• Published 12th Jan 2023
  • 710 Views, 163 Comments

Pony Rangers - Heroic412227

An alternate version of the Mane Six gets teleported into their counterparts' world.

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Chapter 5: Pony Rangers Zeo

After their battle, the rangers burst through the doors, panting from how long it took them to get back to the throne room.

"We did it," Sighed the Green Ranger. "We managed to drive those invading forces of wendigos, dragons, and Ursa Majors away from attacking the Crystal Empire. They suddenly vanished and disappeared but it was a long hard fought battle.” Said the Green Ranger.

"Great job, Rangers," Cadence sighed. "I just hope there aren't any more of them coming."

"Me too," Fluttershy FIM chimed. "But why were they attacking us in the first place? What made them this way?"

"Hmm…" Ranger Sunset stroked her chin in thought. "I think I have a feeling that someone's behind all this."

"Who?" Pinkie Pie FIM asked. "Tirek? King Sombra? The Flim Flam Brothers?"

"I don't think it was the Flim Flam Brothers, Pinkie Pie," Applejack said.

"It's a possibility," She assured.

"Well, whoever it is, we're not gonna let them win. I'm sure of it," Rainbow said.

Cadence nodded. "Guards, have you and the others on the lookout for any more invading forces coming, both inside and out of the empire. We have to be ready in case of another war. If you see any of them, let us know."

The Guards saluted before galloping off.

"Okay. Now all we gotta do next is figure out how to use the book to help the rangers get back home," Twilight FIM stated.

"Right," Rainbow Dash FIM cheered. "Let’s do this!"

“But first I suggest we should add to your Friendship Castle Princess Twilight and make a commander center like we have in our universe and so we use its power source to teleport a lot easier because before it took too long to get here on foot, also we were really tired after we made the long trek from where we were before to here and we can also use it to make contact with other universes just in case we need help,” Said the Green Ranger.

“Alright we will get on that right away!” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

"How are we going to accomplish this task at hoof?” Asked Rainbow Dash FIM.

“Me and mom and Aunt Luna are going to be able to do that because I am knowledgeable in technology type stuff and I also have helped the Pony Rangers by building stuff for them in the past before.” Said Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer.

“Okay that sounds like a great plan now everyone back to my Friendship Castle and get started on making a command center for the Pony Rangers Mane Six and their group.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

"Got it!" Everyone, except for Cadence and Shining Armour, compiled. Then both groups of Mane Six, both Spikes, Pony Rangers Luna. Pony Rangers Celestia, and Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer say goodbye to Shining Armour and Cadence and make there way back to the Friendship Castle in Ponyville so they can find a book to help the Pony Rangers counterparts get back home and to create a secret base power chamber command center for the Mane Six Pony Rangers.

But in the meantime in the Pony Rangers universe it shows that version of Nightmare Moon in her moon base on the moon still waiting on the time to get ready to get her revenge on the Pony Rangers Mane Six and go to the Friendship Is Magic universe to try to destroy and wipe it out from existence but first when she decides to leave the Pony Rangers universe she will destroy it and annihilate it so then the Pony Rangers Mane Six will have nothing to go back to.

Then back in the Friendship Is Magic universe they finally get back to the Friendship Castle and that is when Pony Rangers Sunset Shimmer, Pony Rangers Luna, and Pony Rangers Celestia decide to get started on creating the new part of the Friendship Castle which will be a power command center chamber so they will be able to get places a lot easier now with a teleportation system and know when threats appear with a alarm system and viewing screens in order to make contact to warn others of attacks and be able to contact other universes for help too.

“Okay me, mom, and Aunt Luna are going to get started to add those new systems and technology to your Friendship Castle Princess Twilight, so now we will be able to teleport to places a lot easier now and I am going to create communicators for my version of the Mane Six so they will be able to contact each other. Be able to teleport to other places because I am going to create a teleportation system that is going to be connected to the communicators. Then we are going to create an alarm system and also create the means to contact other universes and worlds so we can ask for help when we are in dire need of it.” Said Pony Rangers Sunset.

“Okay Sunset I wish you good luck with that and I think it will definitely be a better way to contact my Luna and Celestia and tell them of the threat that just recently happened. I think that the first test we will do to test out the new systems is to contact them first.” Said Twilight FIM.

“So what do we do now as we wait for them to be finished with that?” Asked Rainbow Dash FIM.

“Maybe we can try to find a book on different universes and maybe learn more about those other Pony Rangers we heard about because that sounds really cool and awesome and interesting!” Said the Green Ranger.

“Okay guys let us get to doing that at this instance and what we can also do is try to find a way back to our universe too,” Said the Red Ranger.

“Okay I hope I have that book here somewhere okay girls. Let's look for it and also hopefully find that book so we can find out more about those other Pony Rangers that exist in a different universe.” said Twilight FIM.

“Okie Dokie Lokie Twilight let us go see if we can find that book anywhere!” Said Pinkie Pie FIM.

She and the rest of the gang scattered throughout the Crystal Library, searching through every section they could find in their respective spots.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Rainbow muttered to herself as she and the Red Ranger flipped through each book. "Found anything?!" She asked her.

"Not yet!" The Ranger replied.

Applejack and her ranger flipped through her own sections, but to no avail. "Nothing on our end either!" She called. "Anything on your end, Fluttershy?"

"No," She replied. "And to be honest, we don't even know which section to look for."

"We don't, either," Rarity chimed.

Rainbow Dash groaned. "This is hopeless! We've checked everywhere and still have no idea of where that—!"

