• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 1,169 Views, 45 Comments

No Point Crying Over Spoiled Milk - Mokoma

A mare blind with wealth has her eyes opened with a very crude reality check.

  • ...

No Point Crying Over Spoiled Milk

Author's Note:

Enjoy! All the relevant Author's Note info is in the description!

"PRIM FEATHER!" Spoiled Rich shouted.

Meekly, the maid ran into the room where her employer was. "Y-Yes, ma'am, w-what's the issue?"

The soft voice of the small maid had absolutely no power to the commanding tone of her employer, who was able to bark harshly enough to force the poor, smaller mare into standing perfectly upright.

"You mean to tell me that this was an accident and not a crude act of laziness!?" She yelled, pointing at what she considered to be a glaring issue; the fact that the pillows in her bedroom were...upside down.

And yet - the poor maid was too scared to even wonder how a perfectly symmetrical pillow could even be in such a state. Still - the oppressive voice of Spoiled Rich rained upon her like hellfire.

"I hired you - Prim Feather - a fair and hardworking Ponyville maid, knowing that you were qualified for the rather generous paycheck you receive!" She yelled. The small unicorn could never complain about the bits; it was objectively good pay from Filthy Rich - but with the workload she had to endure, with the awful demands and conditions - she had times where she wasn't so sure.

Seeing the maid's thoughts wander, Spoiled stomped her hoof to catch the poor pony's attention. "But now, I see that your...slacking, to put it nicely, has been catching up to you!" She exclaimed. "Using cheap fabric conditioner when you wash my clothes - for an example. Did you think I wouldn't notice!?"

"B-But, I-I..." The maid gulped. "I-It's actually the same as the fabric conditioner you tell us--...me to buy! I-...I just wanted to save some of your family's budget so that--"

"So you could embezzle it when we wouldn't notice!?" Spoiled accused her with utter disgust in her tone.

"No!" The maid cried out with tears in her eyes. "...I would never, ma'am! I just wanted to do what's best for your family, a-and..."

"Stop." Spoiled Rich sighed softly. "I clearly should ask my husband why we hire ponies who only have money on their mind. I give you exactly ten minutes. Take all your things - and leave. You may ask my husband about severance pay, but I do not wish to see you ever again."

Gasping softly, the mare looked at Spoiled with her vision impaired by a filter of salty water. "B-But--"

"NOW!" Spoiled yelled with such ferocity that nearby objects shook, and a minor tremor washed over the room.

Sniffling, Prim Feather ran out of the room - bawling loud enough that it was much to the fortune that both Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich weren't home at the moment. Spoiled however remained completely unfazed. With a soft sigh - one that practically seeped with the expression "good riddance", she retired to bed.

Moments later, smiling without a single care in the world, she put on her sleeping mask, slid into her comfortable silk sheets, and began to snore like a jackhammer.

...Though, was there something she forgot?


Day One

The mare groaned as she entangled herself in the now-crumpled silk bed sheets. She enjoyed the God-Emperor-of-the-World sized bed, sprawling all over it with such a lack of grace, that it was almost poetic how unladylike and how...unkempt she looked, when compared to normal. And based on her ungraceful pose, many-a-talented artist could draw her either dunking a basketball, dancing ballet, reaching a hoof out to Princess Celestia, or finishing the world's sickest guitar solo.

...Well, gracefulness had to start. As the mare's eyes fluttered open, a yawn that would scare off a bear emerged as she groggily sat up; processing the world around her as slowly as a low-RAM computer.

...Well, grace had its start; Canterlot wasn't built in a day. Not that she paid attention in history class to know.

She smiled. Time to start her day.

Clap clap!

...Hm, maybe not loud enough.

Clap clap!





...For the love of Celestia--

"AHEM!" Spoiled Rich cleared her throat. "I said...clap - clap!"


And yet she sat there, clapping her hooves as if she was having an invisible birthday.


"...Hello!?" She yelled. "Diamond Tiara? Is this a...as the commoners say, prank!? I thought we put all our grievances aside! Tell my maids to come in here already and give me my wake-up routine, please sweetie! They know the drill - breakfast in bed, mane brushing, newspaper--no, scratch the newspaper- and my Triple Salted Caramel Swirl Two-Pumps Vanilla Five-Pumps Coconut Nine-Pumps Hazlenut Unwhipped Whipped Cream Minus Three-Pumps Coconut and Plus Two-Pumps Vanilla--" - Inhale - "195 degrees to cool down to 160 degrees within two minutes, extra sprinkles, no foam, Venti-sized but a centimeter taller, blessed by Princess Celestia on a Sunday - Latte - from the StarsWhirls in Canterlot!?"



"Filthy!? Is it our..." She frantically pulled out her emergency calendar from under the bed. "...Anniiiversa...ry? N-No, kidding - it's obviously our, uhm...Compensatory Hearts and Hooves day because I was...busy on the last date?" She squeaked. "You don't need to surprise me with all this, j-just get the maids to come in here!..."



"...Something is not right." The mare humphed, and finally slid out of bed into her bunny slippers.

She would leave her room to see the hallways of her mansion. Empty. Not a single maid in sight - not a single member of kitchen staff frantically running because they received an order requiring exotic ingredients from a faraway land.

Walking down the stairs...She saw that the kitchen itself was empty...Was her chef on leave? But it wasn't that day of the year yet when the chef was allowed to have his partial day off!

In the library - where were those librarians she paid to constantly rearrange her books so that she looked like an intelligent mare of the house? If the Princess of Friendship seemed to do it all the time, why couldn't she copy the trend? Of course, not with her own effort - but regardless.

In the yard; no gardeners. No animal handlers for Diamond Tiara's pets...Not even the pool boy!? Oh sweet Celestia the horror, not her pool boy!


She now did the one thing she swore off doing. Excessive labor. This took in the form of running. She ran across every lavish and expensive part of her mansion. The gym? Empty. The living room? Empty. Bathrooms from one to twelve - empty. Guest rooms from one to twelve, also empty.

She now stood in the middle of the foyer - feeling like she was in that movie about the colt who's family flew on vacation for Hearth's Warming but forgot about him back home...Only she didn't feel elated to have the house to herself.


She understood why Filthy wasn't here - business trip in Manehattan. She knew Diamond Tiara went on a camping trip with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But...Where was the staff?


It hit her like the Elements of Harmony hit Nightmare Moon.

She started to call back...What staff did she lay off recently?

Filthy Rich was away - meaning she had more executive power over managing the staff than usual...

Okay, so who did she fire in the last week or so?

Gardener for not trimming enough - another gardener for trimming too much. Some cooks for not adding enough spice, and some cooks because the food was too spicy. A few miscellaneous workers...

Then there was last night...

But what about the self-terminations? Some maids who couldn't handle the stress, some movers who were tired of having to lug around things that were so heavy they crushed them - and the chef; right, he terminated himself because she kept terminating his cooks...

