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Displaced Hedgefox

*Lauren's POV*

I groan since I was in a lot of pain and I had no idea where I was.

A voice that sounded just like my Sonic was talking with a winged two-tailed cat.

The cat spoke "You have got to be yanking my wings Sonic!"

Sonic spoke "I have no idea who she is though Danyelle!"

"Sonic?" I asked.

Sonic asks "Do I know you?"

"Wait, could I be in another dimension?" I realized.

Danyelle spoke "Afraid so.... Plus your Sonic seems to be missing but we'll help you find him."

"Really?" I ask.

Danyelle spoke "Alpha-queen's honor."

I couldn't help but tear up as I hugged Danyelle. "Thank you... *Sniff!* So much!"

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I have connections with the Zone Cops, they can track down a missing hedgehog."

But then a ghost with a head shaped like a chalice showed up. "Hiya fellas!"

Danyelle spoke "Chalice!"

Zoey and Sakura both scream and bolt somewhere else.

Chalice spoke "Wait! I wasn't gonna scare anyone!"

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind them, they've been afraid of ghosts since they were kids."

Chalice spoke "Oh, phew! But anyhoo, I need some big-time help."

Sonic asks "What is it?"

Chalice asks "It's about a friend of mine, his little brother's been kidnapped is probably in great danger right now. And is there anyone that aren't affected by volcanic heat?"

Danyelle spoke "Natsu can handle volcanic heat, he has fire dragon slayer magic. He's able to eat fire like it was candy. Then there's King Bowser, he also has fire immunity."

Chalice asks "So anyone else who can turn into a dragon or is a dragon?"

Spike spoke "My parents, my sister and I have lava immunity. But my girlfriend doesn't though... Neither does Lucy, Gajeel or Sting."

Twilight spoke "Eleven Tailed kyubi form, fire elemental."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {Solar deity, fire doesn't hurt me.}"

But then Rainbow Dash showed up. "Me, Soarin, Fleetfoot and our kids can turn into dragons. But I don't think all of us should go, so should I come along?"

Spike spoke "Sorry Rainbow, you don't have lava immunity like most dragons have."

Danyelle spoke "It'll be Natsu, Spyro, Cynder, Spike, Viola, Twilight, Twiliterasu, Chalice, myself and the hedgefox that will be going."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Okay. Just checking."

Then Rainbow Dash zoomed away just like Sonic as Danyelle painted a pothole using ACME Paint.

Spyro spoke "A ten person group is faster."

I think "What a strange female... I just hope my Sonic is okay..."

Later, we reached Inkwell Isle.

Danyelle was on Natsu's back since it had been a long flight.

Spyro asks "So Chalice, where do we start looking?"

Spike and Viola were on Cynder's back while Twilight had switched back from Twirama form.

Chalice spoke "Ooh! There he is!"

We looked down and saw a young man who’s head was a cup.

I spoke "I'm not gonna question it..."

Danyelle asks "Excuse me sir, have you seen a blue hedgehog with a scar across the left eye?"

The male asks "Huh, no I don’t think I have. But is Chalice with ya?"

Chalice spoke "You bet I am, ding-dong!"

Spyro spoke "We found a friend of his near the Crystal Empire earlier."

Danyelle spoke "But she can't find him..."

Cuphead groans "Oh, but what am I supposed ta do?! All because I took this stupid pitchfork, the Devil kidnapped my brother Mugman and-"

Cuphead slap-closed his mouth to stop himself, but it was too late.

I growl "We'll stop him. My boyfriend's gone missing though."

As luck would have it, Danyelle and Twilight's cutie marks were glowing.

Danyelle spoke "Talk about timing...."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {We need a plan to stop that guy.}"

Natsu spoke "Hey guys! I’m seeing some kind of gate at a mountain!"

Danyelle spoke "I see it too! We should go check!"

The small group heads towards the mountain.

My tail was twitching in worry.

Danyelle spoke "There’s a lot of fire past that gate."

Cuphead spoke "Then that’s gotta be where the Devil is!"

Cynder spoke "It just got worse though... Malefor's there too...."

Danyelle stammers "W-What? You’re kidding, right?"

But then a dark booming voice was heard, “So Cuphead, you finally found me and some help. And I heard you, Danyelle! That’s right, I know your name, because after bringing back Malefor, who’s soul I couldn’t just let go to waste, he told me all about you and your friends. So come in and try to save Mugman if you dare. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

Twilight snarls "That jerk's GONE TOO FAR!!!"

