• Published 21st Sep 2012
  • 6,881 Views, 592 Comments

Lightening the Load - Silent Bob

Queen Chrysalis plays host to an interdimensional gathering of villians.

  • ...

The Parting of the Ways

In a blink of green light, Luna, Pinkie, and Chrysalis appeared outside of the white forest within a dark meadow of grass and lonely trees, the latter not only shocked at the fact they had managed to escape, but at the fact that the co-ruler of Equestria and a pony who's friend she had wronged had just given her a small portion of love. Warmth had overtaken her like she had never felt before, nullifying the cool autumn night.

The three stood there panting for a moment, Luna and Pinkie more than her, but eventually the trio regained their composure. Unfortunately, Chrysalis could no longer feel love emanating from the two, though the feeling of bliss continued in her, and nothing could dull it, nothing except a deep rumble from the birch forest:

"LUNA! This doesn't end here! There will be no escape from our judgement, and in the pale moonlight we will dance over your corpse!

With that, Chrysalis' eyes widened, the feeling of warmth starting to dwindle. So 'He Who Dances in the Pale Moonlight' was the threat the wolves spoke of, unless it just happened to be a huge coincidence.

"Well, looks like he isn't happy!" Pinkie said.

Luna smiled slightly at that. "Good, maybe they'll be angry enough to try something stupid; like trying to attack me in Canterlot. I'd like them to try to face my elite guard as well as my sister and I. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen... I'd come back here with them to conduct a preemptive strike, but I don't think even they are stupid enough to stay. Trust me though, I'm sure they'll have at me again. It's just a shame that there's no power I have that can grant their wish of passing on... at least not permanently." With that, she walked over to Chrysalis side, smiling at her slightly. "But despite their actions, thanks to you I know honor isn't lost in this world. In fact, it's shown itself in a place I'd never expect it to. You have proven yourself to be decent at heart, and for that I will allow Pinkie to carry on with you. However, I want to know the details of this event you need her for."

Luna's words did not rouse her, however. Instead, she continued to stare blankly into the woods, contemplating what the wolves had said about Him.

"Queen Chrysalis? Is all well?" she asked, actually using her full title for the first time.

"Oh, she gets like that sometimes," Pinkie said, before frowning a little.

With a sympathetic glance, Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I could hear in your voice how much receiving love meant to you. However.... it's not something either Pinkie and I can give to you all the time. It's nothing personal, it's just... loving someone takes time. Bonds have to be strengthened and refined. You understand, don't you?"

Chrysalis nodded at that, snapping out of her daze, but still gazing away from Luna. "It still felt... very good. Thank you."

"You need only thank yourself," Luna smiled.

With that, the swarm queen let out a deep sigh. "I will tell you what I'm hosting, but you're not going to like it."

"Ooooh, this calls for another camp fire!" Pinkie beamed.

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "What of the wolves? They may see the smoke."

Luna smirked slightly at that. "Well I won't lay down an anti-teleportation spell if you won't. Besides, I wish to try these... marshmallows."

Pinkie cocked her head in curiosity. "Huh, you mean you've never had them before?"

Luna chuckled. "Let's just say that a thousand years ago it was best not develop a sweet tooth. There wasn't much candy to go around."

And so within ten minutes, a camp fire once again raged in the autumn night, again fueled by the white forest's trees, it not being too far from them.

"Mmmmm... these are absolutely MAGNIFICENT!" Luna roared, her voice echoing about the field after she gobbled down a scorched fluffy treat... one she had intentionally lit on fire.

Pinkie giggled at that. "You're not supposed to burn them, silly!"

"But it's much quicker that way, and it is still quite delectable."

The pink mare shook her head, twirling her marshmallow slightly above the flame. "You gotta be slow with them, like this!"

"Hmph, I suppose I have the time to wait around for it," Luna said before piercing another marshmallow on her stick. With that, she turned towards Chrysalis. "Now then, what exactly do you need Pinkie for? Are the changelings finally 'cutting loose' and just don't know how?" She turned towards Pinkie at that. "Did I say that right?"

