• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 5,284 Views, 311 Comments

Beyond Earth: Phoenix Rising - Stalin with Da Spoon

Humanity has overcome it's failures and united together to create a world of peace, prosperity, and progress. However, when a cataclysm of epic proportions threatens the human race, actions must be taken to hibernate below, and one day, re-awaken.

  • ...

4. Dream Team

Author's Note:

Note: Sergeant Foley is African American, and I had trouble trying to introduce that fact without making it sound awkward, so my apologies. And sorry for it being short, but don't worry, long boi coming soon.

'The gladdest moment in human life is a departure into unknown lands.'
- Sir Richard Burton

The sound of electronic beeping, mechanical whirring, and keyboard clacking could be heard within the large Digital Command Center room, as the buzz of vents above blew cooling air into the room to help balance the temperature for the many heavily focused computer operators currently preparing to assist in the initial stages for the first official Special Operation undertaken by the legendary Task Force Sentinel in over a million years.

Operation Reclamation.

Within the room were about twenty men and women sitting within their chairs at their terminals as they focused on their assigned duties. Five other additional personnel were viewing the massive digital display screen on the wall, showing a video feed of the auxiliary facility exit and it's currently sealed shut blast door, before looking at the readings of the exit's airlock which displayed optimal oxygen, regulated pressure, and standard gravity within the airlock.

A ding was heard before the automatic door into the room slowly opened, as a male automated voice spoke with an American accent.

"Chief Commander of United Special Operations Command, Wallace F. Matthew, is now present. XO is relieved of temporary command."

All personnel within the room quickly stood at attention and saluted the commander currently wearing his Black and Gold Officer's uniform, before quickly resuming their current duties. The commander saluted them back before he stepped towards the center of the room, and spoke to a male officer who turned and nodded to his superior.

"Greetings commander, you sleep well?

"About as well as you can while being stuck in a cramped cryo pod. Now then, what have we got Charles?"

"Well sir, we haven't completely assembled the reconnaissance team yet, though they are all en route to briefing room. While they might take a bit to arrive, we are currently preparing the expeditionary rover, taking readings on the exit airlock, and checking all sensors are green. So in short, we are just about ready."

"Excellent, can't wait to get this show on the road, been too damn long since we did this, even before we went into cryo. And remember people, this is the first time we've ever done anything in a million years, so let's do it properly, and let's do it right! By the book everyone!" A few light cheers and murmurs were heard among the operators. "Now then... Let's get this party started, shall we?"

The door to the small and well lit briefing room opened as Sergeant Foley, Corporal Dunn, and Private First Class James Ramirez walked into the room wearing their full combat gear, complete with their helmets, tactical rigging, and weapons holstered. Foley carried his RAK-9 Shotgun, Dunn had his KAR-45 magnetically locked to his chest for quick access, and Ramirez wasn't even holding a weapon, though that was because he had left it back in his barracks and didn't care enough to go back and get it. While Foley and Dunn had their faces uncovered, Ramirez had a tan balaclava covering his mouth and a pair of sunglasses over his eyes. While the three rangers took their seats, Dunn spoke in a skeptical tone.

"Sergeant, what the heck are we even here for?"

"Got orders from the higher ups to bring our squad in for a briefing. Dunno what it's about, but it's probably something important."

"I'll say, they even said you had to bring Ramirez." Dunn said as he gestured to the silent soldier who was currently leaning back in his chair.

"Dunn, you know why he's here. He was at D.C too, it's no surprise he's here with us. Besides, I don't think we'll be the only ones in this room..."

"And right you would be." A deep somewhat southern American voice spoke out from behind the three men, as they turned to see a rather tall man standing in the doorway, wearing a black and grey suit with a black cap on his head and an EBR-800 energy sniper rifle on his back. "Been told that I would be working with the famous rangers of Hunter Two One. Max Blackburn of Shadow Company, expert marksman, at your service." He said, before walking over and taking a seat next to Sergeant Foley.

"Wait a minute, Shadow Company? You mean the the Private Military Company?"

"That's right, though if you don't recall, after the Martian War, our boss man decided to make our contract with SATO, and the UNSA as a whole, permanent, not that I'm complaining of course, all of us humans gotta stick together. Fought in the battle for Apollo city on Luna beside SATO in fact, it was a rough time though."

"I heard about it, how did you survive the crashing of the Carrier Damocles?"

"Two things. Sheer damn luck, and ducking into the subterranean maintenance tunnels right before shit hit the fan. Can't say the same for most of the other squadmates that were with me, but nothing we can do about it now."