And the pool boy - she doesn't remember.

In horror - she blinked.

All of Spoiled Rich's staff was either laid off, or quit...So now, in her mansion - one of the most spacious buildings of Ponyville that was always buzzing with the staff's activity, and the eccentric guests, and Spoiled's antics...was a very, very deafening silence.

She could only blink as she looked around the mansion - it felt...much bigger than normal. Creepy, too.

"...How strange. This is the first morning I don't have anyone to talk to. I've gotten used to it - and now I'm talking to myself. All because..."

She thought about last night, and scowled.

"Because some ponies don't know their place. Hmph." She said - the best way she could directly avoid saying what a subconscious part of her mind wanted to.

Her unfair judgement was punished by the force of karma however - as her stomach rumbled.

She sighed. "...No maids, no butlers, no cooks. Okay - Spoiled. Your muscle memory of your bachelorette days should still be there, right? After all - how hard can it be?" She said, and after a moment, smiled. "Yes! I am above these ponies, for I am graceful and rich! Of course I can do it myself! I don't even need all this staff. Let all witness that this mare, who has more wealth and status than anypony in this town, can take care of herself just fine!"


With a most scrunched muzzle and a face slightly pale and greenish from disgust, she looked at the "attempt" she had at making breakfast, all while her mane had become to no extent more neat. What was even on this plate? Was...Was that a burnt eggshell? Were hashbrowns supposed to be that color? How did the toast come out colder out of the toaster than it was before!? Taking a look back at the device, why was there even an option to make bread colder in this toaster!?

Unable to answer the latter question, it completely flew over Spoiled's mind that she insisted to buy this designer toaster for its very humble price of 5,000 bits.

Now - she had to opt for plan B--...Well, Plan D, at this point. She opened a drawer that contained a myriad of colorful carton boxes. This is what the lower and more common ponies called...cereal. But her daughter liked them - so who was she to say no? That's why she bought a stocked drawer of so many expensive cereals, that her daughter could enjoy the full extent of this "cereal industry"...

Though Spoiled also never took to heart the fact that on repeat, Diamond Tiara specifically said she wanted Apple Cinnamon cereal; the name of which was suspiciously close to one of the elements of harmony.

"Okay - how did it go..." Spoiled sighed. "Cereal into the bowl...Milk, and then--...Oh, that was it." She said, blinking at the first meal she was able to cook on her own without making somepony do it for her, since she married Filthy Rich...A bowl of overpriced cereal.

Dejected - she stuck the spoon in, and took a big bite.

Well, at-least her daughter had taste for easy-to prepare, grain-based meals.


The routine that usually took no more than half an hour was now grinding to a painful two hours. Her mane was a big issue, arranging things was another. She had to feed all of Diamond's pets, she had to water the flowers; tasks that frustrated because for each of them she had a servant ready to do the role. By the time she was done - she felt moisture on her forehead. What was this?

She felt her hoof and her eyes widened. No - this couldn't be. She was now feeling the awful result of what the low ponies called..."hard work"? Of course it wasn't objectively hard work, she's been doing menial tasks that require little effort - but to her this was exhausting. But now - she was sweating; her perfect appearance had to...sweat!?

She gasped and ran to the shower - unwilling to have any grime on her body any longer. Of course, not having a servant draw a bath for you and forgetting the sacred principles of plumbing did result in the sweat being washed off - and also a high-pitched shriek as she was blasted with cold water.

Having foolishly put on her make-up after breakfast, she now stood like a stray cat caught in a thunderstorm, shaking with her mascara running down her cheeks.

She could only be thankful knowing that today was an off day. Supposedly.

Dejected more, she would gather herself up for another half hour; now ready to finally do what she thought was fitting for the day...

...Well, if they needed new staff, why not start hiring?

She approached the bulky device known as the telephone - the landline would be able to connect her to the appropriate job recruitment agency. Servants were in abundance there. She hummed a most inharmonious tune as she dialed the number she thought to be the right one.


"Hello? Yes - this is the Rich Manor speaking. I am Spoiled Rich - though I'm sure you know. I am looking to hire servant staff for the manor. Yes, yes - it's as it is every once in a while. Cooks, cleaners, yadda-yadda...Fine, I'll wait your moment."



"Thirty five? That should do, I suppose. Send each a letter of interest and--"

"...Wait, what do you mean? I clearly heard you say thirty five."



"B-BLACKLISTED ME!? What!? What is the meaning of this!? I...UGH!" She slammed the phone shut as a pathetic ding escaped it. Thirty five? She would certainly need time to remember that this was a dangerously close number to all the staff that quit, and some of which she fired. The rest she had blacklisted herself. For some reason, that number came to her fast.

Therefore, in Ponyville...Over a small fifty of its servant workers were...unavailable!? But...There's no way! How...What would she do now!? That was basically most, if not all of the best qualified staff in this bracket!

What she thought was just an inconvenient morning was now leaking over into a very terrible, probable reality. She could hire staff from Canterlot - but...She had even LESS trust in them. She wanted Ponyville stock - those that knew the locals and knew the town well so that...

...So that her maids knew, for an example, what fabric conditioner was best in this town.


But her eyes widened as she failed to address the elephant in the room.

It was an elephant that somehow sneaked past her - one that perhaps wore Groucho Marx glasses - but she somehow didn't have the memory or common sense to remember it right away.

She remembered something rather important.

Her mansion was to host a party.

A big party.

A very important party.

Fancy-Pants, Sapphire Shores, and Mayor Mare-levels of important.

Maybe not Princess level - but...

...Some of the most distinguished guests were going to attend! And because of how well the parties are usually planned...They were most definitely coming!

Oh no, no no no - this couldn't get any worse. Her party planners, the ponypower that was going to get it all together; she never had to lift a hoof in her life. She merely had to bark at the staff to make an exquisite party, and it magically appeared in days. Champagne-glass towers, musicians, fine snacks - haphazardly-made ice statues that vaguely resembled herself! This was all arranged by her trustworthy staff - but now, she had no staff!

Cancel? But how - she never cancelled a party before! But if this party fails, it would be catastrophic! Catastrophic to her image, her reputation - her status as one of the most exquisite ponies who could host the most exquisite parties to show all just how rich and elite she was! All of this was now...in danger!

Maybe not all is lost. How soon were they coming? Surely she had breathing room. As she flipped around the emergency calendar she had handy, she believed that she had plenty of time. Surely she had...

Three days...

...How was she going to prepare a lavish party in three days!?

...Yes! What her husband's fond of doing!



Spoiled Rich entered Sugarcube Corner. The design of its interior was tacky - according to her tastes. Too many sweet smells - taunting her vigorous diet plan which she never would admit to involuntarily breaking with her fridge raids at 2 AM. But she wasn't here for the sweets.