Pinkie nodded eagerly.

"Hoorah!" Luna grinned.

"It's not a party for us," Chrysalis said in her usual cold tone, the warmth within her all but dissipated by now. "I've made a deal with someone to host a certain.. convention. It's called IGOM."

And with that, she began to explain everything to Luna; how she had been invited to attend the event before, how she had been asked to host it now, and she was sure to include her reluctance to do so. She also mentioned to Luna who appeared to be responsible for the creation of the event, a certain entity simply called Him.

"Hmmm, so it appears the being the wolves were talking about and Him could be one of the same," Luna mused before gobbling down on her newest roasted treat.

"Yes, but from what the wolves were saying it seems they are out of contact with him," Chrysalis said. "They acted on an assumption, guessing that they'd be in his favor by eliminating you."

Luna nodded in agreement. "Indeed."

"I hate to bring this up, but apparently Nightmare Moon threw an IGOM before," Chrysalis said. "Did this Him show up?"

Luna shook her head. "No, he did not show his face. I heard talk of him though, and from that talk I'd assume that he is a powerful force of evil."

"He seems to be more than that, though," Chrysalis said, raising a holey hoof. "The way Voldemort was describing him, he seems to hang around wherever evil shows its face, and perhaps influences it."

With that, Luna brought a hoof to her chin in thought. "Interesting... though I'm not sure what to make of this."

"I don't like the sound of him," Pinkie said, nervously. "I really really really don't..."

"That makes two of us," Chrysalis said, before turning back towards Luna. "I suppose this means you're going to want me to call the whole thing off?"

Luna smirked slightly. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. From what you said, and from what I know, it seems IGOM is happening no matter what, and this universe is the only place it can take place in easily. I'd rather have it be somewhere where I can keep an eye on it rather than in some other obscure spot on the planet."

The swarm queen raised her eyebrows. "You mean to say you want me to host it."

"It would benefit both of us in multiple ways," Luna said. "If 'He Who Dances' comes through with your deal, with the changelings fed, your kind will no longer have a need to stay in Equestria, and my nephew will lose the source of his power. Trust me when I say that's a very, very good thing." She then turned to Pinkie. "However, are you sure you want to be intertwined in all of this?"

Pinkie nodded with a slight smile. "Of course, I still want to help Chryssy! She said she doesn't know what she's doing when it comes to hosting a celebration."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "You're still going to be out of your element, Pinkie. IGOM is a convention as much as it is a celebration, and Ponyville style fun isn't going to 'cut it' for them." She then smiled widely, before gingerly clapping her hooves. "Ooooh, did I get that one right too?!"

"Yup, you got it! And I definitely understand," Pinkie said, surprising both Chrysalis and Luna. "I know their fun will be a bit different from my own, but I'm still going to make sure they have it for Chryssy's sake. Plus, it will be a good challenge! I know I'll have to think wayyy outside the box."

"And besides, not everyone who is showing up will be completely evil," Chrysalis said. "Voldemort said there will be... 'anti-heroes'. I'm not exactly sure what those are, though."

"Anti-heroes are people who are mainly out for themselves, not villainous or heroic, or do heroic deeds through villainous means!" Pinkie explained, munching down on another marshmallow.

"How in the world would you know something like that?!" Chrysalis asked, exasperated.

"Oh, Twilight loves talking about the books she's read! I've heard her call a lot of people in them anti-heroes and anti-villains and kind of just picked it up what they were. They're chaotic neutral, lawful neutral, or just neutral!"

Chrysalis quirked an eyebrow Luna's way. "Any idea what the last few things she said mean?"

Luna shook her head. "I do not, but these type of people might be more inclined to enjoy conventional 'fun'!" With that, she put on an nostalgic smile. "Mmmmm... something I wish I could experience a bit more of."

"Isn't there anything to do in Canterlot?" Chrysalis asked.

