• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 2,310 Views, 39 Comments

My Little Technology: Friendship is 404 - Darkswirl

MLP-FIM with the use of technology over magic.

  • ...

Mare In The Moon (Part Two)

"Dear Spike," Princess Celestia began as she paused to take a sip of her morning tea. "Honestly, I must thank you for that little incident yesterday. It got me out of a meeting filled with snobby nobles who wanted nothing more than for me to lower taxes on them and instead tax the hay out of the lower class, who are barely managing to get by as it is. I'm quite pleased that Twilight is doing so well, and truly hope she will take my assignment to heart. Obvious to you, this is to be more than just a simple "go and make sure everything goes as planned" assignment. I do not, however, think you truly understand how important it is that Twilight Sparkle make some true, breathing friends. My chariot will arrive at seven o'clock so that the festivities may begin in time for the finale. I trust everything will be ready for my arrival, but do not fret if it isn't. Princess Celestia of Equestria."

As the yellow aura surrounding the Alicorn's horn faded from the quill, Princess Celestia rolled up the scroll and sent it on its merry way towards Ponyville as she took her final sip of tea; placing the cup down on the table in front of her.

Although she had finished her breakfast, Princess Celestia did not rise from her seat.

The guards posted at the doors were not suspicious.

It was a common occurrence for their Princess, that after every meal spent in the dining hall Princess Celestia would simply stare off into the distance for a few minutes, unmoving.

It seemed to be for no reason to her guards, but Celestia knew exactly what she was doing.

Her eyes were always firmly glued onto the dusty old seat at the far end of the table, completely opposite of her.

It was a seat that she had ordered none to touch, and nearly had a maid banished for attempting to clean it, once.

Celestia gave a small, sad sigh before rising to her hooves.

"Soon..." she whispered sadly. "Hopefully..."

My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

My Little Pony!

I used to wonder how I'd live without technology!

My Little Pony!

And I still do, 'cause you're all crazy!

Big adventu-


Tons of-


A beautiful heart~

All I need is my computer.

Faithful and strong!

That pretty much describes my computer.

Sharing kindness...

On the internet? Have you even used a computer? You know what, screw this. If you need me, I'll be on FimFiction shipping Applejack with Rainbow Dash.


"Twilight! Hey, Twilight!" Spike hollered, jumping up and down on the sleeping Unicorn.

Twilight did not stir, and simply continued snoring loudly as Spike grew more and more furious.

"Twilight, get up! It's past noon, for Celestia's sake!"

"Neeeh... Five more minutes..." Twilight groaned as she rolled over, causing Spike to lose his balance and tumble off of the bed. He landed on the floor with a thud and rubbed the back of his head softly before standing again.

"If you don't get up, I'll get Pinkie Pie to wake you up." he threatened.

The purple Unicorn didn't budge, even when faced with the unrelenting horror of facing a demon.

Giving a slight growl of frustration, Spike stormed off and down the stairs, slamming the door on his way out as he set off to keep his promise.

After a moment or two of peaceful silence, a little purple nose poked itself out from under the covers and gave a sniff of the surrounding air.

When all was determined to be well, an excited grin crept onto the snout.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie." Spike said happily as he pushed open the door to Sugarcube Corner, taking in the pleasant sound of the bell chime, along with the delicious aroma of baked pastries.

"Can't talk." Pinkie Pie replied hurriedly as she zoomed past the little dragon, barely a blur in his eyes.

"So much to do."


"So many things."


"To set up."


True enough, Pinkie Pie did have quite a lot to do, as she zoomed around the building setting up tables and trays full of pastries. The after party was meant to be hosted at the confection shop, and Pinkie Pie was running out of time to get everything ready.

"Oh, well, can I borrow some pepper?" Spike implored as he did his best to stay out of the pink mare's path. "Twilight refuses to get out of bed, again."

"Sure!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she zoomed past once more to set up a row of chairs.

