• Published 9th Sep 2022
  • 475 Views, 64 Comments

Seekers of the Epitaph: World of Azeroth - Xarmar13

Six friends exploring the world of Azeroth. Seven associates seeking Equestria's doom.

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The Battle of the Sunwell, Part 1: End of the Bloodline

Word had spread fast of the attack on Silvermoon City by the now former ruler of Quel’thalas, Kael’thas Sunstrider. After he had assaulted the city with an army of fel-infused elves, referred to as the felblood, the former prince was seen by his people as a traitor.

In terms of overall power, the felblood and the demon hunters were about equal, the difference was that Illidan was a better trainer. The felblood were not trained to deal with demon hunters since Kael’thas was told by Kil’jaeden that the Ilidari would be imprisoned or killed by Maiev and her wardens.

Thanks to that miscalculation, Kael’thas lost a fair amount of his forces. Such an oversight would cause the former prince to question the demon lord’s infallibility but he couldn’t afford to turn back now. He was in too deep and he had nobody else to turn to because he had burned all other bridges when he declared his loyalty to Kil’jaeden.

Despite this issue, he was still able to capture the remnants of the Sunwell and the drained naaru. That would have to be enough power to bring his master into this world.

It wasn’t long before the leaders of the Alliance and Horde caught wind of what happened. The Horde was the first to find out since Quel’thalas was their ally. However, Orgrimmar was unable to send a strike force to aid the elves because Thrall had received a series of mysterious threatening letters. He would have thought nothing of them but when he saw the couriers suddenly get sick in his throne room and suddenly expire, Thrall became concerned with this threat. Vol’jin warned him of the bad mojo he was sensing from the letter. It was when the couriers began to get back up and attack the soldiers in a mindless frenzy that Thrall had to put Orgrimmar on high alert as there was only one enemy who would try something like this.

This matter would also involve Sylvanas. When she heard about the incident she drew the same conclusion and knew that the time of her vengeance would soon be at hand.

Varian had received a similar scenario when his couriers also died in his throne room and revived to attack him only to be incinerated in holy light by Bolvar.

“Your Highness, are you alright?” Bolvar asked.

“I am fine, old friend. I am no stranger to sudden attacks on my person,” Varian responded. He then sighed, “So, it seems that he has begun to make his move. We must prepare a response in kind. Bolvar, I leave it to you to prepare an expeditionary force. The crown will pay for everything.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Bolvar paused, “What about the matter of Silvermoon? If the Illidari’s information about Kael’thas is true then the Legion might be attempting another invasion.”

Varian smiled lightly, “It hasn’t come to that stage yet, but I don’t intend to ignore it. I have sent out a summons for the people best suited for this situation.”

The clopping of hooves on stone alerted the king that his guest had arrived. Raida entered the room and moved to the center where she kneeled before Varian. “You may rise,” he said. The demon hunter obeyed the order.

“What would you wish from me, Your Majesty?” Raida asked.

“It would seem that the foretold day has arrived. Kael’thas Sunstrider did indeed lead an assault on Silvermoon before retreating to the island where the Sunwell is being housed. Unfortunately, I cannot spare any soldiers to besiege the Isle of Quel’Danas at this time. Something happened recently that has Stormwind on high alert. I fear that we may come under attack in the near future.”

“If Kael’thas intends to use the Sunwell to summon Kil’jaeden then we can’t afford to sit back and watch this happen.”

“I never said that I would do nothing. Word is getting out for volunteers to aid in assaulting the island. I called you here because I would like for you and your Illidari to lend your blades and expertise to the efforts.”

Raida smiled and bowed, “With pleasure, Your Majesty.”

More hooved footsteps were heard, though at a much slower pace than Raida. The one who arrived as an elderly draenei wearing white, red and gold robes and carrying a purple wooden staff with numerous pink crystals and wrapped in red cloth.

“Ah, Your Majesty, I am glad that I made it here on time,” Velen said. “I came here when a prophecy I heard before was amended. Seeing young Raida here gives me clarity to this amendment.”