Luna glanced away from her, a somewhat embarrassed look coming upon her. "I am still not... inclined to engage in public activities there. You'd think the Princess of the Night would enjoy night clubs, but the one time I went to a few it was just... very awkward."

Pinkie quirked her head. "You mean you're shy?"

Luna nodded with rosy cheeks. "I mainly enjoy myself through light recreational activities such as target practice, night guard training, or warfare simulations against the Gryphon Empire..." A sheepish smile came upon her face. "I also like the occasional bubble bath."

"The first three things don't sound very light," Chrysalis pointed out.

"Hmph, well I did lead Equestria's armies for two hundred years... warfare is as part of me as your people are to you. It comes naturally."

"But you know we all love you, princess!" Pinkie said. "You should come to Ponyville more often. I throw a party like every two days!"

"I know... but a part of me just doesn't believe that," Luna sighed, oblivious to the envious gaze she was getting from Chrysalis. "Perhaps I shall when this is all over."

With that, Pinkie's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait a minute, if you..." She winced slightly. "...were at an IGOM before, you know a lot about what mean people like to do for fun! Maybe you should come with us?"

Despite being reminded of Nightmare Moon again, the Night Princess still smiled down at her. "I need to stay here to pour through the archives to find anything I can about this Him. I'll also do everything I can to keep Blueblood from squelching the light that is Equestria." She narrowed her eyes. "The will of one stallion shall not destroy my sister's dream."

"Can you do me a favor though?" Chrysalis asked.

"What do you wish of me?"

She sighed. "Can you please not tell your sister that I'm hosting this thing? I don't want her to think any more ill of me than she already probably does..."

"I assure you, after helping me-"

"Please," Chrysalis said, a pleading look in her eyes.

Luna sighed as well. "Fine, I will not speak of it."

Chrysalis nodded thankfully. "So what happens now?"

With that, Luna stood up.

"Now we must commit to the 'parting of the ways', I believe the term is."

"It's uh..." Chrysalis let loose a sigh. "Whatever, close enough."

Luna gave her a curt nod before turning towards Pinkie. "You're doing an honorable thing, Pinkie. I'm sure you'll be able to succeed in this endeavor."

"Jeez, you make it sound like I'm going to be fighting a battle or something," Pinkie said, sticking her tongue out.

"Helping those who deserve it is worthy of it," Luna said, smiling wide. "It doesn't matter if it's in your own special way." With that, she turned back towards Chrysalis. "However, I'm still sending someone to keep an eye on this whole thing, if he isn't going to be doing so already. Still, now he will report directly to me; he owes me a favor or two."

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "Exactly Who do you speak of?"

Luna let loose a whimsical smirk. "Oh, I once asked him that a long time ago, and he told me that if were to ever be answered, 'silence would fall.'"

With that, she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Well, she definitely knows how to pull off an exit," Chrysalis grunted.

Pinkie nodded in agreement.

Luna then reappeared in another puff of smoke before grabbing a marshmallow out of Pinkie's bag, her and Chrysalis both raising eyebrows.

"What?! They're really good!"

She then disappeared again.

The Queen of the Swarm shook her head incredulously with a slight smirk. "Even the co-ruler of this nation is a goofball."

Her eyes then widened. Did she just smirk and make one of her snarky comments more light-hearted than usual? Something deep inside of her must have been pining for love again.. It had felt so good, yet the largest voice in her head was still screaming at her cynical remarks every second. She couldn't change... there was no way....

Could she?

She shook her head at that. No, there was no possible way that was happening. She was too old, too engraved in her ways...

Still though, being around Pinkie, though annoying, was somewhat... amusing. Even if Chrysalis could never change, perhaps it wouldn't necessarily being a horrible endeavor hanging around the pink, hyper ball of pure, unleaded chaos. In fact, maybe it would lighten the load somewhat... or maybe it would just end up driving her mad. Time would tell.

To even find out, however, she would just have to keep being civil and as polite as she could be around Pinkie so she'd even want to be around the swarm queen at all.... and perhaps keep making sure that her snark was light-hearted, though that was something she'd never be able to give up entirely. However, if she kept up with this she may have been able to earn a little more love...

