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Journey to the Duelist Kingdom (Editing)

Outside, right outside of the Turtle Game Shop, Yugi is standing next to a fence watching the sunset. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Spike are watching Yugi and seeing how forlorn he looks.

“He’s been outside for a good few hours now. Do you think Yugi is doing okay?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yes, Pinkie Pie. Yugi is doing super peachy after losing his grandpa’s soul,” Rainbow snarked.

“Are you sure? I know sunsets are beautiful, but he could still be doing something with one of us or one of our other friends. Maybe we should help cheer him up,” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Not a bad suggestion, Miss Pie. The only question is what should we do?” Rarity wondered.

“We could watch one of those football games this world has or perhaps rewatch the tournament on one of these phones Rarity bought,” Rainbow suggested.

“Maybe I can bake him some cupcakes for us all to share!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Not bad…but maybe we should see if he wants to talk about things first. We can talk about doing the other stuff to cheer him up afterward. Right, Spike?” Rarity asked…only to see that Spike looked as poor of spirits as Yugi was.

“I can’t believe we weren’t able to save Yugi’s Grandpa…and what if Twilight also lost her soul to that madman?” Spike mumbled to himself, not paying attention to the conversation that was going on around him.

“Spikey? Are you okay?” Rarity asked in concern.

“Huh?! Wha?! Oh…it’s you. R-Rarity…,” Spike blushed awkwardly as he fell over.

“I was saying that maybe we should try and cheer up Yugi from his depression by giving him some support. Sounds like a good plan, correct?” Rarity asked.

“Uh…Yep! O-Oh o-of course! Sounds like a good plan! You always make the best plans y-your beautifulness!” Spike awkwardly responded, hoping that Rarity couldn’t see his transparent crush.

“Smooth move, loverboy,” Rainbow whispered teasingly.

“Well…I guess that I’ll go and help Yugi feel better,” Rarity said as she began to walk off.

However, just as Rarity left, Rainbow said, “I think I’ll go too! I kinda wanna say something to Yugi.” And so, Rainbow ran off to follow her friend.

Meanwhile, outside with Yugi…

“How did I get into this mess? I can't believe that grandpa's actually gone. One minute he's right beside us, and the next, Pegasus shows up and uses some sort of weird magic to steal his soul away. But why? What could Pegasus possibly want with me? And could it have something to do with my Millennium Puzzle?” Yugi wondered to himself sadly.

At this point, Rainbow Dash and Rarity approached Yugi, him noticing them very quickly. “Hello there, Yugi. How are things going?” Rarity gently asked the teen.

“Not so good,” Yugi mumbled in response.

“Way to go, fashionista,” Rainbow snarked before turning back to Yugi. “L-Look. I understand that you feel bad. That Pegasus jerk is horrible for what he did! He will pay for stealing your Grandpa’s soul!”

“But…what can we do? I mean, even with the spirit’s help we stood no chance against Pegasus, what with his apparent mind reading powers and his intricate card collection,” Yugi reminded the duo.

“True…I wasn’t there for the Duel, but I heard enough from Rainbow and the others. I can understand why you are down in the dumps. Losing a family member like this can’t be easy…I mean, as much as I have problems with Sweetie Belle, I wouldn’t want for her to be kidnapped by some lavish yet beastly madman,” Rarity said, trying to relate to Yugi.

“Wait…you have a sister?!” Rainbow was surprised to hear, only for Rarity to give her a glare to remind her to stay on topic. “The point is…maybe we can get his soul back. Pegasus may be powerful, but he can’t be invincible! We’ll find him at this Duelist Kingdom place and get him back!”

At this, Yugi began to look a bit more determined. “You’re right, Rainbow. I can’t give up! I'll get grandpa back. I'll beat Pegasus at his own game. Whatever that is.”

“Not just you! We’ll do everything we can to help you out! Pegasus will be sorry for stealing your Grandpa’s soul once we get through with him!” Rainbow pointed out.

