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Troubles in Edolas

*Wendy's POV*

I was flabbergasted as to what had happened.

Danyelle calls out for Ben but got no response from him.

Danyelle spoke "This is bad...."

I ask "But what can four dragons, a Pegasus, a nekomata and a fenrir do?"

But then we saw a portal open.

Danyelle asks "Who goes there?"

We saw a female anthro peregrine falcon fly out of the portal holding an female anthro marsh frog. What was strange however, is that they look similar to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Unfurling a wing to shield the others, Danyelle asks "Are you two from the ENG universe?"

Peregrine Rainbow Dash asks "What’re you talking about?"

Flutters spoke "But… *Sniff!* Bayonetta sacrificed herself to get us through that portal!"

Peregrine Rainbow Dash spoke "You’re right, Flutters. We’ll avenge our husbands and our friends!"

Danyelle spoke "We've got a similar problem though. All of Ponyville is currently missing."

I spoke "And I fear an anima is behind this mess...."

Danyelle asks "Anima?"

I spoke "Yeah... It's like a giant magic absorbing crystal...."

Danyelle howls loud, just before Holo and Myuri were heard howling which had soon set Shirou off.

As Shirou howled in response, I noticed that the anthro falcon and anthro frog were wearing Egyptian clothes, and that the falcon wielded a naginata while the frog had a mic for a weapon.

*Meanwhile in Canterlot*

Luna asks "Shirou, what's the matter?"

Shirou spoke "Something’s happened to Ponyville."

Holo was heard once more since she had been set off by Danyelle.

Luna spoke "This is bad...."

Lightning asks "What happened?"

Shirou spoke "An entire village is missing, according to Danyelle's howl."

Danyelle howls again, which got passed on by Holo.

Shirou spoke "Aside from two otherworlders, there's just seven left...."

Luna spoke "That’s really bad."

Ears twitching, Lightning spoke "Hold on, I heard something from Myuri! Gray earth mare with rabbit like behavior... Orange earth stallion with dark orange legs, cream muzzle and foxlike behavior..... Seems like two others avoided the problem."

Luna spoke "We should help them!"

Lightning spoke "Dad, I think you should send a response howl...."

Shirou nodded as he howled.

*Back with Danyelle and the group*

Danyelle's ears twitch as she hears the howl.

Danyelle spoke "Seems like we've got backup."

I spoke "As a warning.... We won't have access to our magic while in Edolas..."

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Well, maybe most of of our magic for some of us. Oh, the name’s Rainbow Falcon and this is my best friend, Flutterzoe."

Flutterzoe spoke "H-Hi."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari. The others are Fluttershy, Shakir, Smolder, Spike and Wendy. the wolf is my mom, Tina. The howl you might have heard was from Holo, Myuri and Shirou."

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Gotta admit, that was pretty loud."

But then Moondancer showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Oh hi Moondancer."

But then we noticed Moondancer wielding a Kata Kamayari Spear that had some dragon features on it.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, that's not the Moondancer I know."

Moondancer spoke "Actually, I am. This was only a gift Rodin gave me after Star and I discovered something new about myself."

Jay soon arrives with Weathervane.

Star arrives too, wielding white and red crab claws.

Gilda and Ezekiel few out of a warp ring.

Gilda spoke "Count us in too."

Then Gaia appeared as well. “Same here.”

The Berrytwist twins soon arrive with the Canterlot branch of the Mobian Guard since the Ponyville branch was currently missing.

Finn spoke "We heard the howl so we came to help."

To my surprise, a few warp rings open up before a few Abyssinians, Caninians, Farasians and Ornithians arrive.

Chummer spoke "We want to help you out."

Moon spoke "Agreed."

Marini spoke "Count us in! You helped us so we'll help you in return!"

Xandra and the Three Caballeros showed up too.

Xandra spoke "Same with us."

Fizz and a few dragons soon arrive.

Even the Wonderbolts arrive too.

Danyelle spoke "We'll need all the wingpower we can get since not all of us can fly."

Skybeak and a few hippogriffs soon arrive.

Sunset flew out of a portal from Mobius as a few Mobians follow her.

Sunset spoke "I brought help!"

Then Sumarda, Christ, Silena and Ana showed up with an female anthro North-African ostrich, a female anthro rhinoceros beetle, a female anthro Argentinosaurus, a female anthro Leedsichthys, and a female anthro American Lobster.

Sumarda: Same with me and my friends.

