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Moths, Darts, and Raving Fans Part 2

As the group made it into the forest, Weevil still proceeded to run, laughing maniacally as he did so. Suddenly, a bunch of moths started to flutter through the sky above them.

“Ugh! Where are all these moths coming from?” Tristan yelled out.

“Ecch! They're disgusting!” Tea agreed.

“I know! I don’t want our lovely clothes to be devoured!” Rarity wailed overdramatically.

“Yeah…because that is definitely what is important,” Rainbow snarked as she suddenly saw a nearby familiar face; Sylvio. “Wait. Sylvio?!” Rainbow stopped for a moment as she saw him leave through a path. Rainbow thought for a moment. Sure, she did want to cheer on her friends. However, she did need to gain Star Chips and it may be a good opportunity to do so. She struggled as she tried to think of what to do as she didn’t want to abandon her friends. However, before she could do so, Sylvio reappeared and gave a smug look at her, mockingly motioning for her to follow. “F-Fine! I should be able to beat him quickly and return to my friends in time to see Yugi kick Weevil’s butt!” And so, Rainbow rushed after him, not knowing that she was about to be in for a longer Duel than anticipated.

Meanwhile, with the rest of the group…

“He's fast for a small guy,” Joey complained.

“Maybe you're just slow for a big guy,” Pinkie suggested as Joey gave her a look.

“It could just be that he’s more physically adept than you guys,” Spike suggested.

“Please! I could throw down with the big boys! And so can Tristan!” Joey defended.

“To be fair, it does look like they have some muscles,” Rarity agreed.

“What’s the use? We're never gonna catch him at this rate,” Tristan complained.

“Agreed! As long as the whole island's inbounds, he'll keep running all day!” Joey yelled.

“What's Weevil up to? He's wanted to duel with me ever since we met on the boat. So what's he running for? Wait a minute! What did he say on the boat?” Yugi began to realize what was going on.

“Everyone will soon learn that there are new rules on the island. But nothing that requires more strategy,” Yugi remembered Weevil’s words.

“It must have something to do with the new rules, so I better figure out what...and fast!” Yugi thought.

Finally, Weevil stopped in the middle of a forested and rocky clearing. “There he is!” Joey yelled.

“Thanks for the run! That was fun! Now…You ready for Yugi to Duel you?” Pinkie asked.

“I’ll deal with you later, pinkie. But for now…"Welcome," said the spider to the fly. You flew right into my trap...again!” Weevil laughed to the group.

“It's time you answer for what you did on the boat, Weevil,” Yugi said as he suddenly grew a few feet once more.

“Um…am I the only one that noticed that Yugi just grew a bit?” Rarity asked.

“I think this may be the spirit at work,” Spike whispered.

“Well…hopefully between him and Yugi they can beat this jerk-o-manerco!” Pinkie Pie yelled. “Right, Rainbow?” She noticed that her friend was gone and began to look for her, thought the others didn’t notice.

“Heh. All right, Weevil. Time to find out if you're as good at dueling as you are at running away,” Yugi’s spirit, Yami Yugi, snarked.

“Was I simply running away or cleverly weaving you into my web?” Weevil asked.

“It's time to duel!” Yami Yugi yelled out.

“Heh heh heh. As you wish!” Weevil chuckled.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

“It's an earthquake!” Joey yelled.

“Heh heh heh,” Weevil laughed.

“What have you done?” Yami Yugi demanded.

“I don’t know…but I don’t like it!” Spike said as Weevil continued to smirk as the ground opened up.

“Whoa! The entire ground is transforming!” Tristan yelled as a massive Dueling platform appeared out of the hole.

“It's gigantic!” Tea was in awe.

“And like that machine that makes holograms appear at that tournament!” Rarity noted.

“Man, these aren't going to be like the duels back home,” Joey noted.

“You've just stepped into a hornet's nest, and there's no way out!” Weevil smirked.

“What is that?” Yami Yugi asked.

“These giant arenas must be set up all over the island. I'll just meet you on the field,” Weevil laughed.

“I don't like this. Weevil's a little too cocky,” Joey was suspicious.

“I know. I just wish I knew what the trap he has in store is,” Spike was wary.

“I can handle him, guys. Don’t worry,” Yami Yugi gave a supportive thumbs up to the group as he got on the platform on the blue side.