"In the kitchen!"


"Above the oven!"


"For the Chèvres!"


Spike simply gave a little nod of thanks as he hurried off through the store and into the kitchen; claiming the pepper grinder before exiting through the back door as to not have any possibility of getting into Pinkie Pie's way.

Although Twilight being awake certainly was important, considering how far behind Pinkie Pie appeared to be, Spike decided that he should check up on the other ponies and do Twilight's job of making sure they were all prepared, as well.

Although there was no legal penalty for doing such, and Princess Celestia herself most likely would not be offended, to disappoint a princess isn't exactly good for your social standing.

"I wonder who's closest..." Spike thought to himself as he recalled a map of Ponyville in his head. "Fluttershy's house is on the edge of town, but she might be at the town hall, already... Rainbow Dash would most likely be in the sky all day, anyway... The farm is on the other side of town... So that just leaves Rarity!"

With his little dragon heart thumping in his chest, Spike nearly dropped the pepper shaker as he scampered off towards the town hall.

"Oh, Spike!" Fluttershy exclaimed in hope as the little dragon came bursting excitedly into the town hall. "Just the dragon I needed to see; my birds won't sit still, and I can't get them to behave!"

"SorryFluttershynotimebusyscheduleandwhatnotyouunderstanddon'tyou?" Spike replied as he tore past the sheepish pegasus. Soon, he was in the center of the room, standing just behind a godly-looking white unicorn with a regal purple-blue mane that shined and gleamed as her head turned to view the ceiling, which was full of banners and streamers and all sorts of decorations. Spike was awestruck at her beauty as her form glowed as if enshrouded with perfection itself.

"Ugh, no no no!" Rarity exclaimed. "How will the spotlight shine on the balcony if it's at ground level?! Put it on the top floor!"

Spike shook his eyes clear as a pony rolled away a large spotlight form the other side of Rarity, and the glow disappeared. "H-Hey, Rarity." He began as he flicked his hands towards her in a pistol-like motion.

"Hrm? Oh, hello, Spike... Is that pepper...?" Rarity inquired as she turned her head to the purple dragon, who looked at his hands before hiding them behind his back with an embarrassed grin.

"Uh, y-yeah. Twilight won't get out of bed."

"Ugh, the nerve of some ponies." Rarity growled. "It's not like we're setting up a big celebration for our very own princess, or anything. No, Twilight, go ahead and sleep the day away! Is there something you needed, Spike? I'm very busy."

Spike swallowed hard in guilt at distracting Rarity as he stood through her verbal bashing of Twilight, before shaking his head. "S-Sorry, just wanted to see how you were doing, is all."

"Thank you, Spike, but perhaps you have more important things to be doing, like waking up Twilight?" Rarity hinted with a small, forgiving smile.

"You'd think the student to the princess of the sun would know to get up at a reasonable hour." she grumbled under her breath before turning back to her tasks and leaving the dragon to scurry off once more.

"Spike, c-can you please-" Fluttershy began as Spike passed her, ignoring her pleas and leaving her with a frown as she squeaked in fear at the feeling of birdshit plopping onto her head.

"Twilight" Spike called from the front door as he shut it behind him; pepper shaker in hand. "Are you up?"

Spike walked through the silence as he ascended the stairs to the top floor until Twilight's bed was in view; a pony-sized lump curled up under the blankets.

"This is your last chance." Spike warned with a grin as he climbed up onto the bed with his pepper shaker poised. When he received no response, he began snickering as he ground pepper out of the tube and onto the pillow near Twilight's head.

After a few moments with a lack of any sneezing or enraged Twilight-ness, Spike furrowed his scaly brow and pulled back the covers to reveal a clump of pillows molded into a pony's shape.

"SURPRISE, MOTHERBUCKER!" Twilight shouted through a megaphone from behind Spike, as he screamed profanity in fear and tumbled off of the bed.

