• Member Since 19th Sep, 2012
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MLP artist and fanfic writer. Known for Flurry Heart's Story and My Little Sister is a Dragon. Please follow my Deviant Art (AleximusPrime) to see artwork of the characters in my stories.


Photo Finish finally realizes Rarity's talent and offers to let her model for the studio. Rarity accepts as this is an opportunity to help advertise her dresses and she becomes extremely popular within a matter of days. But her happiness turns to despair when she discovers that she may have to move to Canterlot in order to keep her new career. Will Rarity dare to leave her friends just to live her dream in the capital city or will she stay true to the bond of the Elements of Harmony?

September 4, 2011 - June 15, 2012 on Deviant Art

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 26 )

“Oh thank you Spike, although I wouldn’t want you to get too tired either. I was hoping maybe you could be my announcer tomorrow if it’s ok with you. You did so well at that one show I had with the awful dresses I made for everyone a while back...”

Yeah he did a pretty good job especially during the Applejack and Rainbow competition as well and including the running of the leaves

“Yeah, and the fact that you’re in them will make the dresses look even better…” Spike said under his breath.

Smooth spike lol 😆

So it looks like the fashion show is coming on and Rarity really worked herself to the bones on those dresses and of course Spike will always help out when it comes to her of course he will well let's see how this fashion show will go this is a pretty interesting story so far

Wow so it looks like the fashion show was on the way and what Rarity said she was going to do her own model of her own dress which a lot of people loves how she struck the pose and not to like that a lot of people love her dress and it looks like it got the attention of photo finish and she wants to make rarity.... into a star well let's see how this will work out

Rarity thought a bit about her last encounter with Photo Finish, how it wasn’t really much of an encounter at all, how Photo Finish took Fluttershy to model for her instead of helping to popularize Rarity’s business. She was a bit disappointed that Photo Finish had never really noticed her back then, but what did these ponies have to say about it now?

Yeah I remember that situation

“OOOOO-K-K-K-AAAAY!” Roxie said while her entire body was vibrating from Rarity’s 100-mile-per-hour shake.

I can imagine seeing her that excited :raritystarry:

Wow that was pretty unexpected to be honest with you so it looks like Rarity got a visit from photo finish workers to tell her the news that she should be in the modeling business which Rarity was pretty excited and I mean really excited not only boosting up her products but also becoming a star which that's pretty cool and she also told her friends the next morning about that and they were all pretty excited for her although Fluttershy was still worried about this because she had that experience back when she was a model and yeah it can be very Troublesome but I think Rarity can do this let's just hope it doesn't go too far

But little did Rarity know that that night would be the last party she would have with her friends for a long time…

Ouch 😥

Well to be honest with you Rarity was pretty natural when it comes to modeling and it turns out photo finish agreed and she even offer her a job as a model which Rarity was pretty excited for this she even told her friends about the exciting news and I had to admit it was pretty cute and fun seeing them having fun like that but things will get very difficult well it let's see how this goes

“I feel so happy for her! I could just shout! Yaaaay Rarity!” Fluttershy said softly trying to not cause a scene.

Wow that is pretty cool Rarity invited Twilight and the others to the fashion show and even Rainbow dash came but it looks like things are getting really great because everybody loved her dress not only that her pose which again she has a natural talent for that and of course Spike agrees he is so love-struck lol it looks like they all have pretty fun watching her friend perform the ending part was pretty funny

“Rarity, Dahling, I am zorry, but you muzt understand: a model cannot be bothered vith zuch atrociouz foodztuffz! Ezpecially not vefore ze photozhoot!”

Yeah I kind of figured this was going to happen because when it comes to model you have to be perfect :facehoof: and I get it but still that's a little bit over kill

Rarity watched in horror as her precious little glazed donut went into another pony’s mouth and Roxie chomped away unwillingly with a disgruntled look on her face while Hairspray cleaned up the crumbs with a dust pan and broom. She wouldn’t always eat sweet pastries like Pinkie did, but she liked having one for the occasion and now she couldn’t. Would she never be able to have one with this job?

