• Published 9th Sep 2022
  • 474 Views, 64 Comments

Seekers of the Epitaph: World of Azeroth - Xarmar13

Six friends exploring the world of Azeroth. Seven associates seeking Equestria's doom.

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Serpentshrine Cavern, Part 2: Grayheart Cavern

After deactivating the console that was no longer guarded by the leviathan within the reservoir, the party took some time to rest. It frustrated them that they couldn’t do much against the leviathan but they also understood that they weren’t equipped for aquatic combat. They could only hope that they never had to fight an opponent under such conditions again.

While there was another maintenance crew nearby, they seemed to be busy trying to get their station working again. Of course, they soon realized that something was wrong with the main pumps, which were controlled by the terminal that the party was next to. They eventually moved to investigate which ended in a fight that wiped out the crew. The fifth and sixth crews eventually turned up and were taken out as well.

“That likely cleared the way to the bridge console,” Lokosh said. “Are you sure we can’t open the bridge now?”

“Positive,” Raida replied. “The bridge console requires that all five terminals be deactivated before we can release the clamps holding the bridge parts underwater. There’s also a gate that won’t open until the bridge is complete. There may also be defenses in place to prevent any clever intruders from flying to the other side as well.”

“So we need to find the other three terminals,” Talia concluded. “Where might they be?”

“Right now we are standing at a three-way intersection. The only enemy left on the path those crews came from is Vashj. We need to take the other path to reach the other three terminals. The Grayheart tribe of broken patrols the cavern. I think I know two of our targets who would be guarding the terminals, but I can’t say for certain.”

After a few more minutes of rest, the party continued their exploration of the cavern. They took a northern path that led through a walkway of wooden planks. The next intersection was guarded by a few broken dressed as mages and rogues as well as a couple of naga warriors. Stella kept the mages under control while Raida and Lokosh fought the rogues and Bella and Flutashe faced the warriors. Everyone else picked their targets.

Things became more interesting when a fungal giant shambled toward them from the left path. Groun noticed the visitor and used his influence over plants to control the giant. He then had the giant grab the enemies one by one and melt them with acid to avoid the party from getting caught in the crossfire.

“So which way do we go from here?” Feloma asked.

“The path loops back here so either way will suffice,” Raida replied.

Seeing as the giant came from the left path, they decided to proceed down the path the giant came from. They faced another group of Grayheart broken as well as a group of naga. Most of them were focused on the larger threat attacking them which gave the party room to take them out with less worry.

They then entered a tunnel that was patrolled by a pair of green and purple swamp beasts. In the narrow tunnel they had to contend with the creatures throwing mushrooms around that grew at an alarming rate. Talia quickly burned down the mushrooms because she didn’t want to know what would happen if they reached their full size. Meanwhile, Stella and Farra’jin used their fire to burn down the swamp monsters.

They soon entered a large chamber that was filled with numerous small encampments of Grayheart mages, rogues and warriors. The mages quickly burned down the fungal giant who was accompanying the party before they moved to attack the intruders. Stella kept the mages under control while Groun took control of the swamp beasts in the chamber and turned them on the rogues. The rest of them took out the Grayheart warriors, then the rogues, then the mages.

It took some time but they managed to clear out the chamber of the Grayheart forces, except for one group.

This trio of broken didn’t take part in the fighting because they were too busy suppressing something or someone in shadowy bindings. When the swamp beasts approached them, one of the broken incinerated the beasts in dark flames.

“Do not interfere, intruders!” one of the broken said. “For your sake, it would be best for you to move on. We must keep this one bound until he can be eliminated.”

As much as the party wanted to move on, they spotted one of the terminals on the back wall which meant that someone among them, likely the bound one, was the key to accessing the terminal.

However, as Raida walked over to the group, her eyes widened in recognition. That surprise quickly turned into a facepalm. “Ugh, great…this guy…”

“Do you recognize him?” Stella asked.

