• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
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Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 43 )

a happily unhealthy relationship

Unsafe, insane and consensual? :pinkiecrazy: :derpytongue2:

(I haven't actually read the story, but judging from the tags it isn't actually extreme enough for that group)

I definitely considered it, but I decided against it. Even though it's unhealthy, I don't think it's unsafe, y'know?

Good stuff. I really like the dynamic Button and Sweetie have. They're both kinda messed up puzzle pieces, but they fit together.

Well, that was something. While I prefer Button (and every other male characters) being a himbo, it's refreshing to read other people's takes from time to time. :unsuresweetie:

Can't wait for your next story! :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, this is really good!

Man, while on one hand I hate the fact that buttons going to forever remain a virgin, I love how this story went!!

The interactions were so good!!

One of the things that I want this story to make you examine is whether or not that's really a bad deal. Think about it, Button gets to hang out and play video games with a woman he loves, and all he has to do is promise to masturbate to her instead of fucking her. Some might say that's worth it

I guess.

I guess I'm just more of a "Button Mash gets to lose his v-card and gets the girl" type of reader.

But this is good. Don't let what I just said make you think otherwise.

I look forward to what you write next

Well, that was messed up, yet strangely sweet.
Totally unhealthy, but in a mutual sort of way.
A hot, sexy, screwed up story of a couple of screwed-up ponies in love, kind of.

Hell of a different take on ButtonBelle, that's for sure!

Couldn't have said it better myself

Ok this for sure needs a sequel, at some point

I have some ideas, but I also don't want to ruin this story's spirit and message by dropping random porn sequels.

I might do it anyway, just know that I am conflicted

Thanks for the new kinks. Both hot and well written!

Added to folder Losing Virginity [Non-Foalcon]

So that was a lie.

Anyway, that was great. And probably the first story with such themes on FiMFiction. Hoping for a sequel, their interactions with Cream Heart after this could be really interesting.

Also, the Discord invite link is invalid.

Yeah it's a tiny fob, but I figure it's close enough. Besides, some people might consider Button to have lost his virginity here anyhow, just be virtue of being sexually active while interacting with another person.

Is that "real" sex? Maybe. Maybe not. Does sexting your spouse count as intimacy? What does "real" even mean in this context, and why does it matter?

I'll investigate that Discord link, thank you for bringing that to my attention

Thanks a bundle

Which new kinks are those? I'll be real, writing this story unlocked some stuff in me, too

What does "real" even mean in this context, and why does it matter?

Ah, the classic "technically all of this is fictional" line. :derpytongue2:

So while you were paying money for a chance at a date with me, I was getting gangbanged by four hot hunks.

Fuck me dead. This is so cucky, so fucking hot. Poor button.

Ah, the classic "commenter missing the forest for the trees" line.

My point isn't that everything is fake, my point is that reality is somewhat subjective. I have friends that I've never met before, people that I love like family but I've never seen in person. To some people, those aren't real friends. I disagree.

Such is the case with Button. His relationship might not be real in your eyes, but it's real in his, and why should your interpretation of reality matter more than his?

Button gets an endless supply of porn depicting the most attractive woman he's ever seen, who also plays video games with him and occasionally jerks him off, and he had to change nothing about his life in order to achieve that.

Poor Button? The son of a bitch made out like a bandit, if you ask me

Mutually consentul, and very hard to make the argument that it's maladaptive. An honest psychologist or sociologist would call this healthy, even if most of us wouldn't.


……………….*hits like and leaves*

It's all about perspective. Healthy is relative. Real is subjective.

I don't think a psychologist would be ok with Button plastering his walls with pictures and erecting a jizz crusted shrine to a woman he had previously never met, though.

Well, I won't be leaving a dislike, or a like. This is well written and I thought I'd give it a shot to see if I could enjoy it, and I can't really get into something like this - the fetish just isn't for me, or seeing a relationship like this, if it can even be called a 'relationship' in that sense.

Still, it's well written and props for that, this just isn't for me.

I... don't know how to feel about this. It's quite well-written and interesting for what it is, but the particular fetish just doesn't click with me.

I feel really bad for Button. He's utterly, hopelessly in love, and Sweetie Belle is obviously manipulating him. It's a real painful read with that undertone, so I must commend you for it.
Bravo, and poor Button Mash.

If that was your takeaway, you should give it another read. Particularly the conversation at the restaurant.

"I would never laugh at something you’re sensitive about,” said Sweetie. “Even though this is the first time we’ve met, you’re a fan, and that’s important to me. You’re important to me. And I’d never do anything to hurt your feelings.”

There, again. A shimmer in Sweetie’s eyes, a glint behind the glowing emerald lights. She looked at him in a way that no one had ever looked at him before, something he could only describe as infatuation.

Sweetie isn't manipulating Button. Everything Button does is of his own accord because he loves Sweetie so much. And Sweetie likes him, too. Crucially, though, is that Sweetie likes Button's unhealthy habits, not because it's bad for Button but because it makes her feel very special.

I didn't intend for this to be painful. This story, at its core, is one about love. Just one of its many strange, fucked up forms.

“So while you were paying money for a chance at a date with me, I was getting gangbanged by four hot hunks.”



Well first, the Button anime theme song


But that's the rub isn't it... Ultimately any objection made is irrelevant because it's fantasy but still...

Forgot the Effigy of Spooge, which is bad enough but essentially harmless. Sweeties behavior is abhorrent to a psychopathic level. Not only is she refusing to have sex, which would be fine although cruel due to knowingly string him along, she's demanding he not pop his cheery with someone else, all for her ego.

I just have this unsettling What Happened To Baby Jane vibe here:fluttershyouch:

Hrm. Not really my kinks, but the horni is well done and the character writing is very nice.

God damn this relationship is toxic 😂

Only a bit, but at least they're happy

Not my thing, and yet, in specific controlled bursts like this, still incredibly hot.

Take all my money, Sweetie! (lol)

I honestly loved the story.While it may seem innocent enough, it has something...very creepy and disturbing.
Sweetie Belle feels like a genuine kind and fun person, I personally loved how she is portrayed, but at the same time, you can clearly see how shallow and cruel she is sometimes.
And also I personally loved the succubus metaphor, because this is exactly what I feel she is here.
I actually don't know if I should be happy for Button or if I should feel sad...

That's subject to your own interpretation. Me personally, I'm happy for both of them. It may not be a healthy or stable relationship, but it makes them both happy.

One thing I will correct you on, I don't find Sweetie to be cruel at all. Shallow, definitely, but I wouldn't say cruel. With how she reacts when Button thinks she's going to laugh at him, as well as other examples, I think it's clear that Sweetie really does care for Button, as he does to her

Not really my kinks, but damn if it wasn't good anyway. Well written and surprisingly wholesome.

I am really interested in seeing more of this relationship, it’s written that well.

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