“Right! I won’t be alone! I just wish we could all go. After all, only Rainbow, Pinkie, and I have invitations and even then the instruction booklet hasn’t told us everything yet…,” Yugi said, looking like he was doing a bit better but wasn’t fully back yet, which Rarity and Rainbow noticed.

Inside of Joey's house…

Joey looks at the VHS tape he has received in the mail speculatively. Sadly, he didn’t recognize the return address on the package it came in. All he knew is that it came from a hospital. “Wonder who this is from,” Joey wondered as he places the VHS tape in the TV’s VCR.

The Television shows static as the tape plays…before a young girl a few years younger than him materializes and waves.

“Hey Big Brother. How've you been? I really miss you,” The young girl greets Joey.

“Serenity?” Joey was surprised.

Serenity laughs goodnaturedly. “I can't believe it's been six years since we've seen each other. I'll never forget the day Mom took me to live with her.”

Joey remembers racing after his mom’s car, not wanting to say goodbye to his younger sister. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to keep up. It was definitely sad to see his sister go after their parents divorced. They were able to keep in touch through letters, but they couldn’t get phones or computers to chat with each other nor did they have the extra money lying around to pay for visits, since they lived elsewhere in Japan. As nice as it was to see his sister again for the first time in years, he wondered why Serenity sent this tape…Then he remembered something just as Serenity continued.

“I'm sending you this video just so you don't forget your little sister's face. It seems like I'm running out of time. I was hoping to see you once more before... Well, uh, you understand. Bye-bye, brother,” Serenity said goodbye.

“Run out of time? It can't be,” Joey said in shock and fear.

“So long. Take care, Joey,” Serenity said goodbye as the television went to static.

“Huh? Serenity,” Joey sadly said.

Down the street on the way to the Game Shop…

“I can’t believe that we still haven’t found out where this Duelist Kingdom place is! We’ve been spending so much free time looking to find where Pegasus’s base of operations is and nothing!” Rarity wailed overdramatically.

“I know! We even looked on one of those computers that Yugi showed us and called the company’s customer support!” Pinkie Pie groaned. “What did we do wrong?”

“Maybe it was the part where you asked, ‘Where do you have the souls stolen by that meanie bo beanie and can you give them to us?’” Rainbow snarked.

“How are we going to find Yugi’s Grandpa and learn more about our friends now?” Spike asked, as the trio of former ponies looked sad at being reminded that their friends could be kidnapped by Pegasus as well.

“We’ll save them. We just need to keep searching,” Yugi said.

“Yeah, but where do we go now? We’re running out of options!” Rarity noted.

“Maybe…, but we can’t give up! Maybe we can ask around at school or on a Dueling forum…,” Rainbow said.

“...Or maybe he’ll come to us!” Pinkie said as she pointed to a couple of letters stuck between the door and frame.

“Huh? What's this?” Yugi wondered.

“I bet Peggy is gonna apologize to us and give our friend’s souls back!” Pinkie guessed.

“Doubt it!” Rainbow yelled. “Besides, these letters may not be from Pegasus.”

“They could just be junk mail, though…,” Spike noted.

“The only way to find out is to check,” Yugi says as he reaches for it. He opens it to find Duel Monsters cards.

“Ooh! It’s some strange cards!” Pinkie was impressed.

“Well…maybe it is from Pegasus after all,” Rarity noted. “Sorry we doubted you, darling.”

“It's from Pegasus,” Yugi says as he lifts one out. “Huh? It's an invitation to the tournament at Duelist Kingdom.”
Meanwhile, at Yusaku’s school in Den City…

“Hey, Yusaku! I take it that you’ve heard about that brand new Duel tournament that will be taking place in a few days, right?” Shima asked his kinda sorta friend before he could leave after class.

“Why no. I haven’t,” Yusaku played dumb while trying to be apathetic.