"Heh. Also, you a southerner by any chance?"

"Why yes I am, born and raised in Arkansas. You saying I got a funny accent? You northerners ain't any different."

"Well, Dunn here is from Philadelphia, I'm out of New Jersey. Not quite sure for Ramirez though we think he's New Mexican, but enough talk about state-life. So you've been assigned with us alone?" Dunn said as he leaned past Foley.

"Yeah, most of my squad is dead, and those who are still alive have retired. Of course, that's understandable. Seen enough during that war to put everything else I've seen to shame."

"Yeah, Mars was literal hell to fight through. Thank fuck we didn't go there, eh sarg?"

"You can say that again, Corporal. Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Blackburn."

"Right back at you." Max said as he shook the Sergeant's hand. "So... Got any idea what were here for?"

"Not a damn clue, Max. I thought you would at least know what the op is, especially so soon after everyone woke up. I swear if we are at war already..."

"Cheer up mate, if there was a war you'd know about it quite quickly." A heavy Australian voice spoke, as the four men turned to see two more figures standing in the door, one sporting a fancy brown mustache and wearing an AR headset over his ears with a blue holographic visor covering his eyes which he turned off by tapping the side of the headset, and the other larger and more buff looking man having a grey camouflage balaclava covering his entire head and face besides his eyes, carrying a large CX-3 Assault Machine gun with built in ammunition printer.

"Heh, get some more people in here and we could have ourselves a right proper party. Names Nigel Wornswood, Combative Engineer and Technician of the Special Air Service Regiment. This big old burly man here is my Russian mate Alexsandr Senaviev, part of the Spetsnaz. Though honestly, I just prefer to call him by his code name, Tachanka."

The large man nodded to Nigel and then proceeded to speak in a deep Russian accent. "Indeed. Greetings comrades, it is good to meet you. I have heard many tales about the exploits of the Army Rangers and Shadow Company. I have no doubt that whatever reason we being assembled for must be of great importance to have such skilled soldiers here."

"Your words of kindness are appreciated, Tachanka. Now then, care to tell me what an aussie and a ruskie are doing together?" Blackburn said while chuckling.

"Heh, well that's one hell of a story. Don't think I got the time to tell it though, cause look who's walkin' in." Nigel said while he and Alexsandr took a seat, before gesturing to a side door opening at the back of the room, as the legendary Commander Wallace walked out and saluted the soldiers, who stood up and saluted back.

"At ease men. Now, your probably wondering why I brought you all here, hmm?"

"That's about right, Commander. I mean c'mon, we got four Americans, an Australian, and a Russian all in the same room. Whatever it is, it's gotta be important." Max said as he and the rest of the team took their seats.

"Well, you would be correct, because you have been chosen for an important task, and a special duty. You will be the first Human men to step foot on the surface of Earth in 1 million years." As Wallace finished, the men appeared confused, with Dunn shaking his head in confusion.

"Wait a minute, I thought that Task Force Sentinel was going up there!"

"Correct, though the original task force members retired sometime after the Martian War, seeing as well they had nothing left to do in terms of service with all of humanity finally back together again. And plus, we need a new generation of soldiers to form the next best squad for Sentinel, not just for this mission, but for all the missions and special operations that will come after it. That's where you all come in. All six of you have unique skill sets, specialties, and backgrounds which allow you all to work perfectly in sync as an efficient fighting force. As such, I have deemed it necessary to grant you the offer to join Task Force Sentinel, or more specifically..."

"Blackout Squadron."

The shocked looks on the men's face, with even Ramirez removing his shades to reveal his surprised eyes made Wallace chuckle. "So... Any takers?" All of the men in the room proceeded to stand up as Foley was the first to step forward.

"It would be an honor to serve, commander." Dunn stepped up next.

"Hell, somebody's gotta patch the squad up." Blackburn was the next up, stepping forward while he slung his sniper rifle from over his shoulder and held it in his hands

"I suppose that we'll need someone to keep an eye out." Nigel stretched as he tapped the side of his headset and his visor activated, pulling out a holographic data pad and holding it in his hands.

"And we'll need someone with the tech need to get the job done." Tachanka cracked his knuckles together as he chuckled.

"I believe it is fitting that I be the team's Heavy Weapons guy." Everyone else turned to Ramirez, who had not spoken a word, as he turned to them, pulled out his shades and put them, before giving a thumbs up as Foley turned back to Wallace and saluted.

"When do we start, sir?"

"Just follow me boys. You're all about to make history." He said as he began to walk out of the front door, as the rest of the newly formed Blackout Squadron followed behind him.