“What prophecy is that?” Varian asked.

Velen cleared his throat before he began.

“Silvery moon, washed in blood,
Led astray into the night, armed with the sword of broken Light.
Broken, then betrayed by one, standing there bestride the sun.
At darkest hour, redemption comes, in knightly lady sworn to blood.

This was the original form of the prophecy.”

“I am guessing that this has to do with Silvermoon and Kael’thas’ betrayal. But who is this knightly lady?” Varian asked.

“I have heard from the Naaru that the leader of the elven blood knights has sworn allegiance to them. Shattrath is sending an army to secure Quel’Danas. I will soon be going there to witness the events to come.”

“So what is this amended part?” Raida asked.

“A tainted dynasty ended in blood, spilled at the edge of chaos. At first, I suspected that Kil’jaeden would betray him but when I heard that the Illidari were being allowed to roam Stormwind, I could not be certain until I saw this for myself.

“I must take my leave. Thank you for giving me clarity, Raida.” The prophet then bowed to Varian once more before turning around and leaving.

“You should probably inform the Illidari of their mission and gather your friends. The Sha’tari will need your assistance in fighting the Legion and Kael’thas.” Varian handed Raida a scroll with his royal seal on it. “These are my dispatch orders that will give the Illidari permission to leave the city. Take this to General Marcus Jonathan and he will get the word out to the guards.”

Raida nodded and gave one last bow before leaving to rally and brief the Illidari before handing the orders to the general. He informed her that the Illidari would be free to depart for Quel’Danas in a couple of hours.

In the meantime she found Bella who seemed particularly cheerful today. Apparently she had just finished the new sets of armor for her friends. Before Raida could speak to her about the crisis, the paladin insisted that she try on the leather armor she made for the demon hunter.

After a few minutes of changing, Raida found that the new armor felt comfortable and lightweight. She nodded to Bella in approval.

Bella had crafted Flutashe and Raida’s armor out of the knothide leather discovered in Outland and designed them so that they would be aesthetically pleasing for their professions. Bella’s armor was made from adamantite and felsteel while Stella and Mena’s were made from a magically fortified cloth based off of netherweave except Stella’s was made out of spellcloth, a fabric made from infusing the cloth with fire and pure mana. Mena’s robes were made from shadowcloth, combining fire and tangible shadows.

When the others finally arrived, the paladin had them try on their new armor and smiled as she saw the looks of satisfaction on their faces.

Now that they were together, they discussed their plan of action. From what information had been going around, Shattrath had deployed a collaborative army composed of the united Aldor and Scryers to Quel’Danas called the Shattered Sun Offensive and would soon make landfall. Since there was no fast way to get there at this time, Stella proposed bringing everyone to Dalaran where they would have to fly to catch up to the fleet. There were plans to establish a portal to Quel’Danas but the magic required to maintain one was costly. Adventurers would have to be tasked with securing sources of mana for the portal.

Once Raida was informed that the Illidari were free to leave the city, Stella opened a portal to the outskirts of Dalaran before everyone deployed their own means of travel. Mena still had to hitch a ride on Flutashe since her wings were still unstable.

A few hours later the party landed on one of the ships of the fleet sailing toward the large island north of Quel’thalas. On one ship they spotted a number of blood elves and draenei wearing tabards depicting a golden winged helmet on a black background.

The party spent the rest of the voyage speaking to the Shattered Sun members. For Raida, some of the conversations were a bit awkward because of lingering negative feelings toward the Illidari.

After some time, the island was spotted on the horizon. As they sailed closer, they spotted a welcoming committee of blood elf marksmen with their bows trained on them while a group of ered’ruin doomguards flapped their wings and prepared to take flight. The lookout called that they would have incoming enemies soon so the soldiers prepared their bows and swords for the coming battle.