“I noticed that you have just one star chip, Yugi. I guess that means I'll have the pleasure of eliminating you from the tournament! Once you're gone, everyone else's chips will be easy pickings,” Weevil gloated.

“Not if I take yours first,” Yami Yugi threatened.

“What?” Weevil was confused.

“This will be an all or nothing match for the both of us,” Yami explained.

“Ha! Why should I risk both my star chips when you only have one?” Weevil asked.

“Because I have something else I think you want--My whole Duel Monster's deck!” Yami gave his ultimatum.

Weevil smirked. “So, you'd risk your grandpa's deck? Including your Pendulum cards?” Weevil asked. “Fine with me. Hee hee hee hee! Winning all your cards will be an easy way to exterminate you once and for all!”

“Exterminate? He loves bugs too much,” Spike quipped.

“Well…at least he has hobbies,” Tea said.

“Swat that little twerp like a mosquito!” Joey cried out.

Just as the group was about to begin the Duel, Jaden and Jesse started to walk over into the clearing.

“See, Jesse? I told you that we’d find a Duel platform sooner or later,” Jaden cheerfully said.

“Well, you weren’t wrong. I just hope no one realizes we’re gone yet,” Jesse noted.

“We’ll be fine. Now, let’s just calm down and watch a sweet Duel!” Jaden gushed.

“Uh huh. Sounds good!” Jesse agreed.

“Uh…who do you think they are?” Tea asked Rarity.

“No clue. They could have snuck on the boat too,” Rarity suggested.

“If so, then why didn’t we see them?” Tristan asked.

“Dunno. Could be they got a front row seat fer some reason,” Joey said.

“More likely something else…,” Spike shook his head.

“Now, who is the Duel between?” Jesse asked as they both looked up and saw Weevil and Yugi.

“Aaaah!” Jaden squeed as Rarity and Tea covered their ears. “I can’t believe it! We’re about to watch a Duel between two of the best Duelists in the world!”

“I know, right? Looks like our first matchup is gonna be a dream matchup,” Jesse fanboyed.

“Do you think we should try and get an autograph from them?” Jaden wondered.

“Only one way to find out,” Jesse said as he turned to Weevil. “Hey, buddy? You think we can get an autograph after the Duel?”

“Uh…who are you two clowns supposed to be?” Weevil asked rudely.

“Don’t be rude! These two kids seem to admire you and Yugi. You should feel honored!” Rarity said.

“Yeah! Just throw them a bone! Even you can’t be that cruel,” Tea said.

“Right…,” Weevil said dismissively. “So, what do you want?”

“One autograph please,” Jaden answered.

“Well…sure. I can give you one,” Weevil baited.

“Eeeeeh! Dad will be so happy he’ll forgive this decision for sure!” Jesse cheered.

“...If…you give me a rare card apiece,” Weevil revealed his hand.

“But...dad said that our cards are a piece of us. That we should treasure them and not let them go,” Jaden looked sad.

“Sad to say your dad lied. Now, cards. I won’t ask again!” Weevil demanded.

“Well…I guess…,” Jaden began to hand over Polymerization before Yami Yugi intervened.

“Now, hold on, Weevil! You shouldn’t be mean to kids like this!” Yami warned.

“Yeah! Generosity is about giving for others, but they shouldn’t give up something so important for a autograph,” Rarity agreed. “Give to them, not steal their soul after all.”

“You should be ashamed, Weevil!” Tea yelled.

“Well, I’m not,” Weevil stuck his tongue out to the two kids. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way…”

Rainbow ran off after Sylvio, looking for the jerk teen that dared to mock her and her cards. Eventually, she finally found Sylvio near a Duel platform that had began to rise from the ground. Said platform was near a mechanical shack with some grassland nearby. “Whoa! Looks like we got the fancy stuff for this tournament.”

“You better believe it, rainbow-haired freak! I heard rumors that this tournament would use these platforms, and it looks like they were right! What a way to begin my first victory of the tournament!” Sylvio smirked.

“Oh…I’m sorry. This is reality calling, and it says that I’ll be getting the win over you!” Rainbow laughed.

“Grrr! You’ll pay for this insubordination soon enough! After I win, your lone Star Chip will go to me and the riches of this tournament will belong to me, the king of all Duels!” Sylvio laughed.