“Really? Come on now, Yuskau! Anybody whose anybody knows about that Duelist Kingdom tournament coming up in just a few days! Duelists will be traveling to an island in order to Duel for the top spot in the world. In fact, it’s said that invitations have been sent out to a buncha real strong Duelists from across the globe! Rumor has it that there are servers on the island that will work just like Link Vrains does here in Den City!” Shima gushed.

“Really now? So, did you manage to get yourself invited into the tournament?” Yusaku asked.

“Well, um, no…I don’t see why not, though. I mean, I’m only the best Duelist in Duel Club. I don’t understand why I didn’t get an invite,” Shima said sadly.

“Well, maybe there is a bright side to not being in this tournament,” Yusaku noted.

“Huh? Really?”

“There are three reasons I can think of for why that is. First, since the tournament takes place on an island, you would be out of your comfort zone. Second, while it would be great to Duel against other strong opponents, there is also the downside of being unprepared to deal with them. And third, you can use this time in order to learn and improve your skills so that you can become prepared for the next tournament that comes up,” Yusaku answered.

Shima looked dumbfounded for a moment before a smile formed on his face. “You know, you have a point! And maybe when the time comes I can stand next to Playmaker as the greatest Duelist ever!...or second best. Well, time to go and prepare! Bye, Yusaku!” Shima said as he ran off.

Just as Shima had run off, Ai popped up on Yusaku’s Duel Disk. “Ya know, I don’t know what’s more surprising. The overconfidence in his skills that that kid has or the fact that he may be your only friend aside from Mr. Hotdog sandwich man…and me of course.”

“I’m not sure if I’d call Shima a friend. He’s just a classmate, Ai. Also, who said we were friends?” Yusaku asked.

At this, Ai looked annoyed. “Ya know, if it weren’t for my help you wouldn’t have been able to defeat Varis a little while back ya know! I’d feel very grateful if I were you!” Ai yelled. “Heck, I’m not sure you would have beaten anyone recently without me.” At this Yusaku looked a little sad. “Though, speaking of your one pal, I must say that I kinda am starting to miss the hotdog sandwich obsessed hacker meatbag to be totally honest.”

“Yeah…me too…,” Yusaku said sadly.

“Uh…was it just me or did I just see you express an emotion other than anger or apathy? Why the long face? Is Kolter being gone and without a soul affecting you that much? Well, I guess it does make sense seeing as how he’s one of your only friends and all and…,” Ai probed.

“...And to be honest, I kinda understand your pain too, Yusaku,” The duo were shocked to turn and see that Skye was listening in on the pair’s conversation.

“So, Skye. How long have you been listening for?” Yusaku asked.

“About enough to know that you were blabbing loud enough to know that if anyone wanted to listen in they coulda,” Skye answered.

“Well…at least we are alone for now, so we don’t have to worry about sneaky spies getting up in our secret business! So, Blue An-,” Ai began as Yusaku and Skye gave him a look. “I mean, Skye. Is your brother still in a non-literal vegetable state?” Skye began to look furious upon hearing Ai’s comment.

“You’ll have to excuse Ai here. He may be worse at reading a room than me,” Yusaku snarked.

“Really? Mr. Socially awkward here is worse at speaking to others than me? The expert at everything!” Ai boasted.

“It’s fine, Yusaku. Well…not really. Akira is still in a coma because of the manchild corporate jerk that apparently knows magic tricks. I just wish there was another way to get him back than going to his trap of a tournament,” Skye snarked.

“Agreed. Losing Akira couldn’t be easy. After Kolter was put into a coma, I’ve been…,” Yusaku began to look…off. It was hard to tell from the outside looking in what exactly Yusaku was feeling right now. However, in a moment, Yusaku looked a lot more determined and mad. “I’ve spent the last few sleepless flights looking for Kolter’s consciousness data. Unfortunately, I currently haven’t found anything. This Pegasus is doing a good job at covering his tracks.”

