• Published 28th Nov 2022
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Hitch-ing the Trailblazer into the Zipp-ing Storm - Twilyx360

Hitch Trailblazer and Zipp Storm start falling for each other. Meanwhile they must battle the storm within themselves.

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Chapter 19

Chapter 19: ZxH

-One Day Later-

One Night Zipp was back in the abandoned train station. Looking outside the window.

“Hey Zipp.” Said Hitch, walking by.

“Agh! How did you get down here?” Asked Zipp, taken aback. “Oh I just climbed down one of the lift’s ropes,” said Hitch.

“Oh. Well, not much is going on. I’m just thinking of what’s going to happen when we get back.” Said Zipp. Hitch sat down next to her by the window.

“You know I think I get what you mean. I had fun but I’m actually excited to get back.” said Hitch. And Zipp was looking at Hitch, blushing. “Yeah heheheh. A lot happened between us right?” said Zipp. Now Hitch was blushing. “Yeah you’re right. You’re right. I probably wouldn’t have had as much fun without you.” said Hitch.

“Truth. Same here. Your reaction in that movie was priceless.” said Zipp chuckling. “R-really?” said Hitch. “I mean I was sitting right next to you.” said Zipp.

“Oh… yeah. And that game last night. You owned it, you’re actually a really good dancer.” Said Hitch.

“It was Pipp’s idea!” said Zipp. “I know but it was amazing,” said Hitch. “Not as amazing as you! Pipp was like, sinking in the couch when you were busting those moves!” said Zipp.

“Oh yeah?” said Hitch and then they were laughing. But unknowingly their hooves fell on top of each other and they stopped laughing. Then they looked at each other blushing again. “Uh… I'' Hitch stuttered. They turned their heads away, and parted their hooves.

But it didn’t take long for them to face each other again. “H-hey. I wanted to ask. You want to sleep here tonight?” asked Zipp.

Hitch’s face lit up. “Oh! Uh…sure! But where?”

Zipp got up and led Hitch towards one of the old trains. “In here. These train seats are actually really comfortable. You’d be surprised.” said Zipp as she pried one of the train car doors open. She turned the lights on and the train walls were golden with seats that were red velvet. “Well this place is just full of surprises.” Said Hitch as he laid down on one of them. The seats were actually long enough to be a bed.

“Oh wow! You’re right. These are the best seats ever!” said Hitch like a little kid in a candy store. Zipp. Could you imagine if this was the place we retreated to if equestria didn’t want us together. This place would rock!” said Hitch.

“Oh wow. That would actually be pretty cool! But I’m happy that ‘all’ of equestria is living in harmony.” said Zipp.

“Oh absolutely!” Said Hitch.

-Two Days Later-

The vacation had ended. And the five friends were on their way back to maretime bay. They had fun, it was a fun & relaxing break. But now they were all more excited than ever to get back on track. And just like the first time they were having too much fun in the carriage during the night they were headed back. Complete with Pipp once again playing a catchy song and all.

Soon they arrived. And the carriage made it’s descent just in front of the crystal brighthouse. “Welcome home.” Said Sunny walking out of the carriage. Hitch right behind her. “Ok Sunny, but first thing’s first, I gotta head over to the station and get Zoom & Thunder.” said Hitch.

“Want me to come along?” Said Zipp bursting out of the carriage. “Sure. If you three can take care of the bags.” said Hitch.

Izzy leapt out of the carriage, lit up her horn and picked some of the luggage up with her magic. “I think we got it all under control, Hitch.” Said Izzy pointing at her horn. “Well uh ok then, call if you need any help!” said Hitch. And Zipp & Hitch both walked off to the station. Just then Pipp stepped out of the carriage. “It’s quiet,” said Pipp.

“Yeah it’s pretty late. I wonder if Zoom & Thunder might be asleep?” said Sunny.