“Oh, great! His ego is huge,” Rainbow grumbled, not realizing the irony of this statement. “Okay then…let’s get to our Duel now. The sooner I win, the sooner I can return to my friends!”

“Well, don’t wait up for them. You’ll be swimming home in no time!” Sylvio said as they both got up on the platforms, Sylvio on the red side and Rainbow on the blue. “Well…without further ado…”

“Let’s Duel!” Both Duelists yelled out.

“The first move will be mine. I draw! And…I’ll summon an oldie but a goodie. Thunderboard in Attack mode!(A blue and red electronic surfboard with a blue electronic eye on the front/Light/Machine/Level 3/1500 Attack/1200 Defense/When this card is destroyed by battle, add one Dart monster from your deck to your hand. You can banish this card from your graveyard;special summon a Dart monster from your hand. You cannot Normal Summon or Set the turn you use this effect)” Sylvio summoned.

“Wowie. A board that can be used to ‘surf the web.’ Are you gonna be an egghead like Twilight and bore me with sciency stuff?” Rainbow snarked.

“Grr! You’ll see soon enough what I have planned. But…for now, I’ll play two facedowns and end my turn,” Sylvio ended his move. “Your move, Rainbow Crash!”

At this, Rainbow began to look real MAD. “What did you say?” Rainbow bitterly asked.

“Oh…did I hit a nerve? For a second I thought you were overconfident, what with how you kept coming at me with sarcasm and all,” Sylvio said as he began to realize he could use this to his advantage.

“Why you little…I’ll show you who’s the loser! I draw!” Rainbow drew her Speed Warrior. “Perfect! I summon my-”

“But before you make your move, I have a bit of a warning for you, Crashy. I play the trap Skee Ball Crasher! Now, during this turn, you must attack me with a monster or else you take damage equal to the Attack points of one of my monsters,” Sylvio explained.

“Sounds like an easy decision!” Rainbow quipped.

“But…there’s a catch. If you attack me, any damage I take from a battle involving a monster I control is dealt as double to you instead and your monster will be destroyed too. So go ahead and wipe out my Thunderboard! You’ll only be helping me rather than hindering me! Good luck!” Sylvio said.

“Great! I can’t attack him with my Speed Warrior or else I’ll take damage. I need to think of another play or else I could be in trouble,” Rainbow looked over her hand, seeing her hand, which included Scrap Fist, Speed Warrior, Scrap Iron Scarecrow, Junk Servant, Double Summon, and Quillbolt Hedgehog. “Wait…I got it!” “I summon Junk Servant from my hand in Attack Mode(1500 Attack)!”

“Not a bad monster.But it won't help much against my Thunderboard,” Sylvio said.

“Not really! See, they both have the same number of attack points, meaning that they’ll both be destroyed and I won’t take damage from either effect!” Rainbow pointed out.

“Hmm…clever move, but it won’t work. Even if you wipe out my monster, I can get in a direct attack on my turn later on,” Sylvio said as he laughed. “What a waste of a move!”

“Well, don’t laugh now, Sylvie! I play the spell card Double Summon! With it, I get another Normal Summon this turn! I summon Speed Warrior(900 Attack)! Now, Junk Servant, attack and wipe out Sylvio’s Thunderboard!” Rainbow cried out as the monster threw an electrical bolt at the board…only for Junk Servant to be destroyed by a saw-like slash from Thunderboard. “What?! But…how did…?”

“Well, well. Looks like that rumor I heard was true after all,” Sylvio smirked.

“What rule?!” Rainbow demanded.

“Whoa, sounds like a duel is about to start over there,” One Duelist said as he and a few other Duelists arrived on the scene.

“That's Weevil Underwood, but who's the other guy?” Another girl asked.

“That guy is Yugi Muto. He beat Kaiba, And I happen to be his best friend, Joey Wheeler. And these two? These two are trespassers,” Joey answered, Tea and Tristan comically falling in response to the last part.

“Gee, thanks,” Tea groaned before she and Rarity noticed that Jaden and Jesse were looking sad.

“I don’t understand, though…why did Weevil have to ask for a card in exchange for an autograph?” Jaden asked sadly.

“Dunno. You think this is the norm?” Jesse wondered.

“No, it isn’t,” Tea said as she and Rarity approached them.