With that, Chrysalis performed an oxygen reduction spell to kill the fire's flame before performing a luminous one to provide light.

"Come on, let's get going," Chrysalis called, leading the way east.

"So, how far are we from your hive, Chryssy?" Pinkie asked.

With that, Chrysalis took a whiff of the air, "Smell that, kid?"

Pinkie raised an eyebrow before sniffing herself. "Yeah, it smells like the ocean."

The swarm queen nodded. "We're almost to the eastern shore, and then it'll be just a short teleport away."

"So you're not going to fly me?"

Chrysalis put on a somewhat forced smirk. "No, I don't want to risk dropping you or anything."

"Yeah, that wouldn't be good. I can't swim at all! One time my friend Rainbow Dash tried teach me how but I almost ended up drowning and she had to come and save me! It was so cool!" Pinkie beamed.

The swarm queen raised an eyebrow. "Almost drowning was cool?"

"Naw, being flown around by Rainbow Dash! The sensation of it is just... oh my gosh it's almost indescribable! Sometimes I wished I had wings like her and you do..."

With that, Chrysalis glanced towards her bug-like wings, frowning slightly. "You know... I actually have a pretty good grip."

"You want to fly me across?"

"Sure, it's not really that far."

Pinkie's eyes widened. "That would be so awesome! I've never flown across the ocean before!"

"Heh, and you might actually get to see it," Chrysalis said, pointing towards the horizon where a brilliant, red sun was slowly making its way upward.

"Woah, the last time I saw the sun rise was during the summer sun celebration," Pinkie said with glistening eyes.

With that, Chrysalis felt it again... a small bubble of love coming towards her which she gobbled up eagerly, letting out a deep, calm breath as she savored its warmth. Truly, doing nice meant nice would be returned by her. Maybe it wasn't true for most Equestrians, their racial prejudices clouding their good sides towards her kind, but Pinkie... she was more simplistic. If only more were like that....

And with that, Chrysalis gave a small, actually genuine smile. "It really is something, isn't it? The simple things...." With that, the swarm queen began to flutter a few feet above the ground. "Alright, let's get a head start on this flight. Stand up on your hind legs."

"Like this?" Pinkie said, doing just that.

"Yes, now I'm going to grip you by your forelegs. Tell me the moment you think you might fall or are getting uncomfortable and I'll teleport us the rest of the way there, got it?"

"Aye, aye, flight captain Chryssy!" Pinkie said, giving her a mock salute before the swarm queen slung her arms around the pink mare's legs.

"Homeward bound, then..." Chrysalis sighed.

The one place she'd never be happy.

And she took off with Pinkie in tow. The flew low over the beaches of the eastern shore, them uninhabited and pure, before making their wave above the turbulent eastern waves, heading southeast. Luckily, the Hanging Islands were only about five miles out to sea, making them close, but not too close to what was essentially a hostile nation. Luckily, Equestria didn't have much of a navy, though their airforce almost made up for it.

In the distance she eventually spotted it, a little mound of green sticking out of the blue. As they grew closer, it could be seen that there were in fact three large islands sitting close to one another. They weren't exactly mounds either, more like giant plateaus sticking out of the water, baring black rocky cliffs instead of shores. However, upon them were miles upon miles of thick, temperate woodlands, populated by surprisingly docile creatures aside from a few indigenous tribes of wolves.

"Check it out, kid. That's where you'll be staying for the next two weeks," Chrysalis shouted above the breeze.

"Oooh, do your people live in the woods; like in treehouses or something?"

"Not exactly..." Chrysalis said. "We live under the woods."

A few moments later, Chrysalis touched down in a bit of cleared woods, now just a grassy field. A cave entrance stood before them, leading to the living tunnels underneath that were her hive cluster.

"You live in a cave?" Pinkie asked innocently.