Well that was kind of rude that was my donut :raritycry:

Well then this is certainly making things a little difficult for Rarity not only that the way she needs to eat and of course things she has to do is very perfectly and everything but she still wanted to do this but the only problem is this will be the least of time at the boutique and mostly her friends but she still wants to make it work but it looks like Photo Finish thinking Ponyville is too small and they want to move to Canterlot which that would be a lot of changes for Rarity

Oh my gosh now this would make things so difficult now she has less time to see her friends and it looks like Rarity was still very confused about this whole changes about not wearing her dresses to promote her boutique but what makes things worse is that there are going to Canterlot instead they're staying there permanently to move out what photo finish saying this is all so devastating for Rarity because not only she can continue working at the boutique but that means she has to say goodbye to her friends and family boy this is really sad man

“Oh Rarity come on, make up your mind! Why is this so hard?!” she said angrily to herself. “You know you want to keep modeling with Photo Finish but you can’t just leave all your friends and the boutique behind! Canterlot or Ponyville, Canterlot or Ponyville…”

Suddenly, Pinkie lost her head and went into panic mode.


Yeah I figured she were her that and now things are going to be more complicated

“Ok, but please don’t forget us Rarity, please! I’m not sure how I’ll ever keep this a secret from the others!”

Oh I remember how well you keep a secret Pinkie Pie

and it's not pretty

Everyone at the table stared at her blankly knowing she was keeping a secret from them. The harder they stared the more Pinkie sweated and trembled and her face started turning red.

Like I said this is way before this episode came around but this is like how she felt when she have to keep a secret

And this is why you cannot tell Pinkie Pie because she can't really hold a secret when it comes something bigger like that but I guess that's what happens because she was worried about Rarity moving to Canterlot she did her best not try to say anything but the pressure got too much and she spilled the beans now her friends are devastated and confused and pretty much angry they need to talk to Rarity before it's too late and by the way Pinkamena return again :pinkiesad2:

“I broke a Pinkie-promise, I broke a Pinkie-promise…” she said to herself over and over again. Suddenly she levitated a few inches off the ground and twitched as if she had just been zapped with electricity. Her pupils shrank and her vision went haywire like all she could see was a random splatter of paint on a wall. She was starting to relive the moment a while back when she got depressed from thinking her friends no longer cared for her. This time was different. Having broken a Pinkie-promise made with a dear friend, she was starting to question her trustworthiness which caused her to lose her sanity all over again.

That promise really broke Pinkie Pie :pinkiecrazy:

Her own home and business: she could make more in Canterlot, but she was so attached to this place that it was almost impossible to imagine living without it.

I mean she will expand her boutique around Equestria in the future just wait until season 5

“You have a job to do Rarity, and it doesn’t include leaving everything behind. My decision is final!”

Yeah you go Rarity your awesome

Oh my goodness I was kind of worried for a minute Twilight and the others have to get to Rarity before she makes the decision meanwhile rarity Was preparing to leave to Canterlot but she's been going over about the decision she was going to make and all of this was too much for her but somewhere and her Deep Mind what she's leaving back home is her family and friends that she's leaving behind she works so hard and she made so much memories there it was too much to lose just to become famous so with that said she made her decision she is not going yeah and she has to break the news to photo finish she was begging her not to leave but rarity said no and with that said she finally is home now I have to say photo finish is not really a bad person she just kind of went a little bit too far when it comes to fame and fortune and basically Crash and Burn and that's what happened

Pinkie’s tears started getting bigger, but the corners of her lips started turning up so they were tears of happiness. She wiped her tears away with her hoof. And then closed her eyes and squatted down to the ground. She jumped in the air and her hair went crazy and puffed back to its curly form and Pinkie returned to her normal self.

Yeah Pinkie Pie is back you really worried me lol

But who is this stallion Twilight speaks of that Rarity may know? Well that is a question that will be answered in another story…

Ohh I'm sensing a conflict will be coming very soon that is pretty exciting

Wow that was a pretty good story again I am glad that she is staying because that would be very devastating if she did leave but her friends and her family needs her so much and her business as well what she loves to do not only making dresses but also being with her friends and family is always a good thing an awesome to see the Friendship report letter again bringing back memories and it looks like Celestia is going to send somebody from Canterlot I wonder who Could That Be guess we'll find out another story again I really like that it makes it feels like another sequel to green isn't your color this was pretty good keep up the good work

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