“Yeah, he’s a demon hunter…or at least a failure of one.” The party raised their eyebrows and motioned for her to continue. “Okay, so a while back Lord Illidan rewarded Kael’thas, before he sold out, for his servitude by training some of his forces in the ways of the demon hunter. I already told you how risky the training was and the turnout supported that claim. Five blood elves were the first students of their race to be trained by Lord Illidan. Three of them died because they couldn’t handle the training, one succeeded and emerged as a fully fledged demon hunter. Of course, I heard some adventurers had killed him recently along with other instructors.”

“You mentioned four, is this the fifth one?” Flutashe asked.

Raida nodded, “Yep, only Varedis ever passed the training while three died. This one didn’t have the mental fortitude to handle the training and went insane instead. His name is Leotheras. I had hoped that he had wandered off and died somewhere so he wouldn’t be a threat to himself and everyone around him; wishful thinking apparently.”

“So how did he go insane?” Flutashe asked, half inquiringly, half accusingly toward her sister.

Raida picked up on the latter part and sweated a little, “Well, part of the training to become a demon hunter was to put the essence of a demon into ourselves and battle the consciousness of the demon we infused ourselves with. I put mine in his place pretty easily so you don’t need to worry about me. The three who died lost their battle to their demons and we were forced to kill them when the demons took over. As for Leotheras, he’s been locked in a stalemate with his demon for a long time. If he hasn’t won his battle at this point, he’s slowly losing the battle and the only thing keeping the demon from taking over are those broken.”

“Plus we need to kill him to access the console,” Mena reminded.

“Then let us deal with these ruffians so we can take down that demon hunter,” Bella declared as the others took up their battle stances.

“No, Leotheras is my prey,” Raida said.

Stella looked at Raida inquisitively, “Are you sure? He looks pretty tough.”

“The matter of Leotheras is an Illidari matter. He has shown weakness in the face of my fellow demon hunters and that must be rectified by our own. It is our way. To let others eliminate our failed kin would reflect poorly on Lord Illidan and the Illidari as a whole.”

Hearing that, Stella nodded to the demon hunter. She figured that this was part of their code of honor and she could respect that. Bella repeated the gesture while Surprise shrugged. The Horde didn’t really care either way. However, Flutashe walked up to her sister with a stern look in her eyes that gave a silent message. Raida received the message loud and clear: “Don’t lose.”

With the fight decided, Raida walked up to the trio of broken spellbinders. “You three know who I am, right? You can either run away and leave me to deal with this reject or my friends can make you drop the spell by force.”

The broken gasped as they recognized the voice. “L-Lady Raida! You have my most humble apologies, we did not know you were among these intruders,” one of the spellbinders said. “We were simply holding him here until Lady Vashj or Lord Illidan’s demon hunters came to deal with this wretch.”

“Well I’m here now, so undo the bindings so I can wipe this stain on the Illidari’s name.”

“Yes, ma’am!” With that, the three spellbinders moved at a safe distance before undoing the bindings on the demon hunter who seemed to be glaring at the three. Once he was able to move again, the three attempted to flee deeper into the cavern only for Leotheras to leap at them with his blades ready to tear them apart. As fast as he was though, he was nowhere near Raida’s speed as he felt a teal hoof hit him hard in the chest and sent him flying into a wall.

Leotheras could only watch his tormentors escape before he turned his glare to the rainbow-haired demon hunter. He instantly recognized her. “Raida Lunarwind…” he growled. “I look forward to sending you back to Illidan in pieces.”

“You’re pretty arrogant, you know,” Raida admonished since he didn’t use their titles.

“Why should I care about Illidan or you, his loyal pet? I wouldn’t be in this position if you had not put this monster inside me!” Leotheras growled.

“Don’t put that on us, you volunteered to be trained as a demon hunter,” Raida countered. “Your weakness is why you’re in this situation.”

“I am not weak! I can’t keep control of this thing because he’s so powerful. All of the others were given weak demons so of course you would succeed.”

