• Published 15th Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 3) - Mister E-Nonymous

Time and space are very fragile things. The Mane 6 and the Freedom Fighters are going to learn that the hard way. There are much worse things they're gonna face when it comes to time and space. Whether it's past, present or future.

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Episode 23: The Generations Saga (Part 3): Best Frenemies Forever

Episode 23: The Generations Saga (Part 3):

Best Frenemies Forever

Someplace in time, in a house in Cloudsdale, Cozy Glow was waking up. She looked around in a dark room with only a light above her head. She was confused until she looked down. She was tied to a wooden chair.

"What?" Cozy Glow asked. She then tried struggling out of the chair. Even her torso was tied up, including her wings. She was trying to get out. "Help! Help!" Just then, the sounds of locks unlocking came to Cozy's ears. The door in front of her opened up and in came a pegasus stallion she never wanted to see again.

"You shouldn't have come back, you little mistake," the stallion said.

"D-daddy?" Cozy asked, getting more scared.

"You should've stayed in Tarturus for life," Cozy's dad said. "Heck, they should've kept you in stone."

"You wanted to send me to a military camp for bad foals!" Cozy said, getting angry.

"And because of you, I've lost my chance of getting into the Canterlot Royal Guard!" Cozy's father said, angrily.

"It wasn't my fault!" Cozy said. "You abandoned me! You abandoned me after mom died!"

"She's dead because of you!" Cozy's dad said, pushing Cozy's chair off balance, leaving her on the ground. "I should've finish you off myself!"

"No! NO!!" Cozy Glow shouted. Just then, she saw her father coming towards her with a knife. "Daddy! No!"

Cozy Glow was trying to get away from her father, but with her tied up in the chair, she could barely move. He was about to swing down at Cozy, but his arm holding the knife was held back by a metal arm.

"What?!" Cozy's father asked, shocked. He then looked back and saw that the metal arm was extending from the cloud floor. Just then, Bunnie and Zipp came from the floor, Bunnie's robot arm still holding the arm of Cozy's father, and Zipp was wearing the visor given to her by Izzy.

"Boy, good thing we came in just in time," Zipp said.

"True that, sugah," Bunnie responded, "Ah'll take care of him, you free the filly." Zipp nodded in response and headed for Cozy Glow.

"You okay?" Zipp asked, untying Cozy Glow.

"I'm okay," Cozy Glow said. "I just didn't want to see him again."

"He's the reason you became a villain, isn't it?" Zipp asked. Cozy responded with a nod. "Well, let's get you out of here."

Bunnie had Cozy's father pinned to a wall. Bunnie then noticed Zipp and Cozy going through the hole in the floor. She then let go and followed the two female pegasi. Cozy's father noticed that and followed in anger.

On the ground, there were Pinkie Pie and Silverstream. The two ran up to the three flyers, and Pinkie asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm... I'm okay," Cozy Glow said. "Physically that is. But emotionally..."

"There you are!" came the voice of Cozy's father, making Cozy Glow freeze up. The group looked up and saw Cozy's father coming right towards them. "Time to finish you off once and for all."

"I say we should start running," Silverstream said. Then the five of them started running. Then Cozy, Silverstream, Bunnie and Zipp started flying. Silverstream carried Pinkie Pie.

"Ooh! Look!" Pinkie Pie said, pointing towards somewhere. They looked where Pinkie Pie was looking and they saw a rift.

"That must be our way out," Zipp said. "Let's go." Then they started flying towards the rift. When they were at least 10 yards from the rift, Cozy's father came in front of them and landed in front of them, making the five females stop.

"That's... enough!" Cozy's father said. "That little monster is to pay for her crimes! Give her to me so I can deliver true judgement!"

"No way!" Zipp said. "The only one who's responsible for her being evil is you, ever since her mom died! I've read her records!"

"I'm the reason?!" Cozy's father asked, still angry. "She was supposed to be my way out of being an outcast to my family! A pegasus born in a family of unicorns! Do you know how hard it was for me?! I was hoping to have a unicorn son, not a pegasus daughter! She's nothing but...!" Just then, he was hit by something in the back, electricity coming from his backside. He then fell over. The group looked towards the rift and saw Midpoint with his bow extended, MC and Applejack holding the rift open.