"CELESTIA, DAMN IT! WHAT THE FUCK, TWILIGHT?!" Spike shouted back at a laughing Twilight as he angrily pulled a blanket off of his head.

"Oh, calm down, Spike. Your ear drums will heal, eventually." Twilight explained with a roll of her eyes, before mumbling to herself under her breath. "No zey von't."

"You got out of bed as soon as I left, didn't you?" Spike groaned as he glared at the purple unicorn who, with a smug smirk, simply nodded and turned to descend the stairs.

"Follow me, Spike. I have something to show you." Twilight ordered as she led the way into the basement of the library.

"This isn't going to turn out like that weird clopfic you wrote, is it?" Spike asked, worriedly, as he noticed the lack of lights.

His fear was soon put to rest as Twilight flicked on the basement lights. "Don't be gross, Spike. Look what I found last night!" Twilight explained as she swept her hoof around the room to reveal rows and rows of dusty computer monitors and towers.

"Celestia is going to murder you. Why are all of these things here?" Spike asked with a groan as he held his head in his hand.

"These are from the first line of computers ever put out. All libraries and schools got them first, but it looks like this library was too small to ever do anything with them, so they've just been sitting here for years." Twilight explained with a happy sigh. "Most of the parts are probably bad, by now, and we'd still need to get internet lines before we could do anything with them, but just think: This old backwater town could be a bustling city in no time! The Apples could open a shipping department and send their produce all over Equestria, Rarity could get more inspiration for her stupid fucking dresses, Fluttershy could... I don't know, look at zoophilia, or something. The possibilities are endless!"

"Now who's being disgusting... Besides, how are you going to pay for getting all those internet lines installed around the entire town?" Spike said as he crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one side. "Your food and housing upkeep are paid for by the Princess herself. You have, like, thirty-two bits to your name."

"Shhhh, Spike." Twilight whispered as she rudely pressed her hoof to the dragon's mouth. "Shhhh... This library still has all the cables already installed; it's just a matter of sorting the good computers from the bad. And I have a big plan for getting this backwater town internet; just you wait..."

"Well, that plan is going to have to wait, because it's already six o'clock, and ponies are gathering up for the Summer Sun Celebration. Celestia is going to be pissed at you if you're not even there."

"Spike, what did I just say about shushing? I have a plan, dork; you go and have fun at the party. I'll be there before Princess Celestia can even wonder if I was gone..."

"Of course she doesn't even bother to show up!" Rarity exclaimed in anger as she tromped around in circles. "Protégé to Princess Celestia herself, and she can't even be bothered to attend the Summer Sun Celebration when she's in town for this very reason! What is this country coming to?!"

"Calm down, Rarity." Applejack sighed. "Not everyone is as tight-flanked as you are. Besides, she's got a few minutes left, anyways. Didn't she say she was only here tuh oversee the preparations, anyway?"

"Regardless!" Rarity continued. "She should be here, anyway! This is a big event, for Celestia's sake! Literally!"

"In before you're too slow jokes." Rainbow Dash coughed before awkwardly whistling as she trotted away to raid the punch bowl.

"Times up." Rarity growled to Applejack as Mayor Mare took the stage and ponies crowded around.

"Ahem." Mayor Mare began; clearing her throat. "Fillies and gentlecolts! As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration! In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!"

Ponies cheered and stomped their hooves in excitement as the anticipation grew to insane levels, before Mayor Mare raised her voice above the crowd to continue.

"And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria... Princess Celestia!"

As the excitement grew quickly, once more, it was suddenly cut off and replaced with stunned silence as the curtains pulled themselves back to reveal an empty stage devoid of a Princess.

"S-Stay calm, everypony! I'm sure she's just in the little fillies room, or something!" Mayor Mare suggested in an attempt to ease the nervous crowd.