The two clashed blades for several minutes while arguing about Leotheras’ personal issues. Raida grew irritated as she heard nonsense being spouted by the delusional blood elf. She knew that her demon was very powerful. The dark magic he wielded could have killed powerful eredar, though he was not at the level of Archimonde or Kil’jaeden. The demon within Leotheras was standard level at best. He deluded himself into thinking he was strong so he wouldn’t acknowledge his own weakness which made his situation even worse.

After some time, the two broke away. Leotheras began clutching at his head as he struggled with his inner demon. He suddenly transformed into his black demon form with large wings, hooves, claws and horns. “Be gone trifling elf. I am in control now!” the demon said.

The demon began flinging bolts of fel magic at Raida who deflected them with her warglaives before retaliating with snaking trails of fire that wrapped around the demon’s body, causing him burns.

Like the demon he was, he looked at the others and prepared a spell to use against them since he was struggling against Raida. However, he found himself imprisoned in a stasis chamber before he could complete his cast. “Disappointing,” Raida said. “This proves how weak you are. You can’t face me in a proper battle so you go after my friends instead. Typical demon behavior and appropriate for one such as you…” The stasis chamber broke when one of Raida’s warglaives slashed his chest and left a deep gash. He was then kicked into a wall and away from the others.

The demon’s will weakened enough that Leotheras regained control of his body and resumed his original form. However, the wound on his chest remained. Leotheras placed a hand on his chest as he panted heavily. Blood had nearly painted his entire hand. “This…this can’t be happening…I am the superior demon hunter!”

“Pathetic!” Raida spat. “Let me show you and your demon why you should fear me.” Purple mist began to flow from her eyes which glowed fel green. Leotheras stared into her eyes just before reality began to distort around him.

Leotherias found himself hung on hooks with the hooks piercing his shoulders. His feet were bound in shackles that felt as if they were designed to have spikes on the inside. The blood flowing down his feet confirmed it. He looked up to see a gray bipedal xorothian dreadsteed with a flowing black mane and a curved red horn standing next to his demon who was wearing a strange-looking helm.

“You know what to do, my slave,” the equine demon said, his fanged smirk on full display.

The demon silently and robotically nodded and walked up to Leotheras. He then raised a hand on the demon hunter’s chest before he began to strip off pieces of his skin. Leotheras howled in agony as his own demon continued skinning him alive. The dreadsteed added to the pain when his horn lit up and a corrosive substance began to burn away his muscles in the places where his skin was ripped off. The pain was blinding and felt like it lasted an eternity.

Reality soon shifted for the demon hunter again and his body was fully restored. But his torment had only just begun as he was subjected to multiple scenarios where he was tortured brutally. With each scenario, a growing fear began to take shape within him. Fear of the dreadsteed, fear of Raida, and fear of his own demon who was nothing more than the instrument of his torture.

All of the torment suddenly came to an end when a pair of warglaives separated his head from his shoulders. Even in his final moments as his mind began to shut down, he could only watch in horror as his body was ripped apart, piece by piece.

The party approached the decapitated demon hunter with curiosity, though it was Stella who voiced that curiosity, “What happened to him? Why did he turn into a whimpering mess just before you beheaded him?”

“I subjected him to one of my inner demon’s abilities. I don’t know what he saw, but it seems that the spell subjected him to visions of mind-breaking terror,” Raida said. “I don’t think any of us want to know what he saw in his final moments, but either way, my task is complete.”

The group began to proceed down the cavern but not before Mena deactivated the nearby console on the wall.

The party walked in silence as they traveled down the tunnel. They had to deal with a couple of broken patrols but they weren’t much of a challenge.

Flutashe was concerned for her sister. After the display she used to terrify Leotheras, she became worried that Raida wasn’t as in control as she thought she was.

