push her back a little and ate the meal on my own, giving her an awkward smile. This was getting out of control…

Suddenly, her rump started to glow…

Yep, the pink butterflies on her flank were glowing and sparkling more butterflies around. She panicked for a moment, trotting in place and looking around like if she needed to pee but the bathroom was occupied. After a moment of doing that, she gasped like if she had had an idea and motioned me to pack all my things and to come with her. Well, it had to be something important if she was acting like that, so I tried to do my best and be ready as soon as I could.

It was the first time since the picnic that she actually listened, talked and gestured like she used to do. That weird thing that she does that looks like any other pony’s gestures but for some reason I actually understand the general idea behind and she understands my general intentions when I talk back to her.

We ran towards what looked like a toy tree castle made out of cheap glossy sparkling plastic from a distance, but it happened to be an actual functional castle on top of a tree, but it was made out of a weird glassy material… Including the tree.


I’m not becoming crazy, I’m a normal person!

We came inside the tree trunk. It was hollow and looked like a salon with fancy stairs that went up all the way to the actual castle trough the tree trunk. Once we got upstairs, we ran along a corridor until we found what looked like a big room with a big round table in the middle.

Around the table were a set of chairs and on the table was what looked like a miniature map of a really big area. I thought it was a model at first, but after a second inspection I realized it was like a holographic image. A set of red apples and pink butterflies were circling around what looked like a big lively city that looked more like a theme park.

The cowboy pony was there with Purplesmart, they greeted Yellowings and the cowboy mare scrunched her face at me like if I were really out of place here. Purplesmart seemed to ask Yellowings some questions pointing at me.

They gathered around the magical map and argued a few minutes, both Yellowings and the orange one pointing at the specific location with a disapproving tone. Purplesmart tried to reassure them. After a while, they seemed to agree on something.

Then, Yellowings pointed at me and at the map, talking to Purplesmart, but she shook her head to the yellow mare. She seemed to panic again, trying to explain things to the purple one, but both her and the cowboy mare agreed that Yellowings was wrong about whatever she was talking about. After a few moments with Yellowings’ voice turning into panicked squeaks, she deflated and lowered her head.

Purplesmart took a few steps forward and pointed at her puffed up chest, then pointed at me while talking to Yellowings. The orange one nodded in agreement. Yellowings squeaked in a quiet voice, obviously not happy about the conclusion of the conversation.

The purple mare said something very loudly, and after a pause repeated that same sequence of sounds. The little lizard that had come to the cottage with Squiggletail appeared and talked to Purplesmart. She immediately replied and the lizard brought a piece of paper and a quill. Then he started to take notes about something Yellowings was telling them.

After that, the orange pony pushed Yellowings out of the room, while she continued to squeak and wave at me. Finally, she waved at me in a gesture that I recognized as a farewell, and I waved back until the orange mare dragged Yellowings out of sight.

I sighed and shook my head. That mare was acting extra weird lately. Then I realized something, something important. I was left alone.

With Purplesmart.

“Oh… okay… hello?” I turned around to greet the purple equine.

She said something in their sing song language, smiled and ruffled her wings with excitement. Her smile was so broad and intense that it started to feel creepy.

The lizard interrupted her. He pointed at the first item of the list he had written and Purplesmart giggled nervously and nodded. The mare motioned me to come with her and I followed suspiciously.

Through another door we went, and into what looked like a corridor with guest rooms. They led me to one of those doors, and upon opening it, it was, as expected, a room. On the way there, another purple unicorn appeared and looked at me for a moment, waved, I waved back and then they turned back and continued minding their business, they seemed pretty busy, like Purplesmart used to do, reading a couple of floating books at the same time. Was she a sibling of Purplesmart? They certainly looked similar. With how big the castle was, there should be a lot of those equines living here in spite of the lonely feeling the empty corridors gave.

The room was like a five stars hotel suite room. Everything was made out of that shinny material, the bed was big enough for me, there was a window with a wonderful sight of the whole town down there and proper furniture, including a lot of shelves with books.

Purplesmart smiled creepily again and said something to me, only to be interrupted by the lizard pointing at another item on the list and gesturing to the room again. The mare deflated slightly, snorted and nodded to the lizard, who rolled his eyes.

The mare started to explain something to me, speaking with a fast pace in her language, then, the lizard interrupted her again and said a few words. Purplesmart groaned in frustration.

Only then, without saying a word, she approached the bed and put her forelegs on the pale purple bedlinen, like if testing its softness and motioned me to do the same. I mimicked her actions. “So, that’s the bed… I get it.”

She turned around to the drawers in a crystal nightstand and pulled a few of them. I did the same. “Ok, I can put my stuff in there.”

Then she showed me the bathroom, with all the supplies, towels and stuff. After that, she turned on and off the taps of the different applications and flushed the toilet. “Okay, I get it. That is the cold water and that is the hot one.”

After the intense morning I felt like I needed a good shower, and I was going to enjoy this new place. I first thought about sorting all my clothes and trinkets, but looking at the curious purple mare, I decided against that. I kept my belongings with me and entered the bathroom. Purplesmart was giving me that creepy smile again, only to deflate when she realized that I was going to take a shower. Her groan of frustration was muffled by the closed door.

Savoring my little moments of solitude and privacy out of the continuous care and curious stares of those equines, I checked my phone.

Still no signal…

Author's Note:

The previous one was a short one, and kind of a retelling of the previous part, so, I guess I owe you all another one, so here it is, now with some real progress included!

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