• Published 28th Sep 2012
  • 10,140 Views, 426 Comments

Pinkie & the Brain - ItsDoctorWhooves

While venturing through Ponyvilles Market, Pinkie finds something interesting; a Unicorn Horn.

  • ...



"Sweet sparkling Celestia, magic is fun." Pinkie thought. "Why the hay doesn't everypony buy one of these horns?"

Cupcakes were fillies play to Pinkie Pie. She had more advanced things in mind with her magic: teleporting.

"...focus on moving your aura... non-dynamic aetherial shift... do not teleport to the same plane of space as another object, molecular splicing will occur." Pinkie smiled. "Okay!"

She concentrated on the space she had cleared in her room. Twilight blinked all over the place, how hard could it be for Pinkie to do it? Remembering the book she had 'borrowed' from Twilight's library, Pinkie focused on her aura. Every unicorn's aura had a different feel; whether it's a taste or a maybe an emotion or smell. Pinkie's aura was so obviously Pinkie Pie: as sweet as cotton candy and filled with joy.

She threw her cotton-candy self at the spot, and smoothly blinked through the air, ending up on the other side of the room.

"Well. That was easy." She teleported back, landing right back where she had started. "Why does magic kindergarten even exist? This is easy peasy cherry squeezy."

Pinkie then craved a chimicherrychanga.

"Oh, powerful and ancient lords of magic, gift me with the great power of a chimicherrychanga." Pinkie commanded, pointlessly chanting simply for the fun of it.

A plate of golden brown, powered sugar covered chimicherrychangas materialized in front of Pinkie.

"Ha!" she squeed. "Ooh, I even made a plate this time! I'm getting good at this. What do you think, Chocopie?"

Chocopie probably agreed.

The chimicherrychangas were perfectly done—not to sweet or sour, not too greasy. Just right.

"Mmmmhmmmm" Pinkie mumbled approvingly as she devoured the first chimicherrychanga. "Much better than I could ever make myself. Yum..."

Pinkie was starting to really appreciate the ability to use magic. If she was ever hungry, she could summon food. If she was ever hurt, she could heal right back up. "Ponies without horns are missing out. Big-time." Pinkie acknowledged. "Why don't all unicorns just summon food like this?"


"Dang, Pinkie, these things are good eatin'" Applejack commented with a mouthful of fried cherry.

"Thanks. I have a bunch extra, so I'm handing them out to everypony. Plus, I had hoped you would finally try a chimicherrychanga."

Applejack winced a bit at the oh-so familiar word. "S' a bit weird that you found that horn though."

"I didn't find it; it found me." Pinkie stated soberly.

Applejack blinked. "Huh?"

Sharking her head, she replied "Forgot where I was going with that. Dunno why I said it."

Applejack took another bite of chimicherrychanga. "Hey, Pinkie, think you could help me with somethin'?"

Pinkie smiled. "Sure, AJ, what is it?"

"Well, I was gonna ask Twilight... but could you help fix up the barn?" Applejack glanced at the huge red structure in the distance.

Pinkie stared at it for awhile. "What's wrong with it?"

Applejack's face reddened. "Well, ya' see... Winona and I accidentally crashed the cows into the other side. Uh... just come n' see." She tipped her hat to Pinkie slightly, then trotted off towards the sun baked red barn.

Pinkie watched Applejack as she walked towards the barn. When she was about ten feet away from it, Pinkie decided to test out her new-found teleportation ability... by blinking right in front of her face.

"What in tarn—Pinkie!" Applejack screamed.

"Yes, Applejack?" Pinkie asked sweetly.

"Do ya' have to scare the livin' hay outta me?" She huffed.

"Party pooper" Pinkie teased.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Anyway, think you can fix it?" She gestured towards the barn. It did indeed look like a stampede had smashed right into it; there was a large hole in the middle, and splintery wood embroidered the area around it.

The boards around the edge of the gaping hole appeared bent inwards at an angle—they reminded Pinkie of broken bones.

"Oh... jeez." Pinkie acknowledged. "How did you manage that?"