Raida wasn’t unaware of her sister’s worries and she knew what they were about, so she explained herself, “You want to know why I practically traumatized Leotheras before I killed him? There were several reasons. Badmouthing my master was one thing. He also exhibited the arrogant behavior that was prevalent in the Legion’s soldiers and commanders, a sure sign that the demon within him was on the verge of taking full control of his body. He refused to acknowledge his weakness, even when his mind was still his own. We could have helped him through the process and he could have become a skilled demon hunter if it wasn’t for his hubris. It also led to his lack of combat skill. I wanted him to realize where his pride took him before I finished him.” She sighed, “I wish that it didn’t have to end that way. I don’t regret killing him, but I do regret letting my anger get the better of me.”

Flutashe smiled as she heard that. She understood how her sister felt about protecting her master’s name. She admitted to herself that she would have done the same if it involved Malfurion or Cenarius. She was also glad that her sister knew where she went wrong and knew that she would strive to improve herself on that.

The next chamber they entered was teeming with fungal giants wandering the room. They would have thought that only the giants occupied the room if Mena hadn’t briefly spotted three naga and one broken huddled up on one side of the room. One of the naga was much taller than the others. They also received a brief glance at the console near the naga group before another giant walked by.

“It seems likely that the large naga is our next target,” Bella said. “Raida, do you have any knowledge on the large naga?”

Rainbow hummed as she put a hand to her chin. “I can think of a couple of naga who that might be. Though one of them was assigned to guard the Black Temple’s sewers. The other would be Fathom-Lord Karathress, and he is ruthless. He is a complete sadist who loves torturing prisoners for information. He’s often accompanied by his sycophantic fathom-guards.”

“I guess you want me to try to take control of all of these fungal giants?” Groun asked.

“As you do, I wish to add something to them to help us weaken that repugnant naga,” Talia said.

As Groun began assuming his will over the fungal giants, Talia began setting the giants on fire. Farra’jin and Feloma added their own flames to the giants. Flutashe didn’t like seeing the giants being treated like this, but she knew that this was no time to be protecting plants when they needed to bring an end to the Coilfang operations in Zangarmarsh. Stella then added her own fire magic to the giants and soon the entire room was engulfed in flame.

Karathress was busy torturing a broken inside a cage while his guards continued looking indifferent. They soon smelled the smoke and turned to see the room on fire. The guards shouted in alarm while Karathress took charge, “What is the meaning of this? Caribdis, Tidalvess, put out these flames! Sharkkis, find out who set these giants on fire! I highly doubt they just spontaneously combusted.”

The fungal giants advanced toward Karathress’ group while the female naga and the broken used their water spells to put out the flames. Some of the giants tried to collapse on them but were blown away by Karathress’ magic. Once it was safe to do so, the smaller male naga summoned a swamp beast and a spore bat to scout the area.

Despite their teamwork, Tidalvess, the broken shaman, was grabbed from behind by a burning giant and suffered heavy burns until Karathress blasted the giant with his magic.

It wasn’t long before Sharkkis’ sporebat spotted the party entering the room and reported them to his handler. “Fathom-Lord, we have company coming in through the west entrance,” Sharkkis reported.

Realizing this, Karathress ordered Caribdis to blow away the giants so they could focus on the intruders. The female naga summoned several tornadoes that sent the remaining smoldering giants toward the far end of the room where they collapsed in a heap.

“Now that the distractions are out of the way…Guards! Kill them all!”

The party prepared as the three naga and one broken moved to attack them. Lokosh charged in and slammed his shield into Karathress’ upper tail while Flutashe attacked Sharkkis, Raida attacked Caribdis and Bella attacked Tidalvess.

Before the others picked their targets, Thanatas gave the rest of the party a small warning, “Don’t engage Karathress until his guards are dead. He will order them to feed him their power if he feels threatened.”

Mena and Stella focused their attacks on Caribdis, Talia and Farra’jin focused their attacks on Tidalvess and Feloma attacked Sharkkis. Groun managed to take control of the swamp beast while Flutashe’s ability allowed her to pit the sporebat against his master.

Karathress was not about to go easy on them, however. He then did something that Thanatas wasn’t expecting when he quickly ordered his guards to lend him their strength. The other three gave some of their power to the Fathom-Lord which empowered him to attack unnaturally fast. Lokosh was taking a beating from Karathress’ mace and he couldn’t dodge when he was that fast.

