• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 6,883 Views, 592 Comments

Lightening the Load - Silent Bob

Queen Chrysalis plays host to an interdimensional gathering of villians.

  • ...

The Road to Chrysalis

All the lonely people.
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people.
Where do they all belong?

IGOM Planning Week - Day Two of Six

Hive Log, Date: Autumn, Day 102, 451 ACB. After a bit of stressing yesterday, I'm waking up pretty early today to go out to try to actually exercise in an attempt to ease it off; at Pinkie's suggestion....

"Damnit! How are we supposed to get everything we need for this party?" Chrysalis groaned, pacing about her quarters nervously. "We don't have food, we don't have furniture, we don't have anything!"

"Relax, Chryssy!" Pinkie said. "I'm sure we'll think of something. It's only been one day, and at least now I know what humans eat and drink, and what music they like and stuff. The Doctor says they're just like ponies for the most part!"

"What good is that if we can't get what they want?" Chrysalis said, exasperated.

"Like I said, we'll think of something... you're just getting really worked up about this." She then gave Chrysalis a smile. "Ditzy and I are going on a jog tomorrow morning. Wanna come with? It always helps me relax!"

Chrysalis narrowed an eyebrow. "What about the Doctor?"

"Oh, he said he's a little busy with something."

With that, the swarm queen let loose a sigh. "I just need to be alone... no offense."

Pinkie gave her a slightly hurt expression, though with a hint of understanding. "Oh... OK... just let me know if you change your mind, alright?"

"I will... thank you."

Though I truly do want to be alone, I do hope she's right. Maybe going on a little run will help me think a little clearer.. I know for a fact it'll help release endorphins. However, even if I can think of how we're supposed to get a massive amount of food and furniture, I still am going to have to talk with my father to grow some new rooms... and that is not going to be easy. We haven't exactly been on good terms since... ever. The little voice in my head always telling me that I need to be perfect because that's how I was designed to be; it sounds like his.


In the wee hours of the morning, the squishy sound of changeling hooves could be heard upon hardened soil as Chrysalis began her morning jog. The forests were silent, the birds and other animals still in their slumber, as she ran along a lonely path. The woods were hers at the moment; she was the only thing aware of their existence, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Her wings fluttered as she took flight to the highest point on the island; a large, rocky hill that would call itself a mountain situated in the middle, with pine and maple trees scattered upon its slope. As she landed upon its side and began to jog some more, she was beginning to notice just how clearer her mind was becoming. The little nagging thoughts were becoming less potent, a runner's high taking effect.

"Alright, Chrysalis... think," she said to herself. "You need food, and not of the love variety.. and you need an easy way to get it. There isn't really any other country out there who would supply you with it..."

A flight of birds fluttered from a tree she ran too close to. She gazed at them curiously. Interesting, free creatures they were. They cared naught for anything except existing. If only she could modify her people to become more like them... carefree and flowing with calming chemicals, perhaps if she couldn't pull the party off she could at least make their last days a bit more peaceful... at least the newborns'. Unfortunately, those sort of modifications would take some time to make, and could actually be impossible. Complex mutations of that nature were just so hard to engineer without incurring damage...

Her eyes then widened. However... she could engineer more simple organic matter... the hive had all the materials it needed for that, carbon... water... you name it, and she had the knowledge of how to do it.

"That's it!" she said, actually letting out a laugh. "I just need the hive to create the food I need. It won't be too hard to do!" She then smirked slightly. "And the guests don't need to know where it came from, though it'll all be perfectly healthy... all I need is some of the food I want to create a base template from and..."

She then actually smiled. Pinkie could probably provide her with that, and they had a mode of transportation that could be near instantaneous.... if it was what she thought it was, and if a certain somepony would let her use it. If all went well, she could use it to pick up the entertainment as well.

"Yeeeeees!" she cried in joy. "We might actually be able to-"

And then it hit her. Facing her father was still on the checklist. Immediately, her good mood was ruined.

Sighing, she continued to jog, eventually coming near the summit, a brilliant yellow sun shining at her through the trees. However, after a second she paused again, eyeing something peculiar close by; three words carved into a gray rock situated between two pine trees.