“So…who are you two? Are you Weevil or Yugi fans as well?” Jesse asked.

“No, we’re friends of Yugi. Though…I will admit I have heroes I’ve wanted to meet as well. I have read that some heroes aren’t always what you expect though,” Rarity said sympathetically.

“Gee. Thanks,” Jaden said sarcastically as Tea gave Rarity a look.

“What I think my friend is trying to say is that some people can be jerks, but there are still some good eggs out there. I mean, Yugi is probably the type to give you an autograph as soon as the Duel is over, and he’ll do it for free,” Tea consoled as the kids looked uncertain.

“I thought I wouldn't be seeing a Weevil/Yugi match-up till the finals,” another guy said.

“Weevil's the regional champ. No new kid's got a chance against him,” A girl noted.

“Well, Yugi, my adoring public is waiting, so we should begin,” Weevil said.

“Now…let’s Duel!” Both Duelists cried out.

“Let's see how you like my Gokibore in Attack Mode(1200 Attack)! I then place a facedown and end my turn. Your move, Yugi!” Weevil said with a confident smirk.

“You'll have to get through my Mammoth Graveyard first (1200 Attack).

“A monster only as strong as Weevil’s? What is Yugi thinking?” Spike asked with worry.

“Dunno. But at least both monsters will be gone after the battle,” Tea said.

“This massive monster will match your annoying insect point for point. Attack!” Yugi cried out.

“Gokibore, let's show the Mammoth your stinger. Attack!” Weevil yelled as the insect stung and destroyed Mammoth Graveyard.


“Ha! Gone after one sting? He must be allergic,” Weevil mocked.

“I don't get it. Both creatures were evenly matched. It should have been a stalemate,” Yugi thought, shocked.

“Have you begun to figure it out yet? Why I led you all the way to this forest area? If you just look around, then you will see that this area is an exact replica of our surrounding environment– One part wasteland and one part forest– And who thrives in the forest? Bugs. The strongest, most powerful insects rule the forest! So as long as I play my bugs in the forest area, I get a field power bonus of 300 Attack Points (Gokibore-1500 Attack). I guess you just weren't listening When Pegasus said that this tournament would have exciting new surprises in store for us. Maybe if you were
In the previous tournament and won it, you’d know to avoid this field against me, or even find a way to get a field power bonus instead of me!” Weevil laughed smugly and manically.

“He cheated!” Tristan was outraged, and so were most of the others.

“He led us here 'cause he knew he'd have an unfair advantage,” Joey realized.

“Well, technically he didn’t cheat. It is a rule. However, he’s still being a jerk. First the card and now this,” Jaden said as she stuck out her tongue to Weevil.
“Don’t forget ruining Yugi’s Exodia cards,” Spike noted.
“He did what?! But…those are very rare cards!” Jesse was shocked.

“It’s the truth. And I almost died trying and failing to get ‘em back! That snake” Joey was furious.

“Go ahead! Call me names! You're all just angry that you didn't swipe the rules yourselves. And because you didn't, little Yugi is about to get stung,” Weevil laughed, expecting Yugi to be defeated. However, he couldn’t be any more wrong.

“Ha ha ha!” Yami laughed.

“What? How can you be laughing?” Weevil was confused.

“Because. Take a look at your ferocious Gokibore now,” Yami answered.

“W-w-what?” Weevil looked and saw that his insect was also being destroyed. “Oh, no! My monster! What have you done with my monster?!” “This makes no sense. My creature was supercharged with the field power bonus, but according to this, Yugi's creature somehow became just as powerful (Mammoth Graveyard-1500 Attack).”

“Looks like my Mammoth got a field power bonus from the wasteland area just like your bugs do from the forest!” Yami said confidently.

“Great! Now Yugi has a chance to turn things around!” Tea cheered.

“Maybe…but with no monsters out he could be in trouble,” Spike reminded.

“Way to bring down the mood…,” Joey snarked.

“Sorry,” Spike apologized.

“Grr! The field-point advantage was supposed to be mine alone!” Weevil growled.

“You see, my Machine and Thunder monsters are able to gain more power so long as they are present near this shack. 300 points per monster to be exact! Why do you think I chose this spot to battle in?” Sylvio gloated.

“W-Why you!” Rainbow growled.