“Did you try and back up the data, Yusaku?” Ai joked as Yusaku gave an annoyed look, silencing the program for now.

“I’m afraid it’s just like you said, Skye. Ai and I will have to go to Duelist Kingdom if we’re gonna find our loved ones and return to our current lives,” Yusaku noted.

“And have me sit and twiddle my thumbs while you risk your lives alone? Fat chance! I’m getting my brother back with my own Duel skills! I’m not going to stop until he’s back with me! And maybe, just maybe, he’ll finally see I can take care of myself!” Skye yelled with determination.

Yusaku was quiet for a moment before he finally decided, “Fine. Do what you like. Just don’t rely on being bailed out by me if things go wrong. I’d rather you not be hurt.”

“...Because you care about her as a friend or at least an acquaintance?” Ai asked as Yusaku quietly walked away, getting ready for the next class.

“A tournament at Duelist Kingdom? Isn't that an island?” Tea asked.

“Uh huh! That’s what the paperwork in the boxes and these letters we have say,” Pinkie Pie agreed.

“So, that's where Pegasus is keeping your grandpa?” Joey asked.

“And maybe our friends and…Twilight…,” Spike said sadly to himself.

“It could be. Maybe. The only way to know for sure is to become a contestant. The boat's going to be leaving in two days,” Yugi noted.
“But you can't go. It could be dangerous,” Tea warned.
“I agree! Pegasus could trap your soul in a card too!” Rarity warned.

“Thanks for your concern. But…I have to go. It's the only clue I have for rescuing Grandpa,” Yugi said.

“To be fair, he won’t be going alone. Pinks and I will be there the whole time looking for our pals and helping out Yugi!” Rainbow said.

“I still can't believe it. Pegasus used some kind of weird spell to grab your grandpa's soul away. And now he's toying with you, forcing you to duel in the tournament,” Tristan said.

“Right. And without invitations, we can't even go there with you. I wish we could help you, pal,” Joey wished.

“Still wish I could be there myself…,” Spike noted.

“Me too…,” Tea agreed. “This is bad.”

“Well…on the bright side, Dashie and I can help Yugi, right?” Pinkie asked.

“I guess…,” Joey was still concerned.

“Hey, Yugi. Check this out. According to this card, the tournament winner takes the grand prize of three million dollars,” Tristan noticed

“Three mill?” Joey asked, his attention drawn to what Tristan said.

“Is that a lot?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Darling, that’s a fortune. You’d be set for life! Imagine all that I could buy for that much!” Rarity sighed dreamily.

“Hey! Remember, our friends are more important than that!” Rainbow yelled as she shook Rarity.

“Agreed! Remember, there are more important things than money right now!” Tea agreed.

“I agree with the others, Tristan. Who cares about money at a time like this?” Yugi asked.

“Hey, gimme that,” Joey humbly said as he pulled the card out of Tristan's hand. “Ahh. Three million.”

“Guess Joey does…,” Yugi said.

“Bit greedy if ya ask me,” Spike mumbled.

“Three million. In cold cash,” Joey whispered to himself. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Outside of the Game Shop… Spike, Rainbow, and Joey are sitting on the ground behind the fence.

Joey and Spike sighed, catching Yugi’s attention. “Joey? Spike? What're you doing here?”

“Hmm?” Joey mumbled.

“What's with you?” Yugi asked his best friend.

“Yeah! I get why Spike and I are down in the dumps, but you?” Rainbow noted.

“Rainbow…remember that Joey could still be sad for us,” Spike pointed out.

“Oh…sorry?” Rainbow said nervously.

“It’s, nothing. I'm just thinking about a whole lot of stuff. Yugi, you do know that I care about your gramps, right? I mean, he taught me and Rainbow about the heart of the cards,” Joey reminded.

“Of course I know,” Yugi said.

