• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,232 Views, 6 Comments

Fillies of the Night - Drunk Luna

Drunk Luna’s first story! A look into the lives of Luna’s two fillies

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On the Brink of War

"Why don't we go to Ponyville today?" Cassie asked, rolling over onto her back. The two mares lay by the pool with their mother, sunning themselves. Five years had passed since the coronation, Neoma had just graduated from Canterlot University with a degree in magic, Cassie was a sophomore majoring in finance, and Silver, now a lieutenant in the army and a handsome stallion, was still dating Neoma, though he was currently deployed to Saddle Arabia. Neoma had little interest in doing anything other than awaiting his phone calls and letters with bated breath, and today was no different. Their relationship had been all over the newspapers for five years, and rumors of an imminent proposal were circulating around Canterlot.

"No, I don't feel like it," Neoma said, using her horn to conjure a frozen strawberry margarita and taking a long sip of the refreshing beverage

"Neoma, it's noon," Luna told her. "Don't you think it's a little too early to start drinking?"

"I don't care. I'm tired of all the speculation. If one more pony texts me asking me if Silver has popped the question yet, I'm going to send them to the moon." Neoma sighed in exasperation as her phone buzzed yet again. Luna looked up from her magazine and frowned slightly at Neoma’s comment.

"Patience, darling," she said, trying to soothe her restless daughter. "If he's smart, he'll propose very soon."

"How can you be so sure?" Neoma groaned, getting up and slipping into the cool, welcoming embrace of the pool. Because he asked for our blessing before he left for his deployment, and we said yes, Luna thought, trying desperately not to grin. She stowed her magazine in her tote and joined Neoma in the water just as one of her night guards, Sergeant Ironhoof, soared down from one of the castle's turrets.

"Your Majesty," he called as he landed by the pool. "I have an urgent message from the Ministry of Defense, Ma'am. The largest military base in Equestria has just been bombed. Eighty Equestrian soldiers have been confirmed dead so far. As Your Majesty is already well aware, there is much unrest in the Appaloosan Islands, just off the northern coast of the Darklands. As Your Majesty also knows, the Equestrian embassy in their capital was bombed last week, killing sixty of our finest diplomats."

"Oh, no, how terrible," Luna gasped. "Does my sister know of this yet?"

"Yes, Ma'am. Princess Celestia plans to mobilize the army, the Royal Equestrian Navy, the Royal Equestrian Air Force, and the Royal Equestrian Marines. In addition, she intends to deploy approximately half of our military to the Appaloosan Islands and the Darklands in order to promote stability in the region. The terrorists who attacked our embassy are still at large, and we still don't know whether or not they are part of a larger terrorist organization. The Appaloosans and Darklanders are refusing to communicate with our intelligence agencies, a behavior that we can only characterize as combative. I don't like to be dramatic, Ma'am, but Princess Celestia herself has just said that we are at war. I advise Your Majesty to take the Prince Consort and the Princesses and take shelter at once. Princess Celestia and Prince Sombra are already in the royal bunker."

"My sister knows she cannot declare war without discussing it with me first, and she should never have made any decisions regarding the armed forces without consulting me," Luna growled, pushing herself out of the pool. "We are both Commanders In Chief of the armed forces of Equestria. Tell her to meet me in the secure conference room now, and gather all of our most senior military officers and intelligence officials immediately."

"Yes, Ma'am." Ironhoof saluted and took off, and Neoma and Cassie exchanged a fearful glance as they followed their mother into the castle.

Two hours later, after Neoma and Cassie had waited restlessly in the royal bunker with their aunt, uncle, and cousin, Luna returned.

"We are at war," she sighed, her voice heavy with exhaustion.

"Mom," Neoma breathed, "what about Silver? Where are they sending him?"

"Lieutenant Silver Shield will be sent to the front, as will Major Arrow Heart," Luna said wearily, swallowing hard. Neoma gasped, her eyes welling up. Summer cried out at Luna's news that her fiancé, Arrow, was supposed to fight, too. "I'm so sorry, my sweet one, but I couldn't stop it," Luna sighed. "Silver and Arrow are both high-ranking officers, and they have a responsibility to command hundreds of soldiers." Neoma’s knees weakened and buckled beneath her, and she collapsed into her mother's hooves, shaking and soaking Luna's coat with tears. Summer sobbed uncontrollably into Celestia's chest. Luna held Neoma tightly and struggled to swallow the lump in her own throat. Her daughter suddenly seemed so small and vulnerable, so much like the tiny filly she had once been.

"Come now, Neoma," Luna whispered, kissing her daughter's head. "You have to be strong for him, honey. You, too, Summer. Silver and Arrow need you now, more than ever. We need to be there for his family; I can't imagine what they must be going through."

"Can I see him?" Neoma cried. "Please talk to his commanding officer, mom. Please just let me see him one more time to say goodbye." Sobs rocked her entire body, and nausea flipped her stomach.

"Already arranged," Luna said. "Silver and Arrow will be home on leave for three days, starting tomorrow. Their commanding officers are aware of the circumstances, so they couldn't say no to my and Celestia's requests, but they couldn't allow more than three days of leave for Arrow and Silver because of the seriousness of the situation our country is in."

"Three days is better than nothing," Neoma said gratefully. "Thank you, mom." Summer thanked Celestia and Luna, too, and the two fillies began to prepare to say goodbye to their beloved stallions.