Before they could be calmed any further, however, the giant spotlight began to flicker and sputter before dying out completely as a thick, bluish-black mist swirled together onto the stage; illuminated by a shaft of moonlight until it exploded outwards to reveal a tall, menacing-looking alicorn with a black coat and cold steel armor.

"Oh, my beloved subjects." She began with a mocking tone. "It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces!"

"Who the hay are you, and what did you do with Princess Celestia?!" A pony called out from the crowd.

"Why, am I not royal enough for you?" the alicorn chuckled, before her voice shifted into a harsh shout. "You have no idea who I am?!?"

When no voice dared to respond to the alicorn's question, she angrily slammed her hooves into the floor and shouted once more: "I am Nightmare Moon! Queen of the Night and bringer of eternal darkness! Did Celestia not speak of me, at all, for one thousand years?! Did she simply leave my deeds to die after she banished me?!"

By now, ponies were cowering in fear and huddling close together for protection. But still, no answer came form the crowd.

"Then that will be her downfall. Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed once more, before erupting into maniacal laughter as lightening flashed and thunder roared outside as she disappeared back into the swirling mist.

"This sucks on ice!" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"Yer tellin' me." Applejack sighed. "Do any of ya'll know what the hay just happened? What was that mare talkin' about, 'did Celestia not talk about me fer a thousand years'?"

"I haven't the slightest idea, but- Oh, right on time. Welcome to the party, Ms. Sparkle." Rarity huffed.

"Hey, what's going on? Shouldn't the sun be up, already?" Twilight inquired as she studied the sky. "Shit, don't tell me I'm too late..."

"On the contrary, you're ahead of schedule, considering Princess Celestia can't raise the sun on account of the fact that she's been kidnapped!" Rarity exclaimed with a glare. "But I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that, since you slept all day."

"So I did miss it." Twilight groaned. "Celestia, damn it. Alright, I need you all to follow me; I know how to stop Nightmare Moon."

"And just how in tarnation do you know about Nightmare Moon?!" Applejack pipped up.

"Because, unlike you, I actually read books!" Twilight challenged. "Look, Nightmare Moon isn't what she really claims to be. But, if we don't stop her in time, she'll probably kill Princess Celestia, and then we'll never see the sun rise ever again. Do you understand? Crops will die, monsters will have free reign of the land, and gothic ponies will be more annoying than ever! So just trust me on this when I say I know how to stop her, and that I need all of your help!"

A still silence overtook the group as Twilight waited for agreements.

"Well, it beats sitting here doing nothing." Rainbow Dash pipped up. "Besides, once Equestria hears about how I helped save Princess Celestia, the Wonderbolts are sure to recruit me!"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Twilight sighed in irritation. "Anyone else going to help save the world?"

"I-I can't let monsters put my animals at risk, s-so I guess I can help..."

"Without that sun, mah family name's pretty much soured. Ya'll can count me in."

"You have got to be joking me!" Rarity pleaded. "You can't honestly believe that this sad excuse for a protégé knows exactly what is going on and where Princess Celestia is!"

"Maybe not, but Ar-Dee is right: we ain't doin' anything helpful by sittin' on our flanks and mopin' around. Besides, she is still the cloest pony tuh Princess Celestia we have, right now, so she definitely knows more than you do, Rarity." Applejack retorted.

"Fine!" Rarity shouted after a moment of trying to find the words to challenge Applejack while stuttering. "But I'm only coming to prove you all wrong!"

"Woo hoo!" Pinkie Pie excitedly shouted as she jumped up into the air. "What time is it?!"

When she the only response she received was concerned and worried stares, the pink party pony slowly floated back to the ground before lowering her head and dejectedly whispering to herself "Adventure Time..."

"Ah swear tuh Celestia, Twilight, if yer leadin' us all to our deaths on purpose, and yr in cahoots with Nightmare Moon, I will haunt the ever-living-" Applejack began, before she was interrupted by Rainbow Dash shouting down from the clouds.

