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The Crystalling

*Lillian's POV*

Three hours after Twilight had her new foals, an alicorn colt named Astral Spark and an eleven tailed cub named Midnight Storm, Cadence had her first foal.

Danyelle had to leave her Changelings at home once Twilight had gotten the letter from Cadence.

"The delivery must've been killer, Twilight." I sympathized.

Twilight spoke "Midnight was the bigger one though. And once he's full grown, he'll be as big as Holo in her true form...."

The aforementioned wolf had sneezed.

Twilight spoke "I'm lucky to have the Twirama form though. Without it, it would have been a lot more painful.... Life threatening even..."

I couldn't help but shiver in agreement.

A young ruby red hedgehog girl with violet eyes was on her dad's head while playing with his ears.

Maria spoke "Oh hey Lillian."

Twilight spoke "Huh, I didn't know that Shadow's ears were that sensitive to touch."

Shadow spoke "Don't even think about it Sparkles."

Twilight spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "Let's head to the Crystal Empire."

Lan asks "What's that?"

Everyone groans as Maylu whacks Lan with a book.

Maylu spoke "Idiot...."

Lan whines "Oww..."

Then Carmina showed up, “Me and some of the others are coming too.”

Danyelle spoke "I can't bring the Changelings along since a few of them haven't transformed yet."

Blazell spoke "I'm quite curious about this place."

Coloratura spoke "Where Ji-Ji goes, I'll go too."

Ji-Woon spoke "Why thank you, Rara."

The earth mare blushes while giggling.

Danyelle spoke "And who knows, we might run into Wendy up at the empire too."

Spike blushes.

*on a train headed to the Crystal Empire*

Dusk spoke "I can't wait to see Auntie Cadence's new foal!"

Daylight spoke "Same."

Silverstorm spoke "I heard from Danyelle that the new foal's an alicorn like Akari and Astral are."

Astral was asleep beside his older sister while the two were on Midnight's back.

Twilight spoke "Shining will probably freak out at the sight of Midnight Storm though..."

Flash spoke "But Cadence will definitely gush over them."

Twilight spoke "I'm never having another child... Three is enough since I'm still mad at Kurama... He's the reason why I ended up with Midnight in the first place."

Kurama whimpered since it was his fault that Twilight had to suffer through the pregnancy.

Then Storm showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey featherbrain."

Storm spoke "Hey!"

Shade spoke "She's got a point since you tend to fight with my husband all the time..."

Knuckles growls in annoyance.

Then Matias appeared. “I’m really happy for my sister that she has someone special in her life.”

Danyelle spoke "That was my doing since Cadence wasn't in range around that time."

Shade spoke "We're almost there!"

Carmina spoke "Alright!"

Little did we know, a familiar gryphon and dragon was following us.

*After arriving at the Crystal Empire*

Danyelle spoke "You seem a little out of it Shining."

Shining exclaims "Sorry, being a father is amazing! Surprising, but amazing! Stressful, but amazing! And a little confusing too, not that you know, you know?"

Flash, Shadow, Ben, Megaman, Sonic and Knuckles spoke "We can testify to that dude, we got kids of our own too."

Danyelle spoke "Any first time father would say that."

Tempest spoke "Yep, I agree with the other guys. Herms in Blizzardstar and Crosswind's cases..."

Shining spoke "Sorry, I haven’t slept much since the baby arrived. Come to think of it, Cadence hasn’t either."

Twilight spoke "I'm the same *yawn* way since I had Astral and Midnight...."

Wendy spoke "Hey guys."

Danyelle spoke "I had to leave my Changelings and Diamond Dogs back in Ponyville since I don't think the crystal ponies will react well. Oh and Radiant Hope had her first child, a filly named Pearl Sky."

“That sounds nice.” I noted.

Midnight chuffs.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe we can go check on Cadence, see how she's doing."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

*Inside the nursery room*

Danyelle spoke "Hi Cadence."

Akari, Astral and Midnight were looking at their cousin.

Sonic asks "Just how many alicorns are there now?"

Danyelle conks her adopted brother on the head.

Danyelle asks "Was that really necessary?"

Twilight spoke "But he does have a point though. There's about 35 some odd alicorns now and that includes Zelestia, Zadence and Zwilight."