The Shattered Sun Marksmen shot down many of the doomguards before Raida took flight once they were close to the ships. Stella shifted into her dracthyr form and followed after the demon hunter where the two of them cut down or blasted the demons out of the sky.

With the skies clear, the two returned to the ship while the marksmen prepared to shoot the enemy marksmen. The Shattered Sun had the advantage of cover while the enemy had set barricades along the beach. A few fire arrows set those ablaze and smoked the defenders out of hiding. The defenders didn’t last long after that.

With the beach defenses clear, the ships began their landing and lowered the gangplank where the soldiers laid claim to the nearest building to the landing area. The building served as their staging area while they wrested control of the rest of the village, known as Sun’s Reach, from the Legion.

While the Shattered Sun was setting up, Raida did some scouting to see what was on the island. She found that enemy fire was too intense near the largest building on the island so she stayed clear of it.

They had landed on the island’s northern shores so she looked around the immediate area where she found a large number of emaciated blood elves running around like madmen to the west along with a number of malfunctioning arcane golems. The adjacent village of Dawnstar was heavily occupied by Kael’s loyalists.

In Sun’s reach, she spotted a number of strategic targets such as an arcane sanctum which could be used as a portal destination point, an armory and a harbor.

Flying at a safe altitude, she scouted east and spotted a large structure on a hill that seemed to be a good place for a stronghold. She spotted a village of murlocs oppressed by naga along the east coast.

The southern part of the island was where the majority of the Legion forces were stationed. This was where Arthas and the Scourge marched to the Sunwell years ago. Countless undead still roamed the forever blighted path and the Legion was hard at work trying to keep the endless dead suppressed. The Shattered Sun could take advantage of this.

Once she finished her recon mission, she returned to the staging area to report what she saw. With this information, the commanders were able to draw out a plan to reclaim Sun’s Reach.

The first phase of the plan was Sun’s Reach Sanctum so they could establish a portal to Shattrath and bring in reinforcements. They lacked the numbers to do so on their own so Stella had to drain the nearby malfunctioning golems so they could repair and reprogram them to assist them in the assault. They also had to take out the magic addicts to the west and reclaim whatever mana they stole to repower the wards at the sanctum.

This phase took a few days but the demons and Kael’s elves were soon driven from the sanctum so the Shattered Sun could take over. It was just enough time for Shattrath to gather enough mana to open a portal to Quel’Danas atop the sanctum.

The second phase was Sun’s Reach Armory which was held by the demons. There was a nearby portal that they were using to reinforce their numbers. By this point the Illidari had arrived in force and moved in and cut down the demons while Raida closed the portal. Once the portal was closed the Shattered Sun was able to clear out the standing forces and move in.

With the armory secured they began setting up forges and workshops to continue arming the troops. They also began to conduct a series of aerial bombing runs on the Dead Scar to deal with any demons fighting the Scourge to keep them distracted. The bombardiers also noticed a mangled-looking pit lord who was taunting the bombers to come down and fight him.

The third phase was Sun’s Reach Harbor which was directly attacked by the Shattered Sun forces and soon overwhelmed. The enemy tried reinforcing the harbor by sea but were waylaid by bombers who burned their sails and put the crew to the torch.

Beyond that the Shattered Sun attacked the naga forces on the coast and liberated the murlocs before stealing whatever materials they could find. They also established a memorial to honor the fallen who gave their lives for this assault.

With a firm foothold on the island, the time had come to begin what they came to do. An aerial survey of the complex atop the northeastern hill known as Magister’s Terrace revealed a strong enemy presence there and would require sending a strong strike force to take it out.

That was where Stella, Mena, Bella, Raida and Flutashe came in. Since any attempts to scry the place had ended in failure, it meant that something powerful was inside. Stella’s group was specialized in dealing with powerful threats so they would lead the charge while several squads would follow them as they secured the complex.

Once the teams were assembled, they marched to the entrance of the complex where they quickly took down the guards at the entrance.