"...The pink one has to be here, right?...Ahem...Pinkie Pie, was it!? Are you here?" She called out, the building currently empty.


"Hellloooo? Pink one? The...crazy one? Anypony out here?"


"...I'd like to plan a party and I--"

An entity had materialized in the room as the laws of physics were made to sob; as with a pink flash, Pinkie Pie stood in the room with a big grin.

"Hi Spoiled Rich! I heard somepony say something about a party so I came! What can I do for ya? Oh! Is it a Nightmare Night party? A surprise counter-party for a surprise party? A party celebrating another party? Or--"

"A-Ahem, yes, well." Spoiled Rich attempted to take the reins. "Hello to you too - I am looking to have a party organized, as you could tell. You see, the finest members of our society are to attend my mansion in three days and I need the most tip-top, most refined, and most exquisite party to make my guests feel great - but more importantly recognize my taste, my status, and my wealth. Surely you understand?"

"Three days?" Pinkie grinned. "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, lemonady drinky...uh, bishy-boshily! No challenge at all - you'll get that party made in no time!"

A most tremendous sigh of relief came from Spoiled Rich. "That's good to hear. Then let's discuss activities. What will you include? How big will the champagne glass towers be, which expensive snacks may we include, and--"

The pink mare went off immediately. "So I'm thinking usual suspects - balloons, confetti, berry punch, pin-the-donkey; a full table of cupcakes and--"

Spoiled Rich's eyes widened as she began to shake her head. "N-No, wait, that's not--"

"Then we can try to pull the record for Equestria's longest conga line! I'll also get DJ PON3 to blast some of the best tunes, so loud we won't hear ourselves think!"

"No! Listen, oaf! You don't understand at all! I--"

"I might get Cheese Sandwich on board so that we can get some of his music in-between two! Bet you never thought of EDM and Polka playing on the same party, huh? Next up we can--"

"Pinkie Pie - uh..." Spoiled Rich began to sweat as she approached the door. "Listen, well, that's grand and all but I think I'll have to call on a raincheck. Thanks for the help and all, er, I have to go--"

"Why do you gotta check for rain? The pegasi scheduled a sunny day today! Hey, wait!" Pinkie exclaimed, but by then Spoiled Rich sprinted out the door. Still, Pinkie tried to yell out for her. "Do you at-least want a piƱata!?"


A bust. The party planner of Ponyville was no good for this. Spoiled Rich walked the streets of Ponyville thoughtfully looking at the ground. Who else...Who else could do the work? At-least some of the work? She had the money to pay them - but she knew few had the right expertise.

She went to Mr. and Mrs. Cake first who were strolling around town during their break, something Spoiled guessed as they weren't in their bakery.

"We're sorry, Mrs. Spoiled Rich..." Mrs. Cake coughed.

"Yes, you see..." Mr. Cake nervously scratched his head. "We don't exactly know how to bake an Ultra-Platinum Diamond Deluxe Cake. I-I heard of it, but it requires a baker who is also an experienced jeweler...And moonlights as a certified doctor in-case one of the guests swallows one of the diamonds..."

Spoiled Rich grunted to herself. Only three such bakers existed in Equestria - two of them were in Canterlot, and one did work for her; until her demands got to his sanity and he left the position.

Spoiled Rich looked at the two; but something...stopped her from yelling at them for their lack of helpfulness. Perhaps it was stress - or it was something else. She sighed. "...Very well - thank you for the honesty, I suppose..."


"Classical music for the party..." Octavia Melody scratched her head. "Miss Spoiled Rich, did you not have your own personal band that always performed in your manor?"

"...Unforeseen circumstances." Spoiled coughed. "So, are you available?"

Octavia nodded, but only slightly. "I myself am - but the same cannot be said for most other musicians. Many have left Ponyville to perform in Manehattan for a charity event."

"...So do you do one-mare-band concerts?" Spoiled Rich blinked.

"...?" Octavia Melody raised an eyebrow. "I studied the cello - ma'am. However, maybe my marefriend may help? Her music is able to synthesize practically any instrument - though it might add somewhat of a...swagger."

"...No." Spoiled Rich sighed. "Thank you for your honesty."


"I am an expert in this sort of thing, miss. Not even the Grand Galloping Gala happens without my consultation." Smiled an older stallion by the name of Grand Ol' Time. "Whatever you might need, you'll get it done. I have my contacts who'll set it all up, for the right fee of course."

"Splendid! And the price is no issue, whatever it takes! My husband's wallet is practically bottomless." Spoiled Rich grinned. "Okay, so, when can we have it all come together?"

"Whenever! Just help me get the details sorted out." The stallion smiled, pulling out a clipboard "Your name, the venue name, and the date please."

"Well, I'm Spoiled Rich - the party is to be hosted at the Rich Manor, and the date is in three days, so--"

"...I beg your pardon." The Stallion looked up at her. "Could you please repeat that?"

"Yes - Spoiled Rich, I--"

"...Oh." Grand Ol' Time put the clipboard away and squinted his eyes. "So you're Spoiled Rich. This sure soured my hopes for our cooperation."

"Eeeeexcuse me!?" The mare hissed - but squeaked in surprise as the stallion shot her a most terrifying look.

"I heard very well of how you treat your staff during these parties. I have a lot of ponies working for me - and none of them had good things to say. You should be ashamed of yourself. You had some of the most efficient staff at your disposal - and all I heard from them were horror stories of how the "madam" of the Rich Manor mistreated her staff. I do beg your pardon, but no. I shall not let anypony fall prey to your abuse. Good day." He said - turning around and walking off.

Spoiled could only stand with an ajar mouth as she stammered. "W-What!? B-But...You...They..."


"Ugh!" She stomped her hooves, and went on her merry way. The sun was beginning to set...the clock was ticking - and tiredness...settled in.

Day Two

She woke up immediately to the nagging sound of the alarm - not the gentle nudging of her servants. She woke up with a groggy expression, tired out of her mind; but she had to act.

She had to consider her options as she did her things around the things. Though what disturbed her train of thought was just...how incapable she was of it. It was bad enough she struggled to take care of herself - now she had to deal with the silence of living alone. The many rooms and hallways of her house - they made her feel...unease.

She looked around her mansion in thought...

How scary was this feeling.

The feeling to be back to the point she never wanted to be again. The point where she had to do everything herself.

The point she tried very hard to pull the strings to marry a rich stallion.

She huffed - as if she realized she was criticizing herself for being, to put it in the most harshest ways - a trophy wife. So what if she opted to go the easy way? She knew no luxury in her life. She knew no comfort, and she knew no ease in her youth; so why did she not have the right to find the way to treat herself?