At one point, Karathress knocked Lokosh to the floor and moved to finish him, only to have his tail grabbed before being hurled into a pillar.

Sophia stepped in front of Lokosh before she held out a hand. Reluctantly, the orc grabbed it and was pulled back to his feet. “I take it that he wasn’t supposed to do that?” he asked.

“According to Thanatas, he wasn’t supposed to do that unless a certain condition was fulfilled, which it was not. So now I can interfere a little,” Sophia said. “I’ll hold off Karathress while you help the others. Once his guards are dead he will return to his normal speed.”

Lokosh nodded and charged at Caribdis. Sophia taunted the Fathom-Lord with a hand gesture which prompted him to attack her. However, unlike with his fight with Lokosh, Sophia was able to dodge his attacks with ease. He then tried aiming a spell at one of the party members which was met with a bicycle kick to his chin which only infuriated him.

Bella, Talia and Farra’jin unleashed their magics against the broken who summoned several totems to protect and attack with. Farra’jin summoned his totems to attack and support his allies while throwing lightning, stone and lava at him. Tidalvess’ earth totem protected him from the brunt of that until Talia’s felguard drove his ax down on it. The demons attacked the totems until they were broken which allowed Bella to strike him with her hammer which left him stunned long enough for another wave of Farra’jin’s elements to pummel and burn him. Bella didn’t let up as she bashed him repeatedly with her hammer and shield before finishing with a sword of light that the broken barely dodged but was still slashed up to his chest. Talia placed a curse on him which amplified any pain he received from elemental spells before she set him on fire. One final wave from Farra’jin spelled the end of that fight.

Sensing the death of Tidalvess, Karathress laughed. “Hahaha…you think this battle will turn in your favor simply because you bested Tidalvess? The blessing may have weakened, but the pact I made with him still grants me his power.” He then began summoning totems to protect and attack with. Though Sophia quickly slashed them to pieces, the totems began to regenerate and resumed their effects. Despite this, Sophia was not worried. Whenever the fire totem shot a fireball at her, she grabbed it and threw it at Karathress.

Meanwhile, Flutashe, Feloma and Groun continued their attacks on the naga who behaved like a hunter. Sharkkis was forced to kill his sporebat and swamp beast pets since they turned on him, but he swore to avenge their deaths as he roared and attacked with fervor. Flutashe avoided his spear strikes while slashing at his body with her claws. Groun called in vines to slow his movement which caused the naga to spend his energy trying to break free. During the struggle, Flutashe managed to land several more claw swipes while Feloma’s lynx, Autumn, added her own claw marks. Feloma had made Sharkkis a pincushion with her arrows and he was now bleeding from numerous places.

Despite this, Sharkkis continued to fight on as if his survival instincts kicked in and forced his way out of the vines. The three expected him to be exhausted by this point but he continued fighting like his life depended on it. Flutashe suspected that he was going berserk, ignoring his wounds and his exhaustion to continue fighting. He wouldn’t be able to keep this up for long.

Sharkkis’ berserk state lasted about a minute where his body had long past reached its limit. His strikes were too slow to hit Flutashe and the vines kept him from getting close to Groun or Feloma. His body soon shut down and the blood loss from his wounds meant that he wasn’t fighting again. Feloma put the naga out of his misery with an arrow between his eyes.

Karathress noticed his attacks slowing down again as he sensed Sharkkis’ demise. Using the pact, the Fathom-Lord gained the hunter’s berserk ability which he used to attack in bursts of fury before he released it in order to pace himself. He wasn’t a fool like his guard was.

Being a spellcaster, Caribdis was not having a good time handling four opponents at once, one of them being Lokosh after Sophia took over keeping Karathress’ attention. Stella kept countering her spells and retaliating with fire magic which she had to block with a wall of ice. Mena ran around and hit her with bolts of light before her hair straightened and Caribdis was forced to use more ice walls to protect her from shadow magic that seemed to slice pieces off of her ice.

