• Member Since 13th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


Fan of Crossovers and Post-Apocalyptic Stories

Comments ( 23 )

This was an enjoyable read! Though, I'm surprised that Justin didn't recognize some of the Fallout system mechanics.

Glad you liked it! As for why I didn’t have Justin recognize the similarities to the Fallout system mechanics… well, I unfortunately hadn’t thought of doing that. Bit of an oversight on my part.

I can imagine the dislikes are from all the tags, but I don't know.
Bit of an overload, imo.

I'll read later, for now have a like for the premise.

Edit: Skimming over your other stuff gives a good feeling about this story.
It'll at least likely be a long one.

Liked so the funny number shows up heh.
Overall stories good. I like how the system works, and how Justin is a soggy meat of a character. Although the amount of dislikes this has is probably understandable, me personally is that how much information I had to put on my brain but idk maybe someone else has a better reason. Gonna be putting this on my “read later” list and see where it goes from here.

I appreciate the advice! Yeah, I guess I did go overboard on the tags, I was just eager to fit everything. Also, yes, this story is definitely going to be long. I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Thanks for checking it out, and thank you for the criticism! There being a lot of information to remember was a big concern of mine. I didn’t want to start the story off with a big information dump, but there was a good chunk of info the reader would need to know at the start, so I wasn’t left with much choice. Still, at least I know better for next time!

if this were an actual game scenario i would have gotten bored and tried to find some way to exploit to victory. Speaking of which, since Justin is in the form of a videogame character, doesn't that mean that there are bugs and exploits to well, exploit? If so, this would be a huge power trip and probably instant victory. Maybe a few small things here and there though? Would be funny to see Justin's reaction and other 'HUD' people to the fact that you could exploit.

I guess also in this scenario I would build a thermonuclear warhead somehow because I searched it up one time, and found a website that told me how to make one, and some atom bombs too.
Source? Well...
theres your instructions to building a nuke, might be outdated though. I am going to stop editing a comment now.

Having exploits is an interesting idea, but I’m not sure how I would implement it into the story while sticking with the main theme/moral I’m going for, which is “Don’t confuse fiction with reality or reality with fiction.” Basically, while the HUD makes it seem like a game to Justin, it’s still reality. I don’t want to give away too much, but it’s important to remember that the people around Justin aren’t just NPCs, they’re people with lives of their own. This story’s gonna get pretty deep with morality, and even a little bit of existentialism. Still, certainly an interesting idea that I’ll give some thought to!

In response to the edit part of your comment, I’m going to add a spoiler censor just in case, but I may or may not have already made plans to have a nuke involved in the story. As for how it’s involved or how it gets used, I’d rather not spoil too much.

I still don't know why the dislikes are so high, I haven't really found anything worth of a dislike from this story.

When I first checked the likes back when I first published the story, I had already received a couple dislikes, yet the story had no views. This happened on another story of mine, so I assume at least a couple of the dislikes are from trolls or something.

Something else that bothered me though was that one commenter said they were enjoying the story and mentioned that the Skills were similar to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats from the Fallout games. For some reason, that comment got 3 dislikes vs. 2 likes, one of the likes being from me. They basically said, “I like this story.” and apparently a few people hated that. A few other comments got a dislike each for seemingly no reason, too. I’m fine if people don’t like my story, but when they start hating on people just because they didn’t share the same opinion is what really annoys me.

probably just dislike bots since bots are everywhere

Finally, he's learning how to dodge, now all he needs to do is block and parry so he can get the full dark souls- I mean Deepwoken- I mean... Lemme just shut up now :facehoof:.

justin uses one liner confirmed 2023?!?! *GONE WRONG*
cringe child clickbait youtube video title moment
so justin becomes Arnold Schwarzenegger in this chapter. or mini arnold. cool.

Yeah, I don’t know what it is about one-liners, but I love them to death. They’re so cheesy and dorky, yet cool and clever at the same time!

I actually had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't seeing things. The robots looked like T-800 Terminators, only instead of skull-shaped heads, they had heads that resembled security cameras, a glowing red lens taking up the majority of their faces. They were also packing some serious heat, carrying weapons like AR-15's, LMG's, M32 grenade launchers, and more. There was something ominous about them in a 'big brother is always watching' kinda way, the red glow of their lens faces boring down on any passersby like a spotlight.

nice 1984 reference

Great chapter, though I have a few criti-
i have suggestions
Since Justin is supposed to basically be a living video game, why not weapon skins? In that shop (i forgor the shop owners name bcuz i havent read this in like a week 💀) after levels, maybe Justin could unlock weapon skins.
Maybe even from video games. Like, TF2 skins, cool weapon skins, and maybe weapon augments/attachments.
Also maybe cool 'quest' weapons, maybe featuring weapons from other games as well.
Such as:
BFG 10000 (could be a really hard quest weapon if you decide to listen to my suggestions, and only worth against the gods or something since it's incredible power)
Murasama (Jetstream, that you?)
Megashark (terraria moment)
And secondly, I have a piece of music, it might not fit, but it's long and it can be used for combat scenes.
(ignore the music video, the label made the song, not the band, and the band didnt like it)
Uh yeah, and that's it.
It's time to joe.

I had already been considering attachments like scopes or silencers, but I never even thought about skins, that’s not a bad idea! Having Justin buy them with money in the shop would be a bit counter intuitive to the whole “survival action” thing since skins are more for flair than function, but they could make for a nice reward for completing certain quests or reaching certain milestones when Leveling up. As for the unique quest weapons you mentioned, I have some original ideas for unique weapons, though I don’t want to spoil them too early. (I will say that one of them was partially inspired by the BFG)

Also, thank you for the song recommendation! For Battle themes, I usually look for songs that are a bit more high octane and fast paced, but after listening to the song’s lyrics, I can actually think of a good scene in the story where this would fit! It’s a slower scene that’s more about letting the audience get to know a certain character better rather than a big action scene, and it’ll be a while before we reach that scene, but I think it’s fitting! It’s perfect for the “Show, don’t tell” rule! (Plus, it’s a good song on its own and now I’m definitely adding it to my personal playlist. Thanks for introducing me to it!)

No problem, I have a bunch of other songs you may like, I've got like 100 or so songs I consider 'combat worthy' on my playlist, so if you ever need some, I could probably help.
Though, like half of them are actual songs, not just soundtracks.

I really appreciate it! I’ll let you know if I could use some recommendations!

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