She realized this as she tried her hardest to go about her routine. Without her personal makeup artist and hair stylist, she was unable to make herself look as presentable. Without her cooks - she ended up sticking another spoon of cereal into her mouth - and without maids to make purchase, she spat out the cereal as she felt it was horribly expired.

Without her animal handlers, the mansion's dogs had practically sent her running around like a chicken as she feared their bite. Without the gardener, she could see that even a few day's worth of lacking care, some of the more exquisite flowers were withering. And without her pool boy--...

Okay, too much information. The point was; she hated this.

How was she going to pull through? What choices was she presented with?...All roads seemed to lead to a dead end. Would she go around asking more ponies?

Or was the fact that she never saw anypony smile at her presence something that helped her determine that too was a lost cause?

The whole time however, she was plagued with thoughts. Thoughts she knew - thoughts she could pinpoint; but tried her best to trick herself. She couldn't face reality - and such a refined pony as her could not afford to!

But there was one fact that stung the most at the moment...

The fact that Spoiled was being drowned inch by inch in memories; back to that dreadful time when she was known as...Spoiled Milk.

A time where she had nothing to her name - and had no idea how to even take care of herself. How to make it in this world and how to make any progress or advancement in life.

With a sigh - Spoiled, Rich or Milk; whatever it was in her defeated sigh, decided that if she was going to reminisce about the time before she was married, it would at-least suit her to spend time like she did before she was married.

Maybe it would get her ready to feel that level of humiliation once more.

Putting on a shawl around her neck and a pair of sunglasses, she left the mansion to make her way to one of the oldest places in Ponyville; a place where she could get a full meal for a hooful of coins.

A place she would never allowed herself to be seen; caught dead, or alive. Only this time, she already felt dead enough to not care as much.


In the corners of Ponyville was a small diner; something between a food stand and an actual diner. Not all knew of it - not even Twilight Sparkle nor her friends - except for Pinkie - knew of it, even for as long as they have lived in Ponyville. It was a place where one could get "grub". No, thankfully not actual "grub" as Equestria had respectful eating habits, but it was "grub" in the sense that this food was eaten not to have an exquisite dining experience - but to fight back the evil that was hunger, even if you had next to no money at your disposal.

It smelled heavily of oil, toasted bread, and coffee. Some found to smell too...blunt. Others found it appetizing.

The mare that entered it found it familiar. And more familiar was the jingling sound she heard of the small bell above the door.

It was a small place - just five tables that were so tightly gathered that patrons would easily nudge each other with elbows. Based on what the mare remembered however, it added to the atmosphere.

The terrifying force of fire was tamed by the cook - a rather chubby stallion with a mighty beard and long mane, the latter packed into a small cook's hat to prevent hairs from falling in, and the beard covered in a similar fabric to prevent the same. He easily stood on his hind legs and manipulated the objects; the frying pans, the grills, the toasters - it was like watching a conductor at work.

Upon hearing the bell - the cook was facing the door with his back, and he didn't lift an eye to as to who it was. However, he heard the pony take the seat closest to the window; where the air was less dense with the smells. Then he heard the sound of a perfume bottle, as the pony attempted to mask the smell for herself. This piqued his interest, and after a moment when the smell hit his nostrils, he smiled.

"Well well." The cook said. "I recognize that perfume anywhere. And sitting by the window even though all the action's over here..."

"...Before you say my name, I hope you remember that I'm married now."

"Heh, first name-basis only then." The cook turned around. "Spoiled. Here I thought my little diner was too...crude for your refined tastes."

The mare sighed, lowering her shawl and taking off her sunglasses. "Grease. You haven't changed much."

"Working for the last decade with tofu wraps doesn't change you much. Maybe oily air is a good anti-wrinkle solution." Grease Wrapper laughed. "So, what does bring you here? I could've sworn I'd never see you again."

"..." She sighed. "Can I have one?"

"I still remember your posture when you're starving." He grinned. "So, just one?"

"...The usual." She admitted in defeat.

Grease Wrapper grinned. "Three tofu wraps - one with honey mustard, one with sweet chili, and one with barbecue sauce and extra crispy?"

"You don't have to shame me in-front of..." She looked around the empty diner and sighed. "...Yes."

"And an apple cider?" He grinned.


The stallion kept grinning at her.


The stallion grinned even wider, and got to work, starting to grill the tofu while preparing everything else to make the wraps.

"Soooo..." He said without any issue with multitasking. "What does bring you here, Spoiled? Is it the end of my little diner because Filthy Rich wants to build a casino or some restaurant on this plot of land? Come to warn me of my impending doom? Or maybe nostalgia's gotten to you?"

"...Something of the latter. In no good way." She sighed. "...I am about to face humiliation."

"...Long-term, or short-term?" Grease smirked.

"I assume long-term?" She rose a brow at him.

"Well, tell me what the issue is." He said, chopping tomatoes rapidly.

"...All my staff is laid-off or quit. It was an unintentional thing; a mix of...me getting caught up in other things and not noticing as the house was less and less staffed. Wouldn't be an issue - except for two things. One, I suppose I've gotten used to my wonderful rich life, and I don't know how to handle anything by myself in the mansion...But worse is, now I have to prepare a party in two days. A party that is going to have all eyes on me - all eyes on the fact that I am unable to arrange one. All the reputation I worked so hard for is in jeopardy..."

Grease giggled softly. "Don't worry. This party isn't going to be your long-term humiliation. It's merely in the short term."

"Reassuring, I'm sure." Spoiled sighed.

"You've already ruined your reputation in the long-term." He smiled, flipping one of the wraps.


"Spoiled - I'll preface this by saying that I like you. You're that one gal who used to come here because she was tight on her luck and needed a meal. I know you're nice. That being said, I listen to my customers." He said as he worked the station. "From what I gather - those that ran into a certain "Filthy Rich's wife" - AKA "Spoiled Rich", don't consider you the a very pleasant sort. Especially not after that display with your daughter."

"We made amends!" Spoiled exclaimed.

"Yes - I'm sure. But the image of you being so rude to your daughter's been burned into the minds of ponies around here." He said. "Beyond that - don't you think it's terrible that you lay off those that work for you?"

"...They earn my money." She humphed. "They should be ready to face my demands!"

"Your demands are to withstand being berated and put down? I had a most interesting customer last night, by sheer coincidence." He said.

"...Y-You don't mean--"

"Prim Feather's a regular here. She tells me how the break time she gets is at best half an hour. So my wraps is all she can manage to eat. I usually prepare her some food in advance." He said, smile faded away as he took a short break to look at nothingness. "She told me that she wasn't upset about losing the job. What she is upset about is the fact that you accused her of being lazy and trying to take your money. In reality - she really tried her best for you; as she did for every employer." He said, pouring the ice-cold cider into a tall glass.

"..." Spoiled wasn't sure what to say.

"As I said, I harbor no ill will." He spoke. She would look up to see the stallion now standing in-front of her, holding her food on a plate, and her drink, setting it on the table.