Applejack blushed at having to go into depth with her story. "We were herding them just fine, but Winona musta' seen a bird or somethin'. She just bolted off to the left... and the cows smashed right into Ol' Rusty."

Pinkie suppressed a chuckle. "You named your barn?"

"Yeah, doesn't everypony?"

"I don't think everypony even has a barn, AJ."

Applejack shrugged. "Well, if they did, ah'm sure they would give it a name."

Shaking her head, Pinkie continued the discussion at hand. "Anyway, is all the wood here? If it is, I'm sure I can create a basic matter detection field and cast a reproduction charm to re-piece the severed molecules into the original material layout."

Applejack blinked. "What the hay did you just say?"

"Basically, if none of the wood was swept away or anything, I can use magic to figure out where all the pieces go."

"Whooey. Have you been talkin' with Twilight about that there horn?"

"Actually, I haven't even shown it too her." Pinkie looked up at the crystaline stalactite protruding from her head. "I probably should, she might be able to give me some pointers..."

Applejack nodded in agreement. "Alright. We didn't sweep away any of the wood, so ya' should be able to do your... er... matter-detection doohickey."

"Mmhmm." Pinkie Pie closed her eyes, sweeping the area around her for remains of 'Rusty'. Aside from the obvious pieces, her search led her into finding thousands of microscopic shards of the auburn wood. "Dang, those cows can move."

When she was satisfied that she had found all the scraps, Pinkie focused her attention on the barn itself. She felt the remaining traces of energy from when the barn was fully intact, and began to mentally piece together everything. A few splinters here, a few there. Pretty soon, she had a mental picture of where every single piece of wood went—not bad for her first large-scale spell.

"Alright, little splinters, go fix yourselves up" She mentally cooed to her inanimate chunks of wood.

A flurry of large and small pieces of maroon wood tore past Applejack and Pinkie, piecing themselves in the form of a wall, as if drawn their by... well... magic.

"Cool! Now... become a wall!"

Evidently, the wood that Pinkie had chosen that day was extremely obedient. All of the chunks of roughly cut pine began to fuse together, as if they had all became clay. Before Pinkie even knew what she was doing, the wall was completely fixed.

"Wow, Pinkie. You sure have learned some stuff with that horn you've got there." Applejack's mind was filled with awe as she tapped her now perfectly repaired barn.

"I've only read a few books..." Pinkie blushed a bit. "I really don't know how I did that. Must have read a chapter on repairing or something."

"You should talk to Twilight, maybe she'll make you her apprentice or something."

Pinkie chortled. "She would love that. Great idea. See ya' later, AJ."

Applejack stared lovingly at her barn. "Bye!"


Pinkie stared hard at her reflection in the mirror. Was there some wood left on her coat? No, she was still bubblegum pink, as usual.

Did her hair look different? Nope; the curls puffs fell in basically the same way that they always did.

"Oh, Pickles. What the hay is different?" Pinkie crossed her eyes. "I swear, I look different in my mirror..."

Suddenly, it hit Pinkie. Her horn had changed color again.

"Oh!" Pinkie whimpered, not sure of the emotions going through her head. Her once translucent horn had now completely fogged up. It still retained the shiny pink glow that it always had, but you could no longer see through the shard of crystalline beauty.

"Why are you changing..." Pinkie asked the horn, as if expecting a reply. "Do you change based on the time of day? Or based on my mood? Or... if I'm..." Pinkie interuppted herself with a long and drawn out yawn. "Tired... okay, I'll nap for a bit; but then I need to go ask Twilight about this!"

Pinkie crawled into her fluffy pink bed, nestling under the down comforters that Rarity got her on her birthday. Almost immediately, she felt the intoxicating tug of sleep drag her down into her subconscious dream-land.

There were voices.

The voices began as soft whispers, maybe things that Pinkie had heard earlier in the day... but they grew louder. Pinkie could not react to these whispers; she couldn't even see where she was. All she could do was hear them, and each word burned into her mind like she had spent weeks studying them.

