• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 16: The Wisp Saga (Part 3): Mind over Matter

Episode 16: The Wisp Saga (Part 3):

Mind over Matter

At Eggman's lair, Eggman was at his computer, typing on it. He was smiling evil like he always does.

"Hooo Ho Ho! Soon the mind control weapon will be full of energy I've siphoned from the aliens, and the entire Earth will be the center of my interplanetary theme park," Eggman said.

"Y'all reckon you'll be able to get yerself 'nuff o' that energy to take over the whole dang planet?" Cubot asked in his cowboy accent.

Eggman then mocked Cubot's cowboy accent and said, "Yes, I 'reckon' I will." He then went back to his normal accent. "Where is your new voice chip?"

Then Orbit came in with a voice chip, saying, "Got it right here sir! Just need to install it." He then floated over towards Cubot. Then he started installing the new voice chip, while singing. "The think bone's connected to the talk bone, the talk bone's connected to the mouth bone..." He then stopped singing as he finished installing it. "There, good as new."

"Finally," Eggman said. "I don't think anything could have been more annoying than that cowboy chatter."

"Yar! Feelin' ship-shape with me new voice chip, I am," Cubot said in a pirate accent. He then turned to look at Orbot. "Ah-beggin' yer pardon, Squire, but me and my matey are going to sail off an' search fer that lubber Sonic! Arr!" He then hovered out of the room.

"I think that's the wrong chip," Orbot said.

"Really? Are you sure he doesn't normally speak in pirate?" Eggman asked sarcastically.

"On the bright side, he's much more exotic now," Orbot said.

"Just go find him and fix that chip!!!" Eggman shouted. Orbot then quickly hovered out of the room to find Cubot. "Shortly, I will have no need for those idiots. In just a few hours, Earth will be under my control. When it is, it will be the crown jewel of my amusement park; the greatest amusement park in the universe. Hooo Ho Ho!" He then clutched his stomach from pain from the laughing. "Ouch. I think I gloated so hard I pulled a muscle."

At the map of Eggman's Stellar Amusement Park, the Freedom Fighters, the Mane 6, Sunny and her friends and Yacker were all looking at the map.

"Looks like the next planet is where Eggman has gotten the aliens enslaved," Twilight said.

"Why would they lock them up there?" Sunny asked.

"It doesn't have a name," MC said, reading the map. "Nor does it seem to be open to the public yet." Yacker then started speaking in his language. "What's he saying, Tails?"

"I'm looking," Tails said, looking at his Miles Electric. "It either says that that world is his... 'Dome of plants?' No, that can't be right."

"Or maybe he's trying to say 'home planet'," Zipp said. Yacker then delightfully cheered in his language.

"Oh, that makes sense," Tails said. "So, we're gonna have to free the Wisps main planet before Eggman does something to it."

"So, I'm guessing we're gonna have to go up to their home planet, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It'd probably best that we should," Rarity said. "If the doctor wants their power, he'd take over their entire home world. Which is a bad thing."

"So not a good way of getting attention," Pipp said.

"They won't have a choice if Julian uses those mind control rays on the people of the planet," Maria said.

"Don't remind me," Tails said. "I got the worst of it."

"But how did MC not get controlled like Tails did?" Hitch asked.

"Telepathic immunity," MC said. "Every telepath in the world had tried to get into my head. Only one succeeded, and she lived in another dimension for a few years."

"We should get going," Sonic said. Then they all headed off towards the home planet of the wisps.

They eventually made it to the Wisp home world and saw that the place was under construction. They looked around to see what the robots there were working on.

"You know, as alien as this place is, there is something very... Eggmanish about it," Sonic said.

"Obviously he's making it a part of his theme park," Rainbow Dash said. "The aliens here are in danger as well."

"At least he didn't try to absorb energy from the Black Arms," MC said, making everyone there disgusted.

"He would've been unstoppable," Sonic said. "At least you, Twilight, Maria and Shadow took them down."

"Attention guests. If you can hear this message, you are trespassing in an area still under renovation. If you are not a robot, please return to the main park areas and ignore anything evil you might have seen here. Thank you." Eggman's voice came on a PA system.

"It looks like the 'theme' of his park is universal domination and conquest of alien races," Sonic said.

"It's more than a theme; it's a reality," Tails said. "He's using them like some kind of living intergalactic gasoline."

"That's pretty low, even for a sleazeball like Eggman," Sonic said.

Eggman's voice on the PA system returned, but it was speaking quickly. "Some displacement of indigenous aliens and destruction of natural resources may occur. Eggman Enterprises not responsible."

Then a white and cyan wisp hovered in, speaking in a panicked tone.

"What are they saying?" Sally asked.

