• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 5,284 Views, 311 Comments

Beyond Earth: Phoenix Rising - Stalin with Da Spoon

Humanity has overcome it's failures and united together to create a world of peace, prosperity, and progress. However, when a cataclysm of epic proportions threatens the human race, actions must be taken to hibernate below, and one day, re-awaken.

  • ...

11. Kickstart

'Flying might not be plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.'
- Amelia Earhart

Rover inserted his mechanical arm into the small interface console in the wall, making little beeps and boops as the computer whirred while Rovers arm rotated in the socket, inputting the opening sequence for the entrance as the rest of the squad, with Dunn letting out a yawn.

"No offense little guy, but could you maybe hurry it up a bit? The longer were out here the more afraid I am we'll be jumped by another of those wooden things. Course, I doubt they'd try anything with big fella right here." He said as he scratched Cebrerus' neck. Rover turned his head and let out a few beeps of annoyance before turning back and resuming his work. Cozy Glow and Tirek observed the small Rover carefully, watching it precisely turn and adjust it's arm as it input data into the seemingly magical console.

Cozy Glow walked over and knelt down beside Rover, a look of confusion on her face as she inspected the inputs the machine was making, turning to look the small rover in the eye as she decided to lightly pat it on the head with her hoof.

"You for sure ain't like any pet I've seen. They call you... 'Rover', right? Strange name, but it sounds neat!" Cozy Glow said as Rover turned and nodded, letting out a boop of confirmation. Cozy Glow then turned to look at the massive metal wall, moss and rust covering it as symbols and warnings were obscured or tarnished. "So... What exactly is behind this wall?"

"It isn't a wall, it is an airlock bulkhead. Behind it lies a secondary door and an access elevator down into the Geneva complex." SAM's voice emitted from the console, confusing Cozy glow as she looked between the drone and the console. "I am capable of uploading myself into different electronics."

"Ohhhh... So this was a door the whole time? Twilight and her friends said they thought it was created by an ancient civilization, and now yer telling me you created it?"

"The fact we are considered ancient confirms the passage of a million years, plus it likely confirms that there are still remnants of our civilization left over from the comet."

"What the hay do you mean by 'comet'?"

"You shall be further informed after debriefing." A few more beeps and a click later, and Rover withdrew his hand from the console as the massive bulkhead slowly began to raise as alarms rang out and red warning lights lit up. The humans walked inside as Tirek and Cozy Glow followed behind with Cerberus and Rover bringing up the rear, with the three foreign creatures looking around surprised by the clean interior compared to the much more rusted outer door.

The large door slowly lowered and sealed shut behind them with a heavy ta-chunk, the lights in the large room turning white as large vents opened in the ceiling and walls as they felt the air change. Soon, the second door opened as the lights turned green, and the group stepped forward onto the elevator, it slightly creaking and groaning as it shifted to deal with the added weight, before Rover pressed the button for it to go downwards, guard rails raising as it commenced it's rapid descent.

"So uhh... How in the damn sam hill are we going to explain this whole... Situation, to everyone?" Blackburn said with a concerned tone as he turned to Foley.

"Not a damn clue. Best I can say is we found some aliens and convinced them to come with us and let the sight speak for itself."

"Sounds like a plan. A not very good one, but a plan at the very least." Nigel said, before walking beside Ceberus. "Now you behave yourself alright, no letting out sonic barks or mauling people alright?" The large canine nodded. "Good."

The elevator continued it's rapid descent, slowly losing speed as it approached the bottom, finally coming to a stop as the guard rails lowered and both Tirek and Cozy Glow were awestruck as they viewed their new surroundings, watching as massive mechanical constructs hovered over them, as steel wheeled wagons drove by and bulky bipedal machines were seen carrying boxes and crates with little trouble.

However their awe was interrupted by several APC's driving up to the elevator, back and side doors opening as several armored soldiers emerged and lined up shoulder to shoulder while holding their rifles as Commander Wallace disembarked and saluted Blackout Squadron, which led to them saluting back. Alongside the transports, two black unmarked cars drove up as men in black suits disembarked, opening the door for President Felix as he stepped out and nodded. The squad behind the Centaur and Pegasus saluted as did Rover as they approached.