"Sort of... underneath us are miles and miles of tunnels carved out and kept stable by organic matter. It is made up of teraochanic plasma which is able to carve through solid limestone, the type of rock the islands are mostly made of, due to the chemical reaction that occurs when the two come in contact with each other, though it only happens quickly when a catalyst is introduced."

Pinkie gave her a confused look.

"I think your friend Twilight would probably appreciate the technical details. Let's just say we live in sort of a living building."

"Hmmm... that's kind of creepy."

Chrysalis gave a forced smirk. "Well, you aren't a changeling. I wouldn't expect the idea to be too... intriguing to you. However, I'm sure you'll get used to it."

"I'll just try to pretend it's a cave!" Pinkie said.

"Yeah, good idea," Chrysalis said, before signaling the pink mare to follow.

With that, they made their way down the twisting, blue, familiar halls of the hive, their blue mist almost rising to the pink mare's torso.

"What's with the fog?" Pinkie asked.

Chrysalis winced at that. "It's errrr... perspiration."

Pinkie cocked her head in confusion. "Huh?"

"The uh... building's perspiration."


Chrysalis sighed. "It's not everywhere. Just try to ignore it."

At that, she was beginning to notice more activity from her changelings. To her relief, they gave her new assistant curious, but non-hostile gazes. As time went on though, she could hear the occasional murmur as well as they began crowding them.

"An Equestrian? Walking with the queen?"

"Did she pick up a pet or something?"

"What's that tattoo on her? Green, blue, and red bubbles? What's that mean?"

"Hey, don't you all have something to do?" Chrysalis eventually grunted, scurrying them. She rolled her eyes at that. "Sorry, they're just curious."

"Oh, it's alright..." Pinkie said, though for the first time Chrysalis could actually hear a bit of nervousness in her voice.

Chrysalis smiled down at her. "Relax. Once they realize that you're here to help, I'm sure they'll warm up to you. They're just not used to seeing Equestrians, and since I bet news of Blueblood and his foolish crusade has spread, they're probably on edge."

"Oh, OK. But... do you think they'll like me?"

Chrysalis raised her eyebrows. "I honestly can't give you that answer. I'd say it's possible, though I know for a fact the way to any person's heart is through their stomach. Pull off this event and they'll label you as a hero."

Pinkie's eyes widened at that as a familiar voice rang out from down the hall.

"My Queen!"

"Sarius?" Chrysalis called.

The changeling guard then moved into view, saluting firmly and glancing at Pinkie. "I see your trip went well."

The swarm queen rolled her eyes. "At ease."

With that, her pink companion stepped forward.

"Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie!" she beamed.

The guard merely raised his eyebrows while looking at her with curiosity.

"Was it something I said?" she whispered to Chrysalis.

"Er, sorry. I've just never met a pony before in person, it's just a little unusual for me," Sarius said, giving her a sheepish smile. "I don't really get out much.. and by that I mean.. never."

"You've never been to Equestria before?" Pinkie said.

"Well, I've been around the islands, but I've never been anywhere else. I was bred specifically for defensive purposes."

With that, Pinkie turned towards Chrysalis with a raised eyebrow. "Bred?"

"Mmm... maybe we can get into changeling biology control later..." Chrysalis said, glancing away from her slightly. "Have there been any calls for me?"

"Actually, yeah," Sarius said. "Some blue guy called Admiral Thrawn. He said he'll be here a two or three days before the event to uh..." He squinted slightly. "Set up something called a quantum beacon, to establish a defensive perimeter, to set up a weapon nullification thing... I can't remember what it's called." He squinted again in thought. "Er, sorry ma'm. I can't really remember the rest. He was using a vocabulary far beyond my mind. It seemed like a bunch of techno-speak."

"I'm not really sure what a quantum beacon is either..." Chrysalis grunted. "I suppose I could always call him back, though. But an admiral? I thought someone called the Nameless Man was supposed to be in charge of security, with two rangers under him. What is this admiral planning to do, blockade the islands with a fleet of ships?"

Sarius shrugged. "My guess would be that the Nameless Man hired an extra hand."

