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Summer Sun Setback

*Lillian's POV*

After that rather embarrassing moment, I had to wash the cake batter off my face.

“What happened?” I asked, wanting answers.

Tempest spoke "Sounded like a screaming fox..."

The new Mobian fox blushed, giving me my answer.

Danyelle spoke "Don't ask though."

“Who’re they?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "friends of mine from the Pokemon world."

The Cat Mobian spoke "I’m Ash Ketchum!"

The Mobian vixen spoke "I'm Serena Yvonne, Ash's fiancée..."

That surprised me.

Danyelle spoke "I challenged him to a Pokemon battle and won."

Ash spoke "Wait… We didn’t finish it."

Danyelle spoke "That jerk interrupted it though."

Ash asks "*Holding hand out* A draw then?"

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough."

Danyelle shook hands with Ash, shocking him a bit.

Danyelle laughs "The old joy buzzer in the palm prank, works every time."

Serena giggles.

“Heehee! Now that’s a real joker.” I laughed.

Serena giggles "Least he didn't get a slap to the back of the head."

“You’ve heard?” I asked.

Serena spoke "Lucky guess."

“Oh.” I noted before I noticed Chrysalis showing up. “Hey, Chrysalis.”

Flarerudamon spoke "Hey buggy."

Chrysalis froze looking a bit angry, before breathing in and out, calming herself. “You know it kinda annoys me when I’m called that.”

Danyelle spoke "He only says that to tease you Chrysalis."

Chrysalis sighs "I’m glad Cadence taught me that breathing technique to calm myself."

Danyelle spoke "It was not easy for me and Cadence to calm Shining down back then, he thought you were still evil."

Chrysalis spoke "Honestly, I can’t really blame you, Cadence, Shining, or anyone else for that."

Danyelle spoke "True but what's done is done and oh, hi Starlight!"

Starlight spoke "Hey guys."

Arctic spoke "Aba!"

Joltesusmon asks "Shouldn't we head up to Canterlot?"

I spoke "I agree."

But then a male centipede Mobian showed up next to Chrysalis. “Hey, babe.”

Chrysalis spoke "Hey, sweetie."

The two then kissed.

Iris hisses "I refuse to accept him as my stepdad."

Danyelle asks "Uh… Did something happen while I was away?"

I spoke "Well... Chrysalis started dating again but the problem is, Iris is refusing to accept her birth mother's new boyfriend as her stepdad."

Danyelle asks "But doesn’t Iris know that…?"

Iris gallops away to be alone.

I spoke "Not really..."

Danyelle asks "So who’s he?"

the male spoke "I’m Singe the Centipede, and as the name suggests *Demonstrates firebending* I’m a firebender."

Twilight wingslaps Chrysalis.

Twilight growls "Do you want to lose Iris's trust?"

Chrysalis spoke "N-No."

An untransformed Changeling stallion with a blue and yellow mane as well as blue eyes was growling at the centipede Mobian.

The stallion growls "who do you think you are? Getting involved with my wife? I don't think so!"

Singe stammers "Whoa whoa! Calm down! I-I’m sure we could share!"

Twilight spoke "I don't think it'll work out that way."

Chrysalis smirked before grabbing both the untransformed changeling and Singe. “We’ll never know unless we try.”

Mandible asks "Uh Chryssy, you forget that you are immortal right?"

Chrysalis asks "Hmm… Then why do I have a feeling about you and Singe, Manny?"

Mandible scoffs "He isn't immortal, I am though."

Singe spoke "Wait a minute… *Facepalm* Sonic, that idiot! That wish of his affected me too with him or any of us even realizing it!"

Danyelle wingslaps Sonic hard on the head.

Danyelle spoke "We got enough immortals as is...."

“And hopefully the last.” I agreed.

Blaze spoke "About that, only the Mobians that were in Equestria at the time when Sonic had made the wish were affected..."

Singe spoke "And I was actually exploring Equestria during that!"

Sonic spoke "I had only specified Ponyville and Canterlot when I had made that wish."