"Good evening gentlemen, it is good to see you have returned from your expedition... Mostly unscathed." Felix said with a wince as he glared down towards Nigels wound on his leg. "And I've seen you brought some strange... Guests. Ahem, I am Felix Stone, President of the United States of America, and representative of the United Nations Solar Alliance." He said looking up towards the panting Cerberus and glaring Tirek, who was currently looking over the president with an inquisitive gaze. Felix then looked down to Cozy Glow who was wearing a happy look on her face as she suddenly placed her hoof in Felix's hand and shook it.

"Hello mister Felix, nice to meet you!" Cozy Glow said Felix was left a little surprised by the fact this creature could one, speak english, and two, even speak at all. Regardless, he maintained his smile and continued shaking her hand before withdrawing it and nodding.

"Nice to meet you too little miss. It is an honor to have the first of your species within our facility. Now then, Mister Wallace, you may take your troops for debriefing. As for our new friends here, they come with us for further questions and accommodations... Although I'm not sure where were going to find space for the big guy." Wallace saluted and gestured for Blackout Squadron to follow him as they climbed into the back of an APC, with Rover driving inside right as it closed up and drove off. Meanwhile, Tirek was left a little confused as he turned to Felix.

"Are you referring to me or the hound?"

"The hound. And no offense if you assumed-"

"Oh no, it's fine, being big is a common trait of a centaur."

"Ah, that's what you are, is it? The name was on the tip of my tongue and I just wasn't sure what it was. Never really did pay good attention in Mythology class. Now while I am sure we can transport your friend here, I am... Unsure of how we will move you."

"That is a good question... Perhaps one of those steel chariots could carry me." He said pointing towards a parked cargo truck as several workers were seen unloading crates off the back.

"Well, it's worth a shot."

In the front passenger seat of the cargo truck, Cozy Glow sat comfortably as she curiously poked the seat cushion, sinking her hoof into it only for it to bounce back out. "Wow, ain't seen a cushion like this before, whats it made of?"

"Foam." The driver, his attention remaining on the road in front of him as he kept his grip tight on the steering wheel, watching as other trucks and transports passed by him while he kept a low speed. He looked into his rear view mirror to see Tirek sitting in the back alongside two armored soldiers. A second truck followed close behind as the massive Cerberus was seen sticking his tongue out and letting it flap in the artificial wind as they drove along, sometimes barking at passing vehicles.

"The hay is foam?"

"The stuff that's in the seat." Cozy Glow glared in annoyance, before shrugging and letting out a slight chuckle as she relaxed, looking to her side and out the passenger window to see the President's black car and it's escort driving beside them on a second lane before turning and getting in front of the truck. Sitting up in her seat she squinted her eyes and was able to see Felix in the backseat of the second car talking to himself as he stared at a large screen with several other faces on it.

Inside the car, Felix drank from his cup of coffee before setting it down in the cupholder as he looked back to his fellow National leaders in the video call. "Now then, as I am sure you have already been informed about the whole... Mythical creatures situation."

"Indeed, and were surprised you didn't inform Keifer as well my friend, he ought to have either a heart attack or a field day once he learns that a centaur, a pegasus, and a giant near exact copy of Cerberus are not only real but inside this very facility. Cyka blyat, explaining this to the general public will be more of a nightmare than it was setting up the bureaucracy after we all woke up." Alexi said massaging his head while King Osas seemed to be in deep thought before finally speaking.

"Well my good friends, the fact that not only are they friendly but also willing to cooperate is a very good sign that the surface may not be as hostile as we thought. Plus, this outright confirms that there is no form of harmful hazards or risks present above. Of course, we have only seen a tiny portion of the area surrounding the entrance, and I believe these strange creatures may be only a few of many." As Osas finished speaking and continued to think even more, Pierre's eyes seemingly lit up as he snapped his fingers.

"Well, we have a couple hangars already up and running don't we? Why not launch one of our aeroplanes into the air to get a lay of the land and see how the globe has changed?"

"It'd have to be a stealth aircraft, mainly cause we don't wanna run the risk of spooking any civilizations that may be up top with the sight of a bloody UFO zooming about. And it would be better to just scout the area around where our men emerged onto the surface, that way we can understand everything above Geneva in what used to be Central Europe. Considering only a few bunkers have reported they are below sea level, I guess it's fair to say that the earth hasn't gone through a complete shift." Prime Minister Jack said while Felix was busy listening to the entire conversation, before he turned to Xi Mingzhe and Aladeen.