"Keep your hands off my adopted sister," Midpoint said.

"Alex!" Cozy Glow said, flying through the rift, up into Midpoint's arms and hugging him.

"C'mon," Midpoint said. "Let's get out of this limbo." Then Pinkie, Silverstream, Bunnie and Zipp went through the rift. Zipp grabbed Midpoint's taser arrow before going through the rift. MC and Applejack let go of the rift, letting it close.

"Here's your arrow," Zipp said.

"Well, that explains why he was passed out under Cloudsdale that day," Twilight said.

"I'm really starting to hate Time Travel," MC said.

"Me, too," Classic Tails said.

"Same here," Tails said.

"We should move on," Sonic said. Then they all started heading off somewhere. Cozy Glow was sticking next to Midpoint, still a little emotionally scarred from being near her biological father.

"You alright, Cozy?" Midpoint asked.

"I... I..." She then started shedding tears. "I almost felt like... killing him myself."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Midpoint said, getting in front of Cozy. He then put his hands on Cozy's shoulders. "Listen, there are times that I'd want to kill someone for doing something horrible. Like with what Mimic the Octopus did to my dad. But I knew it wouldn't change a thing. Don't ever go into the darkness in your mind. Promise me that, okay?"

Cozy nodded and said, "Okay." She then hugged Midpoint. Midpoint hugged her back.

"Ah still can't believe he reformed Cozy Glow after everythin' she did," Applejack said.

"He wanted the truth out of her, and he got it," MC said. "Even if he did use a truth serum to do it."

"At least she's not trying to follow the darkness in her heart," Twilight said.

"She's still a kid," Sonic said. "She has a lot of growing up to do." The others nodded at Sonic's words.

The group stopped at an area with what looks like a white statue in front of a sealed rift. The group then looked at the statue in confusion.

"Was there a sculptor here?" Sonic asked

MC then started sniffing around. He then started smelling the statue. He then went wide-eyed and said, "It's Starlight!"

"What?!" the others asked. Twilight then knocked on the statue. She then scanned the statue.

"It's Starlight alright," Twilight said.

"Hey, that rhymes," Pinkie said.

"What happened to her?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know," Twilight said. "But I'm afraid that the answer to that is in there." Twilight pointed towards the closed rift.

"Perhaps it has something to do with her trying to get out of the rift," Midpoint said.

"You are correct, otter," came a voice. The group looked around for the voice, but there was no sign. "Up here!" The group looked up and on top of the whited out area, and there stood...

"The Iron Mask?!" Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Joshua asked in unison.

"Mom?" MC asked. The Iron Mask then jumped down from the area, and landed right by Starlight's frozen state. She then removed her mask, revealing the face of Queen Sarah Crayton.

"Hello, Michael," Sarah Crayton said, patting MC's left cheek. "It's been a while since I've seen you."

"You... you're..." MC said, still trying to figure out what to say.

"Dead?" Sarah Crayton asked. "Well... one of me was."

"One of you?" Tails asked.

"Yes," Sarah Crayton asked. "Although, that me... was a clone of mine. A probability, to be more precise."

"A probability?" Midpoint asked. "As in a what if...?"

"Exactly," Sarah Crayton said. "I've been here for as long as I can remember. Or maybe since the beginning of time. After all, I am immortal as long as I am here."

"What about MC?" Twilight asked. "Is he a son of a clone of yours?"

"Oh, no," Sarah Crayton responded. "He's mine. True, I've been sending probabilities of myself through different points of time, helping those who need it. Especially in the Crayton Kingdom. Although, one thing changed."

"And that is?" MC asked.

"Your father," Sarah Crayton said, looking at MC. "I saw everything through my infinite probabilities when I sent them through time. So, when I met your father, the two of us fell in love. I've had to be out of this place for ten years."

"Ten years?" Twilight asked. "Why ten?" MC then thought about it.

MC then went wide eyed, and he said, "You were wanting me to help keep the universe from disaster, didn't you?"

"Exactly," Sarah Crayton said. "I've been watching you your whole life."

"But I could see everything on the planet I walk," MC said. "I couldn't have missed any of you."