"Hey, I see it! Who the heck would build a castle in the middle of the Everfree Forest, anyway?!"

"It wasn't always a forest, you know." Twilight explained with a little smile as Rainbow Dash landed behind her; leading the group into the jungle-like forest. "It's only like this, now, because of the strong magical residue that sunk into the ground after a huge fight between Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia."

"So yer sayin' what Nightmare Moon said is true? Princess Celestia really did banish her fer a thousand years?" Applejack wondered. "What the hay do ya have tuh do tuh get banished for a thousand years?"

"Well, a long time ago, it wasn't just Princess Celestia ruling Equestria. She had a little sister named Lunarias, who controlled the moon like Princess Celestia controls the sun." Twilight began. "But ponies did all their work and play during the daytime, and ended up sleeping through the night, so Princess Lunarias got really jealous. Eventually, it got to the point where Princess Lunarias was so ticked off at her sister and the ponies of Equestria that, if they couldn't learn to love and appreciate her night, she'd make them."

"Oh, please, Twilight." Rarity huffed as she rolled her eyes. "Do you honestly expect us to believe that Princess Celestia had a sister when there's nothing in the entire kingdom of Equestria that hints such a thing?"

"There are hints and clues around, it's just that most of them aren't available to the public. Would you want ponies wondering why you say you have a sister when she's never been seen? Especially when that very same sister tried to kill her own sister and overtake all of Equestria?"

"She has a point, Rarity." Applejack coughed.

"I lived in Canterlot Castle for most of my life. In the dining hall, there's this long table where Princess Celestia eats with all the nobles and other important ponies, but there's this dusty old dark-blue seat at the other end of the table that's been there for as long as I can remember, and nopony has ever sat in it, or even asked why it was there." Twilight continued. "There's a whole section of the castle that's been blocked off by the royal guard under order of Princess Celestia herself, and nopony knows what's in it; not even my brother, who's captain of the royal guard."

"Heck, that'd drive me up an apple tree, not knowing why some things were there. How'd you handle it all?" Applejack pressed.

"I didn't, really. My curiosity got the better of me, and I snuck into the old parts a couple of times, but all the doors were sealed with magic. Princess Celestia caught me, once, and I had to write a thousand page essay on respecting rules. Kind of ironic, now that I think about it. But even that didn't stop me. Since I couldn't get through the doors, I spent years smooching up to the Head Librarian of the Royal Archives until she trusted and liked me enough to give me spare keys so I could read when the library was closed for the day." Twilight explained. "Did you know that Princess Celestia keeps diaries? Whenever she fills them up, she puts them into a vault in the Royal Archives. It really gives powerful insight on some of Equestria's most historic moments. Like, when Aldeus Stormfeather wanted to unify the Gryphon tribes to create a powerful empire, Princess Celestia knew it would lead to war, eventually, so she started building relations with some influential Gryphons for if Aldeus lost the war."

"Well, I suppose that explains why we have such warm relations with... Meat eaters..." Rarity said with a suppressed shiver.

"Ah'm surprised we ain't come across anything strange, yet. Ponies around here ain't too keen on comin' within a few yards of this place 'cause of the timberwolves an' the manticores." Applejack noted.

"And when do manticores and timberwolves normally come out?" Twilight questioned.

"Durin' the... Oh."

"Night time, bitches." Twilight teased. "Besides, we're almost there. You can kind of see the old castle through the trees."

True to her word, the old castle of the royal pony sisters was just coming into view as the group moved from the forest into open land.

"Nightmare Moon is in there?" Rarity asked with a frown and a raised eyebrow.

"Most likely. It's where the M17 Teleportal Device was installed, way back when she was banished. It's where I'd go if I was an evil alter ego alicorn hellbent on world domination." Twilight explained. "I mean, look at it: old, almost unknown castle in the middle of a forest that the general populace are terrified to even get near with a teleporting device already built in. Of course, by now it's probably broken beyond all use. Shame it was the only one ever built."