The nameless foal wriggled a bit thus causing her wings to be revealed.

Twilight asks "Say Cadence, have you thought of a name for her yet?"

Cadence spoke "Not yet but Shiny and I will think of one soon."

Danyelle asks "How about... Flurry Heart?"

Twilight spoke "Where did you... Oh right, clairvoancy..."

Danyelle spoke "And something tells me that Starlight and Sunburst have a foal of their own."

Cadence spoke "Well, Shining and I were thinking Flurry Heart."

Danyelle spoke "Called it."

Sonic spoke "Oh she's such a cutie."

Flurry sneezes, firing off a powerful blast of magic.

Danyelle spoke "With three foals, I think we should get that power under control and fast. Before one of them causes the Crystal Heart to shatter..."

That left me and everyone else confused.

Danyelle spoke "Clairvoancy remember? I hate having to explain it every time though."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle's got a point though. Once we get Flurry, Astral and Midnight's magic under control, they'll be less likely to destroy something."

But little did we know, gooey black legs covered the Crystal Heart, canceling out its barrier as Heartless started appearing.

Danyelle's neck fur bristled up in anger before she pulled out Zoey's Keyblades from someplace as she flew off to fight the heartless.

Sonic spoke "CODE HEARTLESS!! We have to evacuate the empire!"

But then lightning started striking, as we heard ghostly wails.

Tails was clinging to Sonic in fear since he was afraid.

Twilight spoke "Oh this is bad...."

Lan spoke "We have to do something!"

Carmina looked out the window and saw something that made her smile. “Looks like some of our friends have turned around and wanna help.”

And to the surprise of the group, Manic was on Sonata's back as he and the six sirens flew into battle.

Megaman spoke "I put a call through to Tenguman in case a "Code Heartless" happened."

Zoey was throwing fireballs at the heartless while Jet and Corina flung blades of air, slicing them up.

Ji-soon saw what Carmina was talking about and smiled as well. “It seems that there will be tons of flat lines for the heartless with those two helping us.”

Adagio and Nazuna shot fire from their mouths at the heartless, incinerating them. Aria and Treble flung rocks about to squish the heartless while Sonata and Operetta waterbended the snow around them to freeze the heartless.

Michiru was on Nazuna's head as the tanuki-pony directed her marefriend.

Celestia spoke "I'm surprised that the Dazzlings are helping out instead of turning ponies against each other...."

Michiru tugs Nazuna's mane thus causing the pink siren to dodge a winged heartless.

I looked out and saw that the Doctor was the one responsible for the lightning strikes on the heartless sand the Nurse responsible for those ghostly wails as she hacked some Heartless with her bonesaw.

Danyelle flew about while whacking heartless around, causing them to vanish into thin air.

The Nurse teleported to a heartless before grabbing its neck, then snapped it before gently caressing its face as the heartless disappeared. The Doctor rubbed his claws together, building up electricity before putting them on both sides of a heartless’ head, shocking it as its eyes turned black, smoking before it disappeared.

Danyelle spoke "Nice one guys! Keep it up! Until Equestria ends!"

Michiru, Nazuna, Operetta, Treble, Manic, Sonata, Adagio, Aria and Zoey shout "MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!"

Twilight spoke "They're working as a team out there!"

Out of nowhere, a Fire Dragon Roar roasts several Heartless thus causing them to disappear into thin air.

Natsu spoke "Thought you guys might need help!"

Danyelle spoke "Good timing Natsu!"

But then a portal appeared, with a Decidueye and an Aggron exiting it, who started help fighting the Heartless.

Twilight spoke "I have to help...."

Flash spoke "Whoa! Easy Twilight, you birthed Astral and Midnight only a few hours ago. You need to rest."

Twilight spoke "I know Flash but my inner kyubi is itching for a fight..."

Flash spoke "Okay, Twi Star. But after this, you really need to take a break from fighting for a while."

A feathered dragon that had indigo feathers and sea green eyes flew out of a temporal portal before her body crackled with electricity as she struck down several heartless.

The dragoness spoke "ELECTRIC STORM!!!!"

Wendy spoke "Holy feathers...."

Twilight spoke "I can't stop fighting though, I'm the leader of the Pony Guard..."