Danyelle growls "But I thought the dinos were all wiped out!"

Sumarda spoke "Well, that is how it happened in your world, but technically, I did say that there were all kinds of species in my dimension."

Yui growls "Cousin Sumarda!"

Sumarda: I’m being honest!

Danyelle spoke "Ancient or not, we can't risk bringing something far older than me into Edolas. END OF DISCUSSION!"

Sumarda asks "Well, I am a bit concerned for Argentina and Leda. You two okay heading back home?"

Argentina spoke "It’s okay, Sumarda."

Leda spoke "We understand."

Sumarda spoke "Thanks."

Sumarda snapped her fingers and the two prehistoric anthros back home.

Danyelle spoke "It's mainly for their safety though, we don't want them to be killed by the Edolas humans..."

Sumarda spoke "Gotta admit, you do have a point."

“But who’re the others?” I asked.

Sunset spoke "No idea."

Sumarda: The ostrich is one of the fastest, and her name’s Valerie.

Valerie spoke "Sup!"

Sumarda spoke "The rhino beetle is one of the kindest creatures around, and her name’s Xena."

Xena spoke "Hi."

Sumarda spoke "And the lobster is like Trixie, also her name is Tesla."

Tesla spoke "Greetings! I am the big and bountiful Tesla!"

Sumarda asks "See what I mean?"

Danyelle spoke "I have a gut feeling that Sonic and Rainbow will likely challenge Val to a race..."

Sumarda asks "Are they gonna ask her to give it everything she’s got?"

Danyelle spoke "Most likely but with no outside influence."

Sumarda spoke "Oh boy… Might need to bring in the size ray for that. Because her unbound form is the same as me and the others, and it’s really really really big! And I mean that the ray’s for making Sonic and Rainbow Dash as big as her in size, so they won’t look any different."

Gilda spoke "Don't make me call Cronile!"

Sumarda spoke "No please! I just wanna give them a fair chance!"

Danyelle growls in an alpha manner at Sumarda.

I spoke "That choice will be theirs though."

Sumarda spoke "O-Okay. Just trying to give a heads-up."

Danyelle spoke "I think the dragons minus Spike and Wendy should stay behind."

Ember asks "What? Why?"

But then Vera Pinkie showed up.

I spoke "There's no dragons left alive in my homeworld... Or in Edolas."

Needless to say, that left the other dragons shocked.

Danyelle spoke "It's true though, I asked Lucy about it and she confirmed it."

A pile of earth suddenly shifted before Breakfang poked her head out as Nashi and Layla followed her.

Nashi whimpers "I want my mom and dad back...."

Danyelle spoke "Don’t worry. We’ll save them."

Spike spoke "Twilight and the others too."

Danyelle's mark was suddenly glowing despite the currently broken connection to the cutie mark map.

Danyelle spoke "We can't take too large of a group into Edolas though. So the ones that are going will be Spike, Wendy, Nashi, Layla, Skybeak, Spitfire, Gilda and myself."

Vera Pinkie spoke "Okay. *Gives Danyelle an amulet* If you need my help, just use it."

Danyelle took flight with the ones she had chosen.

I spoke "We'll bring them all back!"

And so, the eight flew high into the sky thus crossing through the portal to Edolas.

Danyelle had immediately switched to Mobini form while I was back in my original human form.

Skybeak spoke "What a strange place...."

Spitfire spoke "You’re telling me."

I was airlifted by Danyelle since I didn't have my wings.

Spitfire spoke "I just hope Keicho is training the newbies in my absence."

Danyelle spoke "I scared Dusty bad enough that she's more willing to help."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer before banking a hard left to dodge an arrow.

I spoke "What the cuss? They didn't have arrows last time!"

Danyelle spoke "Something’s not right!"

A roar was heard since somehow, Midnight had gotten free but was locked in a cage.

Spike spoke "Oh cuss.... Twilight isn't gonna like this if she was on the loose..."

Danyelle spoke "I'm afraid it isn't gonna be easy this time...."

I spoke "We should find the Jellal of this world, he can help us..."

Spike asks "Really?"

I spoke "We don't have a choice Spike, there's barely any magic in Edolas which makes it harder for Danyelle to use hers."

Danyelle spoke "Or anyone that uses magic."

I spoke "I guess that includes innate magic too..."

Gilda spoke "Either way, we have to figure out what the cuss is going on and stop it."

Spitfire spoke "Agreed."