“On the bright side, you won’t take extra damage, but this Duel won’t be lasting for very long at the rate it is going so far. In the future, don’t be an overconfident weakling,” Sylvio taunted with a laugh.

“Uh…I wouldn’t be too sure of yourself yet, Sylvio. Take a look at the field,” Rainbow said as she pointed and saw that Thunderboard was being destroyed as well.

“I-I-what?! But this shouldn’t be happening! My monster was stronger!” Sylvio was outraged and confused.

“Well, well, well. Looks like you don’t know everything after all. The field is also a grassland, which can benefit my Warrior monsters, also giving them a field power bonus like Junk Servant, or…Speed Warrior(1200 Attack)!” Rainbow cried out.

“The Duel isn’t over yet, Rainy! I play my trap card Billiard Netting! With it, I can send two more copies of my Thunderboard to the grave! And get this…when Thunderboard is destroyed by battle, I can add a Dart monster from my Deck and place it in my hand. Say hello to Ultimate Dart Striker! Impressed with my best monster?” Sylvio asked.

“Not really. You lack two tributes to bring him out, meaning I’ll have the advantage! Now, Speed Warrior, attack Sylvio directly with Hyper Sonic Slash! Oh, and check it out! When my monster attacks on the turn he’s summoned, his original points double (2100 Attack)! Now, take a huge chunk out of Sylvio’s points! (Sylvio-1900 LP) I place one card facedown and end my turn. Looks like I really did improve after all! I took a pro and brought his points down by half on turn one! Might as well apologize for the name calling and insults now, Sylvio. You won’t have the chance to do so for much longer!” Rainbow boasted as Sylvio growled in annoyance.

“No…I won’t. I’ll admit you were better than I initially expected. Maybe you weren’t fully useless after all. However…, I’ll still be the winner of this Duel in the end, and you’re about to see why! I draw! I play my Thunderboards’s effect from my graveyard! By banishing my Thunderboards from my grave, I can special summon a Dart monster from my hand for each one! So…I banish my three Thunderboards in order to bring out my ultimate trio! Say hello to Power Dart Striker (1800->2100 Attack), Rocket Dart Striker(1900->2200 Attack), and my most powerful Ultimate Dart Striker(2400->2700 Attack)!” Sylvio played.

“You know…I kept wondering about something on the boat ride here, Weevil. Why were we traveling to some remote island just to duel? But as soon as I saw this holographic display grid, it all came together. Every monster has a type of field that it does best on, kind of like a home-field advantage, and what makes this island so special is that it contains every type
of field imaginable! So when you deliberately led us to this spot, you were clearly hoping to get some kind of field advantage. And now…I’ll play a facedown and end my turn,” Yami explained.

“Wow! He really pieced it all together that easily?” Rarity asked.

“Looks like it. And now that we know that fact, we can look out for the bonus in other areas as well!” Tristan said.

“Well…some arenas lack a field power bonus to be fair,” Jesse noted.

“How do you know that?” Spike asked.

“Well…you see-,” Jaden began.

“Cease your blabbing! Grr! Hee hee hee hee!” Weevil went from growling to snickering. “You're awfully clever to put it all together like that, Yugi, But figuring out one rule won't be enough. There are surprises hidden under every rock, And I know them all.”

“You can beat him, Yugi!” Tea cheered.

“Don't let that flea scare ya! He's bluffin',” Joey agreed.

“Maybe…but…,” Rarity was suspicious.

“He may use the other info to win? I agree bea-,” Spike said, almost letting his crush win over logic for a moment before stopping and looking away with a blush.

“Really? Then let's just see how you handle this bluff. I summon out my Flying Kamari #2! (1500->1800 Attack)! And…since you don’t control a monster, I’ll attack yout directly!” Weevil laughed as the insect sent out a wind gust.

“Look out!” Jesse cried out.

“It won’t be so easy, Weevil! I play my trap Magic Cylinder! With it, I can negate your attack and deal you damage equal to your monster’s power!” Yami countered.

“So that’s why he attacked like that! It was to set up for this moment!” Rarity cheered.

“Now, Yugi can take this opportunity to deal some major damage!” Tea cheered.

“Maybe..but why do I have a feeling Weevil has a counter?” Joey asked.