To keep the gnome under control, she summoned a tornado near Mena to send her flying into the air and kept her there while she faced the others.

Lokosh’s ax shattered the ice and Raida’s Felbreath quickly melted and evaporated it. The chaotic flames also singed her scales. With Stella continually countering her casts, Caribdis was forced to use only her spells that she could cast instantly. Before she could set up another ice wall, an ax slashed her back which caused her to scream in pain. She wanted to heal her injuries, but she couldn’t while the mage was keeping her pinned. She was then engulfed in flames when Raida sent several serpentine fire trails at her.

There was nothing Caribdis could do against the overwhelming odds and could only accept her fate as she burned to cinders.

With the last of the guards dead, Karathress lost his blessing but he gained Caribdis’ frost magic. This didn’t do him a lot of good since Stella kept him from using the magic properly and Raida was now destroying his totems as they regenerated. Sophia leaving the fight didn’t give him much relief as he found himself overwhelmed and alone. He didn’t last long. “Her excellency…awaits…” were his final words.

The party took a break from the fighting which gave them time to address the broken that Karathress was torturing earlier. “Excuse me, but would one of you happen to be Flutashe Lunarwind?”

“I am.” Flutashe replied.

He stopped talking when he saw Raida. He then fumbled for an excuse to use while in her presence. However, Raida picked up on this. “You might as well come clean Olum, I already know your secret and I’m pretty sure Lord Illidan knows too.” Olum then began to panic as he realized that Akama’s years of planning had fallen apart. However, Raida was quick to assuage his fears. “Relax Olum, the contingency plan is in effect and Akama knows this. You don’t need to know what the plan is, only that you and your broken will get what you want in the end. Once we have dealt with Vashj, Lord Illidan will probably have me and my friends here kill the traitor, Kael’thas. Akama’s plan is still on track.”

“I…I see…” Olum had nothing else to say to that.

Once everyone was rested, Olum bid the group farewell as he retreated toward the chamber’s entrance. Mena deactivated the console that Karathress was guarding before they continued their walk through the tunnel. They encountered more patrols of naga guards and sirens who didn’t last long against them.

They found the next chamber which was decorated with several pillars and lanterns. Water seemed to pour from the ceiling in places. The last console stood against a wall to their right and the chamber was overrun with murlocs of various colors: orange, gray, green and white.

There was also a colossal purple humanoid creature wearing dull gold armor. His shoulders and legs had purple scales and he had webbed feet. He also had a huge maroon beard. His back was turned to them at the moment.

“A sea giant?!” Bella, Stella, Mena and Flutashe exclaimed. The Horde party didn’t know such creatures existed and they just dropped their jaws in awe.

“Yeah, this one accompanied Vashj to Outland along with his murloc tribe,” Raida explained. “His name is Morogrim Tidewalker, the self-proclaimed king of murlocs. He’s also pretty good at manipulating water from what I’ve seen.”

“And he’s guarding the last console?” Feloma assumed.

“First, we will have to deal with the murlocs in the chamber,” Stella said.

“Or we can turn them against the giant with a little…push,” Feloma offered in a sultry voice.

“Might work…” Thanatas said, uncertainty in her voice.

Without giving it another thought, Feloma entered the chamber and quickly flooded it with a cloud of pheromones. The others stood back while Thanatas pulled out a small customized vacuum cleaner with a container of water in place of a vacuum sac. As she collected a sample of the pheromones, bubbles formed in the container to indicate that the device had captured the pheromones. She resolved to study it later.

Feloma frowned at what the death knight did but couldn’t worry about that right now as the pheromones took effect and she commanded them to attack Morogrim.

The giant noticed his murlocs climbing on his body while stabbing at his scales. He wondered why they were doing this all of a sudden. He then sniffed the air and detected the pheromones. They caused his mind to become hazy for a moment before he started swiping his arms wildly around the chamber which created waves of water to crash against the walls while blowing away the pheromones. He then forced the murlocs off by trapping them in water bubbles which floated them down to the floor where they popped violently and sent the murlocs flying. They never survived the pop though.