Twily spoke "She might not be able to but I CAN!!!!"

The Mobian alicorn flew off at high speed, blasting hundreds of Heartless.

The Aggron spoke "Flash Cannon!"

The Decidueye spoke "Spirit Shackle!"

Twily threw an Aggronite at the Aggron.

Twily spoke "Hey Metalhead, catch!"

The Aggron caught the stone. “Thanks! I was actually looking for one of these.”

Twily spoke "There's lots of mega stones in my world."

Twily uses the key stone that was hanging off a chain around her neck to mega evolve the Aggron.

The Aggron Mega-Evolved into Mega Aggron.

The new dragon spoke "Sky Dragon Roar!"

Twily spoke "FIRE ALICORN ROAR!!!!"

But then the Decidueye started changing, becoming its Hisuian Form. “Triple Arrow!”

Twily spoke "Use Stone Edge!"

Mega Aggron spoke "Even better! Particle Style; Stone Edge Fission Jutsu!"

Stone spikes erupted beneath the Heartless, followed by white particles pulling them in, then exploded, making them disappear in defeat.

Twiliterasu howls as she used Heaven's Piercing Light to eradicate hundreds of heartless.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {It's not over yet! There's a big one left! And oh ****!!!! It shattered the Crystal Heart!}"

The Crystal Heart was shattered, but the black legs weren’t there anymore.

Twilight spoke "The spell of Relic Reconstitution won't be of any use..."

Sonic spoke "But there is a way though!"

Sonic zooms off to get Sunburst and Starlight.

Sonic spoke "Guys, we got a problem! The Crystal Heart's been destroyed! Without it, the entire empire will be frozen over and us with it!"

Starlight gasps "What?! Gah!"

Starlight started holding her stomach in pain.

Sonic spoke "Oh feathers..."

*One call to Gingerheart later*

Gingerheart arrives with a medical bag on hir lower back.

Gingerheart spoke "Easy does it Star, I'm a trained doctor. I'll help you with the delivery."

While Gingerheart focused on the delivery, Crosswind handled the Crystalling.

Crosswind spoke "Citizens of the Crystal Empire, visitors from other worlds! May I present the newest members of the royal family!"

Flurry, Astral and Midnight all giggle.

The Crystal ponies and the otherworlders all bow down while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjfM6NiMGG4 had been heard.

And then the energy started pouring into the Crystal Heart, putting it back together and the barrier back up.

Lan's left eye twitched since his clothes and fur was sparkly.

Lan spoke "Woah Maylu, you look... sparkly..."

Maylu spoke "You too, Lan!"

Blazell spoke "Guess NetNavis aren't affected."

MegaSonic spoke "You might want to rethink that Blazell...."

The lilac cat NetNavi was slack jawed since her counterpart was sparkly.

Applejack spoke "Fer a ponykat that's not good with magic, ya did pretty good ther Cross."

Crosswind yelps "Thanks Jackie and *yowl* who zapped me with a towel on the flank?!"

Then we heard a distorted laugh, revealed to be the Doctor. "I just couldn't resist."

I spoke "I don't think so... Shi's got a cutie mark!!!"

Crosswind stomps a forehoof, trapping the Doctor in a rock circle.

Soon enough, Twilight and Shining's parents arrive.

Velvet spoke "The weather was crazy."

Night: You wouldn’t believe how long it took us.

Danyelle spoke "Two out of control foals and an out of control cub one moment, heartless the next... shattered crystal heart... But we got it all under control in time so that the Crystalling could happen and... I smell new unicorn foal, colt no less. Hey Starlight, Sunburst."

Gingerheart was carrying the newborn in hir arms while walking with the two.

Gingerheart spoke "Hi guys."

We couldn’t help but go, “Aw…” at the sight of the foal.

Twilight spoke "He's so cute!"

Luna took one look at the colt before fainting.

Megaman spoke "Alicorn down...."

I ask "What's his name?"

Starlight spoke "We were actually thinking, Arctic Wind."

A yellow furred female Mobian hedgefox with light green eyes, blue dress and half a keyblade had passed out in the snow.

Danyelle spoke "Uh guys, we got an unconscious female here!"

Twilight spoke "She looks hurt too...."