“Yeah! The old guy was pretty knowledgeable and strict. Pretty good guy, though,” Rainbow agreed. “When we get there, we’ll confront Pegasus and force him to spill everything!”

“I agree! One way or another, I'll help you all beat Pegasus and save your Grandpa…oh and your guys' friends too!” Joey said as he turned his attention to Spike and Rainbow.

Yugi nodded. “Mmmm. Hah, that really means a lot to me, Joey. I'm glad we're friends.”

“Yeah…I bet you were friends from birth the way you act. Twilight would probably be jealous considering how she just got interested in making friends,” Spike said.

“Honestly, it wasn’t always like that,” Joey said with a fond look. “We should tell ‘em. Remember the first time we met, Yuge?”

“I'll never forget it. It was all because of the Millennium Puzzle,” Yugi said as he remembered assembling the Puzzle.

“The way Grandpa explained it to me, the Puzzle was originally found in some Egyptian ruins. My Grandpa gave it to me and kind of dared me to solve it. It was the most incredible thing I'd ever seen. As soon as I touched it, I knew it was special. I made a wish on the Puzzle. I asked it to give me a real friend. And I think the puzzle came through for me. That was when I met up with you and Tristan. Although you sure didn't act like my friends at first,” Yugi noted.

“You didn’t?!” Rainbow and Spike were shocked.

“Hah, you mean when we were playing keep away with the Millennium Puzzle? It was for you, man. We just wanted to toughen you up so you could stand up to the real bullies. We were only teasing you,” Joey defended his behavior.

“Teasing? You took a piece of the Millennium Puzzle and threw it out the window. And I was the one who helped you guys out when that bully picked on you,” Yugi reminded.

“He was a mean one alright,” Joey noted seriously as they thought back.

What do we do?” Tristan asked nervously.

“Shhh,” Joey shushed his pal.

“Well look who just showed up, it's little Yugi. Just in time to watch me wipe the floor with these guys,” The bully, Trudge, grinned.

“Get back! Leave them alone!” Yugi challenged the bully.

“Who's going to stop me? A little shrimp like you? I don't think so. Get lost,” The bully brushed him off.

Yugi stands between Tristan and Joey and the bully, holding up hands defensively. “I won't let you. These guys are my friends.”

“Huh?” Joey was shocked to see Yugi defending them.

Trudge laughs. “Okay, tough guy. You jumped to the head of the line. Say your prayers, you runt.” Trudge hits him repeatedly.

“You stood up for us, Yugi. I'll never forget that. Because of you, we got that moron expelled. And Tristan and I learned what it was like to have a true friend.

“Well, at least you retrieved the lost puzzle piece. If you hadn't done that, I could never have solved the Millennium Puzzle,” Yugi reminded as they thought back once more.

“I want to apologize to you, Yugi. I've been acting like a real jerk,” Joey apologized humbly.

“Oh, were you acting?” Yugi snarked.

Joey laughed, “Guess I deserved that one. If you ask me, I think Tristan and I may've underestimated you.”

“Huh?” Yugi was confused.

“You know, Yugi. You're a tougher kid than I ever gave you credit for. Maybe we should hang out more often. What do you say?” Joey suggested as Yugi nodded.

“The truth of the matter is, you're the best friend I've ever had,” Joey admitted.

“Yeah!” Yugi nodded. The duo, however, were interrupted by the sound of sniffling. Upon turning, they saw that Rainbow and Spike were crying tears of joy.

Upon noticing that they were being looked at, Rainbow tried to wipe away her tears. “Stupid allergies!”

“Y-Yeah! What’s being grown around here? Dragon sneeze trees?” Spike hid his tears poorly.

“Looks like our friends here got all emotional,” Joey teased.

“W-Well…,” Rainbow tried to think up a lie.

“It’s fine! We won't tell on ya!” Joey reassured.

“R-Right! No need to be so sappy over a friendship benign formed,” Rainbow said.

“But…didn’t you say something about your friendships with the other girls?” Spike asked.