Skybeak spoke "I think we should conserve our strength until we find this guy and get some answers as to what's going on."

I spoke "I'll lead the way."

I lead the small group through back alleys and underground routes until we met up with the Edolas version of Lucy and Natsu.

I ask "What's going on guys?"

Edolas Lucy spoke "Faust happened.... Even though we don't have magic anymore, that damned former king attacked our guild and caused us to go into hiding once more... And this time, he's used the anima to steal magic from a bunch of talking animals.... Plus that eleven tailed fox was locked up in a cage that it can't get out of..."

Danyelle gasps "What?!"

Edolas Natsu spoke "Luce, Nasha and I had to escape underground though because that monster has six new allies...."

Nasha spoke "I heard Griege call them the Chaotic Six..."

Danyelle asks "Why does that sound familiar?"

Edolas Lucy spoke "The three of us have been on the run since they showed up... We can't get near the castle to get our friends out."

But then Danyelle’s face paled in dread.

Danyelle spoke "It's as what I had seen in my vision....."

Danyelle brought out the amulet Vera Pinkie gave her.

Edolas Lucy spoke "that won't be of any use though."

Danyelle spoke "I dunno… Maybe…"

Danyelle used a bit of her magic to activate the amulet, summoning Vera Pinkie, before the Mobini fell to her knees in exhaustion.

The female's cutie mark was half gone since her magic was failing.

Danyelle groans "Okay… That really hurt…!"

Vera spoke "Uh-oh! If you called me this quickly, that means this is really bad!"

The royal female had collapsed.

Vera Pinkie spoke "Yikes!!! We better get rid of the problem! And quickly!"

Nasha asks "How?"

Spike spoke "I think we need to find the others and Megaman!"

Sky Beak spoke "As well as my children and niece."

Vera Pinkie brought out her cannon and transformed into her demon masquerade form, before picking up Danyelle. “What are we waiting for?! Let’s go!”

Edolas Lucy spoke "Are you nuts?!? Charging into battle against Faust is crazy!"

I spoke "You shouldn't underestimate a Pinkie Pie. No matter what world you'd find one in, she's unpredictable."

Vera spoke "Listen, I have a trump card, but it’s super ultra mega crazy, even for me! I don’t think I should use that until after we get Danyelle back with them and Megaman."

Edolas Natsu spoke "But the Chaotic Six are dangerous though."

Vera Pinkie spoke "That’s why we’re sneaking past them!"

Edolas Lucy spoke "The Edolas Pinkie is really scary though...."

I spoke "Yeesh.... Getting past her might be hard...."

Vera Pinkie spoke "Hmm… I got it! *Grabs the amulet* Time to bring in some help!"

Vera Pinkie used her magic to summon Rainbow Falcon and Flutterzoe.

Vera Pinkie spoke "Phew! That sure used some energy."

Edolas Natsu spoke "She may be blind but her hearing rivals that of your unconscious friend..."

Spike asks "So she’s like a bat?"

Flutterzoe spoke "Oh dear…"

Spitfire spoke "Spike, I think he was comparing that bad Pinkie to N'Doul...."

Spike spoke "Oh."

Flutterzoe spoke "I think Rainbow Falcon and I could distract them."

Rainbow Falcon asks "Whoa! When did you get so brave?"

Edolas Lucy spoke "Based on what I heard... Edolas Rarity is rather vain..... I think Edolas Applejack and Edolas Rainbow are far more stubborn than the prime counterparts.... Edolas Fluttershy's a loudmouth.... But I don't know anything about Edolas Twilight since she rarely shows herself in battle..."

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Oooookay…"

Flutterzoe spoke "I can use my weapon and the infernal demon I can summon to take Edolas Pinkie’s hearing off track."

Edolas Natsu spoke "That's not going to work, I heard from Mira that Edolas Twilight is a total jerk that doesn't care about anyone but herself... I heard that she killed this world's version of Spike..."

Spike shouts "WHAT?!"

Sky Beak covers Spike's mouth.

I spoke "shh.... Edolas Pinkie is right above us..... We have to keep our voices down...."

Flutterzoe asks "Right above us?"

I whisper "Yes, I can hear her footsteps..."

But then we heard an explosion, followed by a scream, before a human in a blue jacket and wearing a hockey mask crashed in front of us.

A male spoke "Goh-huh! These grenades are so powerful! WHOO!"

I facepalm before sighing "Now you've done it... We're gonna be captured for sure...."