She looked at the food, and sighed - something tugging at her appetite.

However, she would see that the stallion's smile did not waver making eye contact with her.

"I remember how you were before you got married." He spoke. "You were dreaming that you'd be able to make it big. Get rich. Yet you mulled over the fact that you had no idea how; so you opted for the fact that maybe you could marry some stallion nice and rich. More importantly, I remember how you used to tell me that were you to have a child, you'd do everything in your power to make him - or in this case, her feel special - to make her have all she wanted. I did warn you that it'd make you come off as a bit overbearing, heh."

Spoiled kept watching him, unsure what to say.

"Spoiled." Grease said. "I'm talking to Spoiled Milk, in this case, for a moment. You're not in the wrong for wanting comfort and luxury when you've been deprived of it your whole youth; and if it means doing so via marriage - as I used that word you hate; as a gold digger, so be it. However, let's face the facts - you've grown somewhat arrogant since I've last seen you. You're considered as somepony cruel and lost in her own wealth."

Spoiled looked away from him and at the window.

"However, I know that's not really you. Sure, the money's changed you. But ponies don't change. I know you really want to be a good mother, and I know you don't actively wish ill upon others. But you can't ignore who you were; a mare who wasn't in the nicest lot in life."

He continued. "You shouldn't forget that those around you are ponies who have ambitions and hopes of their own, too. Ponies that come here to eat, and when I open them for conversation, tell me things similar to you. Some want wealth too, or at-least to have extra bits to treat themselves. Some want health for their family. Some want adventure. The unlucky ones don't know what they want. One mare came here saying she wants to be an alicorn, another said she wants to find the cure for blindness for her little brother. I even had a mare with a funny wizard hat coming here telling me how she wanted to learn magic more to impress her marefriend - and that was enough to motivate her for the day."

...Quietly, he gazed at the window. "...And sometimes, there come those who wish for things they can't possibly bring back. Old lives, childhood memories...Or loved ones."

Spoiled looked back at him...To find that he was staring out the same window. Their gazes met, and he smiled. "So, Spoiled Milk - I'll call you that for today, because I want you to remember this. The ponies around you are just like you - at-least how you were back then. Money's money - it's a nice thing to have. But so are friends. After all, the Princess of Friendship didn't come here to Ponyville to preach how to be rich - or how to make tofu wraps, did she?"

"...I suppose not." Spoiled quietly said.

"By the way - if you need evidence that you forgot yourself..." He coughed. "You forgot to ask me to hold the cucumbers. But I still remember. I'll be over the counter if ya need a refill." He told her, and walked over back to the counter.

Spoiled gazed at the food that was to be her breakfast - and did what she hadn't done in this place, with this food, for many years...

She dug in.


Spoiled could only sit on the balcony of her mansion...Looking at the sun going down.


She knew what had to be done, she thought. She knew that all she had to do was make a few phone calls. Phone calls where she would apologize...Phone calls that could ensure that she'd get her staff back. More importantly, phone calls that could give her a chance to make things right.


However, all of the sudden, her face contorted into anger.

What was she going to apologize for!? What was the point of apologizing!? If all of Ponyville already hates her as a mare who loves to flaunt her wealth, then what's the point of trying any longer? If she's being blacklisted, ignored, and avoided, well that suits her just fine!

...Everything will be just fine...

And parties can't be so hard! What's so hard about parties!? Just...Just snacks, decorations, music...She...She would be able to arrange this!

"Yes...I'll just do it myself! I'll do it even if it kills me!" She said, face contorting into a grin. "I don't care what they think about me! I...I don't deserve to be judged!"

Day Three

No sleeping. If Spoiled was going to let her pride stay strong, if she was going to maintain her grace and self-respect, she was going to do things right.

In her mansion - she stood with a most mad grin. The conductor analogy that could be used on Grease earlier may have applied to her - but if Grease was a graceful conductor, she was a mad one. An insane maniac who was trying hard to put all things together.

She knew what a party needed; so she knew what to do.

She was going to do it all herself.

First, the clean up. The morning completely took all of her time on this effort. Dusting away the dust, vacuuming, mopping the floors and cleaning the windows - she didn't know how to do it right, but how hard could it be? Tedious...to clean every single room in the mansion...Yes, maybe - but she knew that she had the ability to pull it off!

Snacks and drinks - right. She was abusing her kitchen - making every stove work on maximum as she began to prepare the fine snacks, and her hooves scrambled to craft the drinks she was going to let her guests enjoy.

The decorations - she spent hours in the office, using Diamond Tiara's school supplies to begin haphazardly arranging the fine flair for the event. The ice sculpture? Well, she had a plan for that too; using some ice in her kitchen to arrange it into a modest block, and then chiseling it out to the best of her extent like a madmare. She would call this piece avant-garde, whatever; she would MAKE IT.

The music - she would attempt to pick out herself and attach it to a boombox - but setting it up alone thanks to her lack of familiarity took more time.

Seats, tables - she'd walk around using her Earth pony strength to place them where need be, several times dropping furniture on her hooves...Yet, as she began to see the mansion from all angles...she smiled.

It was working...

The party was coming together!

The madmare, inspired by her own creation, started to ramp up her efforts. More decorations, snacks, drinks - arrangments, more of everything! Tomorrow was going to be a blast, and it would be the best part Ponyville ever had! The symphony was not going to be halted!

Piece by piece she arranged the champagne glass tower, meticulously placing each glass to make sure there was an idea, perfect balance; to make sure that it stood the way it had to, and that it would be able to stand strong even with a gust of wind blowing through it.

Hours - hours passed; hours of sweat, a lack of eating, and hours of terrible hard work that she never knew she had in her! But no matter, it was midnight. It was time to wrap things up. Her preparations had come along nicely, did they not?

Smiling, she took a step back into the foyer of her apartment, and breathed a sigh of relief. She stood on her hindlegs, and put her hooves on her hips. It was time to admire the hoofiwork.

She smiled wide.


Smiled less.

Frowned - as tears began to flow down her cheeks.

Oh no. It was a disaster.

The ice statue was misaligned awfully, melting at such an angle it was visibly sliding apart. The food was burned to crisps or severely undercooked. The drinks were completely off-color and the arrangements were completely off. The banners were crooked, as if drawn by a foal. Things were awful.

Insult to injury - the first teardrop that hit the floor was, perhaps symbolically, enough to make the champagne tower shake, and collapse all over the boombox, making it flash in electricity as it short-circuited.

...This was it. Her reputation was ruined.

...Or maybe, Grease was right. It was ruined way from the start.

Falling down onto her hooves once again, she could only sink to the floor...and cry.

Maybe it was impossible for a pony to make a whole party herself. But she hoped maybe she was able to make one thing right. To do something correctly. Maybe get the drinks right. Maybe at-least be able to tidy the place up.

