• Published 28th Nov 2022
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Hitch-ing the Trailblazer into the Zipp-ing Storm - Twilyx360

Hitch Trailblazer and Zipp Storm start falling for each other. Meanwhile they must battle the storm within themselves.

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Chapter 21

Zipp’s wings were gone. “Wha- what’s happening!?” Hitch ran over to her and wondered what was happening. “Where are your wings? Where did they go?!” Asked Hitch.

All of the sudden Zipp’s ears turned into tiny wings. “Wake up.” Said Zipp.

Hitch woke up with a gasp. “It was just a dream.” Hitch looked at the clock. And it was 10:30 AM. “What the- darn it! Was I really that tired last night?” Hitch started scurrying around the station getting ready to head out to the Crystal Brighthouse.

Hitch then went to check on Sparky but he was still fast asleep. Hitch carefully put Sparky in his backpack and headed out. When he opened the door a gush of wind blew on his face. But it was still Sunny without any clouds. Nevertheless, Hitch continued on his way.

When Hitch got into the Brighthouse he was surprised to see Sunny just making breakfast. And everypony else is laying back looking tired. Except for Zipp. “Wait. Don’t you make breakfast earlier than this?” Asked Hitch.

“We kinda all just woke up Hitch.” Said Sunny.

“Heh yeah, we all slept in. But this coffee hits the spot. Boy were you right Hitch.” Said Zipp.

“Oh heheheh. Say, do you have any more left?” Asked Hitch.

Zipp got a cup and the pot. But Hitch just took the whole pot and started drinking out of it. He literally drank the whole thing. “Ahhhhh~ I feel more alive already…” said Hitch more energetically. Then Zipp just handed Hitch her coffee cup with a shocked expression. And Hitch just drank from that. “Oh yeah. Thank you Zipp.” Said Hitch. “Yeeeeaaaah. No more coffee for you.” Said Zipp.

“I’ll get more.” Said Sunny starting up the machine again.

Soon after everypony ate up and drank coffee to clear their head everypony was in front of the TV.

“Mix Sunny Smoothies. Make New Ones.” An ad was on, detailing Sunny’s smoothie cart. “How much did you pay for that?” Asked Pipp.

“Eh. It wasn’t too expensive. I figured I should create at least one ad in my life.” Said Sunny with a content grin. “Wanna see mine?” Asked Pipp.

But just before Sunny was about to answer something scary happened. The TV stopped, and the alarms went off. And the channel immediately changed to Maretime Bay News Network. MBNN.

“Attention all Maretime Bay residents! This just in, Hurricane Adi is headed towards the coastline tomorrow! This is your last chance to get supplies and board up. Be prepared though this Hurricane has grown at an alarming rate. It is expected to be a category 5 storm at landfall. And has a fast wind speed of 175 miles per hour. That is all on MBNN. Be safe out there!” And then the TV turned back to it’s regular program.

Everypony was shocked. Jaws dropped on the floor. Their sudden tiredness all made sense. Headaches from what was to come. “Ponies…” said Sunny.

“To the store now!” Shouted Sunny.

“Hitch get the window boards, pick up Sparky’s things & get your critter friends inside! Pipp get the food & batteries and keep track of the supply! Zipp backup generators & flashlights! Izzy put the boards in place and stacked some sandbags outside! I’ll make sure everything is inside & safe let’s go!” Said Sunny as everypony ran off with utter dismay and horror in their faces as they realized what was to come.

The process took nearly the entire day. It was tedious, boring and long but everypony worked together and finished the job.

Everypony was exhausted. “Good work…ponies.” Said Sunny. She looked back and saw all the other homes in Maretime bay were boarded up. And a huge wall of sandbags & trenches was placed on the coastline.

Everypony went inside to relax for the evening. “The unity crystals will be ok right? Maretime Bay… won’t be completely wiped out right?” Asked Zipp. Zipp didn’t want to be afraid, but this was the first Hurricane she ever experienced. Zephyr Heights never had those before.

“Yes. We boarded them up for the light to still go out but everything around it is protected. They can hold their own.” Said Sunny. Sunny was worried too, but she still had confidence that everything would be fine.

Maretime bay experienced a lot of Hurricanes before, and every time all hoped for the best but prepared for the worst.

Everypony still kept up a brave face. But inside they were still worried.