"Hmph..." Chrysalis said, contemplating this. If they were dealing with an admiral, it was possible that he'd have marines to send in to help with security, and he also appeared to have something that could disable weapons. That could definitely come in handy. "Well, what was he like personally? A little easier to work with than the previous contact?"

"Yeah, he seemed alright I guess; just really... cold. As in... he didn't show much emotion. Also, I'm pretty sure he's a genius."

"A genius?" Pinkie asked, cocking her head.

"Mhmm, I'm pretty sure he figured out who I was within like forty seconds into our conversation."

"Hmmm? What makes you say that?" Chrysalis asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

Sarius grinned sheepishly. "Cus he told me to stop talking around then."

Chrysalis gave him a blank look. "What did you say to him?"

"Ehehe... it was nothing, really."

"Oooh! Story time!" Pinkie beamed.

The head of a blue humanoid with glowing red eyes could be seen inside Chrysalis' Proloquor Orb, Sarius standing in front of it.

"To carry on with that subject, I'll be deploying multiple airborne squadrons to map the area's topography, after which they will enter designated patrol patterns and.... what's so funny?

Sarius quickly tried to squelch his chuckling. "Er, it's nothing."

"You really need to be paying attention. The information I am relaying needs to be given to your queen. Discipline and professionalism are key aspects to any soldier, even if you are in your own words, 'just a lowly bedroom guard'," Admiral Thrawn said, his eyes narrowing.

The Guardian-Drone quickly nodded apologetically. "Right, keep going then, sorry."

"As I was saying, once the squadrons find good choke points, we will deploy ground troops to set up security check points there. All forces will be supported by my Star Destroyer, the Chimaera. Luckily, none of the guests will be able to bring any ships of their own, meaning they will be cut off from air support if they-"

Sarius once again tried to squelch his chuckling.

"Alright, go ahead. Tell me, what do you find so amusing?"

"Seriously, it isn't anything... just something I heard one of our infiltration drones singing..."

Admiral Thrawn actually shot him a slightly amused smile. "Oh really? I do enjoy engaging into the arts of whatever cultures I contact. I find it gives me a unique perspective as to who they are. It even helps with certain... occasions. Tell me, what did you hear sung?"

"Mmmm..." Sarius said, grinning sheepishly. "It might be kind of offensive.... if I sing it."

"Go on, I will not mind."

"Seriously, it'll sound a bit raci- ah screw it: So listen up, and let me tell you, about a little guy who lives in a blue world, and all day and all night everything he sees is just blue, like him, inside and outside.... blue his house, with a blue little window, and a blue corvette, and everything is blue to him, and himself, and everpony around, because he aint got, nopony to listen too...."

Admiral Thrawn's eyes narrowed as Sarius took a deep breath.

"I'm blue dabadee dabadie, dabadeeee daba die, daba dee dabadieeee...."

"Woah, I've heard that song before!" Pinkie beamed. "The chorus is so my jam!"

"Heh, yeah, it got stuck in my he-"

Chrysalis' glare put him on hold.

Sarius grinned sheepishly once again. "Errr yeah, guess who's got four hooves and isn't about to handle anymore diplomatic calls?"

At that, Chrysalis actually shook her head with a slight smile. "This is why we can't have nice things, Sarius."

Sarius' eyes widened in horror. "D-Did you just make a joke!?" With that, he turned towards Pinkie with a mock suspicious gaze. "What did you do with the body?"

The pink mare giggled slightly at that as Chrysalis gave an annoyed groan. "Come on you idiots, it's time we start planning this." Within a second though, she brought a hoof to her chin. "He mentioned air support though... is he an admiral of an airship fleet? And what are airborne fighters, exactly? Can his people fly?"

Sarius shrugged. "Beats me. You can't really tell if someone has wings or not with that orb."

She sighed slightly. "I suppose we'll find out when he arrives in this... 'Star Destroyer' of his. Quite an impressive name for an airship, by the way. Anyway, let's get going."

The guard raised an eyebrow. "You don't want me in on this conversation, do you? I wasn't designed for creativity..."

