• Member Since 16th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen May 12th

La Scribbles

Où les mots des petits chevaux coulent.


Sunset notices how women's Halloween costumes are a tad bit revealing. Not wanting to just be another statistic, she decides to be creative.

In her own little way.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

I mean Sunset could've gone for a scary costume or something. Not all female costumes are sexy. Hell she could've gone as one of her world's versions of the Ghostbusters, full body boiler suit. Actually worked at a couple of Halloween shops in the past and saw plenty of options. And heck she could've just had Rarity make her something.

Not complaining just offering feedback especially since I love Halloween.

1134872 Just having fun with the stereotype of the costumes, but I am thankful for your criticism.

I know, it's just between loving Halloween since I was a little kid and having actually worked in a Halloween store more than once it's a bit more personal for me.

Again just offering feedback, it's mainly cause I hear the whole all female costumes are sexy thing plenty of times and while it doesn't automatically bother me, it's just one of those things I've heard a lot over the years.

Still funny story.

My best friend's wife was rather (ahem) ample, and had a corset for the Renaissance Faire that somewhat amplified that up to 11 or maybe 12 along with the rest of her period costume. Then she tucked a tiny fuzzy plush into the space between and prepared her lines. It kinda-sorta always went like this:
Observer: Um... what's that? (points to the tiny fuzzy plush in its natural habitit.. um... habitat.)
Val: It's a titmouse, M'lord.
Observer: (giggles and blushes a bit)
Val: (untucks a section of her outfit to reveal a second identical plush) They're actually a pair.
Observer (loses it in giggles)

By God... a woman with a sense of humor. Clearly her parents failed her.:fluttershbad:

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