"It sounds like they're in shock because of public transportation and a loony nurse," Tails said, translating what the Wisps were saying, but the translation wasn't correct. "Oh, no wait, scratch that. They're in shock because of their planet's strange transformation and having been dragged across the universe!"

"Well I still can't believe he kidnapped a whole planet," Sonic said. "How can somebody do that?"

"Tractor beam technology, obviously," Rotor said. "It must be what the generators are for."

"The generators are keeping the tractor beams going," Zipp said.

"And they're using the Chaos Emeralds to power the generators," Hitch said.

"So if we take down all five generators..." Pinkie said.

"Then all o' them planets and critters'll be free ta do whatever they want to," Applejack said.

"I don't think it's gonna be as easy as that," Maria said. "How the planets will respond to their new position might endanger our part of the galaxy."

"Maria's right," MC said. "As soon as we take down the generators, and get all the Chaos Emeralds, we'll use them to send the planets back to their original position. Simple as that." He snapped his fingers to prove his point.

"I'm not so sure it'll be that easy," Tails said. "Even if we get the Chaos Emeralds, we don't know if we can put the planets back in their original position."

"We won't know until we try," Twilight said.

"Sparkles is right," MC said. "We gotta try when we get all the Chaos Emeralds."

"We'll worry about that later," Sonic said. "Right now, I think it's time we stop these 'renovations'." Then they all ran across the terrain of the planet.

The group made it to the generator that's holding Planet Wisp. All of the robots they passed were all smashed, disassembled, slashed, ripped apart or had holes through their torsos.

"And there's the generator!" Sonic said. "Seems like these guys are getting harder and harder to find." Just then, the ground started shaking. Then a robot similar to the one on the main park appeared.

"I know for a fact these guys are getting harder and harder to beat," Sonic said.

"Time to take this guy down," Twilight said.

"Let's do this," Sunny said.

"Please remember, all planets in Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park are, as far as you know, wholly owned properties of Eggman Enterprises and its subsidiaries," Eggman's voice came on a speaker. "All unauthorized photography, video reproduction, or shutting down of generators is strictly prohibited. Thank you."

"Eggman!" Sonic called out. "We are going to save this planet, and we are going to free these aliens. No copyright law in the universe is going to stop us.We can save a lot of time and broken robots if you just quit now!" The robot then got into a fighting position. Sonic then sighed. "You try to be reasonable..." Then Sonic, Twilight and Sunny started running towards the robot.

"Time to take down this generator," MC said, walking towards the generator.

Twilight, Sonic and Sunny made it to the robot and they started using their powers to take down the robot in the eye. Twilight used their magic to keep the eye open, and Sunny used her magic to throw Sonic towards the eye. Sonic went through the eye of the robot, making it self-destruct.

The three then made it back to the rest of the group, Sonic saying, "Wow, sometimes I even impress myself."

"Alright," Twilight said. "Let's get the Chaos Emerald and free this planet."

MC was standing next to the generator, which had a huge hole in it. The generator was toast. Sonic then walked up to him and asked, "Where's the Emerald?"

MC then held the Chaos Emerald out to the group.

"They couldn't think of putting this Emerald in the main park?" MC asked.

"They made that one too obvious," Sonic said, his arms in a shrugging position as he shook his head.

"We should get to the next planet," Tails said.

"Right," Twilight said. "Let's go." Then they all headed out of there, but then MC stopped when he saw a wisp capsule. He got confused by it, walked over to it, and tapped on it 3 times. There were 3 taps coming from the capsule in response. MC then punched it open and then MC transformed. He then made it in front of the group in a pink aura.

"Whoa!" Sonic said, making the others yell in surprise. MC then transformed back.

"Sorry," MC said. "Got a new one." He then extended his hand towards the wisp that he found.

"Whoa," Twilight said. "This one's sharp."

"Ironically, this one is known as a Spike Wisp," MC said. "Imagine if Spike got one of these absorbed into him."

"He'd be... Spiked," Pinkie said, making everyone there laugh, Pinkie and Izzy rolling on the floor laughing.

"We better get going," Twilight said. Then they all headed out of there.

Back at the main park, the group were looking at the map of Eggman's amusement park.

"So, which one do we go to next?" Hitch asked.

"By the looks of this map, the next one is..." MC said, reading the map. He then snickered. "Uh oh."

"What is it?" Twilight asked. She then looked at the map. She then got a shocked expression, which then went to a smirk face. "Oh, this would be both bad and good for Sonic."

"What?" Sonic asked. "What is it?" Just then, Twilight used her magic to hold Sonic in the air. "Hey, hey! What are you doing?!"

"Sorry, Sonic," Twilight said. "Our next planet is the Aquarium park."

"Aquarium?!" Sonic asked. "No! I am not getting wet!"

"Sorry, Sonic," MC said. "That's where the next generator is. We gotta get going."