"Well, though I can't blame them, you seem to be the only changeling around the hive who doesn't have food on his mind, including the Cerebrate-Drones, and like I said before: you seem to be able to think outside the box."

"Fine, whatever. I suppose I can fit this in between 'stand outside your door' and 'stand outside your door.'"

"Speaking of which, did you get Pinkie's quarters set up?"

Pinkie gave Chrysalis a curious look.

"Yes, her quarters are ready for her."

"Thanks! I hope I'm not going to be too much trouble..." Pinkie said.

"Well, we kind of had Chrysalis' room to base it off of, so it wasn't that bad. I still think she'd still be better off in a stasis pod."

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. "Stasis pods?"

"Yeah! You actually get pretty good sleep in them." He then grinned wickedly. "Want to try one out?"

Chrysalis' eyes widened in horror before she gave Sarius yet another look. True, she knew he was just joking, but he didn't want to reveal quite yet that her kind were still keeping ponies in pods to feed off their love... and unlike before the invasion it seemed they would be there for quite a while. "Yeah, let's just avoid that topic for a little bit, shall we? You're quickly starting to diminish whatever humorous side I've developed, Sarius."

"What topic?" Pinkie asked, giving Chrysalis a suspicious glance for the first time.

Chrysalis put on her best poker face. "Nothing, it's just a sensitive political subject I don't want to get into around guests."

With that, she gestured for the two to follow her. Luckily, they weren't too far from her room, for more changelings were beginning to crowd around them. It didn't take Chrysalis long to find out why either, and it wasn't just innocent curiosity. Pinkie was producing love every five or six seconds, love that could be eaten. Even she herself couldn't help from feeding off it, something she wasn't too proud of. Though she had done it earlier, it just felt... wrong for some reason now. It wasn't even as filling as true love. Hell, even when she was disguised as Cadence, the love she had gotten just felt... odd.

When they arrived at her room, she shrugged off her thoughts before pressing a fleshy little button on its wall to allow the organic wall that was its door to fold open, causing Pinkie to enter a noticeable squick mode. However it soon subsided when she began to glance around Chrysalis' quarters as they walked in, the wall closing behind them.

"Wow, you have a really nice room," Pinkie said, gazing at her bed curtains.

Chrysalis shrugged. "My people treat me far too well. I would be fine sleeping in stasis cocoons like the rest of them... Anyway, let's get started-"

A knock came on her wall.

"What now..." she groaned. "How many interruptions will there be before we can begin planning this?" With that, she twirled towards it, agitated. "Come in!"

The door folded open upon this, revealing four armored Guardian-Drones flanking two four-legged creatures, both wearing cloaks with their hoods up.

"My Queen, we caught these two snooping around near the hive's entrance. We have searched them and they appear to be equine. We thought it best that they were brought to you. The leader... insisted he be allowed to keep his hood up."

"And I got to say 'take me to your leader'," one of them said with a very familiar accent. "I always love doing that!"

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at this.

"Why does he sound familiar?" Pinkie said aloud.

"And what is it with everypony wearing cloaks?" Chyrsalis asked. "Is this some new Equestrian fashion trend?"

"No, I just wear a cloak now, cloaks are cool."

The two ponies took a step forward, her guards' horns powering up at that, them glaring at the figure menacingly.

"At ease," Chrysalis groaned. "Let's see who this new distraction is."

And so the two ponies pulled down their hoods to reveal the brown stallion Chrysalis had seen in Ponyville earlier, the one with the hour-glass cutie-mark. He was accompanied by the same mare he was with earlier, the one with the bubbles on her flank.

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes in annoyance as Pinkie let out a startled gasp.

"That's the other thing about cloaks; they always bring about such unexpected surprises," the brown stallion grinned.

"Uh, anyone want to fill me in on who these two are?" Sarius asked.

"What, you mean you've never heard of me? You don't know who you're dealing with?!" The brown stallion took a dramatic trot forward. "I AM THE DOCTOR."

I wonder Who saw that coming?