From this point the party was on their own. They began their assault by taking out a pair of blood elf warriors carrying enchanted weapons and had the ability to project magical domes that dampened any magic within it. Mena, Bella and Stella’s attacks were less effective while the guards were inside the domes so Bella lured both out of them as it turned out that they lacked any means to attack from range.

They found themselves on a walkway that carried the aesthetics of blood elf architecture of white stone floors, shrubs lining the walkway along with white bark trees with golden leaves, and golden benches. There were also floating lanterns to provide lighting at night.

Along the walkway they encountered more blood elves in the forms of blood knights, warlocks, priests, mages and more of those warriors who created magical domes. Compared to what they fought at Tempest Keep these elves were not quite as skilled. They certainly didn’t compare to the Crimson Hand.

“Do we have any idea what or who could be here that would require so much protection?” Bella asked.

“This place is the second most guarded area on this island, next to the Sunwell Plateau. I’d wager this is where Kael’thas is holed up,” Stella surmised.

“I would have figured that he would be at the Plateau himself to greet Kil’jaeden upon his arrival,” Flutashe said.

“This place is a stronghold,” Raida pointed out. “It probably serves as Kael’s base of operations while the ritual is conducted at the Plateau. Thanks to us, we’ve cut off his land route and unless he has a dragonhawk mount somewhere he’s trapped.”

They soon reached the end of the walkway and entered a chamber. Inside they spotted a large number of emaciated elves feasting on fel crystals. Overseeing the elves was a demonic-looking elf with scarlet skin, black hair, small horns and fangs. He wore black armor that gave off a green glow.

“Definitely one of Kael’s Lieutenants,” Raida whispered. “That’s Selin Fireheart, I recognize him despite the changes he put himself through. He used to be the captain of Kael’s personal guard. He must have been somewhere else when we attacked Tempest Keep.

Given that they were about to head into a den of mana junkies, everyone agreed to let Flutashe rush in first to draw everyone’s attention. Of course, a little shock and awe would better their advantage so, before Flutashe charged in, Raida fired her Black Eye Beam at one of the fel crystals in the room which exploded and killed a large number of wretched.

While the enemy was still in shock, Flutashe charged in and mangled several wretched to death before they realized that they were under attack. Selin, who was watching from an upper level in the room, ran to the side of the room where the stairs were. However, by the time he got down to the lower level all of the wretched in the room were dead.

The felblood elf was forced to attack the party alone. However, he ended up trying to punch Raida who easily dodged his fist. Raida raised an eyebrow at the elf. “Did you seriously come at me with just your bare fists?”

“My fists alone are more than enough to crush you! This power increases my strength tenfold!” Selin proclaimed.

Raida was starting to feel bad for the elf because his attacks were predictable. She had the same power coursing through her and he thought he could defeat her like that? “This guy is worse than Leotheras,” she thought.

Realizing that he wasn’t getting anywhere with his attacks, Selin ran toward one of the remaining fel crystals to try and get a power up only for a Black Eye Beam to put an end to that plan. The explosion sent the elf flying back to the upper platform and crashing into a wall.

The rest of the party decided to stand back and let Raida handle this one because this elf was not prepared to fight a demon hunter at all and any assistance they could offer would be gratuitous at this point.

Selin tried to drain Raida of her mana and life force but she quickly disrupted his casting before she grabbed his face and hurled him at another fel crystal before another Black Eye Beam blasted him and the crystal. There was nothing left of him after that.

Deciding not to think about the idiotic felblood elf, the rest of the party joined her atop the stairs and looked toward the exit doorway.

As they went through the door and walked down a narrow hallway, Raida shook her head, “Either we are really strong or that guy back there was a total chump.”

Flutashe giggled, “Couldn’t it be both?”

The others shared a laugh before they continued deeper into the building. They soon encountered a few mana wyrms which were as hostile as they were fragile. Mena unleashed bursts of holy magic which destroyed the creatures but their remains ended up all over them. Of course, this was nowhere near as disgusting as it sounded as their remains turned out to be a mana residue that briefly amplified their own power.