Danyelle uses a warp ring to head straight to Goku's world.

Danyelle shouts "Goku!!!"

Goku asks "Huh?"

Singe spoke "Truth is, I was actually exploring Ponyville when that happened."

Danyelle spoke "We've got a big problem... A centipede Mobian is claiming that he was affected by Sonic's wish..."

Sonic growls "I only wanted the Mobian Guard and their families to be immortal...."

Goku asks "Hmm?"

Singe spoke "But Vector told me that he, Vinyl, the Chaotix and Octavia were affected too."

Goku instant transmitted to Singe before staring into his eyes in silence.

Twilight spoke "I blame Shenron for this mess...."

Goku spoke "Well, he’s telling the truth."

Lucy snarls "But what about the Dragneel and Redfox families?"

Goku spoke "Hmm… *Picking up their power levels* They’re affected too."

Sonic spoke "This is my fault.... I should have been far more specific when I made that wish...."

Goku spoke "Hey, no need to be down. At least you still have your friends and family."

Danyelle spoke "This all started shortly after Sonic found out that he was half immortal alicorn."

Goku spoke "Huh. Maybe I should get the whole story."

Danyelle explained everything to Goku, starting from when Sonic had gotten his wings and magic to the wish.

Goku spoke "Whoa! That’s a whole lot to take in!"

Danyelle spoke "Afraid so, plus the damage has been done. It can't be fixed."

Goku asks "Well, no point in worrying about the past, *Warm smile* right?"

Danyelle spoke "As I had said back when Sonic had made that wish... It also affected my family, Tails's family, Knuckles's family, Blaze's immediate family, the ENTIRE Apple AND Pear family, my Diamond Dogs, my Changelings, Lillian's family, Twilight's family, Rarity's family, Pinkie's family, Fluttershy's family, Rainbow's family, Skystar's family, Natsu's family, Gajeel's family, Wendy, Haru's family, Hiromi's family, Spike's family, all of the Crusaders, Tiago's family, the Babylon Rogues and their families, the Tokyo Five and their families..... Even some of the chakats got affected too! None of the Chaotix were affected by the wish."

Goku spoke "Still, that’s a lot to take in."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah... I was so pissed off at Sonic that I roasted his ass though. He smelled like burnt hedgehog for a week after it happened."

Serena was giggling at what Danyelle had said.

Sonic groans "Please don’t remind me."

Rainbow spoke "But it was funny!"

Bold spoke "Funny!"

Serena pulled Ash's tail, causing him to blush.

Ash asks "W-What’s wrong?"

Serena asks "C-could we talk in private later?"

Ash spoke "O-Okay."

Danyelle and I noticed what it was as we sighed.

Katie asks "Mom, could I get a sibling?"

That made me blush, but I smiled. “Of course, sweetie. I’ll talk to daddy about it.”

Katie spoke "Okay mom."

Pikachi started rubbing against Pikachu, before giving a loving nibble on his neck, making him blush.

Serena spoke "How cute."

Danyelle spoke "Oh boy. Pikachi wants to have eggs with Pikachu."

Ash asks "You sure about that buddy?"

Pikachu spoke "P-Pika. {Y-Yeah.}"

Danyelle spoke "Once you take that first step into parenthood, you can't change your mind after."

Serena spoke "I hadn't thought about that."

“Yep. It’s a lot to think about.” I agreed with Danyelle.

Twilight spoke "Any parent can say the same thing."

A panicked Salma showed up via warp ring.

Salma spoke "I need to speak with Princess Twilight, Prince Sonic and Alpha-Queen Danyelle immediately!"

Danyelle spoke "Okay, this sounds serious."

Salma spoke "Dragon Lord Ember specifically asked for the fiercest of the Pony Guard as well as the fastest and keenest of the Mobian Guard's Ponyville branch. A group of hatchlings has gone missing!"

Danyelle shouts "WHAT?!"

Salma spoke "She's called in the rest of the dragons from Ponyville too since three sets of eyes might not be enough."
