• Published 12th Aug 2022
  • 8,542 Views, 713 Comments

Still No Signal - Axel Azabash

Human gets lost in the forest, he tries to use his phone to find his way back and for some reason it isn't working. Weird things start to happen, because you can imagine where he is now...

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12- At least I got omelet

Starlight Glimmer had been studying her magic and friendship lessons from a very early hour in the morning. She wanted to feel happy with herself in spite of having avoided the more ‘practical’ friendship lessons.

Without the guidance of Twilight Sparkle, who was freaking out about a weird creature, she had had a lot of freedom with her studies. She has been focusing on all the magic lessons she had to learn, all the mini tests and exercises she had to do in order to remember, and last, but not least, the checklists of personal issues she needed to address.

In fact, she had already finished all her homework and was ready to start with her ‘practical’ lessons, but she had been looking at the list for an hour already and was scared of every single item. “I think I’m going to have something for lunch and then I will get back to it…” She mumbled to herself.

The library was a mess, and Twilight was nowhere to be seen. Starlight Glimmer became a little bit wary about it. The last few days, Twilight had been studying without rest, and she would never leave her library in such a horrible state after finishing her research.

Following her ears and her nose, Starlight approached the kitchen. Someone was there and something was being cooked. That sounded like spike preparing lunch, but with somepony else. Peeking over the door, Starlight saw that weird creature handling a frying pan and Spike mixing something in a bowl.

“Hey, Starlight! How are you doing?” Spike greeted the mare, and the creature looked back at her without stopping his cooking.

“Hello, Spike. Where is Twilight?” Asked Starlight, looking suspiciously at the mysterious being.

“She is asleep.” Spike replied.

“Oh… she is okay then…” Starlight relaxed a little.

“This guy here gave her a massage and she blacked out like a baby.” Spike chuckled.

“Oh! Spike! But…” Starlight eyes went wide and she tensed. “Okay! One moment, I will be right back!” The mare ran away.

She needed to check if Twilight was okay. Probably that creature could have put a spell on Twilight, maybe it wanted to get all of them! Maybe… Maybe it was a new changeling strategy!

Starlight stopped in her tracks, slipping a little on the polished floor. She needed to save Spike! Oh, no… it was probably too late for him. What she saw was probably a changeling disguised as him already. She resumed her gallop towards Twilight’s room… To find her peacefully asleep. Or she could also be a changeling…

“The characteristics of the subbbgg… bleh primate in nature but awwwlso showwws signd ouuf…” The mare turned around and snored loudly.

Yep… that was definitely Twilight being Twilight, nothing seemed out of place.

Spike! He was still in danger! Starlight came out of Twilight’s room and put a locking spell on the door and a few protective shields around her room just in case, and then galloped back to the kitchen, her horn glowing with a spell ready. She stormed into the kitchen and kept her horn pointed at the creature.

“Okay, who and what are you?” She said menacingly. The creature took a few steps back, putting up its arms defensively, and stole a glance towards Spike.

“Errr… Calm down. It’s just the creature Twilight is investigating…” Spike tried to reassure the agitated mare. But suddenly, Starlight shot a spell at Spike that made him stumble back a little in surprise.

“What are you doing, Starlight!?” The dragon protested.

“Oh… sorry Spike, it was a changeling detection spell. I just needed to make sure…” And just like that, another bolt of the detection spell was shot at the creature, which jumped back in shock. The spell just impacted and instead of performing its function, it just sparkled and sizzled until it dissipated without any effect.

Starlight lowered her head and adopted a more menacing pose. Of all possible reactions, this one was completely unexpected. It felt like there was some kind of disruptive shield that prevented her spell from working.

“Starlight! Calm down! He is harmless!” Spike tried to reason with Starlight.

A few awkward seconds passed as they all stared into each other with different levels of shock. The creature was just standing in the opposite corner of Starlight’s, putting his hands in what could be understood as a defensive position. Starlight looked around and realizing everything was in order, she got close slowly, not taking her eyes away from the creature and charged a more complex scanning matrix spell.

“What in tartarus are you?” She said in a slightly less menacing voice.

“Dunno… Twilight has been trying to discover it without any luck. Maybe you have seen something like him before.” Spike answered.

“Actually no… But I will try my scanning spell to get some more information.”

Her horn started to glow and a few complex magical symbols surrounded the slightly distressed creature. After a few seconds, some of the symbols started to fade away and sizzle, but Starlight reacted increasing the amount of magic she was feeding into her spell.

Finally, Starlight stopped and took a deep breath as the matrix collapsed and the spell dissipated. “Ugh… It required more energy than I was expecting… How weird.”