They soon exited the narrow hallway and into a much larger hallway that was teeming with mana wyrms. Stella teleported into the middle of the swarm and unleashed a series of Arcane Explosions that obliterated the wyrms and made residue fall like snowflakes in the hall for a few moments.

At the end of the hall the party spotted a gigantic arcane elemental. However, Stella’s years of studying the arcane informed her that the elemental was in a state of chaotic flux. “I can tell from here that thing is unstable.”

“So how do we fight this one?” Mena asked.

“I need to draw out its energies to stabilize it before I can banish it, otherwise I could cause it to detonate and kill us all,” Stella replied.

“We shall provide you with enough of a distraction while you drain its energies,” Bella offered.

Stella nodded then turned her head to the elemental. “Get ready!”

Everyone charged in and engaged the elemental named Vexallus. Stella began to drain the arcane energies leaking from the creature while the others attacked its body. The sheer volume of energy being generated meant that Stella had to be careful and steadily disperse the magic into the air while avoiding any of it potentially returning to Vexallus.

The elemental began to shrink as a pair of arcane orbs broke free from its body and began discharging arcane lightning. Stella was quick to draw those to her before she continued to drain the creature.

It wasn’t long before Vexallus shrank to the size of a person with one last release of arcane orbs that Stella collected and dispersed. It had soon reached the point where it was stable and she was able to banish the arcane sentience back to the realm it was summoned from.

The dracthyr mage rested for a few minutes so the party decided to do the same. Though they hadn’t encountered too much in their foray so far, they knew that things could change as they moved deeper.

The Shattered Sun moved in to secure the room which meant it was time for them to move forward. The back doorway led outside where they spotted a green orb atop a green pedestal. Standing next to the pedestal stood a blue-haired human with short pointed ears wearing a white shirt and brown vest and pants as well as a brown harness. He turned around to see who was coming, revealing his blue dragon head emblem on his chest. Anyone who knew that humans and elves normally didn’t have blue hair would tell that this man was a blue dragon.

Stella shifted back into her elf form on reflex, though this was a futile gesture since dragons could see through a visage form. She was still apprehensive about the Blue Dragonflight since Malygos was the one who put her in stasis twenty millennia ago.

The dragon was about to address the group when he noticed Stella. He gave her a curious look, “You are an unusual-looking dragonkin…” He jumped back and internally berated himself for his rudeness. “Ah, please forgive me, that was rather rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Kalecgos, though my friends call me Kalec.”

Since the dragon didn’t seem to recognize her, Stella decided to walk up to the dragon. “What’s a member of the Blue Dragonflight doing all the way out here?”

“I was originally tasked with protecting the nascent powers of the Sunwell, which have taken the form of a human woman named Anveena Teague. However, despite my best efforts, Kael’thas managed to abscond with her. I must find a way to rescue her before the Legion uses her power to usher in the end of the world.”

“Are you sure you can handle this task yourself? One dragon against the Legion is not a fight that favors you.”

Kalec chuckled, “You are right, thankfully I have a companion named Madrigosa who is conducting her own inspections of the island. Though I am hoping to see all of you when your forces assault the Plateau. We will need all we can muster to defeat Kil’jaeden.

“Peer into this orb and witness what we will be up against.”

Stella looked at the orb next to the dragon and looked into it. She saw the Sunwell Plateau which was protected by a number of powerful demons with a pair of void hounds patrolling the path to the inner sanctum where the Sunwell was housed. Inside she spotted a black naaru that gave her a feeling of emptiness and sorrow just looking at it. Beyond that she saw a pair of fel reavers patrolling the hallway before she spotted a human girl trapped in a transparent golden sphere hanging over the font with a trio of eredar conducting a ritual.

Taking her eyes off the orb, Stella looked at the dragon and the other party members. “I don’t think we have much time left before the big event. Anveena is in place for the summoning ritual and it’s being guarded by a black naaru.”