The male spoke "Not if we use this super-ultra-mega smoke bomb!"

The man threw the smoke bomb, and the smokescreen covered the entire area.

I cough "Spike! Where are you?"

Spike spoke "Right here Wendy!"

But all of a sudden, a shocked squawk was heard from Sky Beak.

Edolas Twilight spoke "Nice try you brats!"

The male spoke "So, you think you’re a funny one, huh? Doesn’t matter. *Showing black and red aura* I won’t… hold back!"

The man faced Edolas Twilight.

But true to her stealth, Edolas Twilight soon has the male pinned down to the floor.

Edolas Lucy spoke "Cussbuckets... I forgot to mention that the six of them were ninjas..."

But then the man poofed, revealing a log in his place.

The male spoke "I decide if I’m weak or not… *Cracks knuckles* AFTER YOU’RE DEAD!"

The man started attacking Edolas Twilight, who was dodging, but started getting some near misses.

Out of nowhere, Edolas Rainbow dropkicks the male to the ground thus knocking him out cold.

Edolas Rainbow growls "We won't let you free those talking animals!"

But a few seconds later, the guy jolted up. “Whoa! Almost fell asleep there! *Brings out grenade* Now it’s time to use one of my-Wait, that’s not a ninja star. It’s-Oh! OH!”

The grenade exploded, pushing Edolas Twilight and Rainbow Dash back, while sending that guy flying straight to us the same way he arrived.

The male spoke "Hooooo… Oh, explosions!"

“Twilight! That’s enough!” We heard a familiar voice as we saw Edolas Flash Sentry approach the two.

The two she-ninjas vanish into the shadows.

Edolas Lucy spoke "Cussbuckets, they got away!"

Edolas Flash asks "Delirious, what was that?"

The male spoke "Me showing my awesome ninja moves!"

I soon notice that Spike was missing.

That made me start panicking!

A loud explosion followed by roaring was heard since Twilight had broken free on her own.

Twilight roars "WHERE ARE MY KIDS???"

I spoke "Sounds like we got backup! And no matter what world, nobody dares mess with Princess Twilight!"

Vera Pinkie spoke "No doubt about that!"

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Awesome!"

Flutterzoe spoke "Yay!"

I spoke "Uh, she was in the castle though... We're in the sewers..."

Twilight engulfs herself in fire before tail slamming the anima, setting the sirens free.

Michiru was on Nazuna's head as the six sirens roar loud.

Michiru spoke "You picked the wrong folks to mess with!"

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Aw yeah! Let’s do this!"

Rainbow Falcon started transforming into a humanoid bird with her arms and hands merged with her wings, while her hair and feathers became black.

Flutterzoe spoke "O-Okay. Here we go."

Flutterzoe transformed into a humanoid frog with frills on her head and hips, while her mouth gain lips.

Vera Pinkie asks "Think you can hold them off while I help Danyelle find Ben and the others?"

I spoke "She might not wake up since she's got no magic at the moment because...."

Danyelle's cutie mark was fully missing.

Vera Pinkie spoke "GAH! We need to get her to Ben and Megaman, STAT!"

I spoke "With Twilight and the sirens out on a rampage, that should divert the attention of the guards away from us."

Vera Pinkie spoke "Well, let’s go!"

Vera Pinkie web slings away while holding Danyelle to find Ben, Megaman and the others.

Gilda and the others follow Vera.

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Be careful, Flutters."

Rainbow Falcon flew off to help Vera.

Flutterzoe spoke "I will, Falca."

Three guards were sent running from just a glare.

Flutterzoe spoke "Time to knock Edolas Pinkie for a loop."

Flutterzoe used her voice to sing incredibly loud, while Edolas Pinkie started covering her ears while rolling in pain.

Sky Beak had stayed behind to protect Flutterzoe.

Sky screeches loud, inflicting more pain on Edolas Pinkie.

Edolas Pinkie screams "MY POOR LITTLE EARS!!!"

Sky Beak fist bumps Flutterzoe.

Edolas Rarity scoffs "Quit your whining."

Flutterzoe went back to her normal anthro form. "We might need more help. Faboan Zumvi!" Flutterzoe shouted as she spun and posed before her hair lengthened and created a portal, summoning a giant frog demon.

But soon enough, the two were soon captured by Edolas Fluttershy and thrown into a cage.

The frog asks "*Warbly* What do we do now, mistress?"