“Because I do! I play the trap Trap Jammer! With it, I can negate and destroy your trap card with ease! Say goodbye!” Weevil laughed sinisterly as Magic Cylinder was destroyed and Yugi took damage (Yami Yugi-2200 LP).

“Eeeeeh! So cool! Weevil is able to predict his opponent's moves and counter them with ease! That’s what makes him one of the best!” Jaden squeed.

“Um, Jay? Remember that he’s a jerk,” Jesse reminded.

“I know! But he’s still a great Duelist!” Jaden apologized.

“I’ll end my turn. See? Don’t expect to win just because you figured me out! I have more tricks up my sleeve than that!” Weevil gloated.

“Ahh, even though I know about the field power bonus, it's too late to rebuild my deck now. I guess a combo attack would be my best bet,” Yami Yugi thought. “I play Celtic Guardian(1400 Attack)! And now I'll add this Horn of the Unicorn so its magic will raise
my attack points(2100 Attack)! Now, wipe out Weevil’s Flying Kamari #2! (Weevil->3700 LP) And with that, I end my turn. Your move, Weevil.”

“Hee hee hee hee! Not bad, Yugi. Not bad, But you’ll have to do better than that! I play the Armored Bee in Attack mode(1600->1900 Attack)! And…I’ll use his ability to cut your warrior’s power in half! Poisoned Stinger (2100->1050 Attack)! Now, attack and wipe out Yugi’s Guardian! Stab him! (Yugi-1350 LP) That outta do for now. Your move, Yugi,” Weevil ended his turn.

“Even that bug-eyed tick's weakest bugs are gonna be tough to beat so long as he's got that field power bonus,” Joey remembered.

“I know! Will every Duelist be untouchable like Weevil?” Rarity wondered.

“No clue…hopefully not,” Spike shook his head.

“Yeah, but it's not exactly like it can just be turned off,” Tristan reminded.

“That Weevil's a no good cheat!” Joey yelled.

“Um…is it just me, or is it strangely a little quiet?” Tea asked as she looked and noticed that Rainbow and Pinkie were gone.

“You’re right! Where did Rainbow and Pinkie Pie go?” Tristan asked.

“Yeah! They’re missing out on this Duel. Don’t tell me…,” Spike shook his head.

“That they left ta Duel that Sylvio creep without us? Probably. Should we go look fer ‘em?” Joey asked.

“Why don’t we stay here for now? Yugi needs our support. If they aren’t back by the time the Duel is over, we’ll go search,” Tea suggested. “Still wish they would have waited.”

“I draw!” Yugi drew Kuriboh. His hand also contained Buster Blader, Big Shield Gardna, and Power Shield. “Sadly, I don’t have any monsters to attack with. Maybe I should use my
next monster to defend. By putting my card in defense mode, my monster will take a hit, but my life points will be spared.” “I’ll use Scale 2 Buster Blader and Scale 8 Kuriboh in order to set the Pendulum Scale! I’ll be showing off the Heart of the Cards starting now!” At this Weevil gave a massive smirk. “Witness the power of my monster, as they enter the action! Say hello to Big Shield Gardna in Defense mode(2600 Defense)!” At this, the entire crowd of people cheered and were in awe at the sight of the monsters.

“So cool! A Pendulum Summon at last!” Jaden cheered.

“If only the circumstances were better, though,” Jesse noted.

“Well…it could be worse. At least Yugi can defend himself,” Spike consoled.

“I see you’re finally gracing us with a Pendulum Summon. But… I see we're
defending now, are we? Very clever! But I can switch your Gardna to attack mode with one attack and then wipe out your remaining points with another attack!” Weevil pointed out.

“Weevil has a point. Yuge’s in trouble,” Joey was concerned.

“I wouldn’t count him out yet…,” Rarity said with full confidence.

“I play my spell card Power Shield! With it, I can prevent my Big Shield Gardna from being switched to attack mode while he is equipped and save him from being destroyed by battle! And with that, I end my turn,” Yami played.

“Well done. You set it up so that I can’t switch your monster from defense to offense. But even your strongest monster can't stand against my Basic Insect (500->800 Attack). Not only does he get a field power bonus, but I'm upgrading him with a Level 3 Laser Cannon and a Lev. 2 Power Boost! (800->2300 Attack) Now, Yugi, for all the innocent little bugs you've squashed, stomped, crushed, or fumigated, it's… Payback time! You’re lucky I can’t attack this turn, so I’ll end my turn!”