Twilight was engulfed in black flames, turning into Dark Twirama.


The voice came back. “Um, you do realize that the voice you heard was me, the Devil?”

Dark Twirama growls "Where is the blue hedgehog?"

Devil asks "Oh? You mean the half-ghost I have hostage with Mugman?"

My fur had turned black due to rage.

I spoke "Let them go right now or I castrate you."

Devil laughs "You know, I should thank you for getting angry."

Dark Twirama blasted the Devil with solar fire from her mouth.


Devil spoke "That was the speaker you hit, not me. I’m actually inside."

But then we started reverting back to normal!

Devil laughs "Thank you for that delicious dark energy! Tootaloo!"

Then the speaker went dead.

Twilight groans before passing out.

Spyro picks Twilight up and sets the unconscious alicorn on his back.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark growl snarl... {I hate that jerk...}"

“I should’ve known that going into our dark forms was a bad idea.” I regretted.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark growl woof bark {He and I have been fighting each other for a very long time. And before any of you ask... No, I don't like him. He's been a thorn in my flank for eons.}"

Cuphead spoke "And he’s been after my soul for 31 days, and my soul debt already expired, so I don’t owe him my soul."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {I'll deal with him though, gods and devils hate each other.}"

Twiliterasu rips the door off its hinges before flying in.

Twiliterasu howls "BARK BARK!!! {DEVIL!!!}"

But then we found ourselves seeing Sonic and a boy with a head like Cuphead’s, but their expressions looked like zombies.

Cuphead spoke "Mugman!"

“Phantom!” I shouted as we began to rush over to them before…

Devil taunts "Looking for something?"

We saw the Devil holding their souls.

Danyelle grabs me by the tail.

Cynder growls "You monster!"


Spyro spoke "Like flop we're giving that back to you!"

Cuphead spoke "Wait! You can have your pitchfork!"

“No!” The rest of us gasped.

Devil spoke "Well, a deal is a deal."

Mugman and Phantom's souls were returned to their bodies.

“Now to claim what is mine.” The Devil said as he grabbed his pitchfork. “And thank you for giving me, your soul!” The Devil grabbed Cuphead and started pulling out his soul.

A sudden Heaven's Piercing Light struck the Devil, saving Cuphead at the last minute.

Carrying Cuphead on her back while flying, Twiliterasu asks "Bark woof? {You okay dude?}"

Cuphead spoke "Aw man! That’s three times that’s happened now!"

Twiliterasu asks "Woof? {Huh?}"

Cuphead spoke "He almost got my soul twice already, and that was when my soul debt hadn’t expired yet! At the carnival and the amusement park."

Mugman spoke "Cuphead’s right about that."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Maybe someone had been protecting you those times.}"

Cuphead spoke "Well, Mugman is the best brother a cup could ever have, that cup being me though."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {I lost my family a long time ago. In my frustration, I came across Jerk-face and attacked him.}"

I held Phantom close while crying.

Devil growls "I almost forgot that you’re more annoying than that invisible impenetrable sweater, Twiliterasu!"

Twiliterasu laughs "Bark bark! {You can bite my furry tail!}"

The Devil then got really angry, before lighting himself on fire.

Twiliterasu had cloaked herself in heavenly light.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {Let's end this damn fight!}"

Battle! Heavenly Twiliterasu VS Hellfire Devil!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGuiZ48PbA was heard as Heavenly Twiliterasu blasted the Devil with light attacks.

The Devil dodged and cocked his pitchfork like a gun before it shot fireballs.

Heavenly Twiliterasu used her Divine Reflector to redirect the fireballs back at the Devil.

Heavenly Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {Catch me if you can!}"

The white furred alicorn god flew circles around the Devil, making him dizzy.

The Devil snapped himself out of it before turning into a dragon, breathing fire at Heavenly Twiliterasu.

Heavenly Twiliterasu laughs "Bark bark! {That tickles!}"

Devil growls "Grr!!! Forgot about that."

Then the Devil turned into a giant octopus monster, attacking Twiliterasu with all of his tentacles.

Heavenly Twiliterasu switched her weapon to the Thunder Glaive before slicing up the octopus monster.

Heavenly Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {Looks like I'm gonna have flame grilled octopus for supper!}"

The pieces can back together before the Devil turned into a pterodactyl. “I wouldn’t count on it!”

Heavenly Twiliterasu laughs "Bark bark! {I sliced your tail off and ate it!}"

The Devil simply raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?”