“That would be M’uru,” Kalec pointed out. “The blood knights of Silvermoon have been slowly draining his power until he was taken to Quel’Danas. What was left of his light must have been used in the ritual until all that remained of that creature was something dark and twisted.”

Mena had a confused look on her face before she spoke out, “Violetta says that dark naaru are delicious morsels and second only to Old Gods in flavor.”

“Who is Violetta?” Kalec asked.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Stella quickly replied. “Your sanity will thank you if you leave that matter alone.”

Kalec raised an eyebrow but decided that it would waste precious time if he pressed the matter. He moved to a spacious spot on the terrace before shifting into his dragon form. He gave a sidelong look at the dracthyr. “I spoke with Arcanagos. He mentioned you a few times, mostly how annoying you were. Seeing you now, I believe that Malygos was wrong to imprison your kind. I hope that we can make amends for the wrongs we wrought upon the dracthyr.” With a flap of his wings he took off toward the Plateau.

“I hope for that too,” Stella muttered, low enough that nobody else heard her.

Now that they knew how much time they had left, the party continued their foray where they entered another doorway and into another hall that was being patrolled by an arcane golem that had a black and green design. The crystals that made up its core glowed an eerie green.

“I can’t drain this one,” Stella said. “It’s powered by fel crystals instead of arcane crystals.”

“I’ll handle it,” Raida said before she unleashed a Black Eye Beam on its crystal core which caused it to explode. She did the same to another golem at the bottom of a ramp.

They exited the hallway and entered a courtyard that the walkway at the entrance above overlooked. There were a significant number of blood elves in the area along with a few sayaad, naga and ethereals. One group of elves appeared to be attempting to repair and convert a damaged arcane golem.

“Figures that Kael was cutting deals with the Ethereum,” Raida muttered. “Those naga are probably part of the tribe from earlier.”

It took some time for the party to fight through the enemies in the courtyard. Raida imprisoned the sayaad until they were ready to be dealt with while Stella turned the warlocks and mages into sheep for later. Bella personally crushed any blood knights since she still viewed them as an affront to true paladins because of how they obtained their power.

They soon cleared the courtyard and moved to the next area which was guarded by a fel-corrupted golem which Raida destroyed. There were more elves working on converting the broken golems in the next area who were quickly dispatched.

Guarding the doorway to what may be the inner sanctum of Magister’s Terrace was a small army composed of a shivarra, three blood elves, a broken, a satyr, a naga, an ethereal and a gan’arg.

While outnumbered, the party was not outmatched. As the shivarra, who appeared to be in command of the group, ordered her minions to annihilate the party, Raida quickly imprisoned the demons while Stella turned the rest into sheep.

However, a twinkle from each of their necks was brought to their attention before the shivarra and her minions broke free of the spells.

The party was about to face the group but found that they didn’t have to as a darnassian war cry sounded, “Tor ilisar’thera’nal!(Let our enemies beware!)” Suddenly the demon and her allies found themselves ambushed by Maiev and her wardens.

The wardens quickly cut down the satyr, gan’arg and naga with their glaives before Raida put down the elves. In a panic, the broken attempted to attack someone with a Lightning Bolt but Flutashe shifted into her bird form before discharging several bolts of lightning that badly electrocuted him then jumped to the ethereal to burn his bandages. A double team attack from Raida and Maiev ended the shivarra. “That was not fair…” she said with her last breath.

With the immediate threat vanquished, Raida glared at the warden leader, “Why are you here, Maiev?”

“The same reason as you, obviously,” Maiev shot back. “I have come to deal with that treacherous royal.”

Given the time they had left, Raida decided now wasn’t the time to argue with her so she sighed, “Fine, don’t get in our way.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

The party and Maiev’s wardens entered the sanctum which began as a short hallway that led up a few steps before they took down another group of elves, naga, sayaad and ethereals. They didn’t last long.

