• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 710 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Command Center Calamity

The Command Center’s breakroom was a welcome respite from the long days of fighting off the many monsters that Nightmare Moon’s armies sent. The air was cool and quiet, save for the gentle hum of the air conditioning and the occasional click of a coffee cup. Most of the Mane Six and their Pony Ranger counterparts were sprawled out on couches and armchairs, their eyes closed with exhausted bliss. Even the Spikes, who had been typing and monitoring the main computers for three days straight, had succumbed to the lure of the breakroom’s soft cushions.

All except for the three Twilights. They laid side by side on large beanbags, groaning and fidgeting as they tried in vain to fall asleep. The Spikes watched them for a moment, feeling their annoyance grow. Didn’t they know how important rest was after the last mission they had involving the shadow and putty ponies? The FIM one hopped off the arm of the couch and made his way over to them, determined to find out what was keeping them awake.

"Twilights?" He whispered, trying hard not to disturb them too much. They didn't respond, still fidgeting. "Twilights?" He repeated in a louder volume. Still nothing. His frustration finally reached its peak. He had no choice. "Twilights!" He shouted.

That was what did it. All three Twilights jolted awake in unison, two of them nearly slipped off their beanbags. "What?! What's going on?!"

"Sorry, but I just wanted to know why you guys are having trouble sleeping. What's wrong?" Spike FIM asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Oh. Sorry. It's just that… after that huge battle between the Pony Rangers and those monsters, we keep getting these feelings for some reason and they're making it hard for us to relax," Twilight FIM explained.

"Oh. Well, maybe it's just too much stress from all that surveillance and fighting," He guessed.

"Yeah, could be," The Green Ranger said, yawning.

"C'mon," Spike FIM said, strolling down the lower cupboard. "Maybe some warm milk will help." He took out three mugs and closed the cupboard behind him.

Twilight FIM chuckled. "Spike, I don't think warm milk is gonna help us get rid of this feeling,"

"Maybe not, but it's worth a try, right?" He replied, pouring some milk into each mug before placing the carton back in the refrigerator. He then climbed up the ladder, placed the mugs onto a tray, and into the microwave before setting the timer to 1:00; His foot tapping as he waited. After the beep, he took out the tray and served it to the three Twilights.

"Thanks, Spike," Pony Ranger Zeo Twilight said.

"No problem." He walked back to the arm of the couch and continued his nap with his counterparts.

The three Twilights licked their lips as they levitated their mugs close, ready to wash their troubled feelings away. But as they were about to take a sip, a loud siren noise hit both theirs and the others' eardrums.

"What the?!" Rainbow Dash FIM shouted.

"What is that dreadful—?!" Rarity chimed.

She was interrupted when the coffee machine started beeping, spilling its boiling essence onto the floor. The heroes back away from it to avoid getting scorched. The lights then started flickering on and off, and the air conditioning vent randomly blew out hot and cold air, giving the heroes both chills and burns in their coats.

"What is going on?!" Twilight FIM bellowed.

She quickly got her answer when the three main computers started flashing red lights. An intercom screeched and said, "Danger! Danger! This is not a drill! All technology in the command center is obsolete! This message will be repeated until the problem is dealt with. This is not a drill! I repeat! This is not a drill!"

"Okay! We get it!" Rainbow Dash FIM yelled.

Applejack FIM grunted. “Will somepony please tell us what the hay is going on?!”

"I don't know!" The Green Ranger answered. "We've never suffered anything like this with the technology in our dimension before!"

"Before?" Rainbow asked.

"It's a long story—," said The Green Ranger.

Applejack cleared her throat, cutting their conversation short.

"How do we fix this?" Twilight FIM asked.

"Hmm… Let me check the power source." Spike FIM rushed to the power orb and opened the hatch, checking the wiring inside to see if there was any tampering. Nope. The colored wires were unharmed, even the red and blue wires that usually went out a few times when the main computers started glitching from that. "That's weird. So it's not the power source itself that's malfunctioning."

"Then what are we gonna do?!" Twilight FIM panicked. "Another threat might be trying to wreak havoc on Ponyville again and we can't see that if the computers aren't working!"

"Hmm…" Spike looked back into the power source, darting around every nook and cranny for any suspicious or unusual spots inside.

"Did you find anything?" The Green Ranger asked.

"No, but I'll keep looking," said Spike FIM.

“Okay. In the meantime, we need to find out what caused all this before it’s too late…” Twilight FIM ordered.

“Um girls, I hear a weird noise. I wonder where it is coming from?” Asked Sunset Shimmer.

Then a flash appears and then from the flash appears the Rock Afire Explosion who then decided to walk up to the ponies and try to bring up their spirits.

“What the…?” Rainbow Dash FIM said, her voice a mix of awe and confusion.

“Who are you?” Rarity FIM asked?

“We are the Rock Afire Explosion, an animatronic band from a long time ago and we are now back performing again,” Said Billy Bob.

“Really?!” Pinkie Pie’s eyes glimmered with excitement as she bounced up and down, eager to let a band perform for her and her friends as an asset to their currently stressful situation.

