• Member Since 27th Jul, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Enjoy the smut! It’s all I post (even if I’m not consistent with when I do). I don't do commissions, but I’m always happy to hear ideas and take kinky requests!


Comments ( 27 )

Yes!! Sequel would be great!!! SO good

We need a sequel!

No offense but I've just grown tired of this pairing.
I'm not gonna downvote this cuz I've seen your other work, it's pretty good.
This is just adding to the pile of all the other stories about this pairing.

Kurase #4 · Jan 7th, 2023 · · 10 ·

I agree with Shady Nail, this isn't bad per-say but this specific pairing is starting to feel dry and overdone after all these years.

I feel like this new year we desperately need more father/daughter, father/daughter's friend, mother/sons, husband/babysitter, pairings. As well as branching out the named character pairings. There should be an influx of new pairing types instead of just rehashing the same old pairings and formulas because that's easy, quick and simple. Just printing out the same thing over and over again albeit with a small twist and difference here and there will cause people to grow bored and tired with that pairing and/or kink and they'll want something different.

Welcome to FIMfiction.net the only place where people complain about not enough diversity in their incest porn.

(They fuck).

Straight to the point, eh? I like it.

Fair criticism.

I make a brand new account on here and what pops up first on my dash? A incest porn fic staring everyone's "favorite" mother and son. *sighs*

*gives a like* :3

Bruh, this is what happens in fatherless families. Where tf the dad in all these incest fics?

I agree WHERE is the dad in these fanfics

Fair critique, if people are tired of it they could do it in a forum and not under this story to make bad vibes and kill the mood. Sadly, we can’t make a rule and prevent it.(:trollestia:)

He is not the focus here and thus not really matter in this shameless smut.
(And because in the original source of these characters he is nowhere to be seen so people just work with the son and the mom.)

Indeed. Great writing, but the premise has been done too many times. Wish there were more canon pairings to use, but no such luck.

What forums are you talking about?


He's out getting cigarettes. He'll be back soon, I'm sure :twilightsmile:

Okay, after reading all of your comments on it I could’ve sworn I put something about his conception in there. And I did!

At the end of the fourth paragraph it says of how Buttom was actually born from a one-night-stand meaning Cream raised him alone without the father being present.

Finally this can end now… hopefully.

You're assuming I actually read the incest fic. No, I like to question the plot, assuming there is any.

Sorry if that sounds weird, it’s just that if people wanted to encourage more kinds of incest pairings, they could do it in the incest-related group (there are forums there)and not under this story, saying that they are tired of it here is kind of killing the mood. Wanting more diversity in smut is good for fiction as a whole, but complaining about that here is killing the mood.

Stop trying to be a mood police. That's not your job, or anybody elses. Give valid reasons why people shouldn't talk about the content of a story and have a conversation. Don't go for "you can't say that because I disagree." If you can't respect other people's opinions, maybe stop reading comments altogether.

And you really want me to go post on some random group about a fic instead the actual fic? Are you daft?

I think we are having a disagreement that can’t really be solved, so I’m going to interpret what you just said as “mind your own business “ and stop this conversation right now (and prevent even more heated arguments).(I mean, I don’t think I am being a “mood police”, I was only saying my opinion on stuff like these before you asked) (Also, if it was because of the last time I did it, I apologize for that. I am trying to change stuff.)
But you don’t have to ask me “What forums” in the first place, I was just spitballing back then and am not sure how to handle the sudden reply. I’m sure we all know there are forums for discussing stories like these in groups.:twilightsheepish:

Sorry guys for initially starting this whole huge argument. Was not my intention.

It’s fine! At least a few people have complimented me on the writing at least so it’s good to know I’m doing good with this.

That's one thing I think we all do agree on. You write well.

You do write very well.

I look forward to what you write next

I need more! That was so hot!

I really do hope for a sequel

That took a quick, sudden, yet intriguing turn! Had a few good chuckles, good job and good read! :pinkiecrazy:

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