“Really?” Joey asked.

“So…what happened there?” Yugi asked.

“Well…to be honest, outside of Fluttershy, Applejack, and Gilda, I barely had friends growing up. I had many admirers, of course, but no friends. Then…I met Twilight. I kinda gave her a poor first impression when I flew into her and made her all messy. Though, to be fair, she wasn’t exactly friendly to everyone at first. Still, she was a very smart egghead that I kinda started to like very quickly. Soon, I made friends with not only her, but with Spike, Rarity, and even Pinkie as time went on. We…we’re close noe,” Rainbow said looking sad for a moment before shaking it off. “So, I can relate a bit. So…in a few days we’ll be goin’ to save everyone, right Yugi?”

“Uh Huh! Too bad you all can't go with me to rescue Grandpa,” Yugi noted sadly.

“Don't worry. Somehow, some way, I promise we'll do it together,” Joey said filled with determination.

“Huh?! Together?!” Yugi was confused yet touched.

“You bet. We're a team, Yugi,” Joey agreed.

“But how can you go without an invitation?” Yugi asked as Joey tried to think up a plan.

At the ferry for Duelist Kingdom…

“Attention all duelists. Welcome to this event sponsored by Industrial Illusions. You received with your invitation, the star chips that will grant you entry into the contest. You are all elite, invited by us after close observation of your past Duel Monsters contests. You each have a fair and equal chance to win. It all comes down to how well you've chosen your cards and how well you play. Now then duelists, cross the ocean and enter the Duelist Kingdom,” One of the lackeys said as Yugi, Rainbow, and Pinkie were waiting in line.

“Present your star chips as you board the vessel,” Another lackey said as a man showed his two chips.

“Thank you. Next,” A third lackey said after getting confirmation that they had their star chips.

“Well…looks like we’re going to go on another life or death journey,” Rainbow noted.

“Sounds a little extreme for a card game contest, Dashie,” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Yeah, but remember what Pegasus did to our friends? We need to go and stop him and save everyone he’s stolen the souls of!” Rainbow reminded.

“Rainbow has a point. We have to remember what we’re really here for,” Yugi said.

“It’s still a shame we couldn’t get the rest of our friends to come with us!” Pinkie glumly noted.

“Yeah. We couldn’t find a rule that says we could bring guests at all. If only Yugi would have gone along with our plan to sneak them on,” Rainbow grumbled.

“I know you were well intentioned, but that could have gotten us in-,” Yugi said only to be interrupted…

“Hey you both, get out of here. Only official contestants are allowed on board,” Another lackey barked out.

“How do you know we’re not official?” Joey asked as Spike facepalmed.

“You really had to ask that?” Spike grumbled.

“Because the official duelists aren't trying to sneak on board through the lower hatches,” The lackey answered.

“Joey? What the-?” Yugi was surprised.

“Well! Looks like we may not be leaving all our friends!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“I know right?!” Rainbow agreed.

“They may not be here for long without help…,” Yugi warned.

“Stop your struggling. We're going to have to throw you both out,” One lackey yelled.

“No way. I came here to duel and I'm gonna duel,” Joey yelled.

“Same with me! I wanna learned what happened to-,” Spike yelled…only for him to be interrupted by another voice.

“Is some idiot really trying to break on this expensive ship and mess up the tournament?” One tan girl in blue and yellow clothes asked with annoyance.

“It looks like we have two idiots, Julia,” A purple-haired kid noted.

“They aren’t seriously trying to mess things up for all of us, are they?” A third kid, a boy with a sword and brown hair grumbled.

“They better not, Kit and Dipper. The last thing we need is for the tournament to get delayed because of those fools!” Julia grumbled.

“Why those mean old-!” Rainbow was about to yell at them only for an employee to stop the complaining.

“Calm down, kids! No need to be rude! We just need to get these intruders out of here and we can return to business!” The employee reassured.