“Pinkie?!” Rainbow Dash scolded.

She shrunk back, regaining her focus. “Sorry,”

Twilight stepped forward. “Look, guys. We appreciate the offer, but—”

“Hey you Rainbow haired horse don’t talk to her like that!” Said Mitzi Mozzarella.

“Sorry. We’re just busy trying to fix the center,”

“Oh okay purple horse but we should still play some music just like we used to do at Showbiz Pizza Place a long time ago,” Says Fatz Geronimo.

“...Okay, but why here?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Cause we wanted to help you with your stress through the power of music," Billy Bob answered. "Right, guys?"

"Right!" They all nodded in agreement.

"Well, we greatly appreciate the offer. We really do, but I don't think—" Rarity said nicely, only to get interrupted by Pinkie’s jovial outburst.

"Are you kidding?! Of course we'll let you help us through music!" Pinkie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she bounced up and down. "After all, music is the best medicine for stress, right?"

"Uh… Pinkie Pie? Ah don't think that's completely the—" Applejack FIM tried to correct before getting cut off by Billy Bob. She grumbled under her breath from all this interruption.

"The Pink horse is right. Music can be used to help ease stress. That's why we're here," Billy Bob answered.

"Well, we could use all the help we can get while we try to find out what's happening to the command center," Twilight FIM said, looking towards the others for approval.

"I agree," Rarity FIM chimed, folding her ears to block out the main computers' siren. "Anything is better than that awful noise!"

"I'm with Rarity on this one," Applejack FIM added.

"Me too," As well as Fluttershy FIM.

"Me three! Plus, it could be fun to listen to some music while we work, right?" Pinkie Pie FIM beamed, nudging her elbow on Rainbow’s shoulder.

The rainbow-maned Pony groaned. "Fine. I'm in."

"Great! Now, let’s get started!" Billy Bob exclaimed.

With the objective at hand, the crew scattered throughout the command center to find the source of the problem. What they didn't know, however, was that a small, dark beetle was standing on the ceiling. Its crystal blue eyes carefully scanned them, chuckling maniacally to itself.

At the Hive, the two villains watched the screen that showed them what their bug sees. Their expressions oozed with malice as they saw the heroes' confusion in finding out the source, all while sitting comfortably in the dark corridors of the Hive.

Chrysalis cackled. "Those fools have no idea what they're doing!"

"Yes,” Nightmare Moon replied. "They're like worms trying to find the right hole for their home. Still, what if they find out about the bug?"

"Don't worry. Even if they do, there's still nothing they can do with our real master plan."

"You're right," Nightmare Moon nodded.

Both of them looked back at the ominous device covered by a large tarp in the spotlight. They both laughed maniacally, biding their time for the perfect opportunity to show the heroes what's really coming for them.

Back at the command center, the ponies and their counterparts scattered around the place in hopes of finding the source of the problem. At the same time, the Rock Afire Explosion band searched with them with their instruments at hand in case of any music needed.

Pinkie raised up one of the sofa cushions and lowered her head underneath, looking around for any signs of the source of the problem. But all she could find were small pieces of trash and dust mites that almost made their way into her nostrils, causing her to nearly sneeze.

"Gesundheit," Applejack said. “Ya alright, Pinkie Pie?”

She sniffed, her eyes watering. “Yeah. I’m–” She coughed. “Fine.”

“Did you find anything?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nope, but I'll keep looking." She went back to looking, coughing and sneezing as she did so.

Rainbow groaned in frustration. "We'll never find the source of the problem!"

"Don't give up hope, Rainbow. We'll find the source eventually," Rarity assured.

"Yeah!" The Green Ranger chimed. "Together, there's no challenge that we can’t—"

"We get it. No challenge we can't handle together. Can we please move this along?!" Rainbow snarked.

The Green Ranger grumbled to herself about her speech being cut off.

"Rainbow!" Twilight FIM chastised.

"What?!" Rainbow Dash FIM exclaimed.

"Stop arguing! We have to focus and find the source to fix the command center," Twilight FIM continued.

"Right. Sorry," Rainbow FIM replied to the Green Ranger.

She gave her a hooves up.

"Okay. Now let’s see if—"

"Hey, Twilight!" A familiar voice sounded.

It was Sunset Shimmer, who came by the command center on such short notice. "Hey, guys… Uh, what's going on here?"

"Sorry, Sunset," Twilight said. "We're a little busy trying to find the source of the center, since it's malfunctioning for some reason."

"Okay, and who are you guys?" She asked the band standing right next to her.

"We're the Rock Afire Explosion! We're just here to help them with our music if they need it."

"Right… Oh, Twilight! I just got some other beings here who can also help!"

"That's great, Sunset!" Fluttershy said, her voice brimming with excitement. "Who?"

"Can we come in, now?" A tomboy-ish voice echoed through the tunnel of the center.

"Sure!" Sunset replied back. Suddenly, three small girls zoomed and hovered behind her in a rainbow-like blur of pink, light-blue, and light-green respectively. Following behind, an even bigger team of females—One of whom had yellow hair with long, thin pigtails—showed themselves as well. "Guys, meet the Powerpuff Girls and Sailor Senshi."