"Got any input?"

"I say we nuke the surface people! They could be potentially violent and seek to destroy us all, we must strike first, reduce them to ashes and take our world back, for the glory of Allah and Humanity!" Aladeen yelled with fury as he slammed his fist down onto his table.

"Mister Aladeen, with all due respect I ask you cease your fanatical Xenophobia and lower your tone like... Fifty notches." Xi Mingzhe said as she bowed her head in respect while a couple others in the call chuckled while Aladeen had a pouty look on his face. "Now then, one of the great teachings that I have learned over the years, it is best to know all that surrounds you, and determine those that encircle you are to be treated as friend, or foe. I believe this plan of determining our surroundings is a good one."

"Well then, we'll take it to a vote. All in favor of launching a plane into the sky, say aye. Hey, that ryhmed."

"Aye!" Almost everyone in the call spoke out at once raising their hand, except Aladeen.

"Alright, I think that settles it-"

"Wait, you did not call for a nay vote!"

"Aladeen, your the only one who didn't say aye."

"... I just want to feel included."

"Alright friend Felix, who shall we send soaring into the heavens for the sake of gaining insight?" Alexi asked.

"I think I may know the perfect man for the job."

"Technical Sergeant Jameson Holt, please report to launch bay 36." A monotone artificial voice spoke over the intercom as a man stirred from his bed and groaned, rubbing his head as he let out a light neck crack while he stretched out his arms and stood up.

"Yeesh... Can't get a single damn wink of sleep around here without something new going on. Eh, guess that's just the way it is." The man walked over to the locker on the other side of his dorm as he opened it and grabbed his flight suit, changing into it before putting on his helmet, securely fastening it to his head and ensuring the air mask was properly in place before flipping the helmet visor up and exiting his dorm into the barracks, walking a short distance to the barracks exit before emerging into a ringed hallway and weaving between other personnel passing by him as he checked his watch to see it was around four pm.

He looked to his side and out of the hallways window to see the massive hangar on the other side of the glass, as several aircraft were seen being taxied along the roads at the bottom of the hangar and into maintenance docks or onto elevators towards launch pads. The massive powerful lights mounted on the hangar walls were occasionally obscured by large transport drones flying overhead, some carrying crates and other more larger drones carrying entire aircraft into different positons. An AI voice routinely spoke over the intercom, relaying information and announcements as well as stating new work orders and reports. A massive hangar door was seen at the center of the ahngar's ceiling, currently shut and sealed tight as the roof went up for five whole decks, with ten hangars per deck.

"All personnel be advised, new launch scheduled for... Launch bay 36. Model, V-45 MK.2. Modifications, tactical stealth and advanced reconnaissance packages." The voice continued to drone on listing specific components parts and mods for installation while Jameson couldn't help but smirk to himself. Along his walk across the long hallway as it winded along the circular shape of the hangar, he accidentally bumped into another airmen.

"Oof, uhh, sorry about that, didn't see you there." He said before the airmen turned to reveal the one eyed face of an android as their eye turned blue and they nodded before speaking in their robotic tone with a hint of a southern accent present.

"Apology accepted sir. You must be the pilot they called for bay 36, right?"

"That'd be correct."

"Well then, that must mean I'm talking to the one and only Jameson Holt, the ace responsible for almost singlehandedly winning the air battle over the east coast of the US. It's an honor to meet you sir, the names E3N, members of SATO Special Combat Air Recon. Course, you can just call me Ethan." Ethan said extending his robotic hand as Jameson shook it.

"Well now, didn't expect to meet a SCAR, much less an android. I heard you served on the Retribution during the Martian War."

"Technically sir, I'm an Enhanced Tactical Humanoid, third revision. And you would be right, served directly under Captain Reyes and Lieutenant Salter." Ethan's eye seemed to darken a bit as he looked down, with Jameson having a concerned look on his face.

"You okay bro?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just don't like to think about it too much, just glad we put the hurt on those damn secessionists."

"Hell yeah. See ya later man." He said before fist bumping Ethan and saluting him before walking past him.

"Good luck on your flight!"