“Did you find something?” Spike inquired.

“Not really. It was unusually hard to maintain the spell; in addition, it couldn’t lock on anything. It’s like if this creature has no magical aura at all!” Starlight Glimmer answered, a little bit bewildered.

“That’s what Twilight said…” Spike shrugged and continued preparing the meal.

“So… it’s safe to be around it?” Starlight tilted her head.

“Yup! Fluttershy have been taking care of him for a few days already and told us he is harmless.”

The creature calmed down a little. Probably because he had already been scanned by Twilight, and this time he wasn’t so frightened. Slowly he put a dish in the table in front of Starlight and smiled awkwardly.


Starlight took a glance at the dish, and it contained a normal looking omelet. Then she looked back at Spike, a little confused.

“He did it completely alone. I supervised him just in case, but he seems fine. Also, I’m teaching him how to talk.” Spike clarified.

They didn’t bother to take the food out of the kitchen; they just ate as they were cooking. Something that Twilight wouldn’t have agreed with, probably, but they didn’t care. It was far more entertaining trying to teach the creature a few words while they were working, and after the headache Twilight had given Spike with her little episode, he was also too tired to make a formal lunch. Starlight didn’t say anything; she was too distracted watching the creature working with his nimble and dexterous claws.

After a while, by the look of it, Starlight thought that this creature had some kind of intelligence. It was behaving very deliberately, managing the kitchen utensils with precision and purpose. He definitely knew what he was doing and has already done it before. Therefore, it was not a wild creature, it was either intelligent on its own, or extremely well educated. By its interest in learning and the way it paid attention to every little detail it was clear to Starlight that it, or more accurately, him, wanted to learn. This wasn’t the behavior of a wild animal, not even a trained one. He didn’t repeat any patterns that someone had taught him, he observed, reasoned and actuated afterwards in consequence.


The new purple mare looked a lot calmer after lunch. She observed me all the time and looked deep in thought. The lunch consisted in an omelet and a few other vegetables they had around that the little lizard cooked himself.

We just ate in the kitchen, and my intention to observe every little detail of the place was frustrated by the fact that it all looked the same. Everything was like it was designed to be sold as cheap plastic Chinese toy… Except for the fact that it was made out of solid gemstone. Probably it was my bad mood, and I wasn’t very keen on getting all the details, maybe it was my box of things to think about later that was getting too cramped with this whole tree castle made out of a solid block of carved gemstone.

The stove, the cupboards, the sink… everything was made out of crystals of some kind, and I got really dizzy trying to figure out how this whole place was made. It looked like someone took a giant block and sculpted it. Of course, there were objects that were made out of normal stuff, like the food, the books, some spare wood chair… Although in general, even the silverware was made out of gems, at least most of them.

Once lunchtime was over, I went back to my room. There was nothing left for me to do, and the room was the most familiar place around this crazy castle. In addition, I had left all my belongings there and out of habit I wanted to check my phone. Low battery.

It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, on days like this, phones like this could be charged with solar power. There were no power outlets, so that was the only way. Because of that, I decided that I should try to get as much energy for my power bank as possible.

Due to the fact that my phone was not working properly, it wasn’t the most useful thing in the world, maybe I could play some music on it, but I wanted to keep the device more or less a secret, especially with Purplesmart around. Although, it felt good to do something that was familiar to me. I know that those little solar panels did almost nothing to recharge your batteries, but if you could get a few days of sun, they would recharge the power bank and then I would have energy for a few battery charges for my device. If I used it carefully, I could have a stable source of energy for it.

It was fun. I’ve never been in a situation that would force me to actually make use of the solar panels I bought and usually carried at the bottom of my backpack to any trip into the forest. I’ve always had enough charge in the power bank to last a few days, and that was more than enough in most cases. Why did I have those panels? Because I saw them in the store and couldn’t resist even though I knew they were mostly useless, but I loved to play around with all kind of knick-knacks like those.

Anyway, with my little setup, I had the panels connected to the power bank on top of a chair and the windowsill correctly oriented to get the few hours of sunlight there were left of the day. Then I checked my phone and it was correctly charging, though very slowly. Of course, I turned it off again because there was still no signal.

Author's Note:

Quick update. I've been working on changing some details to give the story a better structure in general, and I'm probably getting over the block I got myself into and I'm actually continuing and writing (or starting) new chapters (This is still part of the original buffer I had, but they are requiring some work). Some of those changes are being made to better match the show and some specific episodes. Some cues can be seen in this one, so maybe you know what's about to happen soon.

This is still a pretty slice of life-ish chapter, without any transcendental discovery.

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