"Oh, Michael," Sarah Crayton said. "I've been watching you through rifts in time. The time we have... is special enough." She then looked towards Nyx and walked towards her. "Even though it wasn't how we expected, you've given me a granddaughter. Even if she's mostly a pony."

"So you sent Cloudpuff to our cabin that Christmas, didn't you?" Zipp asked.

"That'd make sense," Pipp said.

"Oh, I did," Sarah Crayton said. "Of course, I've had Santa Claus make the delivery."

"Santa Claus is real?" Midpoint asked. "That's impossible. All the satellite drones searched the North Pole for any sign of even one building there. There was nothing there."

"That's because Santa's Workshop wasn't at the North Pole," Sarah Crayton said. "It was the North Star that Santa's Workshop is. The North Pole is just the gateway."

"Okay, that makes sense," Midpoint said.

"What about Starlight, or that creature that attacked us and sucked us into this place?" Twilight asked.

"That 'creature' as you call it, is actually supposed to be a transport machine," Sarah Crayton said. "Meant for two controllers. But, it was recently stolen. I didn't know who stole it, or how it even got here, but I've been trying to find out who did it. As for Starlight Glimmer here, she couldn't get out of the rift before it closed on her. The only way for her to be free from her frozen state is to go through that space. I believe there's someone there you'll have to fight so you can free Starlight Glimmer."

"So, we're going to have to go in there?" Sonic asked.

"No," Sarah Crayton said. "Only one can enter. I believe there's someone on the other side of that rift who is also trapped. Possibly, even corrupted. Like how Cozy Glow was almost corrupted again."

"A friend who was once our enemy," Sonic said. "Perhaps it depends one where and when that person was."

"At least it wasn't me," Nyx said.

"That's true," Twilight said. "Let's think of enemies we've faced who later became our friends."

"Trixie, Luna, Discord, Shadow, Silver, Omega, Tempest Shadow..." Pinkie Pie was using her fingers to count out who the possible ex-villain is on the other side of the rift.

"Whoever it is, I bet I can go in there and reform him or her," Twilight said. "Then we'll get Starlight back."

"Well, you are the Princess of Friendship," Spike said. "Who was later promoted to the High Princess of Equestria."

"Of course," Twilight said. She then walked up to the rift. "How do I get this rift open?"

"Allow me," Sarah Crayton said. She then held her hand up to the closed rift, and it opened up. "Michael and I will try to hold it open as long as we can. Focus on trying to find that corrupted friend of yours, battle him or her, and bring her back here. That'll cause a chain reaction that'll free Starlight."

"Okay," Twilight said. She then looked towards the others and said, "Watch over my kids."

"We got 'em, Sparkles," MC said. Twilight then flew into the rift. MC looked into the rift and said, "Good luck, Sparkles."

"Sparkles?" Sarah Crayton asked. "Oh, Michael, it's cute you gave her a pet name." That made some of the others snicker. MC then rolled his eyes.

Twilight came out of the other side of the rift and looked around. She then took in a breath of air.

"Okay," Twilight said. "All I have to do is find my friend who is on this side of the rift, rescue her, bring her out, and then I'll free Starlight. Simple as that." She then noticed where she was.

"Canterlot... High?" Twilight asked. She then got a realization. "Oh, no. That means." She then heard evil laughter. She then looked towards the voice and saw something she was not expecting.

"Sunset Shimmer?!" Twilight asked.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Demon Sunset said. "Time to end you!" She then launched a fireball towards Twilight, but Twilight blocked it with a barrier spell.

"How are you this powerful?!" Twilight asked.

"Because of... this!" Demon Sunset said, holding out something.

"A Chaos Emerald?!" Twilight asked.

"That's right!" Demon Sunset said. "So, prepare to be taken down!" She then charged at Twilight, who jumped out of the way. Twilight then fired a spell at Sunset, but it did nothing to the corrupted pony. Sunset then punched Twilight, knocking her towards a wall, her ending up in the school library. She then started running after recovering.

"Good thing I still remember this place," Twilight said. "I can lose her." She then turned a corner, only to get knocked back towards the door, through them being knocked open, and onto the soccer field. "Okay. I was not expecting that."