"Thanks!" Soon Jameson reached an elevator door near the end of the hall with the numbers 30-40 on it, as he stepped through it and onto the elevator as it raised upwards gazed around the interior of the hangar, the sound of engines, cranes, shouting, and the use of tools ringing out and echoing across the massive hold. Jameson disembarked from the elevator, stepping off it as the door closed just in time watch as a J-12 Jackal was towed by a tow truck along the road, hauling it towards Hangar bay 39.

Looking to his right he saw a trolley rapidly approaching before it came to a stop in front of the elevator, a small staircase extending out and allowing Jameson to climb in and sit down as a small robotic camera turned towards him, scanning him before nodding and it's motor whirring as it drove onward. Eventually the trolley arrived in front of Bay 36, as indicated by the large orange numbers in front of it. As Jameson disembarked, he turned to wave at the trolley as it drove away. Turning back, he saw a number of robotic arms installing various components and equipment on the mighty aircraft before him.

The jet's black exterior shined in the bright lights above, it's sleek and narrow frame giving it a narrow profile while it's cockpit slid open and a small ladder extended down from an open compartment, allowing Jameson to climb inside. The robotic arms finished their final adjustments and checks as they pulled back and retracted into the floor, the cockpit pulling back before sealing shut and the holographic displays within booting up as several screens and interfaces appeared. As Jameson adjusted his helmet to ensure it fit right, a new screen appeared in the center as the symbol of a wing was seen before a distinct robotic male voice spoke.

"Good evening mister Jameson, I am your newly assigned Automated Piloting Assistance System, or simply APAS. Sounds a little over the top, but I personally like it. It is a pleasure to meet you, and to be flying with someone of your renown." Ares said as Jameson chuckled to himself as he nodded, flipping his helmet visor down as a HUD display appeared on it, giving him additional readouts and information.

"Well, nice to know I won't be flying alone on this mission. Speaking of which, what even is our objective? Must be important considering they're getting me in the air only about a day after I woke up from the longest power nap in history." The symbol on the central screen vanished as an audio message played the voice of President Felix.

"Alright Jameson, we just got confirmation about half an hour ago that the surface is clear of any and all potential hazards, meaning they were moving to the second stage. With confirmation of sapient life up top, we need you to scout around the immediate area of the Geneva facilities auxiliary entrance in about a one hundred kilometer radius. Take as much data as you can and stay cloaked before returning to base with your data, simple recon mission. Good luck." The message ended as the screen vanished and APAS spoke up again.

"All systems are primed, fuel is at maximum capacity, and we are primed for launch."

"Good show APAS. Also, APAS doesn't really sound like a good name... How about I call you... Ares? That's my call sign."

"Ares... A little bit edgy but I like it. Launch authorization confirmed, commencing preparations." The aircraft's landing gear was locked into place, the platform below it shifting and rotating as the door for the bay opened, allowing the platform to extend forward into the center of the hangar bay, alarms blaring and warning lights flashing as the massive door slowly began to open, allowing the pilot to look up and see the bright blue sky and clouds above. Meanwhile the platform split into three parts, as the central part holding the aircraft tilted vertically into a perfect 90 degree angle pointing straight up, a long section extending out as two bits of rails unfolded. The clamps attached to the plane began to beep while the jet's engines quickly heated up.

"All systems primed. Commencing launch in T Minus 5...





0!" The clamps zoomed forward, dragging the plane along with it as the jet rocketed forward at full speed and came unclamped right as it reached the end of the extension, soaring towards the sky and out of the hangar as the door closed behind it, rapidly climbing into the sky before beginning to slightly slow down as it balanced and leveled out, it's wings and rear fins extending to full width with sensors fully activated as several miniature cameras mounted on the hull quickly scanned the surrounding sky and stored the data in the jet's mainframe. The hull of the plane began to shimmer and shine, it's photo-reactive and retro-reflective panels slowly adapting to the sky around them with the black metal exterior slowly shifting to match the blue sky around it.

"Active camo operational, silent running engaged, and stealth mode is fully active."

"Good. Now let's get this show on the road!"

Author's Note:

Next chapter gonna be all about flying bois.

Also, people keep telling me I shove too much exposition into the story, but I have no dang clue how to not do that and still make the story make sense. PLs give advice.