"Vernula..." the voice whispered. "Tu vernulo..." The voice dug its way into Pinkie's subconscious, filling the front of her mind with its toneless abyss.

Pinkie's eyes shot open and she found herself surrounded with bleak, grey stone. "Where the hay am I!" She yelled, fear welling up inside of her. "Am I still dreaming?"

Although nobody was speaking, she felt the darkness reply to her pleas. Flashes of herself, her friends... the darkness showed her everything that she ever knew.

"Mea..." it whispered. The whisper sounded like nothing Pinkie had ever heard before. It was like trying to describe what your mind sounds like when you talk to yourself; it was just... a voice. "Omni mea..."

"Who are you!?" Pinkie screeched, dreading over where the voice was... or what it was.

"Agnitio... dator..."

Pinkie awoke, tearing herself from her once welcoming bed. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod..." She panted, relieved to be out of that horribly dark place. "What in the name of Celestia was that?"

Pinkie glanced at her clock. Barely five minutes had passed since she had napped, but she felt like she had slept for ten hours.

Pinkie suddenly felt a jolt of remembrance. "That.. thing. It said 'vernula'! It was speaking Pegalatin! I need to go talk to Fluttershy..."


"Fluttershy!" Pinkie screamed, running towards her yellow friend. She had been spending the last twenty minutes looking for her, and had found her talking to animals at the park.

"Wha—" Fluttershy began, before Pinkie was on top of her.

"Ohmygodfluttershyyouknowhowyouspeakpegalatin?" She began, her excitement engaging her into Pinkie-Mode. "WellIhadadreamandthiscreepyvoicespoketomeandIthinkitwassayingstuffinpegalatincanyoutranslateitformeplease?"

Fluttershy whimpered.

"Oops." Pinkie blushed, lifting herself off of Fluttershy. "You okay?"

Fluttershy nodded quickly, still frozen from Pinkie's sudden appearance.

"Can you talk?"

"Mm... um... y-yes."

Pinkie sighed. "Sorry for scaring you, but... I really need your help."

Fluttershy swallowed. "What do you need?"

Pinkie told her story. She told Fluttershy about the voice, and of how her horn was continuing to change its color.

"Okay... what did the voice say?" Fluttershy asked, beginning to worry for Pinkie.

"Uh... the first thing it said was... 'Tu vernulo'." Pinkie Pie strained to recall what she had heard.

"That means 'You are my servant.'" Fluttershy translated, her eyes widening.

"Then it said 'Mea, omni mea'"

"'Mine, all mine."

Pinkie Pie closed her eyes, focusing on the dream. "Lastly... I asked who it was. All it said was 'Agnitio dator.'"

Fluttershy pursed her lips. "Uh... let's see. Conjugate... decline... I think that means 'Bringer of Knowledge."

Pinkie furrowed her brow. "Bringer of Knowledge? That doesn't sound bad... but why is the Bringer of Knowledge talking to me in my sleep?"


"It's almost as if he's trying to contact me. Am I chosen or something? Does the world need me?"

"Um, Pink—"

"What if Agnitio Dator is like an incarnation of Starswirl the Bearded trying to send me on some sort of a quest in order to save the fate of eque—"

"Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy squeaked.

Pinkie blushed. "Sorry, Fluttershy. Did you want to say something?"

Fluttershy sighed. "Yeah. The person who gave you your horn's name is Vernula, which is a Pegalatin name."


"The voice was speaking Pegalatin..."

Pinkie blinked. "So?"

Fluttershy bit her lip, not wanting to be sassy to Pinkie's ignorance. "So... maybe the fact that you heard stuff in Pegalatin..."

"Means that my horn is the reason that I heard the voices?" Pinkie stared up at it. "But it's just a horn..."

"A horn that gave you magical powers." Fluttershy corrected.

"Pff." Pinkie snorted. "It's perfectly harm—"

"Pinkie Pie." A mare suddenly spoke.

Pinkie turned to her right; it was Twilight. "Oh, hi Twi—"

"Pinkie..." Twilight stared at her pink friend. "There is a demon latched onto your skull."