"Have you forgotten?!" Demons Sunset asked. "I've ruled through this world longer than you helped this world!" She then fired a beam of red magic, making Twilight defend herself with a barrier spell. But then, she felt a hand on her back. Twilight slightly turned her head, seeing the human version of her and her five friends behind her.

"We've got you, Twi," the human Rainbow Dash said.

"Never thought we'd see you again," Applejack said. "Although, you've gone through a slight change."

"Tell me about it," Twilight said. "Took me a while to get used to this form." She then looked back towards Sunset. "Remember who you are, Sunset! Remember who you really are!" Twilight then fired a spell towards Sunset. The spell collided with Sunset's face. Then good memories of her and her friends flashed through her eyes. She then fell to the ground, back in her normal, Mobian Pony, form. Sci-Twi then used her telekinesis from her geode and caught Sunset. She was then placed gently on the ground, holding the Chaos Emerald.

"Is she alright?" human Pinkie asked.

"She'll be fine," Twilight said. "Help me get her to the portal." The human Applejack picked Sunset up. They headed through the school and towards the rift. MC and Sarah Crayton were holding the rift open from the other side.

"New friends of yours?" Sci-Twi asked.

"Yes," Twilight said. She then took Sunset from human Applejack's hands after putting the Chaos Emerald in her pocket. "I got it from here." Twilight held Sunset Shimmer in her arms, and started flying through the rift. "See you girls again, someday." Just then the rift closed with the human version of Twilight and her five friends looking at where the rift was in shock.

"Should we be concerned about that?" Human Fluttershy asked.

"Maybe we should let this slide for now," Human Rarity said. Then they all headed away from there.

Back in the white space, Starlight Glimmer was gaining color back. She was back to her original, Mobian, form. She then looked down at herself, patting herself. She then exhaled and looked towards the others.

"Okay... that was intense," Starlight said. "Thanks for getting me out of there." She then noticed Twilight holding Sunset Shimmer. "Sunset Shimmer? Is she okay?"

"She was corrupted on that side of the rift," Twilight said. "Saving her also saved you."

Sunset Shimmer then groaned. She was waking up. She looked around and saw her friends there. She then asked, "What happened?"

"It's okay, Sunset," Twilight said, setting Sunset onto her feet. "What happened?"

Sunset put a hand to her head and said, "I don't know. All I remember was searching for a college in Equestria, but the next thing I know, I was taken by some kind of... monster. The next thing I know, Starlight and I were at Camp Everfree, trying to get back to the portal to Equestria. And then, nothing. I can't remember anything past that."

"As long as you're safe," Sonic said. "Right now, we gotta get out of here, and back home." Then they all started walking off somewhere. Midpoint stayed behind, holding back Sunset Shimmer.

"I can recommend a college in San Francisco," Midpoint said. "I can even offer you a part-time job at Shadow Appliances. I'll pay for college tuition and your apartment. All you'll have to worry about is paying for food."

"Thanks, Mister... uh..." Sunset Shimmer said, not knowing Midpoint's name.

"Right," Midpoint said. "Alex Lynol. Also known as Midpoint."

"Why do they call you Midpoint?" Sunset asked.

"I'm an archer who never missed his mark," Midpoint said. "Now, c'mon. We've got all of time to save." Then they headed off to follow the others. Just then, the machine that took them all there started flying above the white space, getting everyone to notice it.

"That thing... is a vehicle?!" MC asked.

"Whoever stolen it made major changes to it!" Sarah Crayton said. "Made it look like an actual monster!" Then the machine opened up another rift and vanished into it.

"A time eater," Midpoint said. "Time Eater, that's not a bad thing to call it." The others nodded in agreement.

"Whoever taken that thing, they're gonna pay," Sarah Crayton said. She then started walking off. Midpoint then walked up to MC.

"You know what that means," Midpoint said. "Your mom is basically the Watcher. From the Marvel Cinematic Universe."

"I'm still shocked that she's still alive," MC said. He then sighed. "A clone. I buried... a clone." Twilight then walked up to MC and put a hand on his left shoulder.

"At least you know she's still alive," Twilight said. "C'mon. Let's go save our friends." Then they continued moving on, following Sarah Crayton through the white space.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter:
The Generations Saga (Part 4):
Chaos Rising

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