I am Legend.

Above them was a bit more writing: C & C

She stared blankly at it, her mouth parted, and her mind left the present to a point four hundred and thirty years ago.

A slightly older Chibi-Chrysalis and Princess Celestia made their way up to the same point she stood in the present, the two laughing and smiling about a time in Canterlot.

"You should have seen the look on his face when I kissed him!" Chrysalis smirked. "He didn't know what hit him!"

Celestia smiled down at her. "I'm sure he was happy it came from you."

"Heh... well... from Solar Flare you mean... I'm not sure if he'd like it if it came from the real me..."

Solar Flare was her current disguise when she wasn't promoting the changeling nation.

The solar princess gave her a slight frown. "In a few years I'm sure he'll be accepting of what you truly are..." She then gave her jovial smirk. "Besides, who wouldn't want to date someone who could turn into the most beautiful mare in Equestria at a will?"

Chrysalis smiled back. "Heh, but that's already taken..." she said, winking at her mentor.

Celestia quickly cleared her throat, blushing slightly. "Anyway, is this the spot you were talking about?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Yeah! It's the most beautiful place here! Perfect for practicing magic!"

It truly was. One could see the entire beautiful shamrock shaped island from this vantage point, though unfortunately it was still quite early; moonlight the only thing providing light.

"Mmmm.. hang on a second," Celestia said, her eyes twinkling. "I'm sure nopony will mind me giving us a bit more light a few minutes early."

With that, Chrysalis watched in awe as her mentor entered an intense state of concentration, her horn actually emitting a loud whir as a bright light began to form on its tip. After a second or so, the solar princess began to rise into the air, the sun soon following her movements; a beautiful red orb on the horizon. The moon in the meantime did the exact opposite, moving out of sight.

"And so starts a new day," she said, smiling as she landed on the ground.

The young swarm queen gazed upon her in awe.

"No matter how many times I see you do it," Chrysais ogled. "It's still the greatest thing in the world."

"You give me too much credit," Celestia said. "It was just something I was born with... it's nothing I earned. The best gifts are the ones we work for."

With that, Chrysalis glanced away from her slightly, a small look of sorrow coming upon her.

"What's wrong, Chrysalis?" Celestia asked.

"Oh... nothing... I just wished that the nobles had accepted me a bit more in Canterlot..." she sighed. "I feel like I've failed in my mission.. in my purpose."

"You didn't fail at anything," Celestia said. "They acted very polite towards you; at least their ears were open."

"Yeah but... the way they looked at me... I think they were only being polite because you were hanging around me."

Celestia raised a hoof. "They just need more time to realize the changelings aren't who they were. You are still the key to this."

"But... what if they'll always be too afraid of us?"

The solar princess narrowed her eyebrows. "I have faith in my little ponies; they'll keep their minds open. I know it."

Chrysalis sighed at that, running a hoof across the ground. "I just hope my... father doesn't blame me for anything."

Celestia shook her head. "He's a very intelligent being... I'm sure he'll understand."


Mini-Chrysalis stood inside the circular, organic chamber containing the primary hive cluster's central intelligence, a throbbing, massive blob of gray matter that stretched from ceiling to floor.

"We do not understand," a powerful, deep, forsaken voice rang about the room. "With the solar princess' help, how were you not able to open diplomatic relations with Equestria yet?"

"I don't know, father... I'm trying my best. The Princess was willing to listen to me and everything... I know that she knows that we're not like we were..."

"Her influence should have been enough to convince the Equestrians we are willing to take our place in the world. Either you didn't do enough to earn her trust, or she is too foolish to successfully get the job done."

With that, Chrysalis let out a tiny growl. "Don't talk about my mentor like that! She's smarter than you think she is; heck, she might even be smarter than you!"

"Child... do we sense a hint of doubt in our abilities?"

With that, Chrysalis glanced away from him. "No... I don't, I just don't think you're giving her enough credit." With that, she began to pace sorrowfully. "She's gone through a lot... she had to banish her sister away to give her enough time to fight Nightmare Moon, somepony she spent time with for thousands of years. I think she's depressed, and the fact that her nobles didn't accept me off hoof made her even more so... I feel so terrible. She doesn't like seeing me sad."