Then a snake came out of Twiliterasu’s mouth and bit her.

Heavenly Twiliterasu suddenly pulls off Double Soul Danyelle Soul thus transforming into a giant wolftaur.

Danyterasu spoke "Snakes don't scare me!"

The snake came back to the Devil and bit him on the butt as it turned into his tail. “Remember what I said about not letting Malefor’s soul go to waste?”

Danyterasu spoke "The crap are you talking about? Malefor's the reason why Spike ended up in Equestria in the first place! That damn dragon killed Spike's unhatched siblings!"

“Yes yes, and the misery he caused was repulsive, yet delicious. And by ‘not letting it go to waste’, I meant…” The Devil started off before turning into a devil version of Malefor. “By eating his soul and taking his powers!”


A power blast of light strikes the Devil, stripping away Malefor's powers.

Danyterasu spoke "It's over!"

Dragon Devil laughs "Oh really? Because I thought that was my shadow you just hit."

Danyterasu looked behind her to see Dragon Devil unscathed.

Danyterasu aims a back paw right at Dragon Devil's sensitive spot and sent him flying.

Danyterasu groans "Why do people keep sneaking up behind me? I hate it when they do that!"

Cynder spoke "It's kind of her berserk button... She doesn't like other people sneaking up behind her, regardless of what form she's in... Good thing she never does that to her husband though."

Spyro spoke "You know, maybe we should do something with Danyelle and Ben, Cyndy. Like we did back then."

Twilight groans "Ow... my head hurts..."

“That’s because the Devil took your dark energy.” I informed.

Twilight spoke "Crap... I can't sense Kurama or Matatabi in my soul either... I feel so weak.."

Danyterasu spoke "That can't be good."

Spyro spoke "Half her soul is gone... If we don't get it back, she'll die thus shattering Harmony as well!"


But then a portal opened, revealing Starlight Glimmer as she exited it. "What the?"

Spyro spoke "We got a major problem. Twilight's rage was taken, as was half her soul."

But then a spirit of Dialga poked out of Starlight Glimmer. "It seems that her clock will need to be turned back."

Danyterasu spoke "It's more than that Lord Dialga, the devil took half of her soul thus weakening her. She can't take on the Twirama form without her rage."

But then a spirit of Calyrex and Lugia poked out of Starlight Glimmer.

Calyrex spoke "While rage is a negative emotion, it is a necessary one."

Lugia spoke "So this will take a lot of our strength to pull this off."

Enkai, Raiju and Sui pop out of their pokeballs.

Enkai chuffs.

Danyterasu spoke "We have to stop that jerk and save Twilight!"

Starlight spoke "No need, I already stopped time and got those two beasts back."

Twilight was feverish.

Twilight spoke "I don't feel too good...."

Starlight asks "And not a moment too soon! Danyterasu, can you seal them back in her?"

Danyterasu howls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tlx2lXZumg as the two beast spirits return into Twilight's soul, healing the mare back to full strength.

Twilight sighs "Phew... I'm already feeling better."

Danyterasu spoke "That coward got away..."

The two split apart.

Danyelle was holding a Twiliterasu Soul battle chip in her hand.

Twiliterasu spoke "Growl {I'll rip him apart the next time I see him.}"

Danyelle spoke "Oh cool! I can't wait to show Lan this when we get back. He'll be so jealous!"

Megaman chuckles "Hehe! You know that would be making Tails jealous, right?"

Danyelle giggles "Or Lillian. She and the other NetNavi handlers have no idea I have one of the most rarest battle chips there is."

Spyro chuckles "I saw a fox that looked like Tails but he was around 15 though."

I spoke "I'm glad Phantom's okay though."

Danyelle and Twilight's cutie marks glow, indicating that the mission was finished.

Twilight spoke "Well, we're done here. Let's head home."

*Back in Ponyville*

Sonic spoke "You're back!"

Phantom asks "Whoa! Another me?"

Cuphead spoke "I ain’t too worried about that."

Danyelle spoke "We got all sorts of crazy in town, ranging from silly crazy to chaotic crazy."

I nuzzle Phantom while my tail wagged.

Phantom asks "So you wanna have some fun while we’re alone?"

I spoke "Silly hedgehog, I'm pregnant with twins."

Phantom asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle spoke "I had one of my chakat friends run a scan on her after bringing her here from the Crystal Empire, she's two months in with twins."

Phantom was speechless, before he started leaking tears of joy. “I’m gonna be a dad.”

Danyelle howls in happiness.