“Ungh!” Yugi groaned as Weevil laughed.

“You'll have to do better than that if you hope to survive my bug's laser-powered arsenal,” Weevil mocked.

Yugi drew a very strong trap card and decided to set it. “Then I'll play this card.”

“Hmm, another defense card, no doubt. And I'll make sure that defending is all he can do!” Weevil thought. “Heh heh heh. I'm going to keep you on the defensive. Attack now with any monster, and you will instantly activate this trap card.” Weevil laughed as he set a card. “And I’ll end my turn with Flying Kamari #1! (1400->1700 Attack).”

“That Weevil's got Yugi cornered!” Joey grumbled.

“Yeah, he can't even counterattack!” Tristan agreed.

“Yugi can at least keep himself safe from a direct attack, though,” Tea sighed.

“For now…,” Spike reminded.

“As long as my trap card remains in play, you're powerless to make a move against me! So, does my tightening web make you squirm?” Weevil mockingly asked.

“He's so busy bragging, he's not paying any attention to my moves. He didn’t even notice my trap card. Maybe I can set a little trap of my own,” Yugi thought. “I play a second facedown and end my turn.

“Face it, Yugi! I've got you pinned down. And while you're totally unable to attack me, I can attack you anytime I want! Each turn you cower, I create a new monster. I summon my Giant Flea (1500->1800 Attack)! My turn ends here!” Weevil said.

“I play a facedown monster(Alpha the Magnet Warrior) and end my turn,” Yami said.

“Keep drawing, Yugi. My army of insects just keeps getting bigger! I'm going to wipe out all your monsters In one bug blitzkrieg!” Weevil laughed.

“He appears to be too overconfident. Rainbow would get along with him very well with how she can be,” Spike noted.

“Eh…she has a complex of some sort. Weevil is just a jerk,” Rarity noted.

“Agreed,” Joey said.

“That's right, Weevil. Put all your monsters on the field. That's exactly what I'm counting on. I can end this in one fell swoop the next time you attack,” Yugi thought.

“I don’t know if Yugi can win at this rate. I know Yugi is a great Duelist, but Weevil has four insects on his field and a trap that can prevent Yugi from performing an attack. This is bad!” Spike was concerned.

“I wouldn’t be too worried,” Joey said.

“Yeah! If you can tell, Yugi is smiling right now,” Tea agreed.

“He-he is?” Spike was surprised.

“Uh huh. I bet that one or even both of those facedowns can turn this game around in his favor,” Rarity agreed.

“Well…when you put it like that…Weevil may be the one that needs to watch out,” Spike said more confidently.

“You bet! Just look at our Yugi. He's so confident up there,” Joey said.

“I know! When he's duelin', it's like he becomes a totally different guy,” Tristan noted.

“It may be that spirit we’ve heard about. Though Yugi himself has been shown to be great as well,” Spike said.

“Between those two, this Duel will be won,” Tea said.

“Hee hee hee! Well, what do ya know? I'm down to my last monstrous insect and my most powerful. Chainsaw Insect (2400->2700 Attack)! And you know what that means, Yugi? You're about to be exterminated! As soon as your final defense is gone, this Duel will be won!” Weevil gloated.
“We'll see what my cards have to say about that! I draw!” Yami Yugi yelled as he drew Dark Pendulum Magician;his ace. “Yes, the Dark Pendulum Magician! This is perfect! There's no way Weevil can resist him as a target.” “All right, Weevil! I defend with Dark Pendulum Magician(2100 Defense/Scale 3)! Your move, Weevil!”

“Whoa! What a cool monster to summon!” Jaden was amazed.

“Yeah…but with Weevil’s facedown Yugi can’t attack,” Jesse pointed out.

“So why sacrifice his only defense?” Spike wondered.

“I don’t know. But hopefully his facedowns will help turn things around,” Tea said hopefully.

“See? Your pal’s Pendulum Summoning isn’t the only way to summon a whole lotta monsters in one move. There are other ways to do so,” Sylvio pointed out.

“Well…I’ll admit that you are much better than I anticipated. You actually got the drop on me. But…I’m not worried! I have monsters stronger than these in my Deck,” Rainbow half-lied.