"Found it!" Pinkie Pie shouted, holding up the book with her mane.

"Should've seen that coming," Deadpanned both Rainbow Dashs.

"Great work, Pinkie." Twilight levitated the book to the desk with her magic. "Now let’s see what we can find." She skimmed through each page before stopping "Ah-ha! Here's what we're looking for."

She showed them a picture of the Pony Rangers Zeo but the picture was blocked off somehow but there was a lot of writing going along with the picture so then they began to read about the Pony Rangers Zeo to find out more about them.

“Okay girls let us see where their story starts.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Oh this should be wonderful finding out about this because I love reading so much and love learning too!” Said the Green Ranger.

“Okay eggheads are we going to get started on the story or what because I want to see what it is about and find out about them and see how different they are to us!” Said the Red Ranger.

“Be patient sugarcube cause it seems to be taking Princess Twilight a while to get started on reading the book and alright looks like she fixed it now time to read!” Said the Blue Ranger.

“So girls it seems like these pony rangers have fought Nightmare Moon like we and the Pony Rangers Mane Six have done. But they have also fought Discord, Queen Chrysalis, and now they are fighting King Sombra. It also shows that they have had Zords like yours but different ones too. It also says that their Elements Of Harmony were destroyed after they planned to use them to reverse a spell King Sombra did where he used a spell to turn back time and turn those Mane Six into fillies. They tried to make a device to return them to normal with their Elements Of Harmony powering them but it was destroyed along with the Elements Of Harmony but the energies and powers of them were saved thanks to the Luna, Celestia, and Cadence of that world. Then Cadence gave them the Zeo Crystal as a new power source for their powers and also infused a little bit of the energies and powers of the Elements Of Harmony into the Zeo Crystal as well and also making their Zeo powers stronger over time. But the downside is that only five ponies were able to get the Zeo powers, those being the Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle of that universe. But eventually it says that Rainbow Dash became the Gold Ranger after the original one was killed and when he was at his dying breath he exchanged his power to her and then more of those energies and powers left over from those Elements Of Harmony were then infused with that Rainbow Dash so she will be able to keep the Gold Ranger powers and not having to worry about the side effects of what would normally happen.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Is that it, Twilight?” Asked Rainbow Dash FIM.

"Yeah, but I didn't know that one of the Rangers got killed. I'm sorry that it happened," Twilight said.

"It's okay. We still have the power he left behind to remember him by," The Red Ranger said.

“Wait… Something is happening to the book. It is starting to glow and show us more about those Pony Rangers I guess we are not done with the book yet. Said the Green Ranger.

“Okay Twilight what is it showing in the book now?” Said Fluttershy FIM.

“It says that the device they created that was powered by the Elements Of Harmony was able to properly restore one of those Pony Rangers to their proper age, being Rainbow Dash the one in that universe. Then Cadence secretly infused Rainbow Dash with her own magic and some of the Zeo Crystal so the delayed side effect would not eventually happen to that Rainbow Dash.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“What is that side effect that was eventually going to happen to us?” Asked both Rainbow Dashes.

“It doesn’t say but it does say that something similar happened in the Power Rangers universe to Billy and that delayed side effect was that he one day kept on rapidly aging and then they had to find a way to stop it.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Okay other me let us get back to the story. What does it say after that description or before it?” Asked the Green Ranger.

“Okay it says that when Queen Chrysalis attacked they lost their original Elemental Zords and their Elements Of Harmony were then damaged so then their Princess Cadance gave them new Zords and a new Crystal Empire power source like the Elements Of Harmony but stronger and then it talks about that Queen Chrysalis revived King Sombra and then he gave himself minions and foot soldiers and then it talks about all the battles those Pony Rangers had with those two villains and how Queen Chrysalis was defeated but King Sombra remained. Then it says that the Zeo Zords were constructed in the Crystal Empire and given to those rangers by Cadence and then it reveals they later got the Super Zeo Zords and then before that she gave Twilight the Red Battlezord.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Okay so Princess Twilight what are the designated colors for those Pony Rangers if I may ask you.” Said the Blue Ranger.

“Okay other Applejack I will tell you who they are okay, the lineup is Pinkie Pie Zeo Ranger 1 Pink, Fluttershy Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow, Applejack Zeo Ranger 3 Blue, Rarity Zeo Ranger 4 Green, and me Zeo Ranger 5 Red the leader of the Pony Rangers Zeo, and Rainbow Dash the Gold Zeo Ranger. It also explains the new crystallized power source they got from Cadence was destroyed and that is what they used along with the Elements Of Harmony to power up that device machine to use it to restore those Pony Rangers proper ages. It also said that the combined energies and powers of both of those power sources are being used to help create the Zeo Pony Rangers arsenal and Zords and making those powers stronger too and like I read before help that Rainbow Dash be able to control her powers and not have them turn on her and make sure that side effect didn’t happen to her caused by the device that was used to restore her to her proper age.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.

“Okay Twilight what else does it talk about in that book about the Pony Rangers Zeo?” Asked Applejack FIM.

“Well Applejack let me see it talks about how the Pony Rangers received their powers in the first place and it also talks about how I came into the picture in that universe and all the battles they had with their various villains that they fought with. They also bring up that they got the Ninja Zords after their old Zords were destroyed and they also talk about they got new power ups from the new power source that Cadence gave them after the Elements Of Harmony were damaged in the first battle with Chrysalis. It also talks about the team ups they had with the Power Rangers and how that went and the new allies they met and new friends they made and how evil Discord was to Nightmare Moon.” Said Twilight Sparkle FIM.