• Published 9th Nov 2022
  • 1,242 Views, 6 Comments

Fillies of the Night - Drunk Luna

Drunk Luna’s first story! A look into the lives of Luna’s two fillies

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Tragedy Strikes

"Okay, this might feel a little cool at first," the ultrasound technician said, squirting some gel onto Neoma’s growing belly. "And how far along you are, Your Royal Highness?"

"Twenty weeks as of yesterday," Neoma replied with a smile, looking over at the screen.

"And would you like to know the sex of the foal today?" the ultrasound technician asked.

"Yes, please," Neoma said excitedly, exchanging a smile with her mother. Since Silver couldn't be there, she had asked Luna to accompany her to this important appointment. The ultrasound technician smiled and put the sensor on Neoma’s belly, and her foal suddenly appeared onscreen, wiggling.

"Ooh, he's active today!" Neoma giggled. "Feel, mom." Luna placed her hoof on Neoma’s belly and smiled when the foal gave her hoof a strong kick.

"'He'?" the ultrasound technician asked, raising her eyebrows.

"We think it's a colt," Neoma said, grinning.

"Well, I guess you're wrong there. It's a filly!" the tech replied.

"Oh, wow!" Neoma squealed. "We're having a daughter! I can't wait to tell Silver."

"Yay, I'm getting a little granddaughter to spoil!" Luna cheered.

"Everything looks nice and healthy, and the foal's measurements are normal. Here's the heartbeat." The technician turned up the volume on the machine, and the rhythmic, comforting sound of a foal's heartbeat filled the room. Neoma couldn't stop smiling the entire way home. Unfortunately, everything was about to change for her family.

Celestia, Sombra, and Summer were waiting outside the castle when Neoma and Luna arrived home. Summer’s face was streaked with tears, and Neoma immediately knew something was terribly wrong.

"It's Arrow," Summer sobbed as she galloped up to her cousin. "He's been killed."

"His platoon was ambushed while they were moving supplies," Summer explained between sobs as Celestia held her. "Silver and his soldiers were in another location, so Silver is fine. Anyway, Arrow threw himself on top of a grenade, trying to protect his buddies. His commanding officer said he literally gave his life for the rest of the ponies in his platoon; if he hadn't blocked that grenade, everypony there would probably be dead. He's a hero."

"Summer, I... I don't know what to say," Neoma whispered, hugging her cousin. "You know I'm here for you if you need anything. I love you."

"I love you, too, Neoma. Thanks." Summer wiped her eyes and sniffled as she returned the hug.

My dearest Silver,

It's weird how you can get some of the happiest and saddest news of your life on the same day. I'll start with the bad news first: I'm sure you've already heard this, but Arrow is dead. I can't imagine how difficult this news will be for you, but I'm here to support you. I'm so, so sorry. I really have no other words that can accurately express how upset I am, which makes this next bit of news really difficult for me to share because we won’t be fully able to celebrate. We’re going to have a daughter, and I'm so excited to bring our little filly into the world. I can’t help feeling insanely guilty at the same time, though. My beloved older cousin, the golden child of the royal family, the beautiful, popular princess who has never once put a hoof wrong, has lost her one true love, and here I am, celebrating my pregnancy. I feel so incredibly selfish for feeling any sense of happiness about this life that we’re about to bring into the world, knowing what my cousin has told me. Yesterday, Summer said she will never marry again because she will never truly love anypony else other than Arrow. I tried to reassure her that she was wrong, but she refused to hear it. Summer is adamant that Arrow will forever be her only love. I feel the exact same way about you, my darling. I adore you, and I can’t imagine what I would do if I lost you. Summer is certainly much stronger than I am; I don’t know how she can breathe. She has refused to leave her room since the news broke, but she is alive nonetheless. I would have already died of a broken heart if I were in her position.

Some ponies say that when one life is snuffed out, another life is often ushered in; a new foal arrives in the midst of death, light shines in the midst of darkness, hope comes in the midst of hopelessness. I know that sounds like a horrible cliché, but it’s been helping me. Please take care of yourself and stay safe. I can't wait until you come home to me. You are my greatest source of strength and comfort, and this burden is too heavy for me to bear without you by my side, my love. Your name fits you perfectly, as you truly are my shield, my protector, my safe place. To say that I miss you desperately would be a massive understatement. I love you so much more than words can express.

With all my love,

Your Neoma