Was she really so incompetent? The mare who was worried she wasn't able to do anything right in life was now caught up with the terrible realization that at the end of it all...She was still incapable of doing anything. Just like she was then - Spoiled Milk.

She froze when the sound of the doors opening was heard.

This was terrible; not only was somepony going to see her in this state - but these must have been the guests. Surely; she must have misinterpreted what "three days" meant. The guests came on the third day after all, not after the third day.

She sighed, and faced the music. With her eyes shut, she turned around to face the door. "I'm so sorry!" She cried out. "I...I-...I failed everything! I--"

"Well, we do appreciate you apologizing straight away..." A soft voice spoke. A familiar one...

Spoiled Rich opened one eye, and gasped.

"You--" She blinked as she saw a group of butlers, maids, cooks, and gardeners. All of her staff - some laid off, some still there.

The person who took the lead here was a chef, who stood with a neutral expression as he faced her. "Grease Wrapper told us about your predicament."

"..." Spoiled wanted to say something, but she couldn't, looking back at the mess she had made.

"..." A butler sighed. "Ma'am, we have served your family loyally. Some of us for long - some of us not very long."

"But it was really difficult." One of the maids said with a sigh. "We really wanted to keep working for you. It's not about money - working in this manor has been an honor. We were so happy when little Diamond Tiara got her cutie mark all those years back - and even so happy recently when she became friends with all those schoolponies..."

A butler frowned, casting his gaze down. "And when I was laid off last month after having worked with your family nearly since your wedding, it broke my heart. Master Filthy Rich was there even on the day of my grand-daughter's birth. I have nothing but the utmost respect and loyalty to you and your family."

"But." The chef grunted. "As much as we don't harbor any dislike towards you, ma'am - we can't return to work under such harsh conditions and volatile rights." He said. "These lot aren't very courageous or assertive - but I'm a chef from Manehattan, so I've got the guts to say it how it is; as much as we want to return, we need you to do what you can to make sure we can work here. We're willing to give you a second chance. But Grease told us this - that we're not here to ask Spoiled Rich. We're here to ask this for Spoiled Milk."

"..." Spoiled could only look at them, blinking as she sat among the rubbish, with her mane so hideously unkempt, and tears ruining the already-horrid mascara she attempted to apply.

With a sniffle, she smiled.

"I promise that I won't take anything for granted any longer. I...I understand now. I suppose I've been...arrogant." She laughed softly, wiping a tear off her cheek. "...V-Very well. I'll ensure that you will all have better, more stable conditions here." She told them.

The staff was about to run in with a cheer - but one of the chef's massive hooves temporarily blocked them off.

"...Promise?" He asked.

"With all my heart." Spoiled said.

"...Promise on your pool boy?"

A faint 'Hey!' of a young stallion was heard from the servants.

"...I do." The mare chuckled past her tears.

"...She's clear." The chef raised his hoof - and the staff ran in with a cheer, eagerly surrounding Spoiled as they came in, thankful to have the chance to work with her once more, and thankful she reconsidered her relations with the staff.

However, as the cheering went on, Spoiled stopped. "H-Hey, a moment - where...Where's Prim Feather?"


The staff looked at each other in confusion. However, the first to speak was a maid - so small and meek that few realized she had attempted to say something. "U-Uhm, s-she wrote to me yesterday." The maid softly said. "She's going to take the midnight train to Vanhoover..."

"What!?" Spoiled exclaimed. "B-But, didn't you contact her about what's happening!?"

"I-I did, ma'am!" The maid eeped. "But she said that she felt herself as being too useless and--"

"We need to get her immediately!" Spoiled cried out. "B-But how will we get there in time!?"

"Diamond Tiara's cart from the Applewood Derby is still in-tact." Suggested a gardener. "Thing nearly put poor Randolph in the hospital after that Derby fiasco, but, we had it fixed for the little madam in-case she ever wanted to take it for a spin."

"Then the cart I shall use!" Spoiled exclaimed.

"...Where's Randolph anyway?" Asked a cook.

"Watching over Diamond Tiara alongside other parents or older siblings in the camping trip." The chef responded.

"So he missed out on everything that happened, huh?" A maid asked.

The chef spoke quietly to the maid with a smirk. "Diamond Tiara would raise Tartarus on her mother if she tried to fire him."

By then however, none had noted that their employer had already ran off into the yard to fetch out the cart, and drove off.


Standing on the train station's platform was a small-framed mare. She gave a small sighed as she looked at Ponyville. She would only look over for a short time - but her gaze lingered as she saw the mansion where she had worked for some years, and was in belief that her life would improve from here on out.

"...Guess I was wrong." The maid sighed, and took a hoof forward as the train prepared to depart in minutes.

However, she jumped up in surprise as the obnoxious sound of screeching tires rang not too far. She looked over to see that in the distance, Spoiled Rich had jumped out of what appeared to be a...Derby cart, to then run over to the platform.

"Prim! Prim Feather!" Spoiled exclaimed.

The smaller mare frowned. "Mrs. Rich? W-What are you doing here?...I-I didn't forget something at the mansion, did I-"

"I need you back!" Spoiled yelped. "I'm sorry for everything I told you! I didn't mean any of it, I truly didn't!"

The maid sighed softly. "It's...nice that you take my feelings into consideration, but...I think what you said was right. This profession...It's not my place, and, besides, there's enough maids in the staff to compensate for me--"

"Apart from the fact that without my staff I can barely even take care of myself..." The mare sighed. "Look, I...I had a conversation with Grease Wrapper..."

"...Y-You know him?" The mare yelped.


"...W-Wow." She could only blink at him. "...Y-You know my uncle?"

"...He's your...What!?" Spoiled yelped in shock.

"My uncle." She said. "He actually was the one who directed me to work in your mansion - he said that it'd be good for me, and I wouldn't need to go back to Vanhoover to my mom..."

"Wouldn't need to...?" The older mare tilted her head.

"I...I'm not in such good terms with her." Prim sighed.

At this, Spoiled's heart sank. She was no stranger to this odd sting as a mother - to know that your child hesitates to even say she loves you. Her "moment" with Diamond Tiara had basically embedded this awful feeling. She could only look at Prim and imagine in her place her own daughter - what would happen if Diamond hated her too?

"...Grease Wrapper told me that everypony has their own dreams. Something to look forward to." She said. By now, the train had two minutes before leaving. "I was a mare like that too - because I always dreamed of being rich. Of being wealthy and being respected. Now I guess my dream is accomplished - and I don't know what else I can dream for right now..."

The older mare's gaze caught Prim's, and she continued.

"But for certain..." Spoiled said. "Based on my experience with Diamond Tiara, with the staff - with you...All I know is that I don't want to be the killer of someone's dreams." She said. "...Please Prim - come. I'll make things right."