Flutterzoe spoke "Baal, time to sing."

The demon, now known as Baal started singing, which can be heard all the way to Rainbow Falcon.

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Guys, we need to speed up!"

I spoke "I'm faster on four than two though! Plus I can't switch back to dragon form right now!"

*Back with the two in the cage*

Edolas Fluttershy kicks Zoe.

Edolas Fluttershy spoke "Shut up!"

Flutterzoe spoke "Heh. Well too late."

Baal finished singing before breathing some purple gas into the air as it entered the clouds.

Sky Beak passed out because of the gas.

But then Edolas Fluttershy felt a searing pain on a spot on her right arm.

Edolas Fluttershy growls "You two and that damned frog aren't leaving that cage, it's resistant to all forms of attacks."

Flutterzoe spoke "Who said anything about the rain getting us out? *Feigning ignorance* Oops! Maybe I said too much."

Edolas Fluttershy laughs "You and your friends won't be around much longer once Twi catches them!"

Flutterzoe asks "…You think something’s wrong with your Twilight, don’t you?"

That made Edolas Fluttershy freeze and hesitate, “W-What’re you talking about?! I believe in Twilight!”

Flutterzoe asks "Then why did you hesitate?"

Sky Beak asks "Did something bad happen to her which made her lash out at the Spike you knew?"

But then a glitchy transparent version of Edolas Twilight appeared, as if it was viewing the past.

Past Edolas Twilight asks "What’s going on?! Who are you?!"

A voice laughs "I am the god of death… and you shall be my vessel!

A black mist showed a face before attacking past Edolas Twilight.

The voice laughs "The death of others will mean nothing to you… you shall wield me and you shall kill!"

Past Edolas Twilight screamed in pure agony before the glitchy flashback faded away.

Sky Beak spoke "This is really bad... She's gone... Dark Twilight…"

Edolas Fluttershy was speechless as she fell to her knees and hands, starting to cry tears.

Sky Beak spoke "But I know she can be saved, I know a godly alicorn. She's quite powerful that no low tier god can stand up to her."

Edolas Fluttershy was quiet.

But then a crack started appearing in the air, before a giant fat fist punched through the crack, then Twiliterasu and Chibi-Kari jumped out of the crack before the fist went back in and the crack healed itself.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {Thanks Sumarda!}"

Sumarda replied telepathically, {No problem! It’s the I can do for Danyelle helping Argentina and Leda stay safe.}

Twiliterasu spoke "{I'll let you know what happened after this mess is dealt with!}"

Sumarda spoke "{And remember, use some of the magic I lent you and your daughter in case neither of you can use yours.}"

Twiliterasu spoke "{But in a world that has no magic.... It might be harder for someone like Danyelle since I heard that she lost her cutie mark entirely.}"

Sumarda: {That’s why it’s dead-serious to get her to Megaman and Ben if she’ll fully heal!}

Chibi-Kari spoke "{More than that! She won't wake up until my mom and I get her back into the Prime Equis world.}

Sumarda spoke "{But we’ll need Danyterasu’s help to defeat this god of death!}"

Twirama howls "{Without Dany, I can't take on the Danyterama form!}"

Sumarda spoke "{And that’s exactly why we need to recharge Danyelle with magic as soon as possible!}"

Twirama spoke "{I just busted Ben out!}"

Sumarda spoke "{THAT’S GREAT! Now meet up with Vera Pinkie right away!}"

Twirama spoke "{I'll get Midnight first and then head to where Danyelle is!}"

Sumarda: {Okay. But please, try to make it quick!}

Twirama, Ben and the six sirens were soon heard roaring loud thus boosting Danyelle's energy back up.

Danyelle groans "Ugh...."

Vera Pinkie gasps "Dany! You’re awake! Oh man, I am so glad! If you died because of summoning me, I would never be able to forgive myself!"

All six of Danyelle's Pokémon pop out of their pokeballs.

Sui, Raiju and Enkai chuff in agreement.

Danyelle was soon on Sui's back since she wasn't strong enough to fly yet.

Edolas Lucy spoke "Either way, we can't stay hiding anymore."

Danyelle groans "We need… to find… Ben and Megaman…"

Edolas Natsu spoke "Even after we find them, you're in no state to fight."

Danyelle groans "I can… recover my strength… if I fuse…"

Gilda spoke "Uh Dany, you don't have your magic right now."

Danyelle groans "Just great...."