They entered a chamber that seemed dimly lit with little out of the ordinary except several stacks of mana cubes and a small tent with their target standing before it.

Kael’thas looked so much worse than back in Tempest Keep. Most of his once luscious blonde hair had thinned out and grayed, his once healthy skin was now deathly pale and his upper robes were gone, leaving nothing to cover his chest area that had a large fel crystal sticking out of it. He was a tragic shadow of his former self, overall.

“So, Lady Raida has come to finish the job?” Kael’thas rhetorically asked, putting a venomous tone to her title before laughing with barely controlled madness. “And you brought the warden with you. What, was that mongrel not enough for you? Are you still upset about that one time I got you in trouble with Malfurion?”

“I admit that I did once hold resentment toward you for allowing The Betrayer to escape from my grasp, but now all I see before me is a pitiful creature that needs to be put out of his misery,” Maiev replied.

“You dare look down on me like that?!” he snarled. His rage lasted for a moment before he calmed himself. “No matter, the master will soon be here and though I will not be there to witness his coming it is already too late to stop the ritual. Even if you–”

“Okay, we don’t have time for another monologue,” Raida interrupted. “Time is running out so we’re gonna kill you now.”

Raida quickly rushed toward the blood mage only for her attack to get repelled by a barrier which he followed up with a Pyroblast. Flutashe shifted into the form of a dragonhawk, to the surprise of everyone, and tackled her sister to the side before Kael’thas launched his supercharged fireball at her.

Everyone shouted Flutashe’s name in fear but that fear turned to surprise when the druid caught the fireball in her beak, used the momentum to perform a full rotation before hurling the fireball back at Kael’thas. The power of his own spell was too much for his barrier to handle and shattered while dealing some serious burns to his body and sending him crashing into his tent.

With eyes full of rage, Kael’thas summoned several phoenixes at once but Stella quickly countered this with frost and arcane elementals that destroyed the birds and their egg forms.

When Kael’thas cast his gravity spell around the room, Raida had enough since these were the same spells he used on them back at Tempest Keep and she wasn’t impressed then either. She brought an end to the royal’s lifeline by empowering her warglaives and hurling one at the crystal in his chest. The additional power managed to shatter it and caused the gravity spell to fail as the former prince fell to one knee coughing up blood.

The next thing the party noticed was Kael’thas snapping and raving, “My demise accomplishes nothing! The master will have you! You will drown in your own blood! The world shall–” That was when Raida’s other warglaive severed his head from his shoulders.

“I thought he would never shut up,” Maiev commented. She walked over to the decapitated corpse and picked up the head. She stared at it for a few moments, though none could tell what she was thinking since her helmet covered her face and her expressions. She turned her head to the party, “The Wardens thank you for bringing this fiend to justice. Now hurry and gather your forces and put a stop to Kil’jaeden’s plans.”

Before Maiev used a spell to leave the area, she gave one final word of warning to Raida, “Remember, demon hunter, the Wardens will be watching.” She and her squad then teleported away with the head.

Raida rolled her eyes, “Yeah, if it means that I don’t have to see her again for a long time I’ll gladly behave myself. That woman really knows how to be annoying.”

“Forget about her, sister,” Flutashe assuaged. “Let’s just find Sophia, Thanatas and Lokosh’s group so we can assault the Sunwell Plateau and bring this crisis to an end.”

“Yeah, she’s probably just salty that she lost her bet to Thanatas and now she has to make good on her end of the bargain,” Mena said.

Stella began creating her portal that would take them back to the staging area while Bella gave a prayer for the fallen prince to find peace in the afterlife. Raida didn’t feel like he deserved it but she wasn’t about to argue with the paladin.

Once the portal was formed, everyone stepped through and bid the place farewell just as a squad of Shattered Sun soldiers entered the sanctum.

Author's Note:

If anyone is wondering what Kael was talking about when he taunted Maiev, this is what I am referring to. (I couldn't find a clip that had both parts so I had to link 2 parts.)

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