A voice yelled at the doors to the train. "All aboard! All aboard the train to Vanhoover!"


Prim smiled softly at Spoiled, and wiped a tear.


"Okay." Spoiled Rich said as she stood in the foyer with all her staff. "Now, I do know that my...attempt at making the party has caused more damage than one could have anticipated. However, we have exactly...12 hours to set everything up."

"Three day's work in twelve hours." The chef coughed. "Doesn't bode well with what you promised, ma'am."

"I know." She sighed. "I am going to make things right. Vacation days, pay raises, anything you need. But please - I need this. My family needs this."

"Never said we're not doing it." The chef grinned. "Just lay out the plan, ma'am."

Spoiled gave a small smile. "Okay, so..."


"HOW MUCH TIME LEFT!?" A maid cried out.

"...T-Twenty minutes!" Another maid said in shock.

"The cake still needs time!" The baker-jeweler-doctor yelled.

"The guests are bound to be here in twenty minutes sharp; so do what you can!" A butler exclaimed.

None had anticipated Spoiled however, as she frantically swept up dirt and trash with a broom, rapid-firing her efforts and actually pulling it off. She looked awful for wear...

But just as she was about to get herself coated in dust, she was approached by Prim Feather. "Ma'am, you need to tidy your appearance up ASAP!"

"But, the dirt--" Spoiled said past the exhaustion and tiredness in her eyes.

Prim Feather assertively took the broom. "This is your party, ma'am - you're the hostess, and you must look fine. Girls!" She yelled out at Spoiled's makeup artists and hair stylists. "We need an emergency procedure on madam Spoiled!"

"Y-Yes ma'am--Uhm, Prim!" The mares gasped in surprise. Spoiled could only smile warmly at Prim, before a torrent of ponies suddenly washed over her, dragging her into her room.


The last minute was the most anxiety inducing. Spoiled ran - ran as fast as she could to the foyer, and dusted off some, well - dust off her fine dress.

The clock ticked...

And some time later, the door opened.

Spoiled nervously smiled, but did her best to make it convincing. "...Welcome to the Rich Manor!"

And the first person to greet her, with a very inquisitive look...was Fancy Pants.


All ponies were having a great time - talking to each other, enjoying the fine snacks and drinks, and listening to the classical music. Oohs and Aaahs came from those who looked at the marvelous ice sculpture of a pony, and no matter how clumsy the guests, none could accidentally topple the champagne tower.

"Spoiled Rich, I must say..." Fancy Pants coughed. "Something's different about you today. Perhaps a new mane style?"

Spoiled could only give a small smile. "Well, erm...Eheh, I suppose I just...got up on the right hoof today!"

"Truly?" The stallion asked. "You do look somewhat tired..."

"Yes, I stayed up all night working--..."

She stopped herself, looking at the ponies in the room. Not the guests - but the butlers who stood at attention. The cooks who were working tirelessly. The maids who made sure that no mess lingered. She smiled warmly.

"No - we stayed up all night working hard to make this party perfect, Mister Fancy Pants."

"You and your staff had certainly accomplished a great deal." The stallion smiled, and walked off.

In panic - Prim Feather tried to run over to Spoiled, but doing so in a way that didn't seem too fast. "M-Ma'am, we have an issue!"

"W-What is it?" Spoiled stammered.

"We didn't stock enough ingredients - the chefs say they're going to run out of food!"

"O-Oh no, no no no..." Spoiled nervously bit her hoof. "We won't have enough time to send anyone to the store!...Oh what to do, what to--"

A familiar smell hit Spoiled's nostrils...one that came from the kitchen. Prim noticed it too. Both mares took a moment looking at each other, before they ran off to the kitchen.

As they anticipated - Grease Wrapper was already playing conductor on the kitchen.

"Grease!?" Spoiled asked. "What're you doing here?"

"I thought I'd help you out." The stallion laughed. "Heard of a predicament, and decided I'd get some of my own supplies here and work some Grease Wrapper magic. Also, hey kid - how goes?" He asked Prim.

"Good, uncle Grease!" Prim smiled wide.

"Wait, but..." Spoiled coughed. "Grease, you're going to give them tofu wraps?"

"I already did, actually." The stallion blinked.

"B-but..." Spoiled nervously looked around the kitchen, but Grease was already smiling as he interrupted her.

"Don't worry, I know it's not high-class, but I got a mare on the inside. A trade deal with Pinkie Pie in exchange for free tofu wraps." He said.

"Wait, what--"

Looking out the door, Spoiled could see Rarity, mingling with the guests as her horn levitated over a wrap. "So, you see - many disregard this as mere street food, but I'll have you know that this is not the case once a skilled fashionista considers things from another perspective. What you claim as street food can instead be seen another form of elegance. To be able to see class in the unclassy, to be able to see the beauty of crudeness, to--"

Rarity saw that the two ponies did not understand what she was saying.

So Rarity sighed. "...I like them."

And then one of the ponies had sparkles in his eyes as he looked at the other pony. "Did you hear? Rarity likes these - so they must be in fashion! I'll take two!" He said, seeking a butler with a tray of wraps.

"Me three!" The other one exclaimed.

Rarity shook her head. "Pinkie Pie really has to stop agreeing to ask her friends to do things for her because of free food." She said, taking a greedy, big bite that almost made her look like a shark.

Spoiled looked back at Grease. "...Grease, I--"

"Don't thank me for anything." The stallion said. "But...I hope these last few days have been a learning experience for you." He winked.

Looking at Prim Feather, Spoiled chuckled weakly. "Yes - that it has been..."


Some time later...

"PRIM FEATHER!" Spoiled Rich shouted.

Meekly, the maid ran into the room where her employer was. "Y-Yes, ma'am, w-what's the issue?"

Spoiled looked at the maid, and blinked. "...Oh, sorry for shouting, Prim. I just thought you were on a different floor."

"Oh." The mare wiped her brow with a sigh of relief.

"Prim." Spoiled coughed. "You bought the cheaper fabric conditioner again, didn't you?"

The maid tensed up once again. "Y-Yes?"

With that, Spoiled hoofed the maid a pouch of bits. "You don't need to return this to me. Any money you can keep after making the purchases - as long as nothing is defective and works as the real deal of course - is yours."

"Oh." The mare wiped her brow with a sigh of relief. "T-Thank you so much, ma'am!"

Spoiled smiled at her. "That's all."

Prim took the bits, and smiled...Before turning back to Spoiled. "Uhm, ma'am?"

"Yes, Prim?"

"...Soooo, uhm, can I ask the pool boy out on a date?"

"Don't push your luck, Prim."

Comments ( 45 )

Really wish we had seen something like this for Spoiled Rich in the show.

It's really fun to try and "reform" some of the mean characters, so yeah, I totally agree.