But then Danyelle felt some magic flowing into her.

Vera Pinkie spoke "It’s the least I could do for summoning me."

Gilda spoke "But it's not enough to bring back her cutie mark and the mark of the Mobian Guard."

I started growling suddenly after hearing an evil laugh.

We looked behind us as we saw Edolas Twilight, except her eyes were pitch black.

I growl "Where is MY boyfriend?"

But then Edolas Twilight responded in a distorted voice, “yOu MeaN tHis USeLess lIzArD?” as she showed Spike while gripping his tail.

I snarl "HE'S NOT USELESS!!!!"

Twirama roars loud in anger.

Twirama snarls "DROP HIM!!"

But then Edolas Twilight summoned a scythe made of bones and readied it at Spike’s neck. “TO thInK thE liZaRd oF thIs diMeNsIoN wAs olDer tHan ThIs ChIlD.”

A sudden Chaos Spear hits Edolas Twilight, causing her to drop Spike.

Maria growls "You've GONE TOO FAR THANATOS!!!"

But then Edolas Twilight? laughed darkly as four pitch-black wings sprouted on her back as she flew into the air.

Maria flew after the evil female, blasting her with Chaos Bullet.

I hug Spike since I was afraid of losing him.

Twirama asks "You okay Spike?"

Spike spoke "Y-Yeah. I think so. *Wince!*"

I hug Spike gently, minding his injuries.

Twirama spoke "I made the right call freeing Maria though, she doesn't have magic which makes it easier for her to fight if she got pissed off."

A Chaos Blade had sliced two of the wings off before a bolt of heavenly thunder hits Thanatos.

Annabelle spoke "IT'S OVER THANATOS!!!"

Maria and Annabelle pull off Chaos Control thus fusing into a new being, Maribelle!

Maribelle attacks Edolas Twilight at high speed, leaving no chance of a counter attack.

Edolas Twilight spoke "iT SeEms i mUsT gO FoR tHe KILL!"

She transformed, turning into a masked god with the same wings and scythe from before, while wearing a mask.

Thanatos spoke "*As his scythe glowed a dark purple* The Scent of Death is in the air. And you shall perish!"


Twiliterasu threw the Thunder Edge glaive to Maribelle.

Catching the weapon by the handle with a hand, Maribelle spoke in such a scary voice that would make Belladonna cry. "It's over Thanatos!"

Maribelle and Thanatos charged towards each other, only for the dark being to leave an afterimage as he appeared right behind her!

Thanatos spoke "Death Scythe!"

Thanatos threw his scythe at Maribelle, which hit her, but she held strong.

Despite being weakened, Danyelle yowls loud as she transformed into Danyterasu before fusing with Twirama to form Danyterama.

Danyterama roars loud, causing the fighting to cease.

Thanatos spoke "Hmm… It seems the time for games is over."

Thanatos started transforming into a ginormous skeleton bigger than Danyterama and Maribelle combined.

But suddenly, a silver blur buzzsawed through Thanatos's head.

Hyper Shadic spoke "You've picked the wrong group of heroes to anger!"

Danyterama charged up the biggest Tailed Beast Bomb she's ever made.

But then Vera Pinkie showed up with Rainbow Falcon, on a giant bird demon.

Vera Pinkie spoke "This is really gonna hurt. Do o ia Pinkamena. Cnila d comselha odo ananael. Malprg ror micaoli ialpon ils. Fafen niis."

Vera Pinkie summoned the spider demon before she pierced her hand into her chest before bringing out her heart as the spider demon landed on the ground before a drop of blood spilt from the heart and into the spider’s mouth, making it roar as it transformed into a powerful being surrounded by solar fire.

Spider Demon spoke "Listen well, master. This super-heated body can only last a few minutes!"

Shadic spoke "We have to combine our attacks with Danyterama's attack!"

Maribelle spoke "Understood!"

Rainbow Falcon spoke "Got it! Ready, Malphas?"

The demon bird cawed in response.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark! {We’ll help too!}"

Chibi-Kari spoke "Yip! {Agreed!}"

Vera Pinkie spoke "I just hope this ends well."

Danyterama howls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKNo30NONNI as she absorbed the attacks of her fellow fusions before firing the Tailed Beast Bomb at Thanatos.

A spirit bomb hits Thanatos at the same time as the beast bomb, causing a massive explosion.

When the explosion faded, Thanatos was greatly wounded as the spider demon started crawling onto him while attacking with fiery projectiles, burning webs and flaming claws.

