• Published 14th Feb 2023
  • 1,390 Views, 10 Comments

A Human and his Game Character, in Equestria (Rewrite) - Star Dawn

A human Turned Unicorn tries to find out how he got here while trying to survive ; he is not alone either, his game character is here as well. Rgre

  • ...


I stared at my surroundings with a blank expression. One moment I was sitting in my room drinking some coffee, the next thing you know, I blinked, then I found myself in the middle of the most peculiar forest I had ever seen.

I was just an average United States civilian, with bronze skin and black spikey hair, and onyx eyes. Once 6 ft Now I stood 2 ft feet taller, I apparently now have fur, and I have a horn.

I feel like a ticking timebomb that's about to explode at any given moment.

I then faced the person who was laying unconscious a couple of meters from me, someone I recognized instantly.

My Game Character.

Her name is Xlera, even though the game itself Fortnite...was a couple of years old, I just started playing the game in chapter 4. I had no idea what the hell I was doing and accidentally made my character a female.

Looking at her body; Her tanned skin, and her spikey black hair. Xlera wore all black, with a tank top and some black shorts that fit her ass perfectly, she had on an axe that was half the size of her, it seemed to be giving off a blue otherworldly glow on the edges.

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed.


My eyes snapped open the moment I heard it, my eyes gazing at the corpse of my game character.

Xlera's body stirred for a moment, before her eyelids fluttered open, immediately, her eyes snapped open, leaping to her feet, and backed up a few meters, Axe was in her hand as she stood ready to attack. Now that she was standing, she seemed to be about 2 heads shorter than me.

"Relax, I'm not here to harm you," I told her gently, it was like the sound of my voice was key.

Her eyes widened as she seemingly recognized me from the sound of my voice.


"I have no idea who your master is," I said with a shake of my head, "But it seems we are both stuck here."

I looked at my coffee, then at her.

She winces a little.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked.

She closed her eyes as if trying to remember.

"You don't want the smoke!" the voice of her master echoed through her brain, as she rushed and killed a man with a couple of rapid slashes before she leaped out of the way to dodge an attack before she spun and rapidly sliced another to death, seeing two in front of her she felt the power leave into her body and onto her axe, in response the axe glowed a menacing orange before she spun, slicing through both of her opponents instantly killing them both. Once they faded in a blue light, Music started playing, She stomped her feet moved her elbows, and clapped her hands, moving to the beat...before the music stopped playing. A couple of moments after, She blacked out.

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I was fighting 4 people at once, I remember your voice, I remember you said I was fighting like a...Madara?" She looked confused at the last part, "Once I killed all of them, You complimented me, Music started to play and I just started to dance in celebration, before I...blacked out..."

"Interesting...." I took a sip of my coffee..."Well, it is safe to say that you are not on Fortnite anymore."

She looked at me and nodded before her eyes traveled to my wings and then to my horn.

"This is what you look like master?"

"No," I said with a frown as I took another sip of my coffee, once the coffee had run out, I frowned. I glanced back up at Xlera and shook my head.

"I didn't have a horn."

"Oh," she mumbled, Raising my hand against my knee I pushed myself upwards, rolled my arms, and stretched out my back, this, of course, caused loud cracking noises but I ignored them.

Xlera's eyes never left my form as I did what I did.

Once I felt like I was comfortable enough I turned to her.

"let's have a look around and see where we are at, this obviously is not the place either of us is from."

She tilted her head in confusion.

"What do you mean master?"

I turned to the left, and walked slowly to the first tree I saw, stepping on a bunch of branches, pinecones, and grass in the process. I put my hand onto the tree and had a finger trace on the edges of it.

"These trees are much more...Majestic than the ones back home." I said, before glancing at her, "And please don't call me master, it's weird."

She looked at me in confusion, "Then I do not know how to call you."

"Call me by my name."

"DawnStar34?" she asked.

"That's..." I sighed, 'That's my gamer tag,' "No...my name is Eli...call me by that name."

Xlera tilted her head at me before she nodded again, I smiled at her, before glancing at the distance, "Now that we got that figured out." I said, "Let's try to walk around, and see what we can find; any animals we find? Kill it then we can have it for lunch."

As if cue, Xlera's stomach roared loudly, and heat rushed to her cheeks as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

I chuckled.

Day one...Day one of living in this strange forest.. everything had been strange, up into the point of being here in the first place, still wondering how ithat happened. On top of that, my game character is here, walking next to me.

I would be lying if I didn't find her hot, I did the moment I made her. To actually see her talking and being next to me, was surreal.

I closed my eyes, I wonder what my family is doing right now, how would they cope with my disappearance.

I shook my head out of my thoughts, now was not the time to focus on that. With my game character here, and knowing her potential, I got a higher chance of survival

Quest Acquired; Survive.

Author's Note:

Slow...and steady. I hope this was better, and a more enjoyable read, this is just the beginning, have a good day.

Comments ( 10 )

Why are you rewriting this story?

I wasn't satisfied and thought that it could be better, at a more developed pace.

Be sure to write more next. I'll save.

Interesting concept will keep an eye on this

Ye, I have no idea what's happening. There's nothing bad about the story, it's well written. But killing a tiger for lunch out of nowhere, I don't get that. I read because I'm curious about how you will handle the alicorn part. But it's unlikely that I will continue to read too much further. I'll bookmark it anyway just in case.

Any specific reason why you made them anthro-alicorn?

I'm still looking forward to more

All right, let’s see where this goes

But it's cancelled?

Man the pop up looked interesting

Not bad.
However, you at once gave to many information and everything is so fast.
You idea is awesome, but you need to develop it.

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