This story was a wonderful read. It felt like it could be an episode if mlp was aimed at slightly older audiences well done. bonus points for making me feel sympathy for spoiled

Thank you so much! I guess I'm still perfecting my ability to make "E"-rated work! And yeah, it's fun to coax sympathy for the unsympathetic!

It's e just not e enough for Hasbro I could see disney doing a story like this though.

I said that more as rib at Hasbro then anything

Yeah - but I think the O.G. show writers were able to do a lot of good with the limitations they still had imposed on them!

We would not be here today if it weren't for those writers so I agree

I admit, I was pleasantly surprised by this story. But then again I'm a sucker for even terrible characters having some measure of redeeming qualities.

Same! Glad you enjoyed it!

This was good a good read, Thank you for making it.

Thank you so much!!!

šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ Standing ovation. I've been too sick to write my own story and the flu ate up my writing time, but I hope that you are one of the winners. Take it to the moon for me, Mokoma!

The story was funny, warm, entertaining, interesting, unique, deep and magnifique! Nice job with the story and developing Spoiled Milk/Rich - nice job with the world building of a pony we barely know using inferences and past info from the show! And the new characters as well - awesome job with them - especially Grease and his neice Feather - I wish they were real! :heart:

Nice job - this long story never dropped my attention while delving into Spoiled's past.

AAA this is one of the nicest comments I've ever received on my work! Thank you thank you thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed this fic! And I'm glad my original character input worked out, in the end!

Thank you so much for this!

Also, your profile picture is one of the best things I've ever laid my eyes on!

:) You are so welcome! And thank you, it's the cutest thing really - my two favorite franchises combined with the cutest of hats - themselves! Have a nice day! :heart:

Lets be honest, if shes doing what I think she's doing with the Pool Colt, its only a matter of time till she gets caught and divorced.

Those pools gotta stay clean!

Now this is a great idea for a story. Someone who's so used to being waited on all the time learns how hard things can be when they have to do it on their own. This would have been a great episode.

"...Promise?" He asked.

"With all my heart." Spoiled said.

"...Promise on your pool boy?"

A faint 'Hey!' of a young stallion was heard from the servants.


Eeee! Thanks! I don't know at what point, but I did decide to try and do what I can to make it more like an episode halfway through writing.

The poor colt can't catch a break!

That was a good story.

Thank you so much!!

Great storytelling skills, it felt like I was there in person.
Any chance for an epilog? Maybe a sequel of some sort?

Thank you! As for a sequel or epilogue I'm unsure. I would have to have an idea for it and for it to have some substance. The best I could come up with an epilogue was the bit at the end.

Great job with your story! It had a lot of heart put into it and I love how you made your own version of Spoiled's backstory. Well done!

Thank you so much! I'm usually a bit afraid to take my own liberties when it comes to canon characters, but I thought there was no harm making things somewhat..."vague but with some sense of direction". Appreciated!

She enjoyed the God-Emperor-of-the-World sized bed

She considered it consuming the souls of a thousand unicorns every day as more of a feature than a bug.

my Triple Salted Caramel Swirl Two-Pumps Vanilla Five-Pumps Coconut Nine-Pumps Hazlenut Unwhipped Whipped Cream Minus Three-Pumps Coconut and Plus Two-Pumps Vanilla--" - Inhale - "195 degrees to cool down to 160 degrees within two minutes, extra sprinkles, no foam, Venti-sized but a centimeter taller, blessed by Princess Celestia on a Sunday - Latte - from the StarsWhirls in Canterlot!?

Completely unbelievable. Spoiled would expect her maids to have all of that memorized after the one and only time she'd ever actually tell them. (I do especially appreciate the negative three pumps of coconut. And how there's no room for actual coffee.)

"Because some ponies don't know their place. Hmph." She said - the best way she could directly avoid saying what a subconscious part of her mind wanted to.

Definitely better to hint at this sort of thing rather than come out and say it. Have a little faith in your readers' ability to pick up the subtext.

Therefore, in Ponyville...Over a small fifty of its servant workers were...unavailable!?

I'm not following this sentence...

Then we can try to pull the record for Equestria's longest conga line!

Huh. That makes two entries thus far with a reference to Equestria's longest conga line. Go figure.

You're not in the wrong for wanting comfort and luxury when you've been deprived of it your whole youth

My issue is the disconnect between having nothing and knowing nothing. Yes, her self-sufficiency may have atrophied after being waited on hoof and other hoof for years, but not knowing how to look after herself when she had no one to fall back on... how did she last long enough to snag Filthy in the first place? And how did she manage to do so with basically no redeeming qualities?

I know you really want to be a good mother, and I know you don't actively wish ill upon others.

Citation needed.

I do like Spoiled's arc here, but the backstory doesn't feel like it has enough support. There's not enough to build the bridge between the mare we see on the show and the one in this story, and thus I just can't muster the sympathy I'm expected to. Plus, the emotional beats get too heavy for what's meant to be a screwball comedy. Still, there are definitely some good bits here. A bit more insight into Spoiled's journey and this could be very good indeed. As is, thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

Thanks for the feedback, it's really helpful! Sadly I saw the competition really late so I didn't really have much time to re-read and check. Still, glad I was able to make it within the time limit. Thanks again for this!

Interesting story with a lot of heart. I think you did wonderfully! Great work!

(Have to ask just cause the series is fresh in my mind-is the mare with the wizard hat who wants to impress her marefriend a reference to Luz Noceda and Amity Blight? (The Owl House))

Thank you so much!!

(Oh no that was just a reference to Trixie and Starlight, eheh)

That was great :)

No problem! It's a great story!

(Oh, whoops-forgot they existed for a sec. Sorry! But they're cute too!)

So glad you liked it! Thanks!!

My only regret is we did not see rich and dimond tiara reaction to the humbled spoiled rich

I would have liked to include that! Sadly, this was one of the rules of the contest - that the involvement of the child of the character was to be kept to a minimum.

Fair enough maybe do it for a sequel someday


oh my gosh oh mygosh-- Thank you so much for your review!!! This was a really sudden and unexpected surprise, so it really made my day! Thank you so much for your awesome feedback - I was grinning the whole time while I read through it!

Spoiled was probably one of the worst characters in the show in terms of personality. The others are the Canterlotian aristocracy (Prince Blueblood and the like).

I don't deny some level of curiosity to how a mare like her ended up in Ponyville of all places and married.

As to her name, particularly her maiden name, one Fandom theory I'm rather fond of is that her family's trade was cheese related. From that, we can guess that her getting that diamond ring didn't go over well with mummy and daddy.

I enjoy a more uplifting take on Spoiled's future. Thanks for the warm fuzzies!

If memory serve swell, there was a theory that she had some kinda milk-related job, like a milkmaid or something like that. Yeah though - it's fun to write about the "worse" characters!

Thank you so much!!!

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