“But we really need to go there!” Spike yelled.

“You don’t understand!” Joey yelled.

“Does it matter?” One employee holding the duo back yelled.

“Leave him alone,” Yugi said as he got out of line and walked over to his friends.

“Hey, Yugi,” Joey greeted his pal.

“Joey! What're you doing here, Joey?” Yugi asked joyfully.

“Hah. Did you really think I'd let you do this on your own? C'mon, help me out,” Joey said.

“We’re not letting you go and get hurt on our watch!” Spike agreed.

“Thanks, you guys! Now then, about them getting on…,” Rainbow began.

Meanwhile, at another part of the outside of the ferry…

“They're distracted. Let's go,” Tea said, followed by Tristan and Rarity.

“Right,” Tristan nodded.

“As much as I’m glad to be able to help our friends, I regret it had to involve sneaking in this way. I wish we could go on in the fancier areas!” Rarity complained.

“Woukd you rather not go at all?” Tea asked.

“No! I want to help out anyway I can!” Rarity said as she walked on the boat with the others. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Back with Joey, Yugi, and the others…

“Hey! Let me go, you jerks!” Rainbow yelled as she was being held back by a guard.

“Silence! Unless you wanna not go to Duelist Kingdom, stand down!” The guard warned.

“F-Fine…,” Rainbow grumbled.

“Is this really the competition we have to deal with here?” Kit asked from aside.

“Looks like we have to deal with a bunch of clowns for a few days…,” Julia said as she and her two friends shook their heads.

“They’re with us. You've got to let them on,” Yugi asked.

“Only people with a star chip can get on board. There are no exceptions. Understand?” The lackey reminded.

“Aw! Well…looks like we…,” Pinkie said sadly.

“But Joey has a star chip. Didn't he tell you?” Yugi said.

“I do?” Joey asked.

“He does?” Both Rainbow and Pinkie asked in confusion.

Yugi holds out a star chip. “See?” Yugi gives it to Joey.

“What's this?” Joey asked.

“According to this card, a star chip's proof that one is a duelist,” Yugi reminded.

“It is?” Rainbow realized what Yugi was getting at. “Actually, I’d like to say that Spike here also has a star chip! Right here!” Rainbow said as she handed one to Spike.

“Yo-You’re giving me one of your chips? But-,” Spike was surprised and concerned.

“I wouldn’t fully be satisfied without my friends to cheer me on,” Rainbow responded.

“So…since they have star chips, does that mean they can go with us?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

“That may be, but all participants are given two star chips. You'll be at a disadvantage,” One employee warned.

“Maybe. But I'd rather take that risk than be without my friend when we get to the Duelist Kingdom,” Yugi responded.

“Without all my friends, things wouldn’t feel complete, so count them in!” Rainbow agreed.

“G-Guys…,” Joey and Spike looked touched.

“What should we do?” One guard asked.

The other guard pulled out his phone. “Mr. Pegasus, we've got a problem, sir.”

“What is it? Can’t you deal with it without interrupting movie night?” Pegasus groaned.

“We have a few people that are willing to give star chips to their pals to let them be part of the tournament. What should we do?” The employee asked.

“So…we have a few new guests then? Well…let them join. Let’s see if they can stack up to the best our world has to offer,” Pegasus decided.

“Understood,” The employee said with a nod as he hung up.

“Well…now that that interruption has been dealt with, you two ready to continue watching Frozen?” Pegasus asked.

“Yes we are!” Jaden yelled.

“We wanna know if Anna can convince Elsa if they can go back home together!” Jesse agreed.

“You think that Hans and Anna will live happily ever after?” Jaden asked.

“Of course! These types of movies always end happily ever after!” Jesse cheered as Pegasus’s smile went away for a moment.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoy this next chapter. I was wondering if you all would be fine with me making blog posts telling how I feel about certain MLP episodes. Tell me if you'd like to hear my thoughts.