“Maybe…but if I beat you before they come out, then it won’t matter!” Sylvio pointed out.

“So, I have to ask what your deal is, Sylvio. Why go to all the trouble of challenging me over so many other opponents?” Rainbow asked.

“You really wanna know? Simple. For too long now I’ve been overlooked by the Dueling world. While Duelists like Kaiba or Weevil or even Julia are popular, they don’t deserve their popularity as much as I do. I don’t even use any Extra Deck methods, yet some people don’t remember me as much as I’d hoped!” Sylvio explained.

“I wonder why,” Rainbow said under her breath.

“Then I saw the day that Pendulum Summoning became a thing. When I saw that Duel, I was beyond mesmerized by what I saw!” Sylvio said with stars in his eyes.

“So what? You in Yugi’s fan club now? Or better yet both of ours?” Rainbow snarked.

“Grr! No way! I’ll admit those cards were cool, but the Duelist who uses them are definitely not! Yugi is a small-time opponent, with cards that would be better in hands like mine,” Syvio said. “I will now be the most popular Duelist. I’ll have more fans than anyone else put together! I just need to obtain some Pendulum cards. And who better to test my readiness for defeating Yugi than the weak little clown who worked with him to beat Kaiba.”

“I-I’m not a clown!” Rainbow yelled. “I’ve grown a lot as a Duelist since that day and now I’ll prove it!” Rainbow yelled.

“Yeah, but only if you get another turn, which you won’t. Rocket Dart Striker, take aim at Speed Warrior!” Sylvio cried out as a bunch of darts shot out of their arm.

“Excellent! You decided to just submit and summon your ace to be the monster I finish off to beat you! I'll destroy your very favorite card! Now, my pet Basic Insect, power up your laser cannon! Hee hee hee! Attack!” Weevil cried out.

“Suddenly, Yami Yugi began to laugh.

“Wh-why are you laughing?” Weevil started to get worried.

“Weevil, you're not the only one who can set a trap card,” Yami revealed.

“What?!” Weevil was shocked.

“You were so busy grandstanding,you paid no attention to the cards I put into play,” Yami reminded.

“But I thought you only put down monster c-c-cards?” Weevil nervously buffered.

“Not all. While you loaded the field with your bug monsters, I prepared a special surprise. The power of my Mirror Force trap card!” Yami played his set card.

“Hold your fire!” Weevil cried out, terrified as Basic Insect’s attack was reflected back at his monsters.

“Too late, Weevil. You already ordered your attack on my Dark Pendulum Magician, and mirror force will deflect it right back at you! And with it…all Attack Position monsters are destroyed!” Yami cried out as all the insects were destroyed. “But that’s not all…I play the trap card Mirror Buster! I can activate it when a monster you control is destroyed by card effect. When used, you take 700 points of damage per card, for a total of 3500! (Weevil-200 LP)”

“My life points are devastated!” Weevil wailed.

“Yes!” Joey cheered.

“Yeah, Yugi!” Tea called out.

“Hey! Way to go!” Tristan said.

“How cool! I figured Yugi would find a way to turn this game around!” Jaden cheered.

“You were right not to get worried last round, sis,” Jesse said.

“Uh huh! See, you two? Now that Yugi’s ahead, he can win with ease on his next turn!” Rarity said.

“Yeah…he did great. It almost seems too easy…,” Spike noted.

“He obliterated my army of beautiful bugs. How dare he!” Weevil thought.

“You're a liar and a cheat, Weevil. But it was your overconfidence that allowed me to get the best of you. Your insects are decimated, your life points are low, and as you yourself said before, you have used up all your monsters,” Yami pointed out.

“This Duel belongs to Yugi for sure!” Jaden cheered.

“Don’t count yer chickens before they hatch,” Jesse reminded. “Weevil still has a set card and one card in his hand.”

“Hee hee hee hee! Actually, Yugi, the one snot-nosed boy is correct. I lied about that, too!” Weevil admitted.

“Huh?!” Yami was shocked.

“I still have monsters left in my Deck. In fact, I still have my most formidable creature waiting in the wings, And this unconquerable insect will swat you down once and for all!” Weevil revealed as he began to laugh manically.

Author's Note:

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter. If anyone has any suggestions to make or Decks they'd like to see appear, please let me know.

Comments ( 1 )

Pretty fun duels so far

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