"No! Nooooooooo!" Sonic said as they were walking towards the Aquarium Park, Sonic trying to get out of Twilight's magic hold.

"Why's Sonic behaving like that?" Pipp asked, looking towards Applejack.

"Water freaks him out," Applejack said. "He refuses to get wet."

"Then how does he clean himself?" Pipp asked.

"He does shower or bathe like normal people," Tails said. "He just doesn't go in water that goes higher than his neck."

"Not even a hot tub?" Pipp asked.

"Nope," Tails said. "He refuses to even go into a pool area."

"Believe me, he was like this when we had gotten on a cruise ship," MC said.

"And was almost spoiled by the Storm King's Army who tricked Eggman into destroying the world," Rarity said.

"The what King?" Zipp asked.

"The Storm King," Applejack said. "A nasty feller who tried takin' all the power he could get his hands on ta make the mother of all storms."

"Let's get to the Aquarium Park," Twilight said.

"NO!" Sonic shouted. "NO WATER!!" Sonic tried swimming in the air, trying to get out of Twilight's magical hold, but it wasn't working. They continued on to the next planet.

The heroes arrived at Aquarium Park. MC had a grip on Sonic's leg as he was trying to pull himself away from the park.

"No! Please don't bring me closer to the water!" Sonic begged. "I can't swim!"

"Wow, he's really afraid of water!" Izzy said.

"He needs some serious therapy when we get back to Earth," Zipp added, making the others nod.

"Sonic," MC said. "It's time we get to work. You don't have to get wet too much. Just stay on the driest or shallowest paths through this park."

"Seriously?" Sonic asked.

"Water can't hurt you," Twilight said. "In fact, our bodies have water inside of them. So it's perfectly okay to get wet."

"Hey! Hey guys, look!" Pinkie said, running up towards the group with a wisp by her side. "Look what I found!"

"Whoa! A new wisp!" Zipp said.

"What does this one do, Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Check it out," Pinkie said. "Do it." Then the green wisp absorbed itself into Pinkie Pie, who transformed. She then started hovering over the group.

"She's... flying," Fluttershy said.

"No," Twilight said. "She's... hovering."

"Looks like we found a way for Sonic to get through here without getting wet," Hitch said.

"Sweet," Sonic said. He then looked around at the fish. He then said, "Boy, looking around at nothing but fish put me in the mood for sushi. I doubt Eggman had the decency to put a good sushi joint in this park."

Eggman's voice then came on the PA system. "Remember ladies and gentlemen, try the newest dining experience here at Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park, The Bucket O'Sushi. Now with fish."

"There's the generator!" Rarity shouted, pointing at something. It was the generator that had the power to the tractor beam.

"Let's get there!" Sonic said. He then started running towards the generator with Twilight and Sunny following, but they were stopped when a submarine blocked their path, and a robot was standing atop it.

"Sheesh," MC said. "Things are starting to get fishy around here." That made the others laugh.

"Let's take this guy down!" Twilight said. Then she, Sonic and Sunny ran towards the submarine.

"We better get to the generator," Tails said. "Let's go." Then the others headed for the generator. But what they didn't notice was that Yacker was abducted by Orbot and Cubot. He tried screaming for help, but the group didn't hear him.

Sonic, Twilight and Sunny were taking on the robot, but the robot had the upper hand by making the Submarine go underwater.

"No! NO! I can't swim!" Sonic shouted. He then tried paddling his arms to keep himself over the water, but he went down. But there was a bubble of air over his head. "Huh?"

"Thought you could use some air," Twilight said. Sonic looked over towards the two ponies, and they had air bubbles over their heads. Twilight's horn was glowing. "A little trick I picked up from the last time I went to Seaquestria. You also don't have to worry about grip problems with the ground. I've made your feet able to run across the floor while we're underwater."

"Sweet," Sonic said. "Let's do this." Then they all rushed towards the robot. Twilight and Sunny used their magic to keep the robot in place and Sonic used his spin dash attack to take out the robot, and the submarine. Sunny then grabbed Sonic with her hands and they swam up to the surface as the submarine and the robot exploded. They were forced out of the water, landing in front of the generator.

"You sure know how to make an entrance," Sally said.

"Did you take out the generator?" Twilight asked. Just then, the sound of metal being torn came in. They looked towards the generator and saw that MC punched the generator with his left hand. He then pulled his hand out of the generator, making it shut down, and he had something in his hand.

"Okay, this one is accurate," MC said. "Light blue for water."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Rainbow Dash said. "So, where to next?"

"Let's get out of here and find out," Sunny said. Then they all headed out of there. Sonic looked back at the planet, and smirked.

"Sonic... you gotta stay out of the water," Sonic said to himself. Then he started running up to the group as they were heading for the exit of that planet.

Author's Note:

Next episode:
The Wisp Saga (Part 4): Coaster of Nightmares

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