"Hey there," The Pink Girl said. "I'm Blossom."

"My name is Bubbles," She waved, her voice filled with sweetness.

"And I'm Buttercup," She said, crossing her arms with a cocky smirk.

"Okay. Who are you?" Fluttershy asked the Sailor Senshi.

"I'm Sailor Moon, and this is my team: Mercury…" She gestured to her.

"Hi," Mercury greeted.


"Hello," She followed.


"Hey," She followed next.


"Hi there," She said after Mars.


"Hello," said Saturn.


"Hi!" Followed Uranus.


"Hey," Neptune said.

"Chibi Moon…"

"Hi." She waved sheepishly.

"And Pluto."

"Hello!" She finished.

"Right…" Twilight FIM replied.

"They're here to help us. After all those battles against Nightmare Moon’s armies, I figured that I'd find someone from another dimension to help," Sunset explained.

"That's very nice of you, Sunset," Fluttershy FIM said.

"Sure," Twilight FIM chimed, her voice welcoming. "The more the merrier."

"Really?!" Bubbles squeaked, her eyes sparkling with content.

"Awesome!" Buttercup fist-pumped, feeling a sense of adrenaline.

"I like your spirit," Rainbow Dash FIM said to Buttercup, bumping her hoof with the Powerpuff's stubby fist.

"We'll do whatever we can," Blossom added.

"Same with us," Sailor Moon chimed as well. Her members nodded in agreement.

"Okay," The Red Ranger said. "Let’s do this!"

Everyone pitched in to find the source of the problem. Though, it was a lot harder than it looked, even with the large amount of help. Minutes passed as they searched through every inch of the center, but still with no sign of clues.

Buttercup used her super strength to lift the sofa, scanning under it and the floor it was sitting on. But there was only trash and wads of gum underneath. She groaned, "Still nothing!" She was about to slam the sofa in frustration, only to stop and put it down gently once she received glares from others.

Rainbow Dash FIM chimed, "No luck on my end, either."

Fluttershy, her counterparts, and Bubbles looked through the fridge, but to no avail. She sighed, "Same here."

“There’s gotta be some clues in here that we haven’t found. Did you find anything, Spike?” Twilight FIM asked him.

“No!" Spike panicked. "I don't even know what's wrong with this thing."

"Hmm…" Applejack FIM looked throughout the center before spotting something small and blinking red on the wall. She squinted at it to get a better look before quickly figuring out what it was. "I think I know exactly what's going on."

"Really?" Blossom asked.

Applejack nodded, pointing at the bug. "That blinking bug on the wall right there. It was just a spy used by Nightmare Moon to throw us off the whole time," She explained.

Twilight, her counterparts, and Blossom face-palmed. "How could we miss that?"

"Well, squash it!" Rarity demanded, plugging her ears. "I can’t take this excessive blaring anymore!"

Applejack crushed the bug with her hoof, leaving behind a splatter of gears and slime on the wall. "Got it."

The technology of the command center stopped going haywire and everyone sighed in relief. Except for Rarity, who merely yelled, "What?!" Possibly because she was deafened from the constant noise. But the three Twilights used their magic to heal her hearing. She sighed and replied, "Thank you, darling."

"Great work, team," Sailor Moon said. "We did it."

"Yeah!" Sailor Uranus cheered.

“No time for celebrating just yet, everyone,” Twilight FIM commanded. “Nightmare Moon from the Rangers’ dimension is trying to stop us and we can’t let our guards down again.”

“She’s right,” Blossom chimed. “That’s why we need to stay vigilant if we want to take her down.”

“You’ve got it, Twilight and Blossom!” Applejack, her counterparts, and Jupiter said.

“No problem!” Pinkie Pie, her counterparts, Bubbles, and Chibi Moon continued.

“We can do this!” Rarity, her counterparts, Venus, and Mars followed.

"Woo-hoo…” Fluttershy, her counterparts, and Saturn cheered softly.

“We’re with you no matter what!” Sailor Moon cheered.

"Exactly!" Mercury followed Sailor Moon.

"So much for our break times,” Rainbow Dash whispered to her counterparts, Buttercup, and Uranus.

“We’ll say,” The Green Ranger, The Green Ranger Zeo, Buttercup, and Uranus whispered back.

But Sailor Pluto clearing her throat was enough to make the Rainbow Dashes, Buttercup, and Uranus tactfully cover their mouths.

"Okay," Twilight FIM nodded.

Meanwhile, at the Changeling Hive, Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon glared at the screen, still in static from the destruction of their Spy Bug. Chrysalis was about to growl in frustration, but Nightmare Moon placed her hoof on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Don't worry, Chrysalis. Maybe we can use this little incident to our advantage,"

"Yes, you're right. This is all just a minor setback," Chrysalis replied, following Nightmare Moon to their master plan. "Those foolish heroes still have no idea what we have planned for them."

Both villains cackled at the thought of their Master Plan working, their laughter echoing through the Hive walls. Despite the outcome, they knew that things will be different once they enact their greatest gambit.

End of Chapter 15.