The giant turned around and noticed the intruders and guessed that they were responsible for his subjects attacking him. “Flood of the Deep, take you!” he shouted before he walked over to stomp them. Everyone scattered while Flutashe slashed at the scales on his feet with her claws, taking care to dodge his feet.

“We got rid of the murlocs, but now we have an angry giant on a rampage,” Talia remarked. She found a spot to attack from and sent all of her demons to aid her. However, they were all stomped flat.

Morogrim then placed Bella, Farra’jin and Talia into water bubbles before they floated to the center of the room where they popped and sent them into the air. They were thankful that they were made of tougher stuff than the murlocs but the burst still dealt them some heavy injuries which Stella and Groun aided in healing.

The giant then stomped the ground which caused a tremor that echoed through the chamber and caused most of them to fall on their butts. “Destroy them my subjects!” he called out. This was followed by more packs of murlocs entering the chamber to attack.

Thanatas decided to try something a little interesting. She pulled out a flask of murloc pheromones and hurled it at Morogrim. The flask shattered on his back and left a stain on his scales. The murlocs became interested in what they were suddenly smelling which caused them to gather around his feet. After that, things started turning freaky as Morogrim noticed that the murlocs were behaving like they were intoxicated and started licking his colossal feet while some started humping his ankles.

Morogrim was feeling weirded out by this behavior so he sent them away with his water bubbles. However, the murlocs started calling in more murlocs which prompted hundreds of the little fish people to enter the chamber before they smelled the pheromones and began climbing the giant to perform their weird acts from a higher position..

While Morogrim was distracted by horny murlocs Raida began using her Black Eye Beam and Chaos Bolt combo to shatter the giant’s scales so the spellcasters could attack the soft flesh beneath. Stella’s Disintegration Beam left holes in the giant’s legs while Surprise’s Shadow Blades left deep cuts in the vulnerable flesh.

The giant was clearly in pain from their attacks but he was forced to choose between keeping the amorous fish people off of him or attacking the intruders. He began calling in water from around the chamber to form drifting water bubbles that moved toward everyone. He also swiped his arms to form tidal waves to attack which forced everyone to avoid them.

After a few minutes of this, Morogrim had decimated the murloc population to only a few dozen. Feloma decided to use her pheromones on the murlocs again. However, this ended up causing a chemical reaction when the two scents mixed. The murlocs gurgled in a way that sounded like a berserker shouting before they mindlessly assaulted Morogrim with a crazed fervor using their weapons.

Some of the murlocs ended up getting into his body through the wounds left on him by the party where they began cutting him up from the inside.

“Great currents of Ageon,” he swore. “I never thought that my end would come at the hands of my own subjects.” He began coughing up blood before he fell to his knees. The party made sure to move out of the way to avoid the sea giant from falling on them when he collapsed.

When Morogrim stopped moving, the party moved toward the exit of the chamber which led back to the reservoir. Before they moved too far, they heard the enraged gurgling of bloodcrazed murlocs behind them. They had apparently gotten bored of carving out the giant.

However, the murlocs didn’t get far after Thanatas said, “Okay Sophia, hit it.” Psionic electricity filled the room, electrocuting everything inside and turning the last of the murloc tribe into seafood. The electricity also had the effect of overloading the console in the room and causing it to overheat and shut down.

After their walk through the tunnel, there wasn’t much left of Serpentshrine Cavern for them to explore. After the party cleared out a couple more groups of naga, they were back at the intersection. All that was left was to face Lady Vashj and whoever else she had defending her.

Author's Note:

It's amazing how fast I can get a chapter out when I'm not distracted by other things.

My inspiration for how I handled the Morogrim Tidewalker fight came from a quest in post-Cata Loch Modan where the gnolls and kobolds in the region tried to make an alliance with the murlocs. The player disrupts this by splashing the gnoll ambassador with murloc pheromones which made the murlocs behave weirdly and eventually killed him.

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