Edolas Spike's spirit spoke "LET MY FRIEND GO!!!"

Thanatos laughed. “I’m surprised you never knew what became of your body after you ‘died’.”

That caught us all off guard.

Edolas Twilight's spirit soon appears.

Edolas Twilight's spirit growls "RELEASE MY BODY RIGHT NOW!!!"

Thanatos laughed again. “You can take back your sleeping bodies! They’re of no use to me anymore!”

Thanatos shot out the bodies of Edolas Twilight and Spike, then Baal caught the two of them before laying them down as Flutterzoe checked their pulses.

Flutterzoe spoke "Their bodies are in a coma!"

Danyterama howls so loud that it caused Thanatos's ears to bleed.

A voice spoke "Look over here!"

Thanatos looked to his right and saw the demon spider right near its neck before the purple flames started burning nuclear blue.

Demon Spider spoke "The endless flame that courses through me… can no longer be controlled!"

Danyterama, Shadic and Maribelle drove three Chaos Blades through Thanatos.

Vera Pinkie spoke "*Putting her heart back in her as her wound healed* Everyone get clear! This is gonna be huge! And Danyterama, get ready!"

All of us backed away from Thanatos before the demon spider detonated, causing a humongous explosion, before it shrunk and turned into a black orb, creating a black hole as it consumed Thanatos entirely.

Vera Pinkie spoke "Danyterama, close it!"

Danyterama snaps her claws, thus closing the black hole.

Danyterama spoke "That's one less threat to deal with."

But then the spirits of Edolas Twilight and Spike found themselves sucked back into their bodies as they jolted up.

Danyterama growls "Release the others that are trapped right now!"

Maribelle asks "Please?"

Edolas Twilight: Girls, let them out.

Edolas Lucy spoke "It's not that easy.... Faust isn't going to let a valuable source of magic go that easy... Not after what happened before."

Edolas Twilight spoke "Then I’ll make up for it."

I ask "How though?"

Edolas Twilight spoke "By atoning for what I had done while that monster was manipulating me."

Danyterama spoke "Nobody is ever truly alone."

I spoke "Exactly."

Edolas Spike walked over to his adoptive big sister, but Edolas Twilight looked away in shame of herself.

Placing a forehoof on Edolas Twilight's shoulder gently, Danyterama spoke "The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or... Learn from it."

Edolas Twilight spoke "But… I killed him…"

Edolas Spike spoke "Twi… I know that wasn’t really you back there. It wasn’t your fault."

Edolas Flash spoke "Twi listen, nobody is going to stay mad at you because..."

To the she-ninja's surprise, Edolas Flash knelt down on his left knee before pulling out a small box with a wedding ring inside.

I covered my Spike's eyes while Edolas Lucy had covered Nasha's eyes.

Danyterama's tails were wagging happily.

Edolas Twilight gasped with hands over her mouth in shock.

Danyterama spoke "Aww...."

Edolas Flash asks "Twilight Sparkle… Will you marry me?"

Edolas Twilight placed her hands on her chest as she started whimpering and crying with tears of joy. And I had a feeling that deep down, Edolas Twilight knew she was forgiven.

Edolas Twilight gasps "Yes!"

Edolas Twilight hugged Edolas Flash as he embraced her back.

Danyterama splits back into Twilight and Danyelle.

Danyelle teases "It's just like when our world's Flash proposed to you, eh Twi-Twi?"

Twilight giggles "Oh shut up Dany..."

The Edolas couple released each other as Edolas Flash slipped the ring onto Edolas Twilight’s finger before the two of them kissed.

Edolas Spike asks "Hey um… Wendy?"

Edolas Wendy asks "Yeah Spike?"

Michiru's tail was wagging happily while she was being held by Nazuna.

“I have a… very important question to ask you.” Edolas Spike said with a blush as he knelt down onto his left knee before pulling out a small box with a wedding ring inside, much to Edolas Wendy’s shock as she gasped with both hands covering her mouth.

Twilight and the others with magic in the veins were glowing suddenly as they floated up into the sky.

Danyelle was holding onto Sonic and Shadow while the males held onto Maria and Annabelle as the five floated up into the sky.

I was holding onto my Spike as two of us floated into the sky.

I spoke "Farewell everyone!"

Layla and Nashi roar their farewells.

Edolas Twilight spoke "I guess it's for the best...."