"You're letting your emotions get in the way of what needs to be done," the hive mind growled. "Put more pressure on her to act. Use her guilt against her!"

"I am not going to do that!" Chrysalis growled. "You made me in order to show the world that changelings can be a force of good. How can I show them that if I can't even show myself?!"

"We made you to blend in with the world... to act like the rest of them, but not to become like them. We knew giving you emotions was a mistake."

"I don't care what you think!" Chrysalis shrieked. "The changelings are mine, not yours anymore! I'm not going to trick the world into thinking we're something else just so we can stab them in the back. That's what you want, right?!"

The hive mind let loose a low grumble.

"Isn't it?!"

"It would make things... easier. There would be no threat of our extinction if we were their masters..."

"I would rather die with dignity than die a coward. I'm not going to let fear jeopardize who we are!" Chrysalis roared.

"Do what you wish, foolish child. The only way you'll learn that we are right is on your own it seems.... now go back to your mentor. See if you can do things 'your way' for now." It took a pause. "However, you'll be eating those words when you aren't eating anything else..."


"You're weakening! Concentrate, Chrysalis. Bring forth emotion and then channel it!" Celestia said, Chrysalis currently carving a squiggly line into a nearby rock with a beam of magical energy.

"I-I'm trying!" Chrysalis growled, sweat trickling down her forehead.

"Come on, you have this!" Celestia said. "Positive emotions channel more easily controllable mana. Concentrate on them! This isn't dark magic!"

"I CAN'T!" Chrysalis screamed, a blast of her energy completely desecrating the rock before her, sending high-velocity rocky projectiles every which way. "EEEEEP!"

Before some could hit her, however, at the last second they were deflected off a magical energy shield that had sprung up around the two of them with a series of pings.

"That..." Celestia sighed, lowering her shield. "Could stand to be improved."

"Damnit!" Chrysalis shrieked, kicking at a pebble. "I just can't do it... not after what happened today..."

The solar princess raised an eyebrow at that, a look of motherly concern coming upon her. "What happened?"

"It's nothing..." she sighed.

"Very well.. if you don't wish to-"

"It's just my stupid father!" Chrysalis suddenly growled. "He thinks he knows everything! How did he think your people would react after we were acting like a bunch of fools for years!?"

"It sounds like he has a lot of expectations for you... but did he say something to hurt you?"

Chrysalis turned away from her slightly. "You could say that..."

Celestia raised a hoof, an expression of disdain slightly etched on her, though it wasn't directed at her. "I'm sure he's just frustrated at the bad news... but that doesn't give him the right to insult you."

"He's more than just an ass sometimes though, princess... you have no idea." The solar princess quirked an eyebrow, Chrysalis drawing nearer to her. "Sometimes I think he justifies the world's views on us."

"Nonsense, he's just one being," Celestia quickly stated. "You can't judge a nation by its former leader."

Chrysalis shook her head. "He's more than just a leader, though. He's made up of the partial collective consciousness of the swarm... in a small way, he is the swarm!"

"But he also has a large mind of his own, doesn't he?" Celestia asked. "If I understand what you told me."

"Well... true," Chrysalis admitted.

"And you have been modifying all changeling offspring to be less aggressive and xenophobic, haven't you?"

"Also true," Chrysalis said, smiling slightly now.

With that, Celestia sighed slightly. "I'll be returning to Canterlot tomorrow morning. You're welcome to spend more time there under my wing."

"Hell yeah!" Chrysalis beamed. "I can't wait!"

The solar princess smiled warmly at her in return, though her twinkling eyes meant she was up to something. "However, I'd like you to try to relax a bit more..."

Chrysalis glanced away from her again at that, letting out a tiny grunt. "You might as well ask me to move the sun..."

"A good leader can't concern herself with her people all the time, Chrysalis. It'll just drive them mad."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "How am I supposed to clear my head, though?"

With that, the princess let loose a large smile. "Here. Let me tell you something I learned from a certain Doctor long ago:

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.

Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.

Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game.

It's easy!"

With that, the princess winked and quickly magically carved her and Chrysalis' initials into another rock before her, the young swarm queen's eyes widening at the sight.

There's nothing you can make that can't be made.

No one you can save that can't be saved.

Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you

in time - It's easy!"

"Huh?" Chrysalis blinked. "What are you getting at with this?"

"It's quite simple, my young pupil," Celestia winked. "All you need is love."

Chrysalis quickly gave her a blank look. "Er, princess... I already know that."

The princess shook her head, chuckling. "You don't understand, I'm not talking about your people, I'm talking about you, and not in a food sense. Being loved makes everything seem less... pressing. It makes the world much easier to view... and to think about."

"So you're saying that if I have someone to love me...." Chrysalis said. "That I'll be able to cope with being a leader better and make more successful decisions?"

Celestia nodded. "In a manner of speaking. You're a very smart child, Chrysalis, the smartest I've known in an age; but I really think you need to wind down a bit more, no offense."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "You're preaching to the choir here, my teacher."

"But," Celestia said. "You should also do it for yourself, not just for your people. I'm not even talking about just receiving love, I'm taking about being around the person who gives you it. Enjoying yourself around her..." She smirked. "Or him."

"So I should spend more time around others..." She then gave her a slightly hurt look. "But we spend a lot of time together!"

A wave of guilt washed over Celestia's face. "People your own age, Chrysalis. I love being around you, but I can't relate with you the same way others can. I can barely remember how I was when I was eighteen. And I know being around me isn't taking your mind off your troubles. You need someone who can make you laugh, who can ease your worries."

With that, a bubble of love floated from her to the young queen, as if to confirm what she was saying, giving her a jovial feeling of warmth.

"So I should hang around someone like..." Chrysalis blushed slightly. "Silver Armor?"

He was her crush in Canterlot who she recently had her first kiss with.

Celestia nodded her head. "Exactly. When we return to Canterlot, you should definitely spend some more time together. Just remember:

All you need is love!"

"All I need is love!"

"All you need is love, love!"

"Love is all ya need!"

With that, Chrysalis grinned widely. "You know what? I think I'm ready to give magic practice another go!"

"Just remember, concentrate on positive emotions," Celestia said, gazing at her intently.

With that, Chrysalis nodded, her eyes narrowing in resolve as her horn began to spark and crackle.

"Positive emotions..." she whispered.

And suddenly, a beam of green light cascaded forth from her horn, nearly blinding her with its light. However, her eyes soon adjusted, and with it she carved something into the same rock Celestia had put their initials on: 'I am Legend.' One day in the future, her changelings would speak of these mysterious words, because they would survive to tell stories about them. She was going to be the savior of them, she could just feel it; though she couldn't explain why.

With that, Chrysalis shook off her thoughts, hearing the sound of hoofsteps approaching her. Through the brush came Pinkie and Ditzy, both looking a bit worn out, but not to the point where they seemed ready to stop exercising.

"Hey, Chryssy!" Pinkie beamed.

"Hello Queen Chrysalis," Ditzy said formally.

"Uhhh... hi," Chrysalis said, actually putting on a slight smile. "Are you two... still hanging out?"

"Yeah!" they both beamed.

And then the Queen of the Swarm did something she hadn't done for nearly four hundred years.

"Er.... mind if I join in?" Chrysalis blushed.

"Of course not! We're heading back to the hive though..." Ditzy said.

"No worries," Chrysalis said, still smiling slightly. "I uh.. would still love to join you."

"Well, come on then, Chryssy! Let's get going!" Pinkie beamed, and with that, the three took off.

Chrysalis smiled in resolve as she jogged. The princess was right. She needed a way to see through the doom and gloom, and this was it; spending time with people. Pinkie had actually been somewhat fun to hang around before, maybe it just needed a second chance. If she could cast aside many things for the greater good in the past, she could cast aside her envy long enough to get in good enough spirits where it wouldn't bother her. If she could keep this up, it'd be a lot easier to face her father today.

She winced slightly.

Make that tomorrow....