"Alright, so, what do we do, now?" Rainbow Dash wondered. "Spread out and look for clues?"

"Hell no. Do you have a death wish? Never separate in a horror situation." Twilight ordered. "Let's all check this place room by room. With how much has decayed and was destroyed in the initial fight, it really shouldn't take long."

"Ooh, bright light, bright light!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hurriedly bounced towards the center of the ruins; towards a large building with several holes in it. A bright light did indeed ebb through the cracks, and they soon learned that the cause of such was Nightmare Moon's magic as she worked tirelessly to repair some large contraption in the center of the room.

"What's the plan, purple smart?" Rainbow Dash whispered urgently as they stood behind the dark alicorn. "I can go in and distract her while AJ kicks her in the side while you girls go look for the princess."

Giving an offended look at Rainbow Dash for simplifying her name in such a crude manner, Twilight Sparkle lightly smacked her in the back of the head before shaking her own. "No, I've got a better idea. You and Fluttershy go look for Princess Celestia. I'll handle Nightmare Moon."

"All by yerself? Are you mad, sugarcube?" Applejack whispered rather loudly.

"I've got a plan, just trust me!" Twilight reassured them as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy quietly flew off to search the ruins; leaving Applejack shaking her head as Twilight loudly gulped and carefully made her way across the ancient stone floor towards Nightmare Moon, before she stood nearly beside her; looking into the ancient and decrepit machine. "Uh, need some help..?"

"OH YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING ME!" Rarity shouted, causing Nightmare Moon to jump to the side in shock before giving a growl as she encased the four ponies in small, semi transparent magical orbs; pulling them closer to her as she gave a chuckle.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Willing servants, or foolhardy adventurers?" Nightmare Moon mocked.

"Heh, neither, really." Twilight responded. "Rarity's too high-and-mighty to serve anyone, and Applejack's got too much at stake to lose it all during adventuring. Uh, this isn't really how I planned this, so let's just skip to the point: My name is Twilight Sparkle, and that is the M17 Teleportal Device."

"It was used, one thousand years ago, to banish you to the moon." Twilight continued. "One thousand years. Let that sink in. Or, on second thought, I guess you've had plenty of time to let that sink in. Look, this isn't working, so I'm just going to be as blunt as I can: I'm Princess Celestia's student. She's teaching me all about magic, and I grew up in the castle. Not this one, I mean, since it's FUBAR. I mean the one you used to live in before you became Nightmare Moon."

"Twilight Sparkle, stop this at once!" Princess Celestia demanded as she slowly trotted into the room with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in tow; causing Nightmare Moon to release her prisoners from her magical grasp and take a battle stance against Princess Celestia.

"Hey, guys, we found her!" Rainbow Dash declared.

"This ends here, and now, Nightmare Moon." Princess Celestia explained. "I cannot allow you to punish these ponies for deeds that transpired long before they were even born, even if that means making it so you can never threaten Equestria ever again."

"So be it, Celestia!" Nightmare Moon laughed. "Come, face me on the battlefield, again. You and I both know who will win."

"No, no, no!" Twilight Sparkle shouted. "Both of you, stop being idiots!"

"Look, I know I'm going to get a lot of shit later for this, but whatever. Princess Celestia, you are a huge bitch. No, seriously. I lived in Canterlot Castle for years. I saw that seat at the end of the dining table every morning, afternoon, and night. I saw you, every breakfast and dinner, staring for ten minutes at that seat before you even touched your food. I saw you quietly talking to yourself when you thought no one was looking." Twilight explained. "I read all of your diaries in the Royal Archives. I felt what you felt through all of those entries; the betrayal, the regret, and the depression. I saw through the cracks in the magically sealed doors in that section of the castle you blocked off. You miss your sister so damned much that you kept everything she touched preserved so that you could remember her. You wanted her back so badly that you even contemplated fixing the teleportal yourself and leaving Equestria just to be with your sister again. But that's not what makes you a bitch. What makes you a bitch is that, after all of this, the first thing you did tonight was tell your sister that you'd kill her."

Princess Celestia's jaw slowly opened as if to protest, but no words came out as Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath before continuing.

"And you!" she said; motioning towards Nightmare Moon. "All those years ago, you never even talked to your sister about any of this! You just kept it all pent up in your own diary and let it fester and grow until you were, quite literally, consumed by your rage and jealousy. And if you don't believe me, there's proof! Every single thing that you ever touched has been so preserved that Celestia almost banished a maid for trying to clean your dining room chair! I know you weren't always Nightmare Moon, and Celestia knows that, too. Even if neither of you say it, you both know that, deep down, you miss and love each other. This doesn't have to end with somepony's death, tonight; you two can put all of this behind you and be sisters, again. Celestia, and Lunarias..."

A long silence filled the air after Twilight had finished, with none of the ponies knowing what to do next as tears slowly welled up in either alicorn's eyes.

"I'll say it if you say it, Lulu..." Princess Celestia whispered; breaking the silence as she pushed past Twilight and towards her sister, before the two firmly embraced each other and whispered "I forgive you."

"Nuh uh, sugarcube. You've already had thirteen, and yer nearly fallin' outta yer chair." Applejack chuckled.

"Come ooooon..." Twilight groaned. "One more cider can't hurt... I think I deserve one after everything that's happened, you know..."

"I still don't know what to feel." Rarity sighed. "Part of me hates your guts, Twilight, but another part of me will forever respect you for what you said to the princesses. It was incredibly heartfelt, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, shush your face..." Twilight slurred. "You know, that wasn't originally my plan... I was going to show her how far technology had come and get her into computer gaming. Those competitive games can be a real stress reliever, you know."

"Nah, we wouldn't know a darn thing about any of that. Only two of us have a computer, an' that's Ar-Dee and you."

"Rainbow Dash has a computer? What the hell does she even use it for?" Twilight groaned.

"The Wonderbolts have a website." Rainbow Dash explained, simply.

"Of course they fucking do." Twilight sighed. "The library has a huge stock of them. They're old, but most of them still work. You guys could come use them anytime, and maybe you'd end up buying one of your own. Applejack, you could sell so many more apples if you ship them to other cities, and Pinkie Pie, you could put your partying ideas online, or even start a business for yourself throwing parties. I know a DJ in Canterlot who'd love you."

"Well, when ya put it like that..." Applejack began, before rubbing her chin thoughtfully and looking off into space.

"Ugh... Celestia is still going to kill me for calling her a bitch..." Twilight groaned. "Spike, take a letter..."

Author's Note:

I apologize if this chapter feels/sounds different from the first one. As you can see, I've come back to this story after two years.

Comments ( 9 )

when I first favourited this I quckly got sad that I realised it was dead.....but now. Now there's a huge fucking smile on my face

I just read the other chapter last night, and I thought, "shame it's dead...". I obviously have subconscious deadfic resurrection mindpowers. :pinkiehappy:

Not to be a pain or anything (:fluttershysad:), but when is more of this story planned?

5571454 I dunno! It's a lengthy process (although not usually as lengthy as it was between the first and second chapter), but I'll have you know I've already started on chapter three!

Oh I'm so happy to see this back. I hard to remember what this was when it updated, then reread chapter one. That second chapter was wonderful. It's not just "Twilight-is-an-angry-bitch," there's a lot more to her.

Keep up the great work! As long as it's not years, take your time on the next chapter!

5571486 i want twilight to use tech to save the day

Foxi are you a necromacer?

5605930 It's funny because Darkswirl is :D

I see this has been revived. I approve. :pinkiehappy:

5850945 I have a shit